U.S. Opposes Russia’s “Theft of Crimea” BUT Supports Israel’s “Theft of Palestine”
Since the beginning of Europe’s Age of Discovery in early 15th century European nations have competed with each other to invade, colonize, and annex nations and territories from the Americas to the west they cast their net across the entire southern hemisphere to the small Oceanic islands in the east.
Such was the rule of the “White Man’s Burden” tasked divinely and economically to civilize the savages and barbarians of the dark continents.
From the map below one can easily see that the white man of the northern hemisphere ruled, enslaved, and robbed the majority of the world’s dark populations of the southern hemisphere.
A French man, Alfred Sauvy in 1952 even coined a term for the dark world: the “Third World” as opposed to the western “First” world and the Communist bloc nations, the “Second” world. The term came into play during the Cold War.
![The First, the Second, and the Third World](http://sabbah.biz/mt/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/World_map_worlds_first_second_third-750x372.gif)
The white man’s crusades against the dark continents have not stopped and will never cease as long as the white man thinks himself as the superior chosen race and sees the rest of the world as simply pawns in a competitive chess game; to kill, move, alter, conquer, enslave, exploit, and rob at will.
The most striking and evil example of western colonialism today is the colonial racist existence of Israel.
In short, the white north nations have been the colonial murderous aggressors subjugating the poorer weaker dark world of the southern hemisphere.
Russia’s Invasion of the Ukraine and the Limitless American Hypocrisy
Lies, Hypocrisy, Greed, and Force have been the modus operandi of all powerful nations and empires throughout history.As such, Truth and Justice have been an anathema to those who have the power to prey upon the weak. Their might is right while their power lasts but sooner or later they collapse while another power rises. To the victor go the spoils.
”These plunderers of the world [the Romans], after exhausting the land by their devastations, are rifling the ocean: stimulated by avarice, if their enemy be rich; by ambition, if poor; unsatiated by the East and by the West: the only people who behold wealth and indigence with equal avidity. To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace”. -Tacitus, Roman Senator and HistorianA truer quote for the ages has not been said.
Today an ugly semblance of the Cold War has risen between East and West over Russia’s invasion of the Crimean Peninsula and eventually annexing it to Russia. Putting may fancy himself the modern Peter the Great ever seeking to add territory to Russia and recreate the mother land as a world power to be reckoned with. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the west has wrongfully mistreated and dismissed Russia as a minor player in world affairs.
The U.S. and the E.U. could care less about Crimea but as world powers they had to take a stand against Russia for illegally invading a sovereign country on its border. They roared on the airwaves that such is a violation of “international law”.
By what right, credibility, and moral authority can the U.S., the most violent nation in history, attack anyone for illegal invasions and violation of “international Law”?
Hello!! Remember Iraq and Afghanistan. What of Obama’s Drone Wars in Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Philippines.
The United Nations in a report called such Drone Wars- ILLEGAL due to the high civilian casualties that result from such attacks and thus violate International Law.
Let’s not go too far to see America’s forceful annexation of a nation – Hawaii, its fiftieth state
“Do as I say, Not as I do”
Yet it has the audacity to call Russia’s invasion illegal under “International Law”. In the previous article I wrote about U.S. imperialism from Latin America to Vietnam and the Philippines.Without shame and moral credibility V.P. Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, despite their accusations of Russia violating international law by invading a sovereign nation, Crimea – ALL 3 Voted to invade IRAQ.
While the world is tense with thoughts of a potential military confrontation with Russia should it advance further into the Ukraine, the U.S. Congress is dealing with a much more kosher priority given that this is an election year for Congress members – ATTACKING IRAN for Israel.
Please Watch the Lies about Iraq that launched an illegal and devastating.
War upon an innocent population resulting in the deaths of One Million Iraqis. After they destroyed Iraq they left as Victors having spread democracy, freedom, and peace in the region. Iraq now is on a path of self destruction, much like Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
The “war on terror” became a “terror war on the innocent”.
Nevertheless Russia invading Crimea is illegal under international law.
They massacre with impunity and no one is ever held accountable.
The pathetic weaklings in Congress under the thumb of AIPAC did their media duty by condemning Russia for its invasion and interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs.
Yet without realizing their ignorant hypocrisy 83 Senators and 395 House memberssent a letter to President Obama urging him to be tougher on Iran and never ever allow it to have a nuclear weapon, only their beloved Israel should have them in the Middle East.
Such blind pathologic support of the Senate to the foreign nation, Israel, is not new.
In fact the late Senator J. William Fulbright, at the time was Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said this of the Senate on the CBS program “Face the Nation” in 1973.
“Somewhere around 80 percent of the Senate of the United States is completely in support of Israel and of anything Israel wants.”Neither the U.S. nor Russian here can claim the high moral ground for both have a long history of invading weaker nations usually for economic greed.
Neither nation has a fundamental respect for the sanctity of life of others nor for basic human rights.
Both are criminal nations using their superior military and nuclear power to enforce their interests upon others; and both use their Veto Power in the U.N. Security Council to thwart each others interests.
With power comes impunity whether it’s the U.S., the E.U., Russia, or Israel.
If any of these nations truly respected and adhered to International Law so many of their murderous leaders would be in or have died in prison