Channel: Respect: SALAM ALQUDS ALAYKUM – سلام القدس عليكم
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Identifying the so called "unidentified terrorism" sponsored by the World Order


In previous comments of the so-called "poisonous snake" in this Blog I called the writer a liar and challenged him to prove his lies.  He left to his dark room to spread his Zionist poison under Hezbollah flag. Ten days ago he wrote about  the corruption showing its head again in Damascus, shifting the original struggle with with another fight that benefits Israel and the world order. The other fight is the ongoing battle against Wahhabism, "Muslim" Brothers and their branches such as ISIL, Nusra Front, Ansar Beit al-Maqdis....and Hamas. 

It is shameful really how some pro Assad thinkers and intellectuals are trying to implicate the Muslim Brothers of Egypt and HAMAS in everything bad or controversial or even criminal , and they do this openly in the media and everywhere else …….They are exposing HAMAS and the Muslim Brothers of Egypt labeling them as terrorists or pro US and at the same time they are promoting rulers like al Sisi who was chief of Intelligence under Mubarak, justifying his acts and his military coup and his oppressive means, seeing in him a national hero and seeing in the Egyptian army, a par to the Syrian army . 
This is frankly dishonest and serves an agenda The MB coordinated with US administration alright, but so did the Egyptian officers and the Military Council by cooperating fully with the Pentagon with the difference that – now- the Muslim Brothers of Egypt have been prohibited and their assets frozen and their leaders under lock while the Military Council and the minister of Defense – who is non other than al Sisi- have seized power. In order to go around this matter , the pro Assad intellectuals are saying that US is putting pressure on al Sisi and withholding aid to the army because Egypt has opted to open up to Russia.." 
The real outcome (Of Geneva 2) is being cooked elsewhere and the choices are not many . In order to continue to rule , Assad who agreed to shift the battle – according to Russia’s instructions – would have to present concessions not only to US but to Russia as well and this has already started in approving of the Egyptian military coup in Egypt and in turning the war against NATO and Israel into a war against Terrorism."
 Do the Muslim Brothers constitute the major threat? And is Erdogan a Muslim Brother before being a NATO stooge ? And are the Muslim Brothers the most prominent danger threatening the area . What about Israel ?”  He asked
In a previous comment I exposed his dishonesty and bias in reporting the  Al-Manar Interview with Mohamad Sadeik Al-Husaini, 

He asked me to withdraw my accusation of dishonesty because his post was about above interview not the one with Al-manar chennel. The interview with radio al Nour.

Insted of proving his honesty and bias, he confirmed it because both interview held on the same day tackled the same issues.  Click the link and listen

On Sunday, he got a shove up his rotten ass, and I was wondering what he would comment on the Resistance Leader addressing him and his Lebanese likes saying: 

"Why are all these countries [ Europe, USA, Saudis, Turkey etc..) allowed  to be worried about the presence of their youth in the ranks of the armed groups in Syria, and we, the neighbors of Syria, whom our life and destiny are related to the developments in Syria, are not allowed to take precautionary measures for that? What have the Lebanese government done besides self disassociation which is similar to burying it's head in the sand? Don't we have the right to interfere to stop the killing, stealing and raping of women which 30,000 Lebanese have been suffering in Al-Qusayr? what if those Takfiris whom we defeated in Qusayr came to Lebanon? What if, God forbidden, they took control over all Syria? How would the picture be like then?"

I was sure that he would never dare to saySURRENDER OR RESISTANCE ?, and consider the presence of Hezbollah Fighters in Syria as shifting the original struggle with with another fight that benefits Israel and the world order. He is using Hezbollah flag in spreading lies, Such as:  
Terrorism is not Wahabism. After saying that can he be honest in commenting on Seyyed's speech, where one third of the speech was about Saudis Terrorism that started in Afghanistan and ended in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

He can't say he was wrong, or admit that he is a fifth pillar, He wrote the following:
"It quite noticeable that Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah in his speech did not bring up the topic of Geneva 2 and insisted on the PALESTINIAN ISSUE AS STILL BEING THE HEADLINE FOR THE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT since Israel is still the real threat to all.. Under this headline that gives the priority to the Palestinian and Arab Cause by excellence and which is being right now subject to liquidation , the leader of the Resistance endorsed the war on terrorism that threatens Lebanon because Lebanon is under real threat from such groups as are most countries whether Arab or foreign who are taking measures in order not allow the transfer of terrorism to their land. Sayyed Hassan said that this war shall be won and it is not that Lebanon is threatened because Hizbullah is fighting in Syria , Lebanon is threatened anyway . On the contrary, Hizbullah is fighting in Syria and interfering in Syria in order to protect Lebanon and the Resistance from the terrorist spread ."
Out of sudden, he admitted that the "so-called terrorist" are TERRORISTS, "Lebanon is under real threat from such groups as are most countries whether Arab or foreign [ EXCEPT EGYPT - In Egypt they are freedom fighters] who are taking measures in order not allow the transfer of terrorism to their land. He noticed that Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah in his speech did not bring up the topic of Geneva 2, but he failed to notice that Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah in his speech did not bring up the topic of the Iran's Geneva.
He ignored Seyyed's highlighting the USA double standards, in insisting on the right of Egyptians to elect their president, and denying the Syrian's right to do the same.  

The "honest" failed to mention Sayyed's confirming that the destiny of Resistance is linked to whats taking place in Syria. 

Moreover, he totally ignored that His eminence stressed that "Hezbollah had constantly sought partnership and it had never said it rejected forming a government which the Future Party, or the Lebanese Forces or any of the elements of March 14 are part of... We never said that we refused dialogue with March 14, we have rather expressed that we wanted a Nantional Unity Government and dialogue, and this does not mean imposing anyone's opinion on the other."


"Now , that the war on Syria has taken another turn of fighting unidentified terrorism sponsored by the World Order , we fear that corruption might be showing its head again.
We have seen the poisonous snake showing its head in the blog called Uprootedpalestinians ." - Daniel Hamayreh  
 This war on terrorism is nothing more than shifting of the original struggle with Israel ; it serves more than a purpose. It replaces the fight with Israel with another fight that benefits Israel and the world order . It keeps the Arab armies busy fighting a fictitious enemy called Terrorism created by the establishment. It destroys Arab countries and dismantles Arab societies that will be torn by internal conflicts . It exposes and threatens directly the armed Resistance to Israel . Should Syria really settle for this and carry on this task ? Weren’t there any other alternatives?”
“In order to continue to rule , Assad who agreed to shift the battle – according to Russia’s instructions – would have to present concessions not only to US but to Russia as well and this has already started in approving of the Egyptian military coup in Egypt and in turning the war against NATO and Israel into a war against Terrorism.”

Fact check


Hafez Assad identifying the enemy

Hafez Assad identifying the enemy-within
Hafez al-Assad Speech about Muslim Brotherhood (1982)

Unfortunately Hazez failed to identify 2 MOSAD agents

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's latest comments on the Syrian crisis, in which he directs a message to Al-Qaeda on their involvement in the fighting in Syria

This is Bashar Al-Assad

2013 - the Year of the Axis of Resistance



Hezbollah's Leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: 'Myself & All of Hezbollah will Go to Syria to Fight Terrorists if Required'




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