By Daniel Mabsout,
Palestine has become an entertainment if you are not aware . The plight of the people , the suffering, the homelessness , the abuse , the violations , the massacres and the incarcerations, the shelling , the siege and the occupation have become source of entertainment funded by Soros and company . And this has acquired a new name and is no more Palestine . It has become Apartheid if you know what Apartheid is . So now when you think Palestine you ought to think Apartheid . Thus you have to remove yourself from the Arab and Palestinian Reality to the magic land of Apartheid , the fictitious place called Apartheid where you are no more yourself but a magic character in one of Soros’ fairy tales. Apartheid is the Disneyland Soros has especially designed for Palestinians with its full show of BDS (Boycott , Divest and Sanction) conducted by Palestinian NGO Omar Barghouthi who refuses to apply the rules of Boycott himself since he is a registered student at Tel Aviv University.
The circus is then running and the show designed for Palestine is the Apartheid Show .
And it is Soros who is funding the show so that, when you boycott, it is on behalf of Soros that you are boycotting, and when you divest or sanction it is on behalf of Master Soros that you are doing so. This is how Palestinians can -at last - make a living by handing their cause to Master NGO. From One city to another the Apartheid Show seems flourishing and is organizing a week in Beirut, and Soros will be speaking and performing and exhibiting through many people , artists and poets and speakers some of them notorious fighters for the cause like Leila Khaled herself. Bravo Apartheid !
And it sounds so well “Apartheid” especially when one has grown tired of repeating uselessly the same old words of occupation and violation and massacres and extermination . Apartheid comes in handy ; one can figure oneself in some Hollywood production, in an altogether different story and setting that will appeal to many people. And the foreigners can now join in and jump in the Apartheid boat as they jumped previously - in great numbers- in the Flotilla boats without succeeding in lifting the siege from Gaza . Now, in the Apartheid boat, they can show their solidarity to the Palestinian Cause which they could never show to the successful armed Resistance or to the victorious Hizbullah of Lebanon who defeated Israel and liberated the land without concession . But it is too costly to salute the Armed Resistance and to embark on a strange trip to a strange land , a Muslim land. And who knows if one will not end up in Iran - for example- in “ theocracy” land with hateful Mullahs all over the place or in HAMAS land . This Apartheid thing is much safer and not too costly for Israel . With Apartheid one can identify, and see in it the continuation of the premises of peace as introduced by Gandhi and his likes and embraced by most westerners worried more about Israel’s safety than about Palestinians’ rights..
Apartheid is the Model and the parallel that the World Order has projected on the Palestinian Cause not in order to solve it according to the South African model, but in order to leave it pending with no solution because Israel is not an Apartheid .All this turbulence of boycotting dancers and singers and musicians and boycotting companies and academicians and students is but a maze that will lead to nowhere and definitely not to the liberation of Palestine or to the restitution of any of the Palestinian rights . This is nothing but blurring the vision and giving Israel more time to continue its scheme of occupation and domination. By the time Palestinians finish their performance in the West Bank streets and finish coloring and dancing in front of the wall of separation, Israel would have finished carrying on its evil schemes of hegemony and expansion.
This is the Apartheid show nourished by the World Order after the Arafat show nourished by oil money and it will bear the same bitter fruits in terms of recognition and normalization with the enemy and liquidating the cause itself .
River toSea
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