السيد حسن نصرالله: خطر سقوط نظام السوري انتهى
Local EditorHezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that the risk of terrorist bombings in Lebanon has dropped considerably, praising the security measures from both the Syrian and the Lebanese sides.
![Assad, Sayyed Nasrallah](http://image.almanar.com.lb/english/edimg/2014/MiddleEast/Lebanon/Hezbollah/Sayyed/assad-nasrallah-1.jpg)
In excerpts released from an interview where the first part would be published by As-Safir newspaper Monday morning, Sayyed Nasrallah said that “the danger of Syrian regime fall has ended, as we passed the danger of partitioning.” He noted also that “the military option has failed,” adding that “the Syrian battle’s aim is not making democracy or justice or fighting corruption, but changing the position of Syria and the offers President Bashar al-Assad received more than once prove this.”
Sayyed Nasrallah said that majority of states today are speaking of a political solution. He predicted that the Russian position will get tougher in the next stage.
The S.G. expressed confidence in the course of events in the south of Syria and on its northern border. “The developments in Syria came to achieve the most important Israeli choices after July 2006 defeat, but the field developments made them more worrisome and their eyes turned on the Galilee, that is not to mention the Israeli concern of Iran which is increasing day after day.”
Sayyed Nasrallah stated his comprehensive view on the so-called “Arab Spring”, and said that he had heard years before the developments on the Arab arena debate about the division of a number of Arab countries.
Source: Al-Manar Website | 06-04-2014 - 23:20 Last updated 06-04-2014 |
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