Daniel Mabsout,
This was written as a comment on my post
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=463998187013 374&set=a.127411980671998. 32655.100002095913284&type =1&theater
i am reproducing for the benefit of all :
... "We have within ourselves the power to BOYCOTT anything and everything, anyone and everyone, that supports, contributes, aids, collaborates, and furthers Israel's crimes and human rights abuses. To boycott any who cooperate , scheme, or agree in any shape, way or form, the ILLEGAL CRIMINAL ZIONIST ISRAELI REGIME. WE as a collective humanity, together, do not need BDS to hijack the very tool that can have a impact on changing the policies and genocidal agenda of Zionist Israel. WE do not need NGO's to tell us what is right, equitable and just. Everyday in our actions we boycott in solidarity, with our Palestinian brothers and sisters, by not buying into the lies told to us by the Zionist owned mainstream media about the so called "Palestinian/Israeli Conflict", until they tell us the truth of Operation PILLAR OF CLOUD. Until they tell us the truth of the Illegal Zionist occupation in Palestine, drenched in blood of innocent women, men and children that have paid with their lives to defend Palestine for generations, we will not buy into their Hollywood version of the movies, novels, shows, that promote hatred towards Muslims, Palestinians and all other races for their benefit of Israel's claim of self defense whenever they commit their atrocities.
WE do not buy into their celebrity status quo; By not running after every star and artist as if they were Gods; By not Forgetting that there are millions - MILLIONS!, of our brothers and sisters suffering in Palestine at the hands of a criminal element known as the ISraeli Defense Force. WE boycott by not remaining willfully ignorant of the crimes committed daily by Israel. We educate ourselves on what is happening in Palestine. What Israel is guilty of is not about being racist (which they are) or Apartheid, but about committing crimes against humanity - human rights abuses; terrorism, plain and simple. A murder of a people, their culture and their identity, by systematic genocide. WE boycott by speaking out for justice in Palestine. WE boycott by not buying their products whether it is make-up, books, creams from the Dead Sea, foods, produce, anything and everything, anyone and everyone who supports this criminal enterprise known as "Israel". We as an individuals and as a collective are not helpless in our endeavor to boycott. WE do not need special NGO's that choose whose generosity, compassion and humanity is worth their own brand of boycott. Yes, I may be naive, yes maybe, but that doesn't take anything away from how I feel about all the hype of one famous person boycotting a conference. Does he know why he is boycotting Israel? Is he being told that it is Apartheid? I personally have not heard a protest of the crimes committed daily by the illegal Zionist Israeli Occupation. Nothing has been mentioned of the Israeli settlements being built on Palestinian lands. Nothing of the use of white phosphorus on a defenseless Palestinian population. Nothing of the drone attacks, the murder of Rachel Corrie, Vittorio Arrigoni, the capture of the MV Mavi Marmara, nothing! The list of crimes committed by Zionist Israel can fill libraries, yet nothing. Just one word: Apartheid.
Well here is the chance for these celebrities to speak up, but do they?? No! They do not! So who benefits? Let us for once take the activism in our hands and use the word boycott as a verb. Verb denotes action. For anyone who does not know the definition of Boycott, here is the dictionary definition: boy·cott /ˈboiˌkät/ Verb - To withdraw from commercial or social relations with a ( country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.
So as you can see, WE do not need a fake cause NGO dictating who we should protest and punish by boycotting, divesting, sanctioning."
By Jeannette Lucas
This was written as a comment on my post
i am reproducing for the benefit of all :
... "We have within ourselves the power to BOYCOTT anything and everything, anyone and everyone, that supports, contributes, aids, collaborates, and furthers Israel's crimes and human rights abuses. To boycott any who cooperate , scheme, or agree in any shape, way or form, the ILLEGAL CRIMINAL ZIONIST ISRAELI REGIME. WE as a collective humanity, together, do not need BDS to hijack the very tool that can have a impact on changing the policies and genocidal agenda of Zionist Israel. WE do not need NGO's to tell us what is right, equitable and just. Everyday in our actions we boycott in solidarity, with our Palestinian brothers and sisters, by not buying into the lies told to us by the Zionist owned mainstream media about the so called "Palestinian/Israeli Conflict", until they tell us the truth of Operation PILLAR OF CLOUD. Until they tell us the truth of the Illegal Zionist occupation in Palestine, drenched in blood of innocent women, men and children that have paid with their lives to defend Palestine for generations, we will not buy into their Hollywood version of the movies, novels, shows, that promote hatred towards Muslims, Palestinians and all other races for their benefit of Israel's claim of self defense whenever they commit their atrocities.
WE do not buy into their celebrity status quo; By not running after every star and artist as if they were Gods; By not Forgetting that there are millions - MILLIONS!, of our brothers and sisters suffering in Palestine at the hands of a criminal element known as the ISraeli Defense Force. WE boycott by not remaining willfully ignorant of the crimes committed daily by Israel. We educate ourselves on what is happening in Palestine. What Israel is guilty of is not about being racist (which they are) or Apartheid, but about committing crimes against humanity - human rights abuses; terrorism, plain and simple. A murder of a people, their culture and their identity, by systematic genocide. WE boycott by speaking out for justice in Palestine. WE boycott by not buying their products whether it is make-up, books, creams from the Dead Sea, foods, produce, anything and everything, anyone and everyone who supports this criminal enterprise known as "Israel". We as an individuals and as a collective are not helpless in our endeavor to boycott. WE do not need special NGO's that choose whose generosity, compassion and humanity is worth their own brand of boycott. Yes, I may be naive, yes maybe, but that doesn't take anything away from how I feel about all the hype of one famous person boycotting a conference. Does he know why he is boycotting Israel? Is he being told that it is Apartheid? I personally have not heard a protest of the crimes committed daily by the illegal Zionist Israeli Occupation. Nothing has been mentioned of the Israeli settlements being built on Palestinian lands. Nothing of the use of white phosphorus on a defenseless Palestinian population. Nothing of the drone attacks, the murder of Rachel Corrie, Vittorio Arrigoni, the capture of the MV Mavi Marmara, nothing! The list of crimes committed by Zionist Israel can fill libraries, yet nothing. Just one word: Apartheid.
Well here is the chance for these celebrities to speak up, but do they?? No! They do not! So who benefits? Let us for once take the activism in our hands and use the word boycott as a verb. Verb denotes action. For anyone who does not know the definition of Boycott, here is the dictionary definition: boy·cott /ˈboiˌkät/ Verb - To withdraw from commercial or social relations with a ( country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.
So as you can see, WE do not need a fake cause NGO dictating who we should protest and punish by boycotting, divesting, sanctioning."
By Jeannette Lucas