Its time to confirm that my disagreement with Mr. Danial Mabsout is not personal. It started after removing Mursi, "the first elected president". I respected his opinion, and he was free to express his views, and for months I avoided commenting on his posts, except saying:
Despite his intentions (I am sure its good), he crossed two red lines:
The first was, claiming that Assad sold the Palestinian cause to stay in power, and joined the world order's war on terrorism, though he knows that in realty, the World war on terrorism, was always a war on Resistance and the supporters of resistance (Iran and Syria).
I can't understand him calling the world order tools, the so-called terrorist, and saying that wahabism is not terrorism.
I can't understand claiming that there was no revolution In Egypt, that what happened in was a mere regime change planed by the world order, and executed by its tools, NGO's and the military counsel.
The second red line was turning the disagreement into personal dispute, by putting his words on my tongue without providing a quote or link to support his claim.
Any how, I guess, being loyal to Iran and Hezbollah and taking into consideration the Syrian-Egyptian emerging relations, he imagined that a secular Egypt with 90 millions population would be real regional competitor for Islamic Iran. Consequently, for him, the choice is between Secular Pepsi and Islamist "Halal" Coke. He selected the last, and so he moved to justify the sins of Hamas, Brotherhood, and Turkey, especially, after the Erdogan's visit to Tehran, claiming that Secular Turkey is not better, that brother's Turkey. He ignored the ongoing Irani-Saudi indirect wars, in Lebanon, Bahrain and Yemen, and he miss read the Iran diplomatic campaign to reach an agreement with Saudis, thus he claimed that Wahabism is not terrorism.
The developments in Egypt, has proved and will prove that removing Mursi was the second phase of the Egyptian revolution, the people of Egypt are neither Slaves nor chess stones moved by the Army and/or NED,
Hamdeen Sabahi, the third in the 2012 rigged election, decided to run for the presidency in a forthcoming election though al-Sisi is widely expected to win, thanks to MB terrorism putting Egyptian in the corner.
Tamarod is divided, the majority supports Sabahi, most likely the Salafis, Amr Musa, and Mubarak supporters will prefer Sisi.
I am not sure whether the USA would support Sisi, or ride a new Islamist horse, Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, but, I am sure that they don't want to see a Nasserist ruling Egypt,
AGAIN, let us wait and see, Sisi may be the Savor or a new dictator paving the way for a third phase of the people revolution.
Sabahi came third in the 2012 election won by Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was deposed by the army in July following mass protests against his rule.
Its time to confirm that my disagreement with Mr. Danial Mabsout is not personal. It started after removing Mursi, "the first elected president". I respected his opinion, and he was free to express his views, and for months I avoided commenting on his posts, except saying:
Despite his intentions (I am sure its good), he crossed two red lines:
The first was, claiming that Assad sold the Palestinian cause to stay in power, and joined the world order's war on terrorism, though he knows that in realty, the World war on terrorism, was always a war on Resistance and the supporters of resistance (Iran and Syria).
I agree with him, the real target was and still is the Palestinian cause, but, I can't understand him insisting that Hamas, involved to its ears in the Zionist war on Syria and the Yarmouk camp Nakba, is still a resistance movement. The resistance of the Paestinian people started before Hamas and before Arafat, and will continue until full liberation
I can't understand him calling the world order tools, the so-called terrorist, and saying that wahabism is not terrorism.
I can't understand claiming that there was no revolution In Egypt, that what happened in was a mere regime change planed by the world order, and executed by its tools, NGO's and the military counsel.
The second red line was turning the disagreement into personal dispute, by putting his words on my tongue without providing a quote or link to support his claim.
Any how, I guess, being loyal to Iran and Hezbollah and taking into consideration the Syrian-Egyptian emerging relations, he imagined that a secular Egypt with 90 millions population would be real regional competitor for Islamic Iran. Consequently, for him, the choice is between Secular Pepsi and Islamist "Halal" Coke. He selected the last, and so he moved to justify the sins of Hamas, Brotherhood, and Turkey, especially, after the Erdogan's visit to Tehran, claiming that Secular Turkey is not better, that brother's Turkey. He ignored the ongoing Irani-Saudi indirect wars, in Lebanon, Bahrain and Yemen, and he miss read the Iran diplomatic campaign to reach an agreement with Saudis, thus he claimed that Wahabism is not terrorism.
The developments in Egypt, has proved and will prove that removing Mursi was the second phase of the Egyptian revolution, the people of Egypt are neither Slaves nor chess stones moved by the Army and/or NED,
Hamdeen Sabahi, the third in the 2012 rigged election, decided to run for the presidency in a forthcoming election though al-Sisi is widely expected to win, thanks to MB terrorism putting Egyptian in the corner.
Tamarod is divided, the majority supports Sabahi, most likely the Salafis, Amr Musa, and Mubarak supporters will prefer Sisi.
I am not sure whether the USA would support Sisi, or ride a new Islamist horse, Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, but, I am sure that they don't want to see a Nasserist ruling Egypt,
AGAIN, let us wait and see, Sisi may be the Savor or a new dictator paving the way for a third phase of the people revolution.
![Egypt's left politician Hamdeen Sabahi to run for presidency Egypt's left politician Hamdeen Sabahi to run for presidency]()
© Photo: Voice of RussiaEgyptian leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi said on Saturday he had decided to run for the presidency in a forthcoming election that army chief Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is widely expected to win.
© Photo: Voice of Russia

"My personal decision as a citizen is to run for the coming presidential elections," Sabahi said in a public address. "Hamdeen Sabahi's battle is the battle of the revolution," he said.
Sabahi built a big following during his campaign for the 2012 election, using a popular touch to beat candidates with better funded campaigns.
Sisi, who deposed Mursi in July after mass protests against his rule, seems certain to win, though he has yet to formally declare his candidacy.

حمدين صباحي يترشح للرئاسة.. وانقسام داخل ’’تمرد’’ بين السيسي وصباحي
سيطرت حالة من الانقسام على شباب حركة “تمرد” في مصر، حول دعمهم للمرشح الرئاسي المقبل، فهناك فريق كبير يتجه إلى دعم حمدين صباحي على اعتبار أنه المرشح الحقيقي المعبر عن الثورة وعن وجودها في الشارع المصري بالإضافة إلى أنه مدني، في حين يرى عدد من القيادات الحركة مثل محمود بدر ومي وهبه دعمهم للمشير عبد الفتاح السيسي، على اعتبار أنه من أنقذ ثورة الشعب من يد الإخوان.
وبين اختلاف هذا وذاك تضرب موجة من التصريحات والبيانات المتناقضة يوميًا، وسط حالة من الصراع الإعلامي، فدائمًا ما يظهر بعضهم على قنوات التليفزيون ليعلن تأييده للمشير «السيسي» وسط غضب الآخرين لأنهم لن يعبروا عن رؤيتهم في ترشح «صباحي».
وعن ذلك قال سيد غريب، عضو اللجنة المركزية لحركة “تمرد”، إن الأغلبية داخل الحركة تدعم حمدين صباحي كمرشح رئاسي خلال الفترة المقبلة، وهناك تحركات بين “تمرد” وحملة «صباحي» للتنسيق خلال الفترة المقبلة.
وأكد «غريب» أن من يدعم «السيسي» فقط هم محمود بدر ومي وهبه، في حين أن بقية الحركة تدعم «صباحي» لأنه المرشح الوحيد للثورة.
ومن جانبه قال حسن شاهين، المتحدث باسم حركة “تمرد”، إن الحركة اجتمعت وأشارت إلى أنه من الأفضل ألا يترشح المشير «السيسي» لرئاسة الجمهورية، مشيرًا إلى أن الموقف لا علاقة له بالدور الكبير الذي قام به يوم 30 يونيو.
فيما قال حسام خضر، منسق الحركة بمحافظة الإسكندرية، إن الاتجاهات كلها داخل الحملة تعلن دعمها لـ«صباحي»، لأنه الوحيد القادر على تحقيق مطالب الثورة، مشيرًا أن هناك تنسيقات داخل الحركة للنزول إلى الشارع وإقامة فعاليات باسم “تمرد” في المحافظة لتوعية المواطنين بضرورة انتخاب «صباحي».
وأوضح علاء عطية، عضو المكتب السياسي لحركة “تمرد” ومسئول الحركة بإيتاي البارود، أن تصريحات محمود بدر -مؤسس الحركة- حول تأييد المشير عبد الفتاح السيسي للترشح للرئاسة، تعبر عن رأيه الشخصي.
ونفى «عطية» ما ادعاه محمود بدر بعقد اجتماع مع المكتب التنفيذي للحركة واتخاذ قرارا بدعم «السيسي».
وأكد «علاء» أن الحركة حتى الآن تدعم حمدين صباحي مؤسس التيار الشعبي، مشددًا على أن «صباحي» أعلن أنه سيخوض الانتخابات الرئاسية، وذلك في اجتماع لأعضاء المكتب التنفيذي معه، بحضور وفد من التيار الشعبي.
ومن ناحية أخرى قال محمود بدر، إن المشير «السيسي» سيقدم نفسه للترشح بين أكثر من مرشح، ومثلما كان الاستفتاء نزيهًا، أعتقد أن الانتخابات الرئاسية ستكون نزيهة أيضًا، وأنا بصفتي أحد الذين أسسوا حركة “تمرد”، التي كان لها دور كبير في إحداث التغيير، أدعو كل المصريين إلى انتخاب «السيسي» رئيسًا.
وأضاف «بدر» لي مبرراتي وراء دعوتي لانتخاب «السيسي»، أنه سيكون الرئيس التوافقي، وسيكون عليه توافق سياسي، وأشار إلى أن هناك مجموعة من الخبراء تقوم الآن بإعداد برنامج رئاسي متكامل للمشير السيسي يعبر عن الثورة.