Daniel Mabsout,
So much for the 65th commemoration of the Nakba . Palestine has never been so close and Palestinians never so far .. The two defeats of Israel at the hands of Hizbullah have shaken Israel and crippled its capacity to wage war and threatened its own existence for . how can a military state continue to exist if it cannot wage war ? Due to this an identity crisis has overtook Israel and we see Jewish and Israeli intellectuals like Chomsky , Finkelstein, , Ilan Pappe and Shlomo Sands, trying to find answers that will help Israel out of its identity crisis . The last born of these theories- promoted by Israelis and their friends – is the Apartheid Theory whereby some Palestinians have set their minds on considering Israel a legal country that practices segregation- or Apartheid- in an attempt at giving the usurping state the identity it lacks .
This magic word of Apartheid is gaining rapidly ground and is gaining hearts as well . It seeks to vanquish Israel by way of Boycott of Israeli goods and universities and enterprises, and does not even mention armed struggle or the victories of the Resistance. The Boycott of Israeli goods -under the label of anti Apartheid policy-comes to replace the Boycott of the illegal state of Israel itself.
Movements like BDS and Electronic Intifada and others – all funded by European governments and by Soros institutes- hope to assure the return of millions Palestinians to Palestine by way of Boycott while they recognize the right of Israel to exist within 1948 borders at a time where Israel cannot maintain this existence… If return there is and if Israel is to stay , to where shall the millions of refugees return? This question does not seem to bother BDS people nor the head of BDS ‘Omar Barghouthi who -himself – studies at the university of Tel Aviv while calling for academic boycott of Israel.
It is not only BDS that has relinquished armed struggle and not only the Palestinian Authority, but also the leadership of HAMAS who have also sided with the forces seeking normalization and recognition and are seeking to solve the Palestinian problem by way of negotiations .
HAMAS has now joined the club of sectarian Islam, and has given priority to sectarian belonging over any other belonging, be it Arab or Palestinian – for this reason – it has reoriented the struggle to target other Arab countries- seeking in these countries a compensation for what Israel would not give, and repeating- in Syria- the mistake of Fateh and PLO in Lebanon .
This sectarian stand adopted by HAMAS meets the racist or –presumably- anti racist stand adopted by BDS whereby the national struggle taking place between Palestinians and Israelis , will become struggle between two religions which are Judaism and Islam which BDS calls racism . This shift in the struggle benefits Israel for sure whereby the struggle will look as a misunderstanding between two religions rather than an occupation issue.
In the middle of all this where do the Palestinians stand ? The answer is that they stand in the middle of it all. The conspiracy is big and most factions have become part of it . When they are not fighting the Syrian army- in Syria – and siding with the thugs of the opposition , the Palestinians are joining local and foreign NGOs with Israeli affiliations and are sharing in functions and activities in the west Bank and Jerusalem that are designed by NGOs and serve their policy of protecting Israel .
Besides partitioning the one cause into bits of Causes- isolated from one another ( Prisoners, Wall of segregation, Jerusalem etc…) these NGOs seek to keep Palestinians as far as possible from the armed struggle and turn them into helpless activists demonstrating and rallying without being able to start a new Intifada . The goal is to keep them busy with vain activities that are harmless while Israelis resume their plan of expansion .
How dancing and singing to the tunes of NGOs will retrieve Palestine no one knows , neither siding with sectarian Islam would . In both instances it is Israel that is profiting from the sectarian alignment and from the infiltration of society by NGOs. Most Palestinian Organizations and BDS and sectarian Islam are all helping Israel at times when Israel -due to its military failures- is facing the biggest crisis of existence ever witnessed to the point that even the close allies of Israel are questioning the validity of such a costly precarious endeavor that is no more able to defend itself let alone protect the interests of others .
So much for the 65th commemoration of the Nakba . Palestine has never been so close and Palestinians never so far .. The two defeats of Israel at the hands of Hizbullah have shaken Israel and crippled its capacity to wage war and threatened its own existence for . how can a military state continue to exist if it cannot wage war ? Due to this an identity crisis has overtook Israel and we see Jewish and Israeli intellectuals like Chomsky , Finkelstein, , Ilan Pappe and Shlomo Sands, trying to find answers that will help Israel out of its identity crisis . The last born of these theories- promoted by Israelis and their friends – is the Apartheid Theory whereby some Palestinians have set their minds on considering Israel a legal country that practices segregation- or Apartheid- in an attempt at giving the usurping state the identity it lacks .
This magic word of Apartheid is gaining rapidly ground and is gaining hearts as well . It seeks to vanquish Israel by way of Boycott of Israeli goods and universities and enterprises, and does not even mention armed struggle or the victories of the Resistance. The Boycott of Israeli goods -under the label of anti Apartheid policy-comes to replace the Boycott of the illegal state of Israel itself.
Movements like BDS and Electronic Intifada and others – all funded by European governments and by Soros institutes- hope to assure the return of millions Palestinians to Palestine by way of Boycott while they recognize the right of Israel to exist within 1948 borders at a time where Israel cannot maintain this existence… If return there is and if Israel is to stay , to where shall the millions of refugees return? This question does not seem to bother BDS people nor the head of BDS ‘Omar Barghouthi who -himself – studies at the university of Tel Aviv while calling for academic boycott of Israel.
It is not only BDS that has relinquished armed struggle and not only the Palestinian Authority, but also the leadership of HAMAS who have also sided with the forces seeking normalization and recognition and are seeking to solve the Palestinian problem by way of negotiations .
HAMAS has now joined the club of sectarian Islam, and has given priority to sectarian belonging over any other belonging, be it Arab or Palestinian – for this reason – it has reoriented the struggle to target other Arab countries- seeking in these countries a compensation for what Israel would not give, and repeating- in Syria- the mistake of Fateh and PLO in Lebanon .
This sectarian stand adopted by HAMAS meets the racist or –presumably- anti racist stand adopted by BDS whereby the national struggle taking place between Palestinians and Israelis , will become struggle between two religions which are Judaism and Islam which BDS calls racism . This shift in the struggle benefits Israel for sure whereby the struggle will look as a misunderstanding between two religions rather than an occupation issue.
In the middle of all this where do the Palestinians stand ? The answer is that they stand in the middle of it all. The conspiracy is big and most factions have become part of it . When they are not fighting the Syrian army- in Syria – and siding with the thugs of the opposition , the Palestinians are joining local and foreign NGOs with Israeli affiliations and are sharing in functions and activities in the west Bank and Jerusalem that are designed by NGOs and serve their policy of protecting Israel .
Besides partitioning the one cause into bits of Causes- isolated from one another ( Prisoners, Wall of segregation, Jerusalem etc…) these NGOs seek to keep Palestinians as far as possible from the armed struggle and turn them into helpless activists demonstrating and rallying without being able to start a new Intifada . The goal is to keep them busy with vain activities that are harmless while Israelis resume their plan of expansion .
How dancing and singing to the tunes of NGOs will retrieve Palestine no one knows , neither siding with sectarian Islam would . In both instances it is Israel that is profiting from the sectarian alignment and from the infiltration of society by NGOs. Most Palestinian Organizations and BDS and sectarian Islam are all helping Israel at times when Israel -due to its military failures- is facing the biggest crisis of existence ever witnessed to the point that even the close allies of Israel are questioning the validity of such a costly precarious endeavor that is no more able to defend itself let alone protect the interests of others .