Truth cannot be hidden any more and the drowsing of the Arab spring did not last long, There no revolution , no Arab spring; no Muslim rule , no nothing ; no change and no awakening , there is conspiracy on the armed Resistance of Hizbullah and on the allies of Hizbullah , this is what it is all about . This is everything that there is . There is conspiracy on the forces who refuse to recognize and normalize with Israel . That’s it .
It took us a long way , and we had to see the toppling of so many rulers .But this is not spring , it is the world order that had changed its agenda from supporting Arab stooges to toppling them -when toppling them became more rewarding than keeping them. The World Order did this so as to divert attention from the victories won over Israel and keep people and Arab Masses busy with fake Springs.
After all this mess that started in Tunisia, the whole World rallied against Syria . It had discovered –by miracle another so called dictator who needed to be toppled . Mind you , this dictator was not- of course – the Saudi king who owns literary the country and is looting its resources and depriving the Saudis of every right , but was the president of Syria who is an ally to Iran and to the Lebanese Resistance. So they attacked Syria , and the assaulters are: Israel ‘s allies: USA and NATO countries , the Syrian opposition in its fighting and non fighting factions and Sunni Islam. These are the attackers and assaulters of Syria .
If this inimical destructive behavior regarding Syria was expected on behalf of USA and imperialist NATO countries- allies of Israel- or on behalf of the Syrian opposition , it was not expected on behalf of Sunni Islam .All what is happening in Syria is being covered by the highest authorities of Sunni Islam whether Qaradawi or al Azhar or other Sunni authorities , all have agreed upon the fact that the attack on Syria should be religiously covered by Sunni authorities and when this is not done openly , it is done silently by connivance ,and this has become generalized .
It is in every other Sunni mosque that fitna is being fueled and nurtured , go enter most Sunni Mosques in Beirut or Tripoli or in any other country or city , what do you hear ? You hear sectarian instigation . You were supposed to hear about the wonders of the Prophet of Islam and you end up ready to kill your next door neighbor , this is what you hear and what you learn . This might take the appearance of a campaign against a ruler or a so called dictator but the truth is that this is directed against the sworn enemies of Israel .
How can sectarian Islam or Sunni Islam explain this working hand in hand with Israel and Israel’s allies in order to destroy Syria and the Resistance and one’s next door neighbor? How can it explain and contain this poison and this attitude- religiously – and from the point of view of Islam the religion of tolerance ? Is this siding and rallying against Syria and the Resistance justifiable in any way from the point of view of the religion ? Could the slaughtering and the theft of resources and the sacking of factories and the looting of historical sites and the killing of innocents be justifiable religiously ? How is Sunni Islam to get away with this ? And why is it still going along the same line of division? What Islam is the Islam that normalizes and recognizes Israel and kills its neighbor? Is this Islam in any sense ? Can Islam recognize Israel and behead the neighbor and remain Islam ?
What are Sunnis up to and how are they going to redress the situation is the question . Sunni Islam has drifted too far and has greatly jeopardized the religion . It has caused the religion to be greatly exposed and associated with crime and genocide , Sunnis and Sunni authorities who are not denouncing what is happening in Syria as a crime against Syrians and a world conspiracy against the Resistance are criminals themselves sharing in the crime against the Syrians. We tell those that they should catch up on the lost time and start from now going over their connections and affiliations because true Islam cannot work hand in hand with Israel and sooner or later they will have to confront the fact that they parted with their religion at some point.