The Takfiri Armies
Posted on June 17, 2013 by uprootedpalestinians
by Daniel Mabsout on June 16, 2013
The Takfiris who are working wonders in Syria are not news to this world nor are their deeds unknown or unfamiliar . Long before in Europe, labeling others as heretics has been one of the most spread practices of the Catholic Church who worked wonders in this instance killing scientists and executing saints and this before and after installing what they called the Inquisition . Not very much later, under the banner of Catholicism, Master Columbus – the pirate who worked under the order of their Spanish majesties- invaded the Americas and disposed of the natives , killing them , sacking their country , enslaving them , starving them and chasing them out of their villages and towns . Columbus was just performing his religious duties regarding those who were not Christians because he thought he had the Divine right to do this to infidels as ordained by the Church and by the Catholic Monarchs who needed badly the money and the gold. The Anglican church did not behave any better regarding the Irish, when it invaded Ireland and established its colony considering Irish as sorcerers- who need to burn on the stake- nor did the Puritan Anglo Saxons who landed on the northern New Continent – at the end of the 17th century – and decimated the indigenous populations .
What Takfiris are doing, right now, falls within the same line of conduct, punishing those heretics who have not followed the literal religion as practiced and understood by the Takfiris who were initiated by various religious authorities and used as political and killing tools in a vast world conspiracy . Many religions have been subject to this deviation , mainly Christianity- as practiced by the Church – Judaism- as practiced by Zionists- and Islam as understood and practiced by Sunni rulers and Sunni Religious References to serve the inimical foreign agendas of the World order . Other religions also might be subject to same kind of experience .
This attitude -of self righteousness -comes from total ignorance of the purport of religion , whereby one considers his own religion as better than others’ which makes him think that he has the right to kill and abuse the lives of those he considers beneath him . This is how the Puritan settlers -convinced that the Natives had no right to the land of America- which is Native land – exterminated them almost entirely until 2 millions only were left from the 20 millions that populated the North continent before the Puritan settlers landed . The same attitude is found behind the Zionist usurp of Palestine on behalf of Zionist Jews who think that God favored them among others, and gave them the land of Palestine . This idea that my religion is better than yours., and I am better than you, and this gives me rights over you, is behind so many miseries that have plagued humanity recently, the last one being this ugly war on Syria – waged under the banner of Islam- against a peaceful country and a peaceful people . No doubt that this attitude comes from the blinded ego and from the greed of predator countries who use the ignorance of people to mobilize a full world army , and this has nothing to do with religion itself .
Even if not directly threatening to others, this feeling of a superiority of a certain religion is often misplaced . Many Muslims think Islam is superior to other religions while they know neither true Islam nor other religions . It is true that Islam completes Judaism and Christianity- in a way- but this makes Islam complementary in a sense- but not superior to the other religions . While the great misunderstanding many Muslims show – and among them ‘ religious people and ‘Ulemas – comes from considering Native religions, and the religions that pervaded the Antiquity and the Native religions of the people of Africa and America as pagan religions, and to condemn these religions without knowing much about them .
The respectable ‘Alem- upon seeing a Hindu revering a cow – described him as a lost soul . Who told you so Mister and how do you know that this soul is lost and not yours’ and who are you to judge and say so? Have you been given authority to look in the hearts of people and see what only God can see ? What if the same Hindu judges you saying that you repeat verses and words you do not understand instead of worshiping God through the visible and the manifest , through God’s creation , through Mother Nature and Godly Saints and Deities ? And why is revering the cow that gives food and milk labeled as irreligious while killing people in the name of religion has not been sanctioned yet or labeled as Kufr ?
There is a need that all religions that are searching for the same truth meet because, having religious people hurt each other will be hurtful to the common truth they are all seeking, and to their respective religions that will be exposed by atheists who will think that atheism is better than religion.
The Sheikh of al Azhar- who was has been hosted today by al Mayadeen TV- and who upon being asked why al Azhar has not issued a fatwa that prohibits the killing of Muslims by other Muslims as happening in Syria , said that al Azhar does not need to issue such fatwa because the ordinances of the religion are clear regarding this matter that Muslim is not to kill another Muslim ? I bet the al Azhar would have hurried into issuing a fatwa had other religions or beliefs- like Hinduism or Christianity- or practices by Hindus or Christians- been under question. This variety in God’s creation and in belief has been intentionally created by God, not as a source of antagonism and discord but as a source of learning and knowledge for the authentification of one’s belief and confirmation of one’s faith. . We are here to learn and to become good recipients to true Religion and we learn from others, otherwise we are liable to sway the Takfiri way or become complacent partners in the crimes committed nowadays against humanity and religion .