Posted on December 20, 2013 by Nahida Exiled Palestinian
When they (non-semitic, atheist, Jewish, anti-Zionist “supporters”) criticise Islam, even while exposing their utter ignorance, it is “progressive”, but when Palestinians (semites, Muslims) with profound knowledge of the subject matter, criticise Jewish ideology, they are anti-Semites!
Many of our Jewish anti-Zionist detractors in the solidarity movement, who throw accusations of anti-Semitism whenever a quote from Talmud or Mishneh Torah is posted, or whenever the word Jewish ideology is mentioned, find it absolutely correct, acceptable and even “progressive” to slam Islam, and to label it with whatever comes to their minds, as if copy-pasted from a tabloid newspaper.
“The subsequent emergence of Islamism holds a false promise. While it poses a challenge to Western domination, it is backward looking and inherently unable to deliver progress” ~~~ Moshe Machover (article now removed)
“the Quoran also have passages that are chauvinist and today, in the context of state policy, would undoubtedly be deemed racist”~~~ Tony Greenstein
“Islam has introduced sectarianism into the Palestinian movement and has nothing to offer but further division”~~~ Tony Greenstein