Posted on January 1, 2014 by Nahida Exiled Palestinian
To expose the absurd and unrealistic nature of the “one-state with equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians”, and to extract one of the main perils it encapsulates, I would mention here mainly three facts.
These facts have the double merit of being crystal clear, and also of being based on fundamental pillars of civilization, i.e. time-tested. I would suggest that they become fundamental guidelines for any further proposition:
Firstly: To allow mass-murderers, land-thieves, ideological supremacists, destroyers of Cultural Heritage to keep the loot, is ethically unacceptable. Worse still, in our era of post-Nuremberg Principles of International Law, and post-Geneva Conventions, this would represent a perilous turn backwards of the wheel of history, by re-allowing and even justifying land acquisition by means of military conquest and terrorism, down to genocide and democide.
Secondly: To force or coerce victims of slow genocide, -ongoing since seven decades, to live with their rapists and murderers of their children, is ruthless, inhumane, and also an incentive for the perpetrators to perpetuate said crimes, even increase their insane cruelty.
Thirdly: to bring to the fore the notion of “equal rights” when the parties concerned are one of dispossessed victims, and the other one of serial killers and supremacists, it constitutes an oxymoron which itself is nothing else than sabotage of the very foundation of Justice.
To sabotage foundational elements of human cohabitation, is downright perilous for mankind, and yet this is what is promoted by people under the ominously fake pretext of “peace”!
A Peace that justifies past massacres and promotes future massacres, is not Peace.
Enough is enough !
Those guilty, -individually and collectively of perpetrating horrendous crimes and atrocities in Palestine and beyond for over seven decades,-without ever facing justice, and those internationally complicit by sustaining the aggressor and occupying entity “Israel”, must get accustomed to the oncoming tsunami of lawful calls for Justice. They must also be forewarned, that there is no escape route left. After all they had seven decades of opportunity to abandon their terror methods, during which their integration into the peaceful Palestinian culture, as Jews, would have still been possible.It must be reminded that before the Jewish-Zionist invasions, Muslim majority and Christian and Jewish minorities lived harmoniously together; they all were Palestinians, irrespective of religion.
Now, having failed in every sense, for the bloodthirsty invaders and their even worse offspring, Justice is at the corner.
After over seventy years of Jewish-Zionist terrorism, of bloody history, of deception, lies, land robbery, ethnic cleansing, and slow genocide, we now observe offspring of the initial terrorists, trying to sweet talk Palestinians, with the obvious intention to facilitate a final take-over of the very few areas of Palestine yet not conquered entirely, albeit occupied. Their method of deception is a rather thin varnish of “Peace” and “humanism”, under which the same supremacist ideology lingers, with the same lust after power like flies over red meat. Anyone who deals with that surreptitious re-branding long enough, and with a modicum of sane skepticism, will rapidly discover that their nebulous “one state” never was intentioned as, and never will be, a realistic solution.
The list of reasons, one more practical and evident than the next one, as to why the small and historically Arab country Palestine, can not accommodate such masses of rabid foreigners, is too long to enumerate here in full. Let’s just keep in mind that millions upon millions of Palestinians living in forced exile around the world since over 5 decades (since 1967), respectively over 7 decades (since 1948 and before), are for most of them longing to return to their home, the home of their ancestors since centuries and millennia, and commence to heal the abominable wounds to the land the rabid Jewish-Zionists inflicted to this historic World Heritage.
It is crucial that our friends and supporters reflect upon the meaning of JUSTICE in the context of a history saturated with War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
Justice is NOT revenge.
Justice is an imperative step to stop further crimes, assorted with unconditional restitution, reparation and compensation to be payed by the perpetrators and their accomplices, to the victims and their descendants.
As mentioned before, these inherently violent and arguably bloodthirsty criminals and vicious land grabbers, have had a full century (since the beginning of the first Jewish-Zionist invasion) to learn to coexist peacefully. Instead, they have only learned how to genocide, culturecide, democide, torture, use WMD, terrorize, destroy biblical archeological heritage, and on and on…
Enough is enough !
Participating in absolving individuals guilty of Crimes Against Humanity and other ongoing crimes since over seven decades, and whitewashing these Crimes, by simply claiming “Israel” is a mere apartheid which can be “fixed” with some pressure and with “Israel” annexing the West Bank and Gaza, and by granting Palestinians “Israeli” citizenship to “upgrade” their status from “occupied” to “slaves” in their own Homeland, and demanding nothing but marginal improvement of the treatment of Palestinians, is a betrayal to all things human and moral.
“Israelis” live on stolen Palestinian lands, in homes stolen from Palestinians, in architecturally abominable settlements which are destroying the biblical landscape Palestinians had shaped since millennia. It was called the “Holy Land” before the invasion of hordes of Jewish-Zionist terrorists, most of them Ashkenazic Jews with strictly no historic link, and NO common culture with Palestine and the Middle East. These Jewish-Zionist barbarians have uprooted millions of centuries-old olive trees, destroyed hundreds (over 90%) of biblical villages, and are selling agricultural and industrial products grown and produced on stolen land. Everyday, more hundreds of “dunums” of Palestinian land are “confiscated” or simply taken over at gunpoint, by Jewish “Israeli” terrorists, from Palestinian owners.
We should ask ourselves why is it, that so many deem it difficult to comprehend that all stolen land, all stolen property, all usurped goods and profits, must be returned to its rightful owners, let alone reparation and compensation paid whenever restitution is not possible any more, and for decades of suffering and deprivation endured by the legitimate owners of property and rights?
Where is the logic, when Jews on one hand request to this day restitution of property confiscated (and sometimes sold) during the Nazi regime, and yet they turn around and pretend that restitution of what they took from others is “not realistic”, and even “anti-Semitic”!
What is it that blinds public opinion? I would opine that main cause of this manipulation of public opinion, is due to the control of mass-medias and entertainment, as well as the corruption of polity and politicians, by Jewish-Zionist networks of influence, systematically depriving the public of the key information necessary to make informed democratic decisions. Together with me, more and more analysts come to the same conclusion. Mass medias and politicians have lost the trust of the public, hence truth begins to impose itself.
As far as the vast majority of Palestinians are concerned, our aim is to re-create a racism-free, supremacy-free, exploitation-free Holy Land. Meaning, our aim is the FULL LIBERATION of Palestine.
We should hope that one day soon, racist and supremacists would take their racism, immorality, inhumanity and hate away from the land they have wounded and defiled for that long. We also suggest that Jewish supporters who hope to regain some degree of dignity and credibility, better soon than late, take their responsibility by helping us achieve our highly moral goal. It would be time for them to relinquish, once and for all, any further attempt of legitimisation and the finalisation of the Zionist project. It would also be time to stop protecting “Israel’s” interest by defending Jewish “Israelis” self-claimed “right” to remain in Palestine and to keep the loot.
Still, myriads of Jewish Funds and Foundations raise and collect enormous sums, in the billions, from international Jewish communities, to finance either overtly or covertly the destruction of Palestine, the genocide, the destruction of cultural heritage, imprisonment and torture of children, etc, etc. The Jewish National Fund for example is one of these accomplices instrumental in the destruction of Biblical Palestinian villages and constructing “Israeli-only” colonies, and commission of other crimes, since more than a century.
Wouldn’t it be time for Jews around the planet, to begin to reverse the steam?
Wouldn’t it be time for Jews around the planet, to begin to restore a modicum of respectability, instead of being its own nemesis?
Wouldn’t it be time for Jews around the planet to begin to participate in restorative causes, rather then unwittingly cover up crimes? (it is preferable to be a Moser, than abettor, accomplice or accessory of mass-murder)
For these reasons, we hereby challenge specifically Jewish organizations and individuals, to create a new Jewish fund, in an effort to begin the lengthy and inescapable Restitution, Reparation and Compensation process, that will inevitably ensue the 7 decades long and ongoing Jewish Crimes against the land of Palestine and its indigenous people.
We suggest the fund being raised and collected exclusively from Jewish donors, being unambiguously destined and allocated solely toward Restitution, Reparation and Compensation , and being associated with agreement of every donor, to support the Full and Unconditional Liberation, Restitution, Reparation and Compensation for the Palestinians.
Our proposal means peace in the long term, with down the road a sort of restoration of the status-pro-ante, ie. Peaceful cohabitation between Palestinian Muslims, Christians and Jews, providing these citizens of Palestine respect Palestinian Law, do not engage in terrorism or treasonous activities, and for what concern those ex-Israelis who wish to remain in Palestine, that they could demonstrate to a special commission, their innocence from any oppressive or repressive or murderous activity by the then defunct “Israel”.
Our proposal represents a strict minimum our Jewish supporters should engage into because the crimes are committed in their names, by the people they are linked to as Jews. If Jewish self-claimed supporters of Palestine truly object to such crimes, then they have no better option, than to launch a campaign similar, -but radically opposed to the Jewish National Fund type.
Just buying a few homes here and there, or just another Jewish self-promotional white-wash agency, altogether called “support”, won’t be enough. What we need to see are Jewish supporters proving through practical and meaningful acts that they are willing to put their weight against what is still a majority of Zionist Jews, and develop a segment influential enough amongst their Jewish communities, to make significant paradigm shifts, and to raise the billions necessary to at first buy back Palestinian property, and secondly transfer this to the rightful Palestinian owners.
Instead of fundraising for Jewish “israeli” groups such as IHCAD, Windows for Peace, B’Tselem, Machsomwatch.. etc, which are generally anti-zionist only at the surface, become a “future leader” of the already inevitable reversed flow, that will restore Justice and bring Peace, and see the multitude of Palestinians in forced exile, back to their ancestral Homeland, unifying with their Palestinian compatriots who survived, heroically, 7 decades of terrorism.
Our challenge to world Jewry is to, simply: COUNTER BALANCE Rothschild.
Are they up for the challenge?