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The Do Nothing Peace Machine: Why Zionism Negates Peace


In 2010 I edited The Plight of the Palestinians: A Long History of Destruction, a collection of articles by world renowned writers who unveil the genocide taking place in Palestine by the occupying power in this “advanced” civilization of 2014, a slow water torture of constant humiliation, destruction and death as the world watches and nothing is done to bring justice to the people of Palestine. In that text, Dr. Jeff Halper details the quest for “peace” that has been crippled by the state of Israel, the intentional, calculated and indifferent response to the conditions facing the Palestinian people every day. He offers this reality:
Israel’s strategy until today is to bypass and encircle them, making deals with governments that isolate and, unsuccessfully so far, neutralize the Palestinians as players. This was most tellingly shown in the Madrid peace talks, when Israel only allowed Palestinian participation as part of the Jordanian delegation. But it includes the Oslo “peace process” as well. While Israel insisted on a letter from Arafat explicitly recognizing Israel as a “legitimate construct” in the Middle East, and later demanded a specific statement recognizing Israel as a Jewish state (both of which it got), no Israeli government ever recognized the collective rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination. Rabin was forthright as to the reason: If Israel recognizes the Palestinians’ right to self-determination, it means that a Palestinian state must by definition emerge – and Israel did not want to promise that.4 So except for vague pronouncements about not wanting to rule over another people and “our hand outstretched in peace,” Israel has never allowed the framework for genuine negotiations. The Palestinians must be taken into account, they may be asked to react to one or another of our proposals, but they are certainly not equal partners with claims to the country rivaling ours (“The Problem with Israel,” Jeff Halper, 2007).
Seven years ago, November 22, 2007, I wrote an article about George W. Bush’s plan to bring peace to the mid-east, a plan that used the city of Annapolis as its label with Condoleeza Rice acting as emissary from the American government meeting with Israeli and Palestinian officials. That article tracked the reality of the failed peace process from before the Mandate to 2007. It is now 2014 and there is no peace—but there is once again a “peace” initiative under way, an initiative every American President seems obliged to give lip service to knowing beforehand no peace will be affected. Why? Why go through a process all know will not result in peace? Why exercise an illusion? For whose benefit? To what end?
Resting on my bookshelf is a cunning little device, an object I’ve had in my office for decades, a curiosity piece that grabs the attention of children and adults, a strange unfamiliar gadget that appears to have a purpose since it has a handle, two gears fastened to small rounded cylinders that crisscross each other as one turns the handle, it’s called a do-nothing machine. Someone conceptualized it and someone created it and someone turns that handle to do nothing. Why? Why go through a process all know will not accomplish anything? Why spend time on an illusion? For whose benefit? To what end?
There it sits next to The Plight of the Palestinians and it seems to me Obama and Kerry must have one just like it since they initiated a process that they know will accomplish nothing, inspired no doubt by the do-nothing machine. Why? Perhaps it’s to pretend that they are not owned by the Israeli state or perhaps to defend themselves against the perception that they have abandoned any thought of a peaceful two state solution in Palestine or perhaps to extend time once again so Israel can steal more land and create more settlements allowing the slow motion genocide to continue. Perhaps an illusion is better than nothing at all.
But what of the Israeli government; why would they join this farce? That’s puzzling to me since I know from their own words and actions that they have no intention of recognizing the rights of Palestinians to a state much less create one. Indeed they have for 65 years denied even the idea of a Palestinian state, and as Halper has made clear they have torpedoed more than 19 times any attempt to create such a state. Indeed, there is no logic, no rational explanation of Israeli insistence that they want a two state solution, that peace is their desire, that the United States must be the interlocutor to bring the two parties together without pre-conditions and then raise conditions that could not be met and maintain this ruse for 65 years while absconding with all but 11% of Palestine (Israel has used a complex legal and bureaucratic mechanism to take control of more than fifty percent of the land in the West Bank. This land has been used mainly to establish settlements and create reserves of land for the future expansion of the settlements” [see Ifamericansknew.com] during that same period). There must be a deeper explanation that drives the Israeli governments to deceive the world year after year, something we have not yet addressed yet could be an explanation.
Perhaps once again it’s necessary to seek wisdom in fiction, to explore the unknown in narratives that dig deep into the subconscious mind, to burrow inside the human innards, to seek beyond the intestines and muscles and sinews and bones where the true being resides, where heartfelt yearnings reside, where the spring of emotions pours forth its latent reactions to self, where needles and surgical knives cannot go if understanding is to be sought, where self responds to urgings that drive the impulses to desperate acts that self itself does not comprehend, where the inner self is encrusted with the fears of generations pounded into the small child from inception, and identity is an accumulation of accepted hatred that seeps into the being in a collective response that determines all acts as self-survival against any outside of the tribal clan that has indelibly marked each member with a new source of pulsating blood, no longer a heart that throbs in rhythm to the hearts of all humankind, but emanates from a somatic fear that seeks only its own security, its own purpose, its own distinction as its hallmark at the expense of all who threaten its existence.
Franz Kafka, in “A Fragment,” tells a story told to him by his father who heard the story from a strange boatman. “A great wall is going to be built to protect the Emperor. As you may know, the infidel nations, with demons among them too, often gather in front of the imperial palace and shoot their black arrows at the Emperor.” A cryptic fragment certainly, about an emperor, an imperial palace, and a wall to protect the emperor and his people; unfortunately there are infidel nations who gather around the palace and shoot the emperor. Ultimately there is no protection, there is only on-going fear that any action to protect is doomed, and if, as Kafka also maintained “Guilt is never to be doubted,” fear exists inside the wall, always fear inside and out, of self and all others. Curiously, the Zionists have found reason for a wall thinking that it could serve as protection against their manifest enemies oblivious to Kafka’s admonition. In 2004 I wrote about Sharon’s wall of fear.
I would suggest that Sharon’s “Wall of Fear” walls in both the Palestinians and the Jews, that it gives offense to those on both sides, and it offends the moral sensibilities of any civilized person anywhere in the world. Sharon prepared for the building of the wall by laying its foundation in the guts of his people, fear of four million terrorists and fear that the future offered no hope for peace. Having bulldozed the Palestinian Authority out of relevance, he removed the possibility of negotiations, and, by that act, left the Jews without hope for peace, leaving him free to force the erection of the “Wall.”
Consider how the Wall walls in the Israeli people: it looms on the horizon a daily reminder that they have failed to achieve their primary goal, a peaceful assimilation of Jews from around the world into a haven, given to them by a remorseful Europe and America, where all could live in dignity and respect, without rancor or fear of racism, hatred and oppression; a daily reminder that they have walled in a poor and deprived people behind barriers that isolate them from the community of nations, from their fields and shops, from relatives and families, not unlike the Pogroms suffered by the Jews in Poland, Austria, Russia, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia; a daily and fearful reminder that someday, somewhere, someone will scale or circumnavigate the Wall as people have done from time immemorial – as the Huns did when they mocked the efforts of the Chinese to keep them at bay on their side of the Great Wall, or the Germans when they laughingly skirted the Maginot Line – to make absurd the efforts of one people to subdue the will of another; a daily reminder that their purported Democracy mocks itself as it seals off an entire population in full sight of the world community despite the vocal objection of that community, indeed, in complete and utter disbelief that the Jews of all peoples could undertake such a heinous act; a daily reminder that they have created a monstrous gray monument to the harm they have inflicted on another people, a monument that in time will have the same effect as the march around Jericho, “And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of their sword”; a daily reminder that visible or no each and every name of an incarcerated Palestinian is carved into that cement just as the names of the fallen Jews, victims of Nazi atrocities, are carved into the marble slabs at the Holocaust Memorial in Florida; and, finally, a daily reminder that this Wall is but the beginning of a Wall that must stretch north and south along the Jordanian border, further north along the Syrian line, west along Lebanon’s southern coast, and south along the Sinai, thus completing the incarceration of the Jews once again” (Cook, “Fence, Barrier, Wall: What’s in a Name?,” 2004).
Could we not ask here as we did of the “Do Nothing Machine” why? What drives the mind to destroy what it claims it must protect? Why build more walls except to keep those not of the tribe out and those within the tribe clean of contamination lest their inner self lose its distinction, its hallmark and find release from the fear that pulses inside threatening its existence by purging it of all that could or would destroy it because it is not of them. The Zionists in forcing the existence of the State of Israel on its people did so by capitalizing on this fear. The world desires to destroy the Jews. There is no protection for the Jews anywhere in the world except in Palestine where their historic rights to the land will prevail and where the Jews will protect themselves from all their enemies; they need only ensure that protection by linking their survival to those nations that have the power and the will to ensure security. This requires control of such umbilical linked “friends,” the United States, England, France, Germany, Canada, Australia who become their “protector” as Rabbi Loew’s Golem protected the Ghetto of Prague in the 16th century (see “A Nation of Golems,” Cook, 2009). It also requires that their protection is sealed by law, hence restrictions on “those who criticize the Zionist state” as H.R. 4009(113th Congress, 2nd Session, 2014) demonstrates, a “Bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit an institution that participates in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions or scholars from being eligible for certain funds under that Act” (proposed by Mr. Roskam and Mr. Lipinski as sent to the Committee on Education and the Workforce).
There exists a mindset here driven by forces beyond the reasoning mind. Kafka offers a depiction of this phenomenon in “Metamorphosis,” a tale of surrealistic quality where the protagonist wakes one morning to find himself transformed into a gigantic insect. Yet his mental faculties appeared to be stable, his concerns those of a man prevented from getting to his train on time, on how to deal with the problems of those outside his bedroom door who would be repulsed by his demeanor; fear of confrontations followed, fear of his domineering father rose swiftly, loss of his job, loss of the money he provided for his family, the potential upheaval of his life made by his visible transformation into a loathsome insect roused innate fears both of expulsion and death, his words were not understandable, the imminent awareness by all outside that he was different, driven by different realities, unfit to be welcomed into the community, ultimately to be driven out or destroyed. Such is the inner fear that pulses in Gregor’s being and comes to fruition in the night, a nightmare perhaps but presented as true.
Kafka once stated, “I consist of literature and am unable to be anything else.” The house he (Gregor Samsa aka Franz Kafka) lived in, the town that surrounds it, the wall that surrounds the town metaphorically mirror the inner identity of the narrator, walled within walls, wakening inside a room where now, in this night where he, as he did virtually every night, writes the real world within which he lives, a world of fiction where explanations evoke symbols and depictions that convey truth in images and unleash through dreams the latent fears that energize those forced to exist in isolation from all others for their identity is encased in a tribal mind dependent for its meaning and its understanding of self on those who control their reasoning and determine for them not only who they are but why they are and in that vice how they will act. Thus did Kafka’s narrow world of the Judengassen encompass his entire life, one of Europe’s oldest ghettos, what he called “my prison cell-my fortress.” But in the dream of Samsa transformed into a hideous insect, there comes a release from that control as he can scale now the walls of his room and the very ceiling above, a freedom made possible by his release from his “Penal Colony,” an escape from “The Judgment,” an avoidance of The Trial and find a new life, perhaps, in Amerika.
The Metamorphosis captures the condition of the tribal member caught within the society he must accommodate and assimilate into despite the impossibility of that probability, not because the society consciously refuses the assimilation but because the individual fears those not members of the tribe and because he fears they find him odious as the hideous insect depicts. Crushed inside these twin fears, there is no escape for the tribe but the destruction of the perceived enemies regardless of their passivity to the condition of the tribes’ fears.
But Kafka’s brilliant and penetrating analysis of the tribal mind and its insidious control of its members does not end with The Metamorphosis, it is extended and brutalized in “The Penal Colony.” This narrative captures the incapacity of the individual mind to control its own destiny. There is an Officer who is both controller and judge, guided by a simple rule, “guilt is never in doubt,” a rule that applies to those not of the tribe but to tribal members as well; all are guilty, all threaten the security and control of the Zionist entity, hence the epithet “self-hating Jew.” As the Officer describes the penal colony’s procedures for determining guilt, the condemned are totally submissive to the authorities, they do not expect due rights under the law, they understand that those in control have full authority to arrest, imprison and condemn to death whomever they will thus making legal arrest without due process, incarceration indefinitely and execution as well as extrajudicial assassination.
When questioned by an outside Traveler who comes to interview the Officer, the obvious questions seek obvious answers that the Officer finds incomprehensible, how can anyone question the authorities to inflict what they must to ensure the safety of the people? To justify his position the Officer releases the prisoner who was scheduled for execution and gets on the torture machine that he designed to prove that the judgment of the authorities is justified for all because it stipulates that the judgment must “Be Just.” Ironically, Kafka narrates that the machine goes berserk, and the designer of the hideous machine becomes its last victim as it disintegrates into an uncontrollable monster.
What Kafka envisioned is prophetic; when a state imposes its will on all its sister states, it becomes a monster, a metallic Golem perhaps that destroys at will but creates its own grave in the process, as Kafka’s Officer becomes pinned to the needles that were supposed to inscribe on the prisoner’s back the judgment of the authorities but instead leave his body suspended, bleeding and shredded, hanging above the grave into which he was to have been tossed. There it must remain isolated, condemned, and forever abhorred as an atrocity of insanity and arrogance.
Consider the actions of the Zionist State that from its inception under the control of the Jewish Agency, the eleven controllers in the Red House making their determinations for all Jews arriving in Palestine, as described by Dr. Ilan Pappe in The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, to use terror against the British Mandate Government in Palestine, to coerce the members of Parliament in London to overlook their crimes against the British people, to massacre the citizens of Deir Yassin and over 30 other massacres in areas belonging to the indigenous peoples of Palestine, to control by threat and intimidation the new immigrants arriving in Palestine from Europe as depicted by documents seized by the Mandate Police, and available now from the files of Sir Richard C. Catling in the Rhodes House Archives, and one has a clear picture of Zionist power over the Jewish people escaping Germany and elsewhere as they imposed their will on the helpless, both Jew and Palestinian, during the late 1930s and through 1948.
When complicity in crime is imposed on innocent people through coercion and fear, we have an understanding of the truth imbedded in Kafka’s narratives and that gives us pause to realize why this state can attack Iraq to destroy its nuclear plant construction and that of Syria and attempt to force the western world to attack Iran; it makes one realize that invading Lebanon without justified reason, its invasion and retention of the Golon Heights and its invasion and destruction of Gaza happens despite the international laws that should determine the behavior of member nations, and it should make obvious that this state will go to any lengths to control the United Nations by controlling the American Government by controlling its elected officials regardless of the desires of the citizens of the United States.
We need only reflect on the 2008 Christmas invasion of Gaza to understand the irrationality of attacking a defenseless people surrounded by the military power of the IDF with its use of extensive missile force from the air, the eastern borders under Israeli control and from the sea; add to that the needless use of white phosphorus that is both illegal and causes catastrophic pain for those unable to escape its searing pain. Why such brutality against a people incarcerated on all sides without military capability to defend their homes or even the ability to flee the terror of the Jewish invasion? Why inflict such barbaric force when those surrounded had no means to destroy the Zionist state? What irrational behavior erupts in a purported civilized state unless it is itself an irrational fear of self-destruction if perceived enemies are not eradicated as insurance against security (read survival instinct) for the people of Israel? Listen to the voices of those in positions of power and influence that justify the attempted destruction of the Gazan people:
The son of Sharon :’Flatten Gaza, send it back to Middle Ages, they need to die! 
Interior Minister Eli Yishai said Operation Pillar of Defense would continue and likely be expanded, The war in Gaza “must be so painful and difficult that the terror groups will not think twice but a hundred times before they fire missiles against Israel again…The goal of the operation is to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages, only then will Israel be calm for the next 40 years. ” The National Unity Party, Michael Ben-Ari, called for Israeli soldiers to kill Gazans without thought or mercy.“ There are no innocents in Gaza, don’t let any diplomats who want to look good in the world endanger your lives – mow them down! ” A prominent Israeli rabbi, Yaakov Yosef, the son of former chief rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, in a sermon at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron blessed IDF soldiers while urging them “to learn from the Syrians how to slaughter the enemy. 
How explain these cries of inhumane hate against a place and its people that have never attacked the Zionist state except out of absolute desperation, hopelessness, and despair, the last resort of those who have the right to attack unlawful occupiers of their land and homes? This is the voice of insanity that cannot exist in a sane world where concern, compassion and love should guide our endeavors and foster the drive toward true peace, not a “peace” (shalom) that justifies its rights by demanding absolute control of all that threatens its security as it denies the very thing it claims as its right. This world in this time is not tribal anymore; it is guided by international laws that all peoples of the earth have designed and mutually accept. That should be true of the Israeli State since it has signed acceptance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Accords that have defined genocide, a definition resulting from the catastrophic incarceration and deaths inflicted on the Jews in Nazi Germany. Yet today this definition is disgraced and defied by the Zionist State as it commits genocide in Palestine as the voices in the book that opened this article testifies, and the world watches and does nothing.
Perhaps now we might understand that fiction can enlighten us more than the silent voices of the intimidated and the damned; Kafka has looked inside the human breast and unveiled the true force that gives life to the horrors inflicted on the people of Palestine and the peoples of Lebanon and Syria and Jordan and Gaza as the Zionist power used the teachings of Judaism to control those seeking security and comfort in what could have been a homeland for the Jewish people but has become instead a lawless and ruthless occupation power and destroyer of the true owners of the land from the time they were offered solace to live with the people of Palestine.
And this brings us to the “Do Nothing Machine” that the Zionists use to deceive the people of the world that it desires a peaceful solution to the crisis by a mutually negotiated two state determination when in reality they desire only the eradication of the Arabs in Israel and all other Arabs that inhabit their land in Judea and Samaria; this has been their goal since they first arrived in Palestine and that “peace Machine” they use will ensure that neither peace nor a Palestinian state will ever exist. Let’s end with the unfortunate prophetic words of Israel’s most ardent exponent and the most vocal of its true face, a terrorist of extraordinary visibility and one accepted by the Israeli people as their Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, head of one of the Jewish terrorist groups, who described Deir Yassin as “splendid,” and stated: “As in Deir Yassin, so everywhere, we will attack and smite the enemy. God, God, Thou has chosen us for conquest.”
There remains only this horrifying possibility: to fill their new state, the Jewish State, the Zionists have utilized the services of “Settlers,” people who think like their ancestors did 3500 years ago, tribally, as those who respond to day to day living instinctively, in fear, always with the tiger lurking in the rocks, always with their enemy tribes anxious to destroy them, always with the mindset that they alone must preempt another lest they become the victim, and always with the rationale that all are potential destroyers and that gives them the right to kill at will by whatever means necessary; yet in bringing this ancient mindset into their midst, the Zionists have created a fearsome and loathsome nightmare not unlike Kafka’s “Burrow” where “unseen enemies crawl through the dark tunnels” and the narrator, Kafka’s only first person tale of horror, feels “threatened not only by outside enemies, but enemies within, in the earth’s entrails,” and they are legendary, and “I believe in them.”
William A. Cook is a Professor of English at the University of La Verne in southern California. He edited The Plight of the Palestinians: A Long History of Destruction (2010). He can be reached at:wcook@laverne.eduRead other articles by William A., or visit William A.'s website.

Powerful Bombings Rock Beir Hasan, South Beirut

Bir Hassan Blast

Local Editor

Two terrorist blasts hit southern Beirut on Wednesday near Kuwait embassy, leaving dozens of martyrs and injured.

Security sources confirm that the bombings coincide, adding that they were targeting the cultural center of the Iranian embassy in Beirut.

Al-Manar correspondnet reported that the first explosion took place near Gondoline sweets which lies in the building of the Iranian cultural center.
The second took place near a restaurant facing an army base.

Shortly after the blasts, ambulance, Civil Defense vehicles rushed to the scene.

Health minister Wael Abu Faour visited the blast scene and said that the suicide bombings left at least five martyrs and 103 injured.

State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr also arrived in blast scene, confirming that the attacks were suicide bombings.

The first blast was carried by a BM X5 4x4 vehicle, rigged with 90 kgs of explosive materials, Saqr said.

He noted that the second explosion was carried out by a mercedes car rigged with 75 kgs of explosive materials.
For its part, the Iranian embassy in Beirut confirmed all staff were safe.

Below is the footage taken from the area following the blasts:

Following are exclusive photos for Al-Manar Website taken from the scene of the explosions in Bir Hassan.

Bir Hassan Blast

Bir Hassan Blast

Bir Hassan Blast

Bir Hassan Blast

Bir Hassan Blast

Bir Hassan Blast

Bir Hassan Blast

Bir Hassan Blast

Orient Tendencies | Geneva Conference: Russia Put an End to American Illusions

Posted on February 17, 2014 by 

Orient Tendencies
Monday February 17, 2014, no171
Weekly information and analysis bulletin specialized in Arab Middle Eastern affairs prepared by neworientnews.com
Editor in chief Wassim Raad
New Orient Center for Strategic policies

Geneva Conference: Russia Put an End to American Illusions

By Ghaleb Kandil
U.S. bets to initiate Russian pressure on the Syrian delegation at the Geneva Conference, to bring it to change its principled positions have failed. The disappointment of Washington appeared in the results of the tripartite meeting in Geneva on Friday between Russia, the United States and Lakhdar Brahimi. At this meeting, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, showed great firmness in opposing the Americans and the bias international envoy.
The negotiations in Geneva proves the absence of any compromise already agreed, as some political and diplomatic circles believed at the beginning of the conference. It should be clear to all analysts that the relationship between Russia and the Syrian state is built on a strong partnership and alliance, and not on orders, as is the case in the relationship between the Syrian opposition and their American, Arab and Western masters.
The Syrian crisis is the space in which the partnership between Russians and Americans is being formed. In its efforts to regain its place in the international scene, Russia is based on a solid rock: the resistance provided by the Syrian state, the advance of his troops on the ground and broad popular support that even the worst enemies of Syria can no longer deny.
In its efforts to build this new international partnership, Russia is equal with the West, even if at the beginning of the conference, she closed her eyes to the withdrawal of the invitation to Iran and limiting the representation of the Syrian opposition to the only delegation of the National Coalition. The Russians put an end, Friday, to the U.S. illusions, by fully supporting the position of the Syrian government delegation is uncompromising in priorities: the fight against terrorism must come before any other political issue, because it is the pillar of any future inter-Syrian agreement.
Washington is trying to impose the concept developed by Richard Haass of an international partnership… led by the United States! This is what the Americans are trying in Syria. But this attempt goes against the current balance of power on the ground, which allow the Syrian government, which draws its strength from its army and the support of a large part of the population, to put the world before two alternatives: a compromise built on a partnership in the fight against terrorism, supported by strong international resolutions against all states involved in supporting terrorist movements; or a military solution with the own resources of the Syrian state, which would impose a fait accompli on the field.
Through its information and opinion polls, the West knows that the popularity of President Bashar al- Assad is unwavering. The fact that the Syrian president is the target of the United States has only reinforced his popularity and his image of a Syrian popular leader who resists terrorism and defends the independence and sovereignty of his nation.
Russia wanted to send a strong message of solidarity with Syria, its people and its leader, which has attracted the admiration of the free men of the world with his will to resist.
Moscow’s position was helped by an intelligent and courageous management of the negotiations in Geneva by the government delegation. It is no coincidence that demonstrations in support of President Assad, the government delegation in Geneva and the Syrian Arab army, took place in troubled regions of Syria. Images of crowds in Daraa, Deir Ezzor and other cities are eloquent.
Russia is convinced that she is the target of terrorism and takfirists, sponsored by countries moving into the U.S. orbit. It is also subjected to pressure in Ukraine and other regions, which constitute its area of ​​historical influence. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stood up before the American arrogance and against the anti-missile shield, which is a direct threat to the global equilibrium. This project is explicitly directed against Russia and its Iranian ally.
This means that the priority of the Syrian government to combat terrorism means also to defend Syria, the security of its allies and world stability. It is quite natural that the position of Russia in the Geneva conference to support this priority, especially that the Syrian government has taken into account the last three years, and more than one times, the interests of his Russian ally.
The relationship between Russia and Syria is built on an organic and strategic alliance based on credibility, understanding and mutual respect. Syria is a key partner for Russia and not a vassal, as the relationship between the United States and its “allies.”
For all these reasons, the illusion of a Russian-American compromise agreed in advance fell Friday in Geneva … evaporated with the U.S. plans to give priority to the “transfer of power” on the fight against terrorism.
عمليات عسكرية خاطفة للجيش السوري في حلب
The Syrian Arab army will make sure on the battlefield, to convince those who are still lulled by these illusions.

Hassan Nasrallah, LHezbollah Secretary general
«Hezbollah and the Amal Movement opened the door for this national achievement. Hezbollah made the most sacrifices in this cabinet. I do not consider this cabinet an all-encompassing cabinet because there are significant parties that were not represented in it… It is a ‘settlement’ or a ‘national interest’ government. Hezbollah will win the battle against the takfirists in Syria, and that the Resistance’s weapons and techniques are being developed to be ready for bigger confrontations.  We will be victorious in this battle. It is a matter of time. Takfiri terrorism is a threat to the entire region, It is present in all the countries of the region and all religions and sects are under their threat. Why don’t we have the right to be worried of those rebel groups if other countries are worried about their residents fighting with them? If these armed groups took control of Syria and the Lebanese border towns, we would have a war on all fronts. If these groups triumph, will the Future Movement have a future in Lebanon? This threat faces the entirety of the country. Some parties in Lebanon said that the suicide bombings wouldn’t have taken place if it weren’t for Hezbollah’s intervention in Syria, but before our participation in the war, such operations were also taking place. Our intervention was not the reason for these operations. These Takfiri groups had Lebanon as a target. They were coming sooner or later. It was a matter of time. We protected the Lebanese in Qusayr from being killed and raped. Is that not worth us bearing the repercussions? Israel and the United States are using extremists to have them carry out suicide bombings in Lebanon. Israel has been taking advantage of the situation in Lebanon to wage a psychological war against the Resistance.»
Tammam Salam, Lebanese Prime minister
«I stretch my hand to all political leaders and I count on their wisdom to reach this end. I call on all of them to concede to serve the project of the state and to support the army and the security forces and keep them away from political bickering. The cabinet will work on holding presidential elections and agreeing on a new law for parliamentary elections.»
Michel Aoun, Free Patriotic Movement Leader
«We hope that the new government will help normalize relations between the different sections of Lebanese society. We hope that everything will return to its place and that the institutions will return to their work. We hope that institutions will] flourish and bear good fruits, from security to economics and finance, and that the government will rise again being in a state of collapse.»
Saad Hariri, Future Movement leader
«The time of justice is the time of moderation and the people of justice are the people of moderation. We are the people of moderation and we reject extremism. We will be victorious through work, education, the state, justice and moderation. The five suspects in the killing of Rafiq Hariri are overtly under the protection of an armed party and the state is unable to even inquire about them. To those who wage accusations concerning the existence of a welcoming environment for terrorism in Lebanon and attempt to put the blame on the Future Movement and the Sunni-dominated towns we say: ‘Your illusions are rejected’. Our only plan is the state and we reject vacuum in the presidency because we come from a school that considers the Maronite Christian president a symbol of coexistence between Muslims and Christians, which, for us, is a fundamental basis of Lebanon. Future rejects vacuum in the only Christian presidency among countries that lay between India and the shores of Morocco.»
Fares Boueiz, Former Lebanese Foreign Ministry
«Israel is closely following the issue of the supply of arms by France to the Lebanese Army. Israelis are certainly occurred through the United States and directly from French, to ensure that the military does not get sophisticated weapons.»
Fadi Karam, Lebanese Forces MP
«With our respect for the new ministers, some of whom we have friendships with, we will be defining our position on the political identity of the cabinet based on the ministerial statement not the names of the ministers or the portfolios. Today we are waiting for the ministerial statement and the policy that will be adopted in order to decide in light of that policy how to deal with the new government.»
Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister
«Russia has the impression that, in persuading Syria’s external opposition to join the Geneva II conference, its sponsors had only the replacement of the regime in mind. They are prepared to discuss other issues, in the first place, the fight against terrorism, only after the creation of a transitional body, because ‘in the field’ government troops are confronted with the armed opposition. When the Russian-American initiative was announced, it was said clearly that these negotiations should not have any artificially set time parameters, or any artificial deadlines.»
  • The Lebanese Army defused an explosives-rigged car in east Lebanon Sunday, according to a statement from the military. The Army began chasing the suspected vehicle, a Toyota RAV 4 around 11:15 a.m. on the outskirts of the Baalbeck town of Ham. Soldiers managed to capture the car after opening fire at it, but the driver escaped. A military expert was then called to scene to investigate. After ascertaining that the car was rigged to explode, the expert disarmed the bomb, the statement said. Military Prosecutor Judge Saqr Saqr ordered Army Intelligence to transfer the car to its headquarters and launch preliminary investigations. The National News Agency reported that the car entered Lebanon from the Syrian province of Qalamoun, near the Lebanese border, and that it was heading towards Beirut when it was stopped. Media reports said that over 250 kilograms of explosives were found in the car, in addition to fuses. This past week, military experts defused another car bomb vehicle in Beirut’s Corniche al-Mazraa neighborhood following the confessions of a leading figure in the Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades. The Army also seized another explosive-laden vehicle in the Bekaa region on the same day.
  • Speaker Nabih Berry called on Gulf states to remove travel warnings for Lebanon as he held talks with Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sunday. “I hope efforts are made to lift the travel ban to Lebanon for our brothers in the Gulf,” Berri said during his talks with the Kuwaiti Emir. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have repeatedly renewed their advisories warning Gulf citizens against traveling to Lebanon due to the frail security situation. Berri, who is currently in Koweit for a two-day visit as part of his tour of the Gulf, hailed the “ongoing initiatives” by Kuwait to support Lebanon. He also called for strengthened unity among Muslims. Berri expressed hope the Emir would work for a rapprochement between Iran and the Gulf countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, adding that such a breakthrough would have a positive impact on the entire region. Berri also discussed the conditions of the Syrian and Palestinian refugees on Lebanese territories with the Kuwaiti Emir and Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmed al-Sabah For his part, the Kuwaiti Emir said his country would do everything in its power to “assist and support Lebanon in various fields.”
  • Jordanian Islamist cleric Abu Qatada, on trial for terrorism, said he supports a string of Al-Qaeda-linked bombings against the powerful Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah because it backs the Syrian government. “I support the bombings in Beirut. The leader of Hezbollah sent fighters to Syria to back the regime. He is responsible for those killed in Lebanon,” Abu Qatada told reporters at the state security court in Amman. “If Lebanon wants to protect itself, it should tell the party of the devil to get its fighters out of Syria,” he added in a swipe at Hezbollah. They have been claimed by various jihadist groups, some of them linked to organizations fighting in neighboring Syria, including Al-Nusra Front in Lebanon, the Abdullah Azzam Brigades and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Press review
As Safir (Lebanese daily, Arab nationalist)
(February 13, 2014)
Fourteen vehicles 4×4 entered Ersal from Syria, the 8th of this month, with on board Lebanese and Gulf nationals, with weapons, ammunition and money. Tuesday at dawn, the passengers of these vehicles went aboard minibus, after receiving falsified identity documents to facilitate their movements. The minibus took the following directions: toward northern Lebanon, two to Beirut and to the central Bekaa. Among Gulf nationals members of these groups were identified the following persons: Abdel Rahman A., Ibrahim Ghodbane, Majed Fadel, Abdel Malek A., and Assem Fahd.
Security sources said that the aim of these groups is to commit bombings and assassinations, under the direction of an individual nicknamed al-Sarih (fast) before they leave for Turkey.
An Nahar (Lebanese daily, close to March-14 Coalition)
Rosanna Bou Mouncef (February 14, 2014)
There are no similarities between the summit of Presidents Barack Obama and François Hollande and the Normandy meeting between presidents Jacques Chirac and George W. Bush in June 2004. At the time, Lebanon was on the brink of a presidential election but Syrian President Bashar al- Assad had taken the decision to extend the term of President Emile Lahoud, which earned him the adoption of Resolution 1559 by the Council of UN Security. Today, however, the Presidential election this year is tied to the fate of Assad. The circumstances are different, as the method of two heads of state, their interest in Lebanon, and their ability to release the Lebanese presidential elections of the various pressures. Indeed, every day, there is an inability to dissociate the situation in Lebanon from the crisis in Syria. Consequently, Lebanon is doomed to wait. He is asked now to preserve its stability. Efforts focus on everything that is likely to achieve this goal, such as support for the Lebanese army and assistance to Syrian refugees. This is why President Hollande has raised Lebanon issue by two or three sentences on these objectives during the joint press conference with Obama. Franco-American concerns go beyond the two countries fear indeed that Lebanon lacks the electoral event.
Al Akhbar (Lebanese Daily close to the Lebanese Resistance)
(February 13, 2014)
A few days ago, sources with links to takfiri groups operating in the Qalamoun region in Syria leaked information that major operations are being planned against Hezbollah in the coming few days. Security agencies circulated information about a plot involving suicide bombers and members of al-Qaeda that was meant to target Dahiyeh – Beirut’s southern suburb – in the coming three days. The plot’s climactic event was meant to take place during the speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah Sunday afternoon to commemorate the anniversary of the martyred leaders of the Islamic resistance.

Although the security agencies pursuing these groups were already on high alert last week, sensitive information about the imminence of the plot’s execution prompted strict monitoring operations which allowed them to determine that the whereabouts of Naim Abbas, a leading figure in the operation, was in Tariq al-Jdideh on a street that connects the neighborhood to the Corniche al-Mazraa area. In a morning raid that took place at 6:30 am, Abbas was found with another person, a Lebanese national, who confessed during investigations that he is a suicide bomber receiving instructions from Abbas to set off a car bomb in Dahiyeh yesterday.
This security operation was part of a plan that covered many Lebanese regions from the northern Bekaa to Beirut, the coastal region of the Chouf, and the outskirts of the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp in Saida. It included additional measures taken at the junction between Tariq al-Jdideh and the Chatila roundabout that leads to Dahiyeh. It became evident that the whole area was on high alert in the past 24 hours and there is talk of a car bomb delivered to a suicide bomber that has not been found.
The expression “big catch” is often used to underscore the importance of a person arrested by a security agency but it is hard to find someone to whom this description would apply more aptly than Naim Abbas.
The leading figure in al-Qaeda in Lebanon was arrested by the army’s intelligence directorate yesterday. He has a treasure trove of information that would require a lot of time to extract. More importantly, arresting him gave immediate results. His arrest, and subsequent confession, prevented a series of bombings and rockets planned to target civilians in Dahiyeh.
It is a huge achievement for the army and its intelligence directorate which carried out the operation covertly yesterday after taking every possible measure to protect the life of this “big catch.” Abbas is so dangerous that security officials who have monitored fundamentalist movements in Lebanon for more than 15 years could not believe at first that he would risk his life moving around Beirut and Dahiyeh.
But Abbas is truly in custody and before long he began to confess to what he knows. From the first moment of his arrest, he was in a state of shock that led to his collapse according to security sources. He was faced with voice recordings and evidence that accelerated his confession under investigation. He confessed to investigators about the bombings in Dahiyeh in the past weeks, that he was in charge of choosing the target, receiving the booby-trapped car, the suicide bomber, determining the road he would take, and driving him to the outskirts of Dahiyeh. For example, Abbas gave the suicide bomber, Qutaiba al-Sattam, the car near Spinneys supermarket in the Wata al-Mousaitbeh neighborhood. He pointed out that the Choueifat bomber is the only one he chose, recruited, and prepared his operation from A to Z.
He did not only tell investigators about previous operations but about future ones as well. The car that the army found yesterday in Corniche al-Mazraa was prepared to go off yesterday in Dahiyeh. The army also arrested, according to security sources, the suicide bomber (known by the initials M.M,. from North Lebanon carrying a fake ID under the name of a young man from the town of Taalabaya in the Bekaa) who was supposed to drive it.
Just as important as thwarting the car bombs, is foiling a plan to strike Dahiyeh with rockets from the hills overlooking the area. Abbas intended to carry out the operation on Sunday to coincide with Nasrallah’s speech and a number rockets that were supposed to be used were found in the nearby Chouf towns of al-Saadiyat and al-Dibbiyeh.
Al Akhbar (February 12, 2014)
Racha Abi Haidar

The sheer devastation is enough for one to imagine what kind of battles have been taking place in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp. There are no signs of life at the camp, except for the fighters of the Palestinian factions, who have filled the void left behind by the camp’s fleeing residents. In the opinion of the Palestinian fighters, the optimistic view that the crisis in the camp is over is rather exaggerated. To them, all talk about the neutrality of the camp in the armed conflict is just “empty words.”
The traffic was thick on that sunny Damascus day, made worse by the checkpoints on both sides of the southern ring road leading to the Tadamun intersection and Batikha Square beyond it. Life appears normal, until one reaches the Yarmouk refugee camp.
We passed through two checkpoints manned by Fatah al-Intifada, a pro-regime Palestinian faction. A few meters later, we reached the neighborhood where Rawdat Zahrat al-Joulan, a school, is located. There are no students there, just fighters with their gear.
There are clear traces of shelling on the main gate of the school. A mortar has been deployed in the playground, but it has been “out of service” for a while, to make room for negotiations for a deal in the camp. Colonel Abu Iyyad from Fatah al-Intifada came out to greet us, along with a group of soldiers in fatigues, including several who were donning black uniforms with badges that had the word “counterterrorism” written on them.
The walls are covered with Palestinian and Syrian flags, and portraits of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Abu Iyyad explained the details of the agreement reached by the 14 Palestinian factions in the camp.
One of the demands, he said, was for al-Nusra Front and the Ibn Taymiyya Brigade to withdraw, which is indeed what happened on Tuesday, with the two groups withdrawing in the direction of Yalda. Abu Iyyad said, “Our decision is to retake the camp from the militants. We have made progress on the ground, causing confusion and divisions in their ranks.”
No doubt, the fighting here was very fierce over the last few months. The destruction all around, which becomes more pronounced as one goes deeper into the camp, bears witness to this.
At long last, an agreement was reached. Within four days the roads will be opened and all Palestinian factions will meet at Regie Square, the most important point in the center of the camp. The next step, according to Abu Iyyad, “if the initiative succeeds and we establish that outside militants have left the camp,” would be “for the rest of the militants, and us after them, to withdraw to al-Hajar al-Aswad.”
The Fatah al-Intifada colonel is optimistic. He said, “Within a month, life will be once again normal here, and the displaced persons would be able to return to their homes.” What about the devastation to the buildings and infrastructure caused by the fighting? Abu Iyyad said, “The destruction is at about 20 percent but the rest of the camp is intact. The municipality of Yarmouk will cooperate with the government to rebuild the camp.”
But it’s not just about damaged buildings or infrastructure. The humanitarian situation here is very dire, and the civilians have had to cope with incredibly difficult conditions. But Abu Iyyad stressed that the reports about the number of people who died of hunger were “grossly exaggerated.” He said, “We are of this people; others are just exploiting our blood,” adding, “They betrayed the Palestinian cause before they betrayed Syria.”
What about Hamas’s role in all what is happening, and its alleged ties to armed groups that took part in the fighting? Abu Iyyad says that “Hamas played a positive role with the factions that were working on finding a solution,” and denied that “Hamas members were fighting with the Ibn Taymiyya Brigade.”
He said that Hamas had links to the group called Aknaf Bayt al-Maqdis, but stopped short of confirming whether or not it had anything to do with events in the camp. However, one pro-regime fighter was not as reserved as Abu Iyyad, and declared without equivocation, “Even if Hamas did not participate officially, everyone knows they are fighting here.”
To get to the police station in the nearby Palestine Camp on foot, one has to cross “improvised” paths that the fighters had cleared between homes and buildings. There was no choice but to remain clear of the main road, because the risk of sniper fire still exists. Even ambulances have to take a different route to reach their patients.
Here too, there are no signs of life or civilians, only fighters and some reporters. Everyone has stuck to the buffer zone between Yarmouk Camp/al-Thalatheen Street, and the Palestine Camp.
Commander “Jeddo,” a 73-year-old man originally from Haifa, Palestine, and the “godfather” of the fighters here, is not optimistic at all. The same goes for his bodyguard and comrade Abu Salah.
“What happened is a truce, not a settlement,” he said. He added, “The Palestine camp and the Yarmouk camp are one and the same. Therefore, withdrawing from one but not the other is a ploy!” Jeddo says sharply, to the approval of those around him.
Al Raï (Kuwaiti daily, February 12, 2014)
Hezbollah discovered, last month, a takfirist cell that was planning for murder of senior party leaders. Informed sources said that the security service of Hezbollah asked party officials to take precautions and to increase the alert level. These sources indicate that this cell is linked to a regional state and has no link with other groups who commit suicide bombings.
Observers note a harmony between the mission of the cell responsible for assassinations and Israeli objectives, without necessarily  a link between the two parties, at least in Lebanon itself. The above sources indicate that this network hasn’t managed to commit any operation so far, and was discovered by an electronic monitoring and work on the ground.
Al Joumhouria (Lebanese Daily close to March-14 coalition)
(February 12, 2014)
The Lebanese Armed Forces are pursuing several suspected terrorists in South Lebanon, the Beqaa, and Beirut’s Dahiyeh. Dozens of young men who belonged to Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir’s inner circle in Sidon and the Ain al-Helwe Palestinian Refugee Camp have been at large since the latest clashes in Abra,” security sources said. The army intelligence is pursuing men of Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian nationality.
The sources also stated that the Syrian warplanes had attacked Al-Nusra Front members in the Beqaa Valley and targeted one their vehicles in Wadi al-Kheil, near Younine, and in Wadi Ajram, near Arsal.
Syria’s air force launched four strikes on the outskirts of Lebanon’s frontier town of Arsal on Monday, causing no casualties, according to a Lebanese security source.
The Wall Street Journal (American Daily, February 14, 2014)
Maria Abi Habib and Stacy Meichtry
Washington’s Arab allies, disappointed with Syria peace talks, have agreed to provide rebels there with more sophisticated weaponry, including shoulder-fired missiles that can take down jets, according to Western and Arab diplomats and opposition figures.
Saudi Arabia has offered to give the opposition for the first time Chinese man-portable air defense systems, or Manpads, and antitank guided missiles from Russia, according to an Arab diplomat and several opposition figures with knowledge of the efforts. Saudi officials couldn’t be reached to comment.
The U.S. has long opposed arming rebels with antiaircraft missiles for fear they could fall into the hands of extremists who might use them against the West or commercial airlines. The Saudis have held off supplying them in the past because of U.S. opposition. A senior Obama administration official said Friday that the U.S. objection remains the same. “There hasn’t been a change internally on our view,” the official said.
The U.S. for its part has stepped up financial support, handing over millions of dollars in new aid to pay fighters’ salaries, said rebel commanders who received some of the money. The U.S. wouldn’t comment on any payments.
he focus of the new rebel military push is to retake the southern suburbs of Damascus in hopes of forcing the regime to accept a political resolution to the war by agreeing to a transitional government without President Bashar al-Assad.
But if the Manpads are supplied in the quantities needed, rebels said it could tip the balance in the stalemated war in favor of the opposition. The antiaircraft and Russian Konkurs antitank weapons would help them chip away at the regime’s two big advantages on the battlefield—air power and heavy armor.
“New stuff is arriving imminently,” said a Western diplomat with knowledge of the weapons deliveries.
Rebel commanders and leaders of the Syrian political opposition said they don’t know yet how many of the Manpads and antiaircraft missiles they will get. But they have been told it is a significant amount. The weapons are already waiting in warehouses in Jordan and Turkey.
Earlier in the conflict, rebels managed to seize a limited number of Manpads from regime forces. But they quickly ran out of the missiles to arm them, the Western diplomat said.
Rebel leaders say they met with U.S. and Saudi intelligence agents, among others, in Jordan on Jan. 30 as the first round of Syrian peace talks in Geneva came to a close. That is when wealthy Gulf States offered the more sophisticated weapons.
At the meeting, U.S. and Gulf officials said they were disappointed with the Syrian government’s refusal to discuss Mr. Assad’s ouster at the talks and suggested a military push was needed to force a political solution to the three-year war.
President Barak Obama this week acknowledged that diplomatic efforts to resolve the Syrian conflict are far from achieving their goals. “But the situation is fluid and we are continuing to explore every possible avenue,” Mr. Obama said.
The weapons will flow across the border into southern Syria from the warehouses in Jordan and across the northern border from Turkey, the Western diplomat said. Rebel leaders said the shipments to southern Syria are expected to be more substantial because opposition fighters are more unified in that area and there is a lower risk the weapons will fall into the hands of al Qaeda-inspired groups—a big concern for the U.S.
With the rebels still deeply divided and infighting growing, the new aid is aimed squarely at the more moderate and secular rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) that the U.S. has always favored.
The plan coincides with the reorganization of rebel forces in the south, where 10,000 fighters have formed the Southern Front. The new front aims to break the government’s siege of the southern suburbs of Damascus.
Last month, rebels in the north unified into the Syrian Revolutionaries Front, turning their weapons on the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), the most deadly al Qaeda-inspired rebel faction. The SRF, along with other groups, forced ISIS to retreat from key territories across the north. Both the northern and southern forces are technically under the FSA’s umbrella.
Western and Arab support for the new groups won’t go to the Islamic Front, an alliance of conservative, religious rebel factions that is helping the northern front rebels fight the more radical ISIS.
The Southern Front is under the leadership of Bashar al-Zoubi, who has a direct line to Western and Arab intelligence agencies in a military operations room in Amman, rebels say.
The operations room hosts officials from the 11 countries that form the Friends of Syria group, including the U.S., Saudi Arabia, France and the U.K. Mr. al-Zoubi was also among a select group of rebel commanders who joined the political opposition in Geneva for the latest round of peace talks.
The Southern Front has captured a string of government-held areas and military bases since it launched its first offensive in late January.
But any push toward the capital from the south faces formidable challenges. An arc south of the capital is the domain of the army’s Fourth Division, elite troops led by Maher al-Assad, the president’s brother. Closer to the capital, Syrian forces are fortified by elements of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia from Lebanon.
The regime has been ruthless in snuffing out any hint of escalation by rebels in the south.
“The Saudis and Emirates at the same meeting said that their priority is to lift the siege on the entire southern area of Damascus,” said an aide to a rebel leader who attended the meeting in Amman on Jan 30. Once we reach this stage, it will become political pressure and Assad will have to listen to the international demands,” the aide said.
At the meeting between leaders of the Southern Front and Western and Arab intelligence agencies last month, rebel leaders said they were given salaries for their fighters and equipment such as military rations and tents.
Rebels said the U.S. spent $3 million on salaries of fighters in the Southern Front, delivering the payments in cash over two meetings in Jordan—one on Jan. 30 and the other late last year.
The opposition will also ask Congress next week for weapons to help rebels fight al Qaeda. That mandate would give the opposition a better shot at securing arms than previous requests for support to topple the regime.
Congressional aides confirmed there are scheduled meetings with opposition leaders next week to discuss their request for more advanced weapons. But Congress remains sharply divided about the conflict in Syria. Some lawmakers favor stepped-up support to moderate opposition groups, but others question the wisdom of providing heavy weapons.
“We’re trying to assure the international community that they can support moderates without the threat of arms falling into the hands of al Qaeda,” said Oubai Shahbandar, a senior adviser to the Syrian opposition.

Israel and Saudi Arabia’s Priorities in Syria. Covert Militarism and the “Lebanonization Strategy”

Global Research, February 18, 2014
Israeli-Saudi Alliance
Current developments both inside and outside of Syria have shown that the primary sponsors of the extremist-dominated insurgency – namely, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel and Turkey – aren’t quite ready to throw in the towel.
One may be forgiven for thinking the Obama administration had decided to abandon the policy of regime change following the failed attempt to incite intervention, through the chemical weapons casus belli in August. But the harsh reality remains that the above mentioned alliance is indeed continuing its covert military support of the insurgency, in one form or another, in the full knowledge the vast majority of rebels are religious fundamentalists with a sectarian agenda, and vehemently opposed to any form of democracy or political pluralism.
 Primarily, the continued support is a product of the American Empires’ overarching strategy of Full Spectrum Dominance over resource-rich and strategically placed regions of the globe, via subversion, economic and military aggression; a policy imposed to varying degrees upon any state unwilling to accept full US subordination. This aggressive US stance is by no means exclusive to periods of heightened tension or crises; it is a permanent one, brought forward to its violent climax purely through Machiavellian opportunism. In Syria’s case, the Arab uprisings provided the United States and its allies the perfect opening to set in motion the subversive plans they had been working on since at least 2006. The possibility of removing an opposing government that refuses to abide by American/Israeli diktat was simply too good a chance to be missed. Accordingly, and from a very early stage, the US made attempts to facilitate and support the violent elements in Syria, while its media arms were busy conflating them with localised legitimate protesters.
Since the US took the typically reckless decision to support, widen and exacerbate the militant elements, the policy has been an abject failure. Clearly, from the tone espoused by Western diplomats and propagandists, and the oft-repeated slogan of “Assad’s days are numbered”, they expected swift regime change. These desires were largely based on American hubris and the hope that the Libya No Fly Zone scenario would gain traction in the UN security council.
Contrary to such desires, Russia and China’s anger regarding NATO’s destruction of Libya and Gaddafi’s assassination, meant that any similar resolutions put forward on Syria would face immediate veto. In turn this has proven to be a turning point in the modern relationship between the permanent members of the security council, the full ramifications of which are yet to materialise. Moreover, it proved to be a turning point in the Syrian crisis itself; knowing Russia and China would block any attempts to give NATO its second outing as Al Qaeda’s airforce, the US once again chose the policy of further covert militarism, drastically increasing funds and weapons deliveries to the rebels – parallel to the sectarian incitement campaigns espoused by Salafi-Wahhabi clerics across the Gulf – in the hope they could overturn the Syrian army through terrorism and a brutal sectarian war of attrition.
As a consequence of the failure to remove Assad or destroy the Syrian government and its apparatus, the Obama administration, reluctant and politically incapable of engaging in overt acts of aggression, is employing a realpolitik strategy; using primarily covert militarism to appease the desires of NeoConservative hawks in Congress, and its more zealous regional influences emanating from Riyadh and Tel Aviv, while avoiding the possibility of being dragged into another overt military intervention.
In turn, this double-edged strategy feeds the false public perception of the American Empire, which the pseudo-pragmatists and neoliberal propagandists are so eager to uphold and is so fundamental to US Empire-building; that of an inherently altruistic force, acting as global arbiter, grudgingly subverting, invading, bombing, and intervening in sovereign nations affairs for the good of all mankind. As long as this false perception is upheld, the sharp-edge to the grotesque charade of US realpolitik – that of covert militarism and state-sponsored terrorism – continues unabated. Clearly, the US Empire is in no rush to end the bloodshed in Syria, its priorities, as they have been since the start of 2011, are to remove, or at least severely disable and weaken the Syrian government and state, regardless of the consequences to the civilian population.
By using its control of state-funding, the arms flow, and therefore the strength and capabilities of the insurgency as a whole, the Obama administration has employed futile carrot and stick tactics in attempts to pressure the Syrian government during the current negotiations phase into acceding to US demands and giving up its sovereignty – with both the US-led alliance, and Syria and its international allies, primarily Russia and Iran, in the full knowledge the rebels lack both the domestic support, and manpower necessary, to oust Assad or defeat the Syrian army alone. Recent reports allude to the stick of US Democracy having its most recent outing in the form of “new”  and improved weapons supplies to the rebels, allegedly including MANPADS. This comes immediately off the back of the designed-to-fail Geneva “peace” talks and can be interpreted as a direct result of Washington’s failure to enforce their objectives: the stick is an endless supply of state-sponsored terrorism, the carrot is turning off the tap.
Whether the “new” arms shipments actually increase the rebels ability to inflict damage on the Syrian government remains to be seen, and is highly improbable at this stage as the Syrian army moves into the Qalamoun mountains to liberate the rebel-held town of Yabroud, in turn securing vital transit and logistical routes from Lebanon. The likely outcome of an increased arms flow to the rebels in the south, as evidenced at every interval of US-instigated militarization, will be a repeat of the same devastating results: more civilian displacement, adding to the already critical refugee crisis; more rebel destruction of civilian infrastructure, adding to further food and utility shortages; and many more lives lost.
“Lebanonization” a substitute for regime change?
As is proving to be the case, if the United States and its allies are incapable of removing the Syrian government via proxy forces without an increasingly unpopular Western military intervention, and Assad’s position and domestic support remain steadfast, then a Lebanonization strategy may well be the substitute “optimal scenario” the US and its allies are now working toward.
 Encouraging, exacerbating, and inciting division between Arabs has been the long-term strategy for the Zionist establishment since the colonialists first usurped Palestinian land in 1948 – with specific effort made toward fomenting conflict along sectarian lines. The strategy of division is directed toward any Arab state or government that refuses to abide by Zionist demands. Israeli strategist Oded Yinon’s now infamous “A strategy for Israel in the 1980′s” – dubbed the Yinon Plan – provides perhaps the clearest account of Israel’s intentions toward its Arab neighbours:
The total disintegration of Lebanon into five regional local governments is the precedent for the entire Arab world … The dissolution of Syria, and later Iraq, into districts of ethnic and religious minorities following the example of Lebanon is Israel’s main long-range objective on the Eastern front. The present military weakening of these states is the short-range objective. Syria will disintegrate into several states along the lines of its ethnic and religious structure … As a result, there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state, the district of Aleppo will be a Sunni state, and the district of Damascus another state which is hostile to the northern one. The Druze – even those of the Golan – should forma state in Hauran and in northern Jordan … the oil-rich but very divided and internally strife-ridden Iraq is certainly a candidate to fill Israel’s goals … Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation … will hasten the achievement of the supreme goal, namely breaking up Iraq into elements like Syria and Lebanon.
When viewed in this context, it can be no coincidence that US Secretary of State John Kerry is desperately pursuing a fait accompli with the Palestinian Authority (PA).
Contrary to the sickening media portrayal of the US as impartial peacebroker, Kerry’s eagerness to pursue a “deal” at this moment in time is a direct result of the Syrian conflict, and the divisions within the resistance camp it has created. The US and Israel are now attempting to force through an Israeli-oriented “peace deal” with the corrupt PA that will inevitably be both a failure, and against the Palestinians interests. Staunch allies of Palestinian resistance, currently bogged down fighting Al Qaeda ideologues in Syria and defusing car-bombs bound for Dahiyeh, are in no position to support the Palestinians against Israel in their hour of need, the US and Israel fully grasp the importance of isolating genuine Palestinian resistance from the few Arab states and actors it receives support. In his latest speech, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah reminded his listeners of this very crucial issue:
“the US Administration is seeking, along with the Zionist Administration to put an end to the Palestinian cause, and it considers that this is the best time for that because the Arab and Islamic worlds are absent today, and every country is occupied with its own problems.”
In a similar fashion, the US has used the Syrian conflict as a lever against Iran in the nuclear negotiations, Washington’s longstanding attempts to pacify and subordinate an independent Iran has undoubtedly played a major role in US policy on Syria – perhaps the defining role. Consequently, both the Palestinian and Iranian conflicts with Israel and the United States are now, as they have always been intended to some extent in US calculations, inextricably linked to resolving the Syrian crisis.
True to form, Israel’s evident glee at the destruction in Syria and overt preference for the removal of Assad and the Syrian government, with the devastation that would entail, has proven at times hard for them to conceal. Furthering the point, just one of many examples of Israeli-rebel collusion came in a recent report from the National (falsely portraying the rebels Israel is “reaching out” to as ostensibly “moderate”) which relayed that hundreds of rebels have received treatment in Israeli hospitals and been sent back into Syria with up to a $1000 in cash. Israel have made further efforts to consolidate contacts with the rebels in the south, regardless of the level of fundamentalism, and cooperated with rebel factions during the Israeli bombings on Latakia and Damascus.
 In a feeble attempt to whitewash this collusion, Israeli propagandists are busily spreading the misinformation that Israel is facilitating the Druze community in the south of Syria; yet the Druze community are firmly allied with the Syrian government. In reality, Israeli attempts to cultivate relations with the communities and rebels in the south should be correctly viewed as attempts to create enforced “safe-zones” around the occupied Golan Heights, in furtherance of the Zionists land-grabbing expansionist aspirations. Accordingly, Israel’s fraudulent neutrality is completely exposed by their collusion with the rebels to meet their own interests, and overt acts of aggression against the Syrian army.
There are many other indications that allude to prominent factions of the US alliance being preferable of, and encouraging an outcome of division, most notably Israel, but simple logic determines that Saudi Arabia, Israel’s most vital strategic partner in the region, and the actor from within the US alliance that possesses the most material influence and political will to support fundamentalists and terrorism, would also approve of the disintegration of the Syrian state, primarily viewing it as a blow to “Shi’a expansion”. The Saudi and Gulf fixation on sectarian themes, to mask what are essentially politically oriented conflicts, is also intentionally built to intensify the strategy of division in multi-ethnic, religiously plural societies – as evidenced in virtually every country fundamentalist Gulf proxies have been unleashed upon, most recently in Libya.
Yet even the Saudi’s have limits to their own capabilities and decisions, ultimately they rely on the military largesse and protection of the United States, and will therefore reign in the terrorist networks if push comes to shove. Hence, the recent Saudi attempts to dissociate from Al Qaeda and the various extremists fighting in Syria can be seen as largely cosmetic and for public consumption. In reality, the Saudi leadership see Al Qaeda and its extremist confrères as malleable proxies of no real threat to themselves, while constituting a critical component of Saudi foreign policy and covert aggression.
 Of far higher importance to both Israel and Saudi Arabia’s confluent interests in the region, which in turn play a critical role in US calculations, are the very states the fundamentalist proxies are currently being sponsored to wage war upon; namely, Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah. The disintegration of the resistance axis is the utmost priority for the states that drive US policy in the Middle East, the supposed “threat” faced by militant fundamentalist ideologues, originally created, and intermittently sponsored by the US and its allies, is merely an afterthought.
 The US Empire, in its efforts to contain, and therefore dominate and control such a strategic and resource-rich region, is more than content to allow its reactionary and sectarian clients to incite the conflict necessary to subvert, fracture and divide the inevitable power a unified Middle East could claim: if only their progressive aspirations and unity were not repeatedly “set back” by Zionist occupation and manufactured antagonism

The departure of a pleasant surprise


 "I told them, let me stay with the Shia opposition newspaper, instead of working for a Wahhabi revolutionary newspaper."

A file picture taken in Beirut on July 22, 2011 shows Lebanese poet and journalist Ounsi al-Hage. The past ten years preceding his death, he wrote for the daily newspaper Al-Akhbar and became the consultant of its editorial council. (Photo: AFP-Haitham Mussawi)
Published Wednesday, February 19, 2014
“What do you think if Ounsi al-Hajj joined this adventure?”
The question was asked by Ziad Rahbani. Joseph Samaha had not resigned from as-Safir yet. The discussions had extended beyond the core team we expected to be with us. But Ziad, who had joined in a manner suggesting he was on vacation, was telling us about one of the Rahbani's secrets. He was very direct when referring to Ounsi al-Hajj, the poet and writer, not the journalist Ounsi. Back then, I did not argue with what Joseph said about an issue of this kind. I was only interested in which criteria he would use to answer Ziad's question. However, Joseph replied quickly saying: “Let's sit with him and tell him about our project, then we could hear his opinion and reach a decision.”

In an evening gathering near his house in Sassine, Ounsi met us with a laugh that looked nothing like the stereotype we had of him. For me, it was a common error. I did not find it important what he did during his days and nights. But I was worried about bringing along someone who was moulded at an-Nahar into an endeavor and an adventure, which aims to expose the traditional school of journalism in Lebanon, spearheaded by an-Nahar.
In less than an hour, Ounsi voiced his position on many issues that concerned us. He gave his opinion about Joseph, which came as a shock. He told him: “You are the most important daily opinion writer in the Arab world.” He asked him eagerly: “Where did you get the capacity for something new every day? Where did you get the ability to surprise the reader on a daily basis?” But as usual, Joseph eluded the question and asked Ounsi what he thought of Lebanese and Arab journalism today. In a few minutes, Ounsi expressed his admiration of people that Joseph believed were the future of Lebanese journalism. He asked him: “What do you think of a newspaper, which ignores the daily news imposed on us in the name of positions, statuses, and agencies?” Ounsi replied: “Would you dare do that? Will your funder accept to be ignored and not protect his interests? Will he accept that you do not publish his news, receptions, and pictures?”
The session did not end without a direct political discussion. Ounsi found a way to speak about his position of what went on in Lebanon, the Arab world, and globally. He explained how he was pushed out of an-Nahar in 2003. He said bitterly and sternly: “How could I accept to justify the American crime in Iraq? And for whom?” But his biggest grief was that he did not imagine how much he will suffer to find a platform that would publish his reasons for leaving an-Nahar. Joseph made up his mind quickly. As if he already asked for his cooperation and received a positive answer, he asked: “Will you write?”
Ounsi laughed and described how tired he was of the question. He did not know if there were any incentives that would get him to write. He added: I have my project, "Khawatem 3," which is underway. Joseph asked if he agreed to publish it in installments in Al-Akhbar. Ounsi agreed immediately and said: “Maybe, I don't know. I might write.”
On the way back home, Joseph told Ziad: Ounsi is a positive surprise. He will add a lot to Al-Akhbar.
Ounsi was not happy with Al-Akhbar's situation in the past two years. His editorial remarks increased. He was worried about the decline in the level of criticism. His concern was protecting the margin and he was hurt by the situation in the country and its surroundings. Several times, he would tell me: “Nobody in this country gets any respect. In our region, we are lost between tyrants and failed and immoral revolutionaries. In Lebanon, what I am afraid of is not the increased grip of the thieves on power or even on people, but that they will succeed in stealing what is left of the air of freedom.”
A few months ago, Ounsi received an offer to write in a newspaper funded by Qatar. He did not speak about it before he answered them. He came to the office in the evening, as is his custom. He wanted everyone to hear his position. He waited until several colleagues were around and said sarcastically: "I told them, let me stay with the Shia opposition newspaper, instead of working for a Wahhabi revolutionary newspaper."

Ounsi began to remember God, Jesus, and the Virgin Mary. He was harsh in his criticism of everything, political parties, religions, authorities, oppositions, occupations, and resistances, and from the wealthy's oppression and the backwardness of the poor. He took a lot of care of his small family and spoke about it more than ever before. It was as if he could not find anyone else next to him and he cared for nothing else in this life. He never spoke about his illness and cursed his doctor more than the ailment itself. When the doctor allowed him to ignore his prescriptions, he refused to eat or drink.
In the newspaper, in the building's cafe, in his evenings, and his gatherings Ounsi kept the warmest place for women. Any woman can interrupt him at any time. He felt a great ability to attract them towards him, his words, and when giving advice. But he knew the secret. He would persuade women, adolescent or mature, wife, mother, or free from family to rebel, to take care of their bodies, their work, and their culture, and to train daily to subjugate the authority of men. Yet, the women he desired remained the closest to his heart and mind.
The famous man who lived a simple life until the last moments, Ounsi al-Hajj, is gone. He wanted a quiet departure, in silence and without noise, just like in his life. For someone who was ready for anything indecent and different, I am now in awe of asking him to revise material written about him after he died. Who would believe than Ounsi would write before his death the introduction for a dossier to eulogize him.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Prisoner officials accuse Israel of ‘medical crimes’ in their concentration camps

Posted on  by michaellee2009


RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Minister of prisoner affairs Issa Qaraqe said on Monday that the treatment of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails amounted to “intentional medical crimes.”
Qaraqe said in a news conference at the Ministry of Information in Ramallah that sick prisoners were being targeted through medical negligence, until they become irrevocably sick.

Qaraqe added that a list of 80 people with serious medical conditions that cannot be kept in prison was given to President Mahmoud Abbas to include in negotiations.

Qaraqe called on the Arab League to request a special UN session to discuss medical negligence of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Qaraqe declared April 2 as a national day for the support of sick prisoners. It coincides with the anniversary of the death of Maysar Abu Hamdia, who succumbed to cancer in Israeli prison last year.

Prisoners society director Qaddura Faris expressed concern for “murders” of sick prisoners.

“These murders of prisoners are done publicly and with the cover of the Israeli government,” Faris said.

Qaddura warned Israel against continuing this policy, and he called on President Abbas to stop negotiations with Israel if the issue of sick prisoners was not made a priority

Washington forever scheming in Syria and in Geneva


Posted on February 18, 2014 by 

While negotiating with one hand in Geneva, with the other Washington is preparing a new military operation against Syria. Whatever the sequence of events, it will be sure to advance its pawns one way or another. War comes at no cost to Washington. It is the Syrians who are dying. To save time, it submitted to the Conference participants a Statement tabled by the “opposition”. Behind a conciliatory rhetoric, there are at least three traps that Thierry Meyssan breaks down for us.
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The second round of the Geneva 2 Conference opened on a very different tone from the first one. U.S. ambassador Robert S. Ford is no longer heading the “opposition” delegation and it is unclear who is now responsible for Syria in Washington. In any case, the representatives of “opposition” arrived with a “Statement of Basic Principles” [1] designed to set Damascus up for the same trap that Walid Muallem had laid for them during the first session: force him to answer his own ground. Damascus wanted to broach the fight against terrorism, but the “opposition” responded with a detailed description of the composition and mission of the Transitional Governing Body.
It was a particularly good move considering that, during the first session, Muallem had reached out to public opinion inside Syria, and sometimes in the Arab world, but never to that in the West. If he had wanted to target this audience, he should have started by focusing on international law before discussing the means to enforce it: the fight against terrorism. But first seeking to bolster the legitimacy of Damascus, he endeavored to expose the crimes perpetrated by the “opposition”-backed jihadists and the colonial ambitions of John Kerry.
Occupying the empty field, the United States dictated to the “opposition” a Statement which is based on the resolutions of the Security Council and the Geneva 1 Final Communiqué, that is to say on texts endorsed by all the states sponsoring the peace conference.
The Statement begins by detailing what the Body is supposed to be. Naturally, it will be neutral, inclusive – i.e. comprising all components of Syrian society-, peaceful – i.e. it would end the war-, and the guarantor of the territorial integrity of the country. Its function is to create an environment enabling the Syrian people to develop its own constitution and appoint its institutions.
- The first problem with this Statement is that it contravenes the practice of the armed groups. While the National Coalition expresses itself in a perfectly democratic language, the groups who are fighting on the ground have continued to brutalize minorities and try to impose a Salafist organization of society. Granted, most of these groups do not recognize the authority of the Coalition, but its legitimacy hinges on their actions.
Moreover, everyone have been aware of the hypocrisy since the beginning of the crisis: the best speakers for democracy in Syria being the absolute rulers of the Gulf dictatorships.
- The second problem with the Statement is the method to determine the Governing Body. Washington wants to impose it, as it did in many other countries. Hence it masterminded Geneva 2, as it did the Bonn Conference on Afghanistan: the great powers would negotiate among themselves and designate a Syrian Karzai. Damascus, however, continues to cite the Final Communiqué of Geneva 1, that “It is for the Syrian people to determine the future of the country.” Therefore, not only must the new constitution be approved by referendum, but the result of Geneva 2 may not be implemented unless it is ratified by President al-Assad. As it happens, he has committed himself to submitting it to a referendum.
Moreover, this remark reflects on the legitimacy of the “opposition” delegation. As noted by Sergey Lavrov in his opening statement at the conference, its current composition flies in the face of the Geneva I communiqué, which stipulates that “the peace talks should be open to all parties in Syria committed to a political settlement so that they will take an active part in the process and play their role.” However, the “opposition”delegation boils down only to the National Coalition, notwithstanding the fact that it has been repudiated by a majority of its members.
- The third hitch is that the Statement affords Washington the possibility to organize a Serbian-style regime change, by orchestrating a “color revolution”. The Kosovo war ended in a cease-fire followed by elections in Serbia. Through a crafty psychological campaign, the CIA got a pro-American candidate elected. Then it had Slobodan Milošević arrested and tried in The Hague for crimes against humanity. Since at the end of two years, the Court found no evidence to support the charges, Milošević was murdered in his cell. Ultimately, the Serbs fought for nothing because today they have lost Kosovo and are governed by those who bombed their country to smithereens.
The Statement thus contains an astonishing contradiction: it calls for the deployment of the United Nations throughout the country from outset of the transition, but it excludes them from the process. Instead, it affirms that its supervision will be entrusted to “independent organizations of international civil society.” In Central and Eastern Europe, these organizations were called Freedom House, Open Society Foundation and National Endowment for Democracy (NED) . The first is historically linked to both the United States and Israel , and the second is headed by business magnate and speculator George Soros, and serves the interests of both the United States and Israel, while the third is not an association, but a joint US-British-Australian body, created at the initiative of President Ronald Reagan to extend the work of the CIA after the scandals of the 70s. These organizations hand out billions of dollars everywhere they can to corrupt elites and to buy States.
In July 2011, Washington had sent an official Canadian delegation to Libya to propose a solution identical to the one applied in Serbia: a cease-fire followed by a transition period during which the “independent organizations of the international civil society” could deploy inside the country. Faced with Muammar el-Gaddafi’s refusal, NATO decided to enter by force.
In addition, the Statement stipulates that the Transitional Governing Body should create mechanisms to hold accountable “persons who have committed violations of human rights and international laws.” This phrase points directly to the arrest and transfer to The Hague of President al-Assad, during the transition period, for crimes against humanity. A procedure which should conclude, as for Milošević, by his death in his prison cell. There is no doubt that Washington’s candidates would win the elections once President al-Assad is eliminated from the game and the pseudo US associations deployed on the ground.
Therefore, much remains to be discussed in Geneva. Meanwhile, President Obama received the King of Jordan in California. The two men agreed on how the army currently being constituted in Jordan should again attack Syria. The deadline for Washington’s war plans is 30 September 2014. During the following seven months, the “opposition” should attempt to reverse the military balance of power and, at a minimum, take the south to install the seat of a provisional government. It is always better to have two irons in the fire.

Western Imperialism’s Creative Destruction in Syria


Posted on February 17, 2014 by 

US-led Western regime change in Syria might be described as a process of creative destruction. Like Schumpeter’s economic concept of cyclical creative destruction, so too Washington’s political machinations in Syria seem to be playing out likewise.
We begin with the premise that the humanitarian crisis in Syria over the past nearly three years is largely as a result of a Western covert proxy war inflicted on that country. The objective is to destabilize, terrorize and eventuate regime change in the Arab country…
The crisis afflicting Syria with over 130,000 dead and nearly nine million people displaced from their homes – nearly 40 per cent of the total population – would not be occurring if it were not for the infiltration of that country with massive flows of weapons, fighting funds and foreign mercenary brigades. US and NATO Special Forces, along with Western military intelligence, have worked with Saudi, Qatari, Jordanian, Israeli and Turk allies to foment this externally driven insurgency. All under the cover of an Arab Spring revolt.
The highly criminal process has attempted to destroy a sovereign country in order to create a new political order, one that is bereft of the existing political establishment under President Bashar Al Assad. This new order brought about by regime change would be amenable to Western interests in terms of Middle East politics and oil economics. In particular, the desired pro-Western regime would deny Russia, China and Iran of an important ally in the Mediterranean.
Western desire for regime change in Syria is well documented, according to American journalist Seymour Hersh, going back to at least 2007 when the George W Bush Presidency conceived of a plan to undermine the Syrian-Iranian resistance against Washington’s regional hegemony. Other historical studies argue that Western plans for regime change in Syria hark even further back to the 1950s when Dwight Eisenhower was US president.
Last year, former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas revealed that he was approached two years before the outbreak of latest conflict in Syria in March 2011 by British political figures, who told him of a plot to unseat the Syrian government.
So, our premise of Western regime change being the driver of conflict and humanitarian crisis in Syria is on solid ground.
By contrast, the alternative premise of the events in Syria being the result of a «popular pro-democracy uprising against Assad» is a nebulous narrative emanating from Western governments and the Western mainstream media. That narrative does not stand up to scrutiny. A modified version to accommodate the contradiction that the «uprising» has become driven largely by Al Qaeda-linked brigades goes along the lines that the initial pro-democracy movement has somehow been «hijacked by extremists». But an objective study of the conflict shows that the extremists were always dominant, and that these extremists have been bankrolled, directed and armed by the US-led axis of NATO and regional allies from the outset.
The divergence of these narratives – one based on reality, the other based on propaganda to serve political interests – is reaching a watershed over the humanitarian issue of besieged Syrian cities. The main location currently in focus is the city of Homs, Syria’s third urban centre after the capital, Damascus, and the second city of Aleppo.
In total across Syria, there is reckoned to be some 250,000 civilians trapped in siege situations, according to the United Nations. The conditions for these civilians have deteriorated alarmingly with reports of starvation and privation from lack of basic utilities and medicines.
But which party is responsible for the sieges and the humanitarian suffering? Typically, the Western governments and the Western news media are blaming the Syrian authorities and army for imposing blockades. As with much of their narrative, there is scant factual evidence to support and it seems to rely on assertion and innuendo.
«Syria evacuated 83 civilians on Friday who had lived under government siege in the devastated city of Homs for a year and a half», read a report in the New York Times on February 8.
The general inference in the Western media is that the Assad government is guilty of a crime against humanity by using starvation as a weapon.
A draft resolution tabled this week at the UN Security Council by Western and Arab states also heavily attributed responsibility for the siege in Homs and other cities to the Syrian government.
Russia and China rejected the draft resolution as «one-sided» and «divorced from reality» – as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov put it.

As it turns out in fact, Russia and China are correct in their assessment of the civilian sieges in Syria. Both tend to substantially agree with the Syrian government’s account that the humanitarian suffering of civilians trapped within Homs Old City, as well as in parts of Damascus and Aleppo, are the result of the Western-backed mercenaries. These groups are in effect holding on to urban territory by holding civilians hostage and as human shields.
This was obliquely admitted in the New York Times report cited above. Near the end of that article, the paper noted that why the siege in Homs has endured for nearly 18 months until this week’s arrival of aid convoys and partial evacuation of citizens was because the anti-government militants have previously prevented any deal being done.
«Rebels have rejected similar offers to evacuate women and children in the past because of concerns about what might happen to any men, including fighters, who are left behind», reported NYT. Or in other words, the so-called rebels were using women and children as human shields.
In another tacit admission of the real situation, as opposed to the propagandized version which blames the Syrian government for the siege, the British Guardian reported that most the civilians evacuated from Homs this week were being accommodated in other parts of the city, that is, in those parts controlled by government forces.
The Guardian reports on February 12: «The vast majority of those leaving the Old City [of Homs] were heading for the homes of relatives in other parts of Homs, according to the UN.»
Now think about that. If the Syrian government forces were really imposing a barbaric siege on citizens in the Old City district, as the Western media maintain, would those emerging starving citizens then voluntarily go to government-held areas for refuge and respite?
A handout picture released by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on February 9, 2014, shows civilians reacting after being evacuated from the militant-held district of the central Syrian city of Homs.
A handout picture released by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on February 9, 2014, shows civilians reacting after being evacuated from the militant-held district of the central Syrian city of Homs.
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1564331#sthash.A3FYy0Kz.dpuf

Testimony from some of the Homs’ evacuees bears that view out too. One mother told how life within the trapped city was like «living in a jungle of monsters». She added that the militants would habitually steal whatever meager food rations the civilians had in their possession.
Several other sources, such as the Governor of Homs, Talal al-Bazzari, confirm that the Syrian government has worked along with the UN and Syrian Arab Red Crescent to break the siege. Aid convoys and evacuation vehicles have been fired on with gunfire and mortars. Reliable sources indicate that it was the militants within the Old City district who opened fire. This is consistent with previous warnings from these same groups that they would attack any UN aid convoys trying to enter the area.
The same hostage-taking, human-shield scenario prevails in the militant-held Yarmouk district of Damascus and in Aleppo. It is clear therefore that the humanitarian crisis within besieged Syrian cities is the pernicious creation of Western-backed mercenaries – the same mercenaries who have been infiltrated into Syria to destroy that country in order to bring about Western regime change.
The humanitarian plight within the besieged city of Homs and other urban areas could serve as a microcosm of the entire conflict that Syria has been subjected to for the past three years. An entire nation has been held to ransom by external forces, comprising Al Qaeda foreign jihadists on the ground, all the way up to Western politicians sitting in high office.
What is disturbing about this criminal process of Western creative destruction is that the cycle does not stop once unleashed. The Western-backed mercenaries create the appalling humanitarian suffering within besieged cities, but instead of that narrative and its authors being rigorously held to account, as it should owing to the emerging facts and testimonies, the Western propagandists move on to another creative-destructive cycle.
Both the Financial Times and the New York Times have this week carried op-ed pieces, which stridently argue that the humanitarian crisis in Syria’s cities now merits a full-on Western military intervention.
Max Boot, a senior fellow at the US-based Council on Foreign Relations, writes in the Financial Times comparing Syria with Rwanda and Srebrenica, and he blames all the horror on the «Assad regime» with a litany of outright falsehoods.
Max BootBoot says: «No one is suggesting sending ground troops. But options range from doing more to arm the moderate opposition [sic], to declaring a no-fly zone. Drones could strike al-Qaeda operatives in Syria; air power could create humanitarian zones near the Turkish and Jordanian borders. The US could also take the lead in referring Mr Assad and his aides for war crimes prosecution.»
He adds: «The UN Security Council is unlikely to support such steps, but the US would not have to act alone. Allies from France to Saudi Arabia have been urging action and would be eager to co-operate. But they will do little as long as Mr Obama refuses to act.»
This hoary «Responsibility to Protect» appeal, which the US and its allies played as a pretext for imperialist regime change in Libya in 2011, is also reiterated by Danny Postel and Nader Hashemi in the New York Times, referring to the sieges in Syria as «moral obscenities» and blaming Russia as «a major obstacle» for its support of the Syrian government.
Postel and Hashemi contend: «We should invoke the Responsibility to Protect, the principle that if a state fails to protect its populations from mass atrocities — or is in fact the perpetrator of such crimes — the international community must step in to protect the victims… And if a multinational force cannot be assembled, then at least some countries should step up… to provide the necessary force on the ground, with air cover from participating nations.»
In case this hackneyed R2P appeal does not work, Western opinion formers are also lately lining up other «justifications» for military intervention in Syria, including the «threat from Al Qaeda to Western countries» and the destabilization of the region’s security from refugees fleeing the violence in Syria. All problems, it should be noted, which are created by previous cycles of destructive Western covert intervention in Syria.
How depraved can such thinking get? Creative solutions for Western imperialism flow from its very own destructive predations. Lost in the destruction, it seems, is any ability for intelligent reasoning and cognition among Western thinkers and planners to face up to the real nature of the problem in Syria – Western imperialism.

Rafik Nasrallah: On The coming 'battle' from its southern border, Bir Hassan Suicide Blasts and Salam Government,


’Israel’: Hezbollah Threat to Enter Galilee Serious

Local Editor

Translated by Mohamed Salami

The Israeli army asserted that Hezbollah threat to eHezbollah Destroys Israeli Tanksnter Galilee is serious and that the Zionist troops are preparing to face it after a TV program, broadcast by al-Mayadeen TV, presented a spectacular episode about the issue, Al-Akhbar Newspaperreported.

The Israeli response was conveyed by a Zionist news website which displayed a report about the enemy's military preparation for facing Hezbollah's threat.

The report included an interview with the commander of the northern area who stressed that the Israeli army is training for encountering a possible decision by Hezbollah to transfer the battle to the Palestinian territories in contrary with what happened in 2006 war.

The Israeli officer attributed the seriousness of the Zionist stance towards Hezbollah threat for the party's military participation in Syria.

He added that despite the losses that Hezbollah is suffering in Syria, the party is gaining extensive military experiences which concentrate mainly on the skills of initiating, attacking and reaching the targets.

Other senior Israeli officers highlighted the seriousness of Hezbollah threat to enter Galilee and stressed that Hezbollah military participation in Syria and the blasts that are storming Beirut have not been able to harm Hezbollah capability to control South Lebanon.

The officers added that Hezbollah is still intensifying his military capabilities in southern Lebanon since the party has an open account with 'Israel'.

Source: Newspapers
19-02-2014 - 18:02 Last updated 19-02-2014 - 18:38 

Libya Ex-Rebels Give MPs 5-Hour Ultimatum to Quit

Local Editor

Libya's interim assembly said it was facing an impending "coup" Tuesday after ex-rebel militias gave it a five-hour deadline to hand over power.

The potential crisis comes exactly three years after the start of the Arab Spring uprising that toppled strongman Moammar Gadhafi but left the sprawling North African country with a weak central government that has struggled to impose order on former rebel brigades.

Powerful militias made up of former rebels from the western town of Zintan gave the General National Congress, the country's highest political authority, an evening deadline to quit Tuesday, threatening to seize any lawmaker who ignored it.

"We are giving the General National Congress, whose mandate has expired, five hours to hand over power," commanders of the Zintan militias said in a televised statement, indicating a deadline of around 1930 GMT.

"Any member of Congress who stays will be... a legitimate target and will be arrested, then judged."

The assembly stirred widespread criticism earlier this month by extending its mandate, which had originally been due to expire on February 7.

The militias said the Muslim Brotherhood and "ideological and extremist groups are the origin of the problems in the country," which has seen near-daily attacks on security forces in recent months, many blamed on jihadist groups.

Speaker Nouri Abu Sahmein said the GNC "strongly denounces this attack against the authorities and categorically rejects the content of this statement, which it deems a coup d'etat."

"Congress has given the necessary instructions to take measures against the authors of this statement," he said, adding that the army and other former rebels had promised to defend the assembly.

However, by Tuesday afternoon no troop movements had been observed in the capital.
Prime Minister Ali Zeidan's government later issued a brief statement saying that a crisis meeting was being held to try to "calm the situation and avoid escalation."

Libyans are set to vote Thursday for a panel to draft a new constitution, but the polls have aroused none of the enthusiasm that attended its first free election in July 2012.

The charter is to cover key issues such as Libya's system of government, the status of ethnic minorities and the role of Islamic sharia law.
But only 1.1 million people have registered to vote, compared with more than 2.7 million in the 2012 polls for the interim parliament, from an electoral roll of 3.4 million.

Zintan, in the mainly Berber highlands southwest of Tripoli, was one of the bastions of the NATO-backed uprising that ended the four-decade rule of Gadhafi, who was captured and killed by rebels.

The militias issuing the ultimatum included the al-Qaaqaa and al-Sawaiq brigades, two of the most powerful and well-disciplined militias in the country, both nominally loyal to the regular army.

Ambassador Deborah Jones said the United States, which took part in the NATO air campaign that helped topple Gadhafi, "supports fully the legitimacy of the transitional democratic process."

"Use of force is not a legitimate means of changing democratically elected institutions," she wrote on Twitter.

The UN mission in Libya meanwhile called on all sides to "refrain from resorting to force to resolve political disputes."

Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team

Syrian Army Advances in Aleppo, in Qalamoun &Yabroud we are Here


مخاوف من هزيمة مدوية للمسلحین بعد توجه دمشق للحسم العسكري

مخاوف من هزيمة مدوية للمسلحین بعد توجه دمشق للحسم العسكري

Syrian Army Advances in Aleppo, Kills Scores of Terrorists across Country
Local Editor
The Syrian army on Wednesday destroyed the so-called 'Sharia court' that belongs to the armed terrorist groups near the area of Bab al-Hawa to the borders with Turkey, killing dozens of terrorists in operSyrian Armyations against their gatherings and hideouts in several areas.

Army units eliminated a number of terrorists from Jabhet al-Nusra in a series of precise operations targeting their hideouts in the farms of al-Sahel and al-Mashrafeh towns, Rima farms, and near Yabroud in Damascus Countryside.

Other units destroyed terrorists hideouts in al-Batra’a quarries east of al-Rihaibe, in Aliya and al-Asha’ari farms in Douma area, and in Khan al-Sheih and its farms, leaving a number of terrorists dead or injured, while more units clashed with terrorists in the town of Daraya and killed a number of them.

Members of a terrorist group were left dead or injured and their weapons were destroyed in the town of Erbin, while a number of terrorists from the Islamic Front were killed in a special operation by an army unit which targeted their hideout in Adra workers city.

Army units also clashed with terrorists in Harasta and Jobar, killing a number of them including terrorist group leader Ala’a al-Khatib.

On a relevant note, a number of terrorists were killed when infighting broke between two terrorist groups in Harasta. Among the dead terrorists was Mazen al-Saleh.

Five citizens, two of them children, were killed in terrorist attacks in Damascus countryside.

A source at Damascus Countryside Police Command told SANA that terrorists detonated two explosive devices in the towns of Jdaidet al-Wadi on Tuesday evening, claiming the lives of five civilians, including a mother and her two children, in addition to injuring others and causing material damage to buildings.

The source said that terrorists also fired a mortar round at the Police Hospital in Harasta, causing material damage but no injuries, in addition to firing another mortar which landed at the outskirts of Qudsaya and caused material damage to parked cars.

In the town of Mhardeh in Hama province, two citizens were killed and others were injured by a rocket shell fired by terrorists on Tuesday night.

A source at Hama Police Command told SANA that the rocket shell targeted the eastern part of the town, claiming two lives, injuring six, and causing material damage to houses.

Terrorists' mortar shells claimed the lives of three citizens in the city of Idleb and the villages of al-Mastoumeh and al-Foua in the northern countryside of the province on Tuesday evening.

A source at the Police Command in the province said that terrorists fired three mortar shells on al-Saba Bahrat roundabout and al-Jalaa Street in the city of Idleb, causing the death of a woman and material damage to the area.

The source added that terrorists fired seven mortar shells on al-Foua village, claiming the lives of a man and a woman.

Moreover, three citizens were injured by a mortar shell the terrorists' fired on al-Mastoumeh village.

A source told SANA that an army unit killed six terrorists in Mzerib town in Daraa and destroyed a gathering in the area surrounding a food cannery, adding that the bodies of Monzer Mohammad al-Hashish and Salah Eddin al-Hashish were identified among the killed terrorists.

The source added that an army unit thwarted a terrorists' attempt of detonating an explosive device near the entrance of Mehja town on Daraa-Damascus road.

The army units targeted and destroyed terrorists’ hideouts in many areas in Aleppo and its countryside.

A military source told SANA that the army clashed with terrorists in the neighborhoods of Bani Zaid, al-Haydaryeh, al-Inzarat, al-Sakhour, Masaken Hanano and Bustan al-Qasr and in the areas of Jdeida, Kweires, al-Bureej, al-Surbus, al-Aweja, al-Hussamyeh, Handarat, Rasm al-Abboud, the Industrial Zone, al-Hamima and near Aleppo Central Prison, killing and injuring scores of terrorists.

The army also targeted and destroyed vehicles loaded with weapons and ammunition in the areas of al-Atareb, al-Maysar and Aourm and killed all the terrorists riding in them.

An army unit destroyed terrorist gatherings in the villages of Kafr Laha, al-Dar al-Kabireh and Kisin in Homs countryside, in addition to destroying cars loaded with weapons between the villages of Burj Qai’ee and Teldo in al-Houleh area.

Another unit eliminated terrorists and injured others in the town of al-Rastan and between the villages of Oum al-Reesh and Rasm al-Arnab in the eastern countryside.

In Talbiseh countryside, an army unit carried out a special operation in which it destroyed a terrorist training camp belonging to the Islamic Front in al-Sa’en area, destroying a number of cars equipped with heavy machineguns and other equipment.

Thirty five terrorists were killed and four machine-equipped vehicles were destroyed in an ambush in the village of Qmeinas in Idleb, while another unit killed several terrorists in Failon village in the province, according to a source.

The source added that an army unit destroyed the so-called 'Sharia court' that belongs to the armed terrorist groups near the area of Bab al-Hawa on the borders with Turkey.

Army units eliminated terrorists and destroyed their weapons in the villages of Kourin, Tal Salmo, al-Majas and al-Shoueha in Abu al-Duhour area.

Armed terrorist groups were eliminated in al-Roshdiyeh neighborhood in the city of Deir-Ezzor, a source said, adding that the body of the terrorist Mohammad Nader Qarasli was identified among the dead.

The source said that army units destroyed a number of terrorists' cars near al-Baath bridge and foiled their attempt of attacking the airport on the outskirts of the city of Deir-Ezzor.

Source: Agencies
19-02-2014 - 20:37 Last updated 19-02-2014 - 20:37
The Syrian army launched a wide campaign in the Syrian town of Yabroud in Qalamoun as it controlled the village of Jarajeer which borders the Lebanese town of Arsal.

The Syrian Army is preparing also to recapture the area of Rima farms, inflicting heavy losses upon the militants.

IMG 20140212 WA0026 300x225 Qalamoun &Yabroud we are Here
The Syrian army continued Thursday its campaign in Qalamoun after it controlled the areas of Rima Farms and Jarajir which borders the Lebanese town of Arsal: Syrian ArmyIMG 20140212 WA0026 300x225 Qalamoun &Yabroud we are Here

The Syrian army also foiled an armed terrorist group’s infiltration attempt from the Lebanese territories into Talkalakh in Homs.

A source told SANA that dozens of terrorists attempted to infiltrate from Lebanon through Azer site into Talkalakh, pointing out that an army unit in cooperation with border guard personnel confronted them and killed many of the terrorists.

IMG 20140215 WA0010 300x195 Qalamoun &Yabroud we are HereThe source added that the army unit destroyed machine guns and ammunition the terrorists attempted to transfer into the Syrian territories in a bid to support other terrorists who are exposing fetal blows in al-Zara town by the army.

And recent news stated that the SAA and Hizbollah have made great progress there,adding that no death toll for the Hizbollah

And An unofficial news from isreal stated that:”Military analyst, wrote in the newspaper ” Maariv ” Israeli Mossad gave an urgent report two days ago to the Israeli government . This report speaks about the need to take military action against Hezbollah if he succeeded in the case of the latter dropping Yabrood .

According to the newspaper Yabrood fortifications is greater than any city in the Middle East and does outweight(greater)than the fortifications of most Israeli cities . Thus In the case of income referred to Hezbollah , it will be more than ready to enter into any Israeli city in the future . It also confirmed intelligence that Hezbollah did not bring to Yabrood the finest fighters but on the contrary , it used in the fight ordinary members . So it was considered that the Mossad considers Yabrood as the last test for Hezbollah and beyond should be a war to destroy the party and cripple its capabilities Otherwise , Israel is in real danger .

The newspaper also confirmed that Nasrallah made ​​the decision to clean up the area for several reasons, including geopolitical reasons as the theme of extracting oil from Lebanon .

The newspaper concluded the need to follow up Nasrallah’s speech Sunday, he will be hinged . He also stressed that if the Mossad has not been able to hit Hezbollah , then God alone can eliminate that organization.

Beirut orphanage latest victim to suicide bombings


Lebanese children from an orphanage located next to the site of a bomb explosion react following the attack on February 19, 2014 in a southern suburb of the capital Beirut. (Photo: AFP- STR)
Published Thursday, February 20, 2014
The twin suicide bombings yesterday in Bir Hassan, south of Beirut, were rightfully described as “an attack on the Islamic orphanage.” In fact, the two blasts shook the neighborhood surrounding al-Majad Center, part of the Social Welfare Institutions, where about 100 children were playing outside and 150 others were attending classes. All 250 children were at the building when two suicide bombers blew themselves up.
What were the bombers’ targets? Did they think they would be able to hit those targets without hurting little children, orphans and students with learning disabilities? It is hard to convince these kids that they were not on the hit list. “The explosion was just outside the wall,” they said, the same wall separating them from the main road.
Yesterday their laughter didn’t escape the concrete as they celebrated a small recreational event, instead bombs and the oncoming shrapnel hit them from the outside. They described what happened in their own childish language, “a very loud noise, the building shook, the teacher fell, my friends disappeared before we took a picture, I fell on my leg.”
As shocked children started to come back to their senses, they ran inside to hide but there was nothing left to protect them. Classroom windows shattered with shards of glass everywhere. It was as if an earthquake had just hit the area. Superintendents asked the students to gather in a room they usually use to watch TV. They swept away the glass with their small little hands and sat on chairs, waiting in silence. Some of them haven’t spoken since.

On the bus, as they returned to the orphanage’s main headquarters in Barbir, they spoke a bit about what happened to them, and when they reached their dormitory they started to relate the events to their friends who weren’t with them at the time.
These children go to al-Majad Center every day to attend classes. It’s not just a school and orphanage, but a vocational institution for girls and boys with learning disabilities. “We were at the playground because the school was having a festival,” said Camellia, a young school girl. It was a reward “because we have been studious and polite,” she added.
It was supposed to be a beautiful day that the children have been dreaming about and preparing for, a reward for their discipline and hard work. They finished their first class and went to the playground; some started playing at once while others went to put on costumes they brought for the occasion and to put some face paint on so they fit with their characters. Camellia was dressed as a bunny and was taking a picture with her friend “when we heard the noise,” she looked around her but found no one.
Mohammed, a student in the advanced class, was holding his right leg when we met with him at the main headquarters. He was mad before the blast; he didn’t like the football team that his teacher assigned him to. He was angry saying “I don’t want to play anymore,” when the blast occurred, “the land shook and I fell on my leg.” Meanwhile, Ahmed from the preparatory class, was happy with his team and waiting for his teacher to give him the ball.
Children were almost whispering their stories which lacked the usual emotions and excitement of children talking about their games. Camellia’s picture with her friend no longer mattered, neither did Ahmed’s ball. Even Mohammed was no longer angry that he was playing with the weak team. Something happened and erased it all; it changed the color of their faces and brought tears to their eyes.
Camellia doesn’t laugh when you ask her who’s faster, her or the bunny? The children don’t want to plead for another festivital instead of the one they lost. They only want to stay where it is safe, though they are still worried about their friends who were moved to other centers after a decision by the chairman of the Social Welfare Institutions, former Minister of Education Khaled Qabbani, who rushed to the scene.
Qabbani was informed about the blast while he was at the main headquarters, he couldn’t reach the administration in Bir Hassan by phone so he went there himself. He described the scene as total chaos “no class was spared, no roofs were left, glass was all over the place, all equipment was damaged, sewing machines, computers, and teaching tools.” But most importantly, the children were safe, “100 children were out on the playground, they all survived, only 11 were hurt but they are okay.”
Qabbani reiterated what he said on TV, “this is a criminal terrorist attack, no matter what side stands behind it. The perpetrators are true criminals because they are attacking innocents and not distinguishing between mothers, elderly and people just heading to their jobs. It is a random attack that leads nowhere and doesn’t serve any cause other than criminal intent and it is denounced by everyone with a conscience.” Qabbani stressed that the center will be rehabilitated soon and promised alternative programs for the children in the meantime.
In a statement, the orphanage said that 11 children and one staff member were wounded in the twin blasts, while 250 people were inside the building at the time.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Perez:Happy with the Palestinian traitor's seriousness about reaching peace


On Sunday, Abbas struck a conciliatory tone on two of the most divisive issues, saying he did not want to "flood Israel" with returning Palestinian refugees and that there was no need to "re-divide" Jerusalem.
Israeli President Shimon Peres on Monday hailed remarks by Abbas on the Palestinian refugee issue, which he said showed the Palestinian president's "seriousness about reaching peace.""I was happy to hear him," Peres's office quoted him as saying at the start of a meeting with Peruvian President Ollanta Humala.


Zionist Entity to Build Jewish Museum near Al-Aqsa Mosque

Local Editor

Palestine: Al-Aqsa MosqueZionist municipal authorities have approved Wednesday a plan to build a Jewish museum and a major settlement project in the Wadi Helweh neighborhood in Silwan, north of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the city of Al-Quds (occupied East Jerusalem), according to a Palestinian legal center.

"They will build a settlement tourism center, dubbed Ma'ayan Hyogen, on a 1200-square-meter area in the eastern part of the neighborhood," the Wadi Helweh Information Center said in a statement.

"The tourism center will include a Jewish museum as part of the Zionist national park around the walls of the Old City," it added.

Ma'ayan Hyogen is a Zionist government project that will be implemented and supervised by the Eliad settlement organization, the center noted.

Palestinians accuse the Zionist entity of trying to "Judaize" the holy city, which they want as the capital of a future Palestinian state.

International law considers the West Bank and Al-Quds - captured by Zionist occupation in 1967 - to be occupied territories and views as illegal all Jewish settlement building on the land.

Palestinians insist that Zionist settlement building must stop before a comprehensive Zionist-Palestinian agreement can be reached.

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"What is happening nowadays is the parallel wrongly drawn between Marshal Field al Sisi – the chief of Intelligence under Mubarak’s rule – and leader Jamal abdul Nasser, to the benefit of of the first and the disadvantage of the second. While al Sisi is a stooge to the world order used in its war against so called terror personified by the Egyptian Muslim Brothers , Nasser is a national acknowledged hero by all standards. Never al Sisi will become Nasser and never was Nasser like al Sisi."

I told the donkey: Sisi is neither Nasser, nor Mubarak. 
I would add: The majority of Egyptians expects to see in a new Nasser, some expect him a new Sadat, others expect him a new Mubarak. He is Sisi

ماذا بعدالرئاسية المصرية المقبلة مواصفات المرشح وما المنتظر من الرئيس

Meet the real stooge of the Zionist's world order

Cairo, Feb 17 (IANS) Former Egyptian military chief of staff, Sami Anan, will join the country's upcoming presidential race, Anan's media office announced Sunday. The office said the ex-military official will soon make a public announcement on his candidacy, Xinhua reported. Once a military adviser for ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, Anan is facing criticism from supporters of Military Chief and Defence Minister Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, who accuse him of being"the candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood", which is now blacklisted by the interim government as a "terrorist organisation." Since Sisi led Morsi's removal last July, his popularity has grown in the turmoil-stricken country with many of his supporters calling on him to run for president.

Here is a certificate from Sufi order published online about Sami Anan claiming that he is the great grandson of none other than Omar Al-Khattab

Putin and the Game of Nations

لعبة الأمم - بوتين ولعبة الأمم - 2014-02-19

 “القطبة المخفيّة” في ارتقاء العلاقة المصرية – الروسية

“القطبة المخفيّة” في ارتقاء العلاقة المصرية – الروسية

“القطبة المخفيّة” في ارتقاء العلاقة المصرية – الروسية

وكالة أوقات الشام الإخبارية -

تعددت التفسيرات للزيارة التي قام بها وزيرا الخارجية والدفاع المصريان نبيل فهمي والمشير عبد الفتاح السيسي إلى العاصمة الروسية، رغم الإجماع على أنها تاريخية في توقيتها ونقاط  محاور البحث، والرسائل المراد إيصالها إلى عناوين واضحة، لعل أهمها على الإطلاق الخروج بمصر من القبضة الأميركية التي كانت تضغط على عنقها تصاعدياً من تسلم أنور السادات لسدة الرئاسة في أعقاب وفاة الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر.
من حيث الشكل، هي رد للزيارة التي قام بها وزيرا خارجية ودفاع روسيا سيرغي لافروف وسيرغي شويغو إلى القاهرة قبل ثلاثة أشهر، وهو ما أراده “الباطنيون” أو أولئك الذين لا يريدون إعطاء الزيارة حقها الطبيعي من حيث المضمون الجدي، أو أولئك الذين يتعمدون إبخاس الزيارة حتى حقها المعنوي، من خلفية لها مراميها السياسية المرتبطة بالماضي القريب للسياسة المصرية، فيما “التبسيطيون” المؤيدون للزيارة أقصروها على بندين اثنين، هما رد للزيارة، وعقد صفقة سلاح لمجرد التنويع.
إن الأبعاد الحقيقية للزيارة التي تزامنت مع بداية الترشيحات الرئاسية المصرية، والتي سيخوضها السيسي من حيث وجهة نظر القائمين بها، هي بحد ذاتها “انطلاقة جديدة لتطوير التعاون العسكري والتكنولوجي” وفق ما قاله السيسي شخصياً، والذي أمل في تسريع التعاون، لكن المعروف في الظاهر والعمق أن العلاقات العسكرية تكون ترجمة لمدى التقارب السياسي، وهذا الأمر هو الذي أربك الولايات المتحدة وحساباتها المستمرة على أخطائها منذ الحراك الذي أطاح أولاً بالرئيس حسني مبارك، والذي اشتد عمقاً أثناء وبعد عزل الرئيس محمد مرسي، الذي كانت تربطه وفريقه السياسي علاقات حميمة مع واشنطن.
الزيارة في جوهرها رد شامل على السياسات الابتزازية الأميركية، لا سيما ما يتعلق بالمعونات، خصوصاً العسكرية، وبالتالي هي مؤشر جدي للخروج من قبضة الهيمنة، والتوجه إلى الشرق شيء طبيعي، لتأكيد انطلاق التحرر على طريق فرض سيادة القرار المصري الوطني، وليس مجرد كسر احتكار الهيمنة، وتحرير مصادر السلاح حتى لو أراد البعض القول إن “السلاح الذي انتصرنا به عام 1973 كان سلاحاً روسياً”، وحتى هذه المسألة التفصيلية أفقدت واشنطن جزءاً من صوابها، ورد الفعل الأميركي خير دليل على شعور واشنطن بكسر هيبتها وهيمنتها في مصر، فمن التجاهل بداية إلى التعليق المقتضب للناطقة باسم الخارجية التي ترجمت القلق الأميركي بالقول إن دولاً كثيرة مهتمة بمصر وتريد إقامة علاقات، إلى انفجار الغيض المكبوت من الترحيب الروسي بالسيسي، وإصرار الرئيس بوتين على استقباله استقبال الرؤساء، والإثناء على خطوته بالترشح للرئاسة المصرية، حتى تعلن واشنطن “أن لا بوتين ولا الولايات المتحدة من يقرر من سيحكم مصر، إنما الشعب المصري هو الذي يقرر من سيكون الرئيس،وما تسمى انتصارات روسية في مصر مبالغ فيه، ولدينا علاقات قوية وطويلة على الصعيد العسكري”، لكن الذي  يكشف القلق المشوب بالغضب هي الرسالة التي بعثت بها واشنطن عبر الترشح المفاجئ لرئيس الأركان السابق سامي عنان لخوض الانتخابات الرئاسية، وإعلان منسق حملة عنان“أننا نمتلك من المفاجآت ما سيربك كل حسابات المرشحين”.
لا شك أن المقصود هو السيسي، الذي ترك البرودة مع واشنطن وانتقل إلى دفء موسكو، مع التأكيد منه أن الزيارة لا تهدف إلى تغيير حليف أي موسكو بدل واشنطن، إنما لم يعد الأمر مشجعاً على الاعتماد على واشنطن كحليف أوحد.
في الواقع، وإذا عدنا للتاريخ، فإن أكثر ما أفسد علاقة الرئيس عبد الناصر بالولايات المتحدة هو محاولة منعه من التصدي لـ”الإخوان المسلمين” والاقتصاص منهم على أفعالهم، فكانت موسكو من تلقف الحال ونشأت العلاقة التي أدت إلى بناء السد العالي والتسلح المصري النوعي، وها هو التاريخ يعيد نفسه في إعادة بناء العلاقات المصرية – الروسية، وعلى القاعدة نفسها من بابي المواجهة مع “الإخوان المسلمين” المفتوح على تسلح نوعي غير مشروط، بتمويل سعودي -إماراتي قاعدته أيضاً العداء لـ”الإخوان”، وهي النقطة المركزية و”القطبة المخفية” في ارتقاء العلاقة المصرية – الروسية.
يونس عودة – الثبات

Path Taken by Suicide BMW between Lebanon and Syria


Local Editor

Lebanon security: simulation of the scuicide car that exploded in front of Iranian embassy in BeirutCriminals of Bir Hassan Wednesday dual blast in Beirut have moved the BMW-type car from one place to another between Lebanon and Syria before bombing it so not to raise suspicion, Al-Akhbar local newspaper reported Thursday.

Investigations revealed that the BMW was carrying around 100 kilograms of explosive materials. It was one of the two cars used in the attack which left 8 people martyrs and more than 103 wounded.

"In June 2013, the BMW was rented by a young man expert in stealing cars. He 'sold' it for $600 for a young man in the northern Bekaa called A. M.," the daily said.

"A.M. in turn, moved the car in question to another young man in the Bekaa town of Brital who is professional in counterfeiting cars official papers and selling them as if they are legitimate."

According to the daily, the Brital young man sells his 'production' for one of the stolen car dealers in the same town, who has close ties with colleagues working in the same field inside Syrian territory .

The car that exploded in Bir Hassan Wednesday was bought by Syrian dealers operating by the side of Syrian opposition militiamen. They entered the BMW into the opposition-led town of Assal al-Wared in the Qalamoun area, Al-Akhbar said.

The car was moved then to a group linked to the Abdullah Azzam Brigades - one of al-Qaeda terrorist organization branches. It was bboby-trapped there and moved to Lebanon through the northern town of Arsal on the border with Syria, it added.

The daily stated that the above information have been provided by high rank security sources to the Minister of Interior Nohad al-Mashnooq.

"Stolen cars crossings from Lebanon to Syria are helping the terrorist Abdullah Azzam Brigades to bomb cars and re- send them to Lebanon," Mashnooq said once he stepped the scene of the crime in Bir Hassan Wednesday.

The other booby-trapped car was of Mercedes type with a forged panel, and its chassis number does not exist in the Lebanese official records, security sources added.

One of Bir Hassan Suicide Bombers Palestinian Lives in South Lebanon
Local Editor
One of the two suicide bombers who attacked Bir Hassan on Wednesday is  a Palestinian who lives in the Lebanese southern town of Bisaria, the National News Agency reported.
Intelligence directorate of the Lebanese army circulated the image of the terrorist Nedal al-Mughir earlier.

His father admitted that the circulated image belongs to his terrorist son.

NNA made clear that the photo on the fake identity card found in the scene of the blast in Bir Hassan refers to Nedal Hisham al-Mughir, a Palestinian national who fought for month in the Syrian city of Qalamoun against the Syrian army. He was also partisan of the escaped terrorist cleric Ahmad al-Assir.

Lebanon: Fake ID found in blast scene of Bir Hassan; Feb. 19, 2014Al-Qaeda-affiliated the so-called Abdullah Azzam Brigades terrorist group claimed responsibility on its Twitter account for the dual suicide bombing Wednesday in front of the Islamic Orphanage and Iranian Cultural Center.

Wednesday blasts left eight people killed, including four Sunnis, three Shiites and one Druze, along with more than 103 wounded.

The same terrorist group had claimed the responsibility of the previous dual explosions that targeted the Iranian embassy in Beirut in late November.

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Lebanon’s government: A ticking time bomb with regional and international controls

Published Monday, February 17, 2014
The mistake that the various Lebanese parties made after the formation of the new government is that some of them saw it as a victory but they might be surprised, while others accepted it as a defeat and shocked their supporters. In reality, it is not a matter of victory or defeat. It is more like a ticking time bomb. It will either explode soon or its trigger will be defused, if the understandings reached between all the parties mature into a deal.
What are the possibilities? What happened?
First, it is no longer possible to isolate Lebanon from the regional axes that surround it. Hezbollah is part of a regional and international axis that is confident it is going to win, as the party’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah said in his speech yesterday. It is not logical that Nasrallah would hand over the reigns of the government in Lebanon to his adversaries without a price. In which case, let us look for the price somewhere else, such as Syria.
Second, combatting terrorism has become a priority at this stage. It is better therefore for the Interior, Justice, and Telecom ministries in Lebanon to be under the control of non-Shia officials. This facilitates the process of granting international support to the Lebanese army prior to confronting domestic terrorism. It also compels the March 14 forces to take on the responsibility of striking groups that have a welcoming, friendly milieu in certain Lebanese areas. March 14 is now bound by an international decision to combat terrorism.

Third, Lebanon might become in the future a destination for international investors in the oil sector. The Energy and Finance ministries are central to this international openness to parties allied with Hezbollah. This international success can be credited or attributed to the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, and it is another victory for the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) leader Michel Aoun.
Fourth, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stayed with Aoun. This is important regionally and internationally. It is important to have a minister who speaks a language close to that of March 8 and Syria even if he is not on the same ideological and aggressive level as his predecessor Adnan Mansour.
We now face several fundamental questions.
One, does the understanding reached between Aoun and former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri come with Nasrallah’s, and therefore, Iranian-Syrian support? Or did it violate the famous understanding between Aoun and Hezbollah putting the former in the international camp hostile to the party?
Logic and experience indicate that Aoun is more solid and transparent than some might believe. His loyalty led him to meet Nasrallah right before Christmas to discuss his meeting with Hariri. Nasrallah gave his blessing and told him to press ahead.
Hezbollah’s secretary general realizes that the strategic changes in the region requires defusing sectarian and any other kind of tension. He realizes too that the party’s priority at this point is not in Lebanon. The regional and international axis that it is part of is more important. Victory in Syria is the goal. The Lebanese government at this point is a mere detail.
The meeting between Aoun and Hariri happened about two months ago and was followed by another meeting between Hariri and FPM Minister Gibran Bassil a few days ago. Hezbollah was well-informed of the details of these meetings. The understanding between the FPM and Hezbollah therefore continues and the party reciprocated Aoun’s loyalty.
Two, will Iran - whose place in Lebanese politics now supersedes that of Syria - accept its allies’ defeat in the government? Or did it encourage its allies to make goodwill gestures in return for a price somewhere else? It appears that this goodwill is the very price being referred to. The Future Movement accepting to join a government with Hezbollah is important for Iran and the party. Iran reciprocated by offering Saudi Arabia a gift, namely a Lebanese government that superseded Saudi expectations. This coincided with facilitating an understanding in Yemen between the Houthis and the Hashid tribe. Where will the price be? Look in Syria.
Three, is the government meant to last? Will it be followed by a regional and international agreement on the identity of the Lebanese president? It is possible but not certain. The initial statements made by General Ashraf Rifi, MP Boutros Harb, and former President Amin Gemayel after forming the government indicate that the next phase is not going to be easy.
There are two possibilities, either the government was formed to fail right away, i.e. before the presidential elections so it will not be responsible for a presidential vacuum if it happens, or it came as a result of behind-the-scenes agreements that redraw the internal balance of power. That is possible.
Four, what if the current government is a trap? In there lies the most dangerous possibility. If the attack on Hezbollah is escalated and the bombings continue in areas where the party has a strong presence, what will the response be? It is not logical for Hezbollah to accept developments on the Lebanese scene that affect the progress of its regional axis. Full blown confrontation is possible and it is perhaps the most dangerous option if regional and international efforts to forcefully overthrow Assad and his allies continue.

Five, if the situation in the region is leaning towards reaching understandings, what is the price promised to Iran and its allies? It might be allowing Assad’s reelection. This assumes that the other side would take up the mantle of fighting terrorism. It also assumes modifications to Syria’s government to include the opposition in the coming phase. Meetings away from the limelight between Syrian opposition parties and Hezbollah suggest that in order to apply the Homs compromise in other areas. Hezbollah is now negotiating directly with Free Syrian Army and other fighters to facilitate the process of reaching understandings. That coincided with receiving the head of the opposition Syrian National Coalition, Ahmad al-Jarba, by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In short, the Lebanese government will serve as a kind of barometer for the upcoming period. The factors that might lead to its explosion are equivalent to the possibilities of its survival. True, some of its members are considered hawks but it is also true that some of them are high-level strategists and they are able to read the progress of the Iranian-Western understanding from a new perspective.
One such figure is Interior Minister Nouhad al-Machnouk. The man comes from a long political experience. Beginning from his relations with the leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization and former Prime Minister Taqiuddin al-Solh to the late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in addition to his media experience and regional relations with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey.
He realizes that a sensitive ministry like the one he occupies in a volatile situation like the one that exists in Lebanon today requires wisdom, flexibility and broadening the circle of contacts. He realizes too that understanding regional developments is more important than pleasing the public or their community.
No doubt Machnouk and some of his new colleagues know that approaching the Lebanese situation from an angle other than the Western-Iranian understanding, fighting terrorism, Syrian developments, and the possibility of a later rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Syria is an adventure. They have the chance, like Hezbollah, to allow this period to pass, try to calm the situation and reach a real understanding. But like Hezbollah, they also have the chance to drive Lebanon further into the unknown.
It does not make a lot of sense to look at the government in terms of victory and defeat. It is realistic to look at it as apart of regional and international understandings that could continue or explode. Hezbollah and Iran have offered their gifts, will they be paid back? The axis comes first and Syria is a priority.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

The Final Damascus Saga & The Assassination of Dr. Bashar Al Assad

غزوة دمشق الأخيرة متى تبدأ ؟ وما هي حظوظها ؟

غزوة دمشق الأخيرة متى تبدأ ؟ وما هي حظوظها ؟

The Final Damascus Saga & The Assassination of Dr. Bashar Al Assad

Posted by: Arabi Souri February 20, 2014
A former diplomat from a GCC country claimed in a short chat that his country’s officials have received confirmed information from sources in the United States administration that the assassination of the Syrian president Dr. Bashar Al Assad is a matter of days only, after which the whole Syrian crisis will find its way to resolving, the US style.
Since the beginning of the riots in Syria aka the Arab Spring, or the Syrian Revolution, the goals escalated from calling for the ability to sell plots of lands at the borders with Jordan to investors from the Gulf countries and mainly from Qatar who showed weird desire to buy big chunks of land at the strategic borders connecting Syria, Jordan, occupied Palestine and Lebanon, those calls swiftly were fueled and escalated, when the Syrian government reacted fast and introduced all laws that exceeded any expectations the planners had, to reach the toppling of the Syrian state at any cost and the ending of the Syrian president’s life.
Syria Al Qaeda Terrorists The Final Damascus Saga & The Assassination of Dr. Bashar Al Assad
NATO Sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria
We’ve witnessed throughout almost 3 years now all types of lies and liars with straight faces and all types of imaginable and non-imaginable media fabrications to ensure the Syrian crisis will end with the destruction of Syria with the largest bill of Syrian citizens blood for the success of the western ‘revolution’.
The western ‘analysts’ and ‘strategists’ fail on purpose or by default due to stupidity to realize the fact that the Syrian people are harder to fool than others and in their vast majority didn’t fall in the traps of the ‘democracy’ NATO or Wahhabism style, therefore, they’re giving it their last effort yet they plan it to be their deadliest to ‘finish the Syrian crisis’.
In the information conveyed a large number of terrorists highly trained by NATO experts in north of Jordan estimated around 7,000 Wahhabi suicide Jihadists, supervised by a former figure in the Saudi embassy in Washington known as R. M. This R. M. moved back to Saudi Arabia with his boss the infamous Bandar Ben Sultan Al Saud aka Bandar Bush and was appointed as an assistant to the deputy head of the Saudi ‘intelligence’ services led by Bandar Bush.
R. M. who traveled to Saudi recently to report to his commanders the readiness of his ‘holy warriors’ to ‘liberate’ Syria from its dignity and the zero hour was set which is supposed to be within the coming 72 to 96 hours maximum. His 7,000 anti-Islamic anti-Christ soldiers will move up north crossing the Jordanian borders into Syria using latest shipment of armored vehicles and surface to air missiles especially the anti-helicopter ones, the terrorists will move from Sahm side towards Quneitra then turn leftto meet the other 5,000 already readied terrorists coming towards Damascus from Smad and Manieh villages in Daraa and reaching the river at Damascus outskirts.
The attack is coordinated with sleeping cells including big numbers of terrorists who claimed they repented the fight against the Syrian government and dropped their weapons during the latest unusual ‘reconciliation’ process in many villages in Damascus countryside.
The Israelis promised to open corridors for wounded Al Qaeda Wahhabi FSA terrorists to be treated in their hospitals and to use their latest jamming radars paid for by the US taxpayers.
Meanwhile and as planned for a long while now, two groups of terrorists will try to storm the presidential palace and a couple of other sites in the Syrian capital suspected to be places where the Syrian president and his family move in between. The main goal of these suicide bombers is to be granted the largest numbers of houris (mermaids) in exchange of killing Dr. Bashar Al Assad and all his family members they can reach.
The terrorists move was set to be due during the second phase of ill talks of Geneva 2, but were delayed due to logistic reasons.
Al Saud and Al Thani of Qatar (pronounced Gutter) have this final move to accomplish their goals in destroying the last secular country in the region with the help of their Israeli brethren. If they win, the entire region will be set to endless chaos and hundred of thousands of innocents will be massacred for ethnic and sectarian basis, the world will sit idle and the UN chief will express his worries.
In the event Al Saud, Al Thani and their terrorists fail in this and they lose their core army of terrorists entering into a killing zone by the one and only SAA, the world will witness the beginning of the end of the most politically and socially retarded regimes on our planet, the so called Saudi Arabia and Qatar and the entire Gulf will be reshaped. This is the most likely scenario to happen.
SaudischeTerroristen The Final Damascus Saga & The Assassination of Dr. Bashar Al Assad
Saudi terrorists
The role of the Russians is very murky, the role of the Iranians in this part is even murkier, both seen to be favoring the weakening of a strong Syria to enforce their shortsighted goals, the first to fulfill the promise to secure the ‘state of  Israel’, the over 1 million Russian Jews living illegally on occupied land, and the Gazprom investments in the Mediterranean, and the latter to see their export of the sectarian based ’Islamic Awakening’ working out.
If in whatever Kerry’s ‘all options on the table’ scenarios achieved they manage to kill the Syrian president they will only fulfill Dr. Assad’s wish to be a martyr defending his country, and they will only have to suffer the consequences of the earthquake he kept warning them to their crazy and deaf ears.


Syrian army steps away from retaking strategic Qalamoun area

Posted on February 20, 2014 by 
Syrian army is improving against al-Nusra Front militants in Qalamoun region.
Syrian army is improving strongly in the Qalamoun strategic region, near Lebanese border, with heavy clashes going on between army units and militants mainly from al-Nusra Front.
Yahya Suleiman, a Syrian veteran military commander, told Al-Alam correspondent in Syria that, the army has engaged in an all-out operation in the area, but their main focus is on the town of Yabroud.
Qalamoun is an important supply route for the militants to receive weapons from their foreign supporters and is also a main base for the armed groups in their attacks on capital, Damascus.
Suleiman said the army was also improving in Douma, Harasta and Ghouta to expand the secure ring around capital.
The militants fighting against the Syrian army in Qalamoun are mainly from al-Qaeda’s main force on the ground, the al-Nusra front, as well as other extremist groups allied with them.
According to reports the army is close to retake Yabroud from militant forces.
On Thursday, Syria’s Al-Watan newspaper said the “army is advancing around the town and is ready to take control.”
A security source told AFP the plan was to advance on all sides of the town “until it is taken completely.”
Yabroud was once home to some 30,000 residents.
It has been a militant stronghold since early in the war that began in March 2011, and is now the only key town remaining under militant control in the Qalamun region after the national Syrian army’s victory in Qusayr, last year.

How Not to Get Aid Into Homs, Yarmouk, and 9.3 Million Syrians via a UN Resolution


Hunger As A Weapon

By Franklin Lamb
Al Nebek, Syria
Who authored the seemingly designed-to-fail UN Security Council Draft Resolution on delivering urgent humanitarian aid into the Old City of Homs and other besieged areas of conflict-torn Syria? When we know this, much may become clearer with respect to the cynical politicization of the continuing civilian suffering.
The draft resolution was put forward by Australia, Luxembourg, and Jordan, and according to a UN/US congressional source—one who actually worked on rounding up the three countries to front for the US and its allies—none was pleased with the decidedly raw and undiplomatic pressure they received from the office of US UN Ambassador Samantha Power.
When this observer inquired how such a poorly drafted, one-sided, adversary-bashing draft resolution could actually have seen the light of day and been submitted to the UN Security Council, the reply he received was terse: “Ask Samantha.”
Suspicions are being raised in Geneva, in Syria, and among certain UN aid agencies, in Homs and elsewhere, that efforts on behalf of those they are trying to save from starvation were ‘set-up’ to fail as a result of power politics and influences emanating from Washington and Tel Aviv.
This observer is not a big fan of conspiracy theories. No doubt it’s a personal congenital defect of some sort that makes him want to hear at least a modicum of relevant, prohibitive, material, non-hearsay evidence to support some of the wilder and internet-fueled claims ricocheting around the globe. However, some things are becoming clear as to what happened at the UNSC last week and why certain specific language was included in the resolution.
Ms. Power, it has been claimed by two Hill staffers who monitor AIPAC, owes her position as UN Ambassador to Israeli PM Netanyahu, who views her and her husband, AIPAC fund raiser, Cass Sunstein, as Israel-first stalwarts. Congressional sources claim the White House went along with her appointment so as not to provoke yet another battle—either with AIPAC’s congressional agents or the wider US Zionist lobby. As part of her continuing gratitude for her “dream job,” as she told an American Jewish Committee convention on 2/10/14 in New York, Ms. Power assured the AJC that the United States “strongly supports Israel’s candidacy for a seat on the UN Security Council, and we have pushed relentlessly for the full inclusion of Israel across the UN system.” Ms. Power is said to have assured AIPAC officials in private that evening that “one of Israel’s few survival reeds may be to grasp, in the face of rising anti-Semitism, a seat on the council.” Insisting that “there is growing and rampant hostility towards Israel within the UN, where a large number of member states are not democratic,” Ms. Power, continued” “I will never give up and nor should you.”
Following the standing ovation from her adoring audience, she repeated, according to one eye witness: “We have also pushed relentlessly for the full inclusion of Israel across the UN system.” What the Zionist regime still occupying Palestine knows, as does no doubt Ms. Power, is that the American public and increasingly even the US Congress is finally pulling back from the regime in favor of justice for Palestine. Thus the lobby’s strange reasoning that the UN system, where the American public is essentially absent, is increasingly important.
So what’s the problem with the US-mission-spawned Security Council draft resolution on Syria so dutifully submitted by three chummy and faithful allies?
Well, for starters, the resolution is DOA, as presumably every sophomore poli-sci, civics, or governance student would have recognized from the outset. The aggressive language—demanding the UNSC immediately take action by targeting only one claimed violator with yet more international sanctions—would have caused chaff and cringing among many, probably most. But even beyond that, Moscow, with a UNSC veto ready to use, sees the US-initiated draft as a bid to lay the groundwork for military strikes against the Syrian government, interpreting the language as an ultimatum: that if all this isn’t solved in two weeks then the Security Council will automatically follow with sanctions against the Syrian government.
As Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov told the media on 2/10/14, “Instead of engaging in everyday, meticulous work to resolve problems that block deliveries of humanitarian aid, they see a new resolution as some kind of simplistic solution detached from reality.”
The draft text, obtained by this observer from Reuters, expresses the intent to impose sanctions—on individuals and entities obstructing aid—if certain demands are not met within the next two weeks.
“It is unacceptable to us in the form in which it is now being prepared, and we, of course, will not let it through,” said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov.
One diplomat in Syria, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, had told the Security Council on 2/11/14 that Moscow opposes some 30 percent of the original draft, but did not specify what which parts. He added, “We’re not aiming for a Russian veto, we’re aiming for a resolution that everybody can agree. That is what we want.”
For his part, President Obama, speaking at a joint news conference in Washington with French President Francois Hollande, kept up the pressure for the Security Council to accept the US resolution. He insisted that there is “great unanimity among most of the Security Council” in favor of the resolution and “Russia is a holdout.” Secretary of State John Kerry and others have “delivered a very direct message” pressuring the Russians to drop their opposition.
“It is not just the Syrians that are responsible” for the plight of civilians, but “the Russians as well if they are blocking this kind of resolution,” Kerry claimed. “How you can object to humanitarian corridors? Why would you prevent the vote of a resolution if, in good faith, it is all about saving human lives?”
Among international observers, the draft resolution is widely viewed as one-sided, condemning rights abuses by Syrian authorities, demanding Syrian forces stop all aerial bombardment of cities and towns as well as indiscriminate use of bombs, rockets and related weapons. It also, parenthetically and somewhat obliquely, condemns “increased terrorist attacks,” and calls for the withdrawal of all foreign fighters from Syria, but the latter language is believed to be aimed mainly at Hezbollah. Sources in Syria claim that the draft heaps all the blame on the Syrian government without devoting the necessary attention to the humanitarian problems created by the actions of the rebels.
These gratuitous draft elements are not only aggressive, but frankly appear calculated to end serious discussion and to undermine a solution of the problem.
Being new on the job is one thing for Ms. Power (she has served as UN ambassador only since August of last year), but politicizing relief from starvation for a besieged civilian population is quite another. Likewise for promoting a draft resolution focusing all blame on one side. Such things violate a broad range of applicable and mandatory international norms, and if Ms. Power is hazy on this subject, the State Department’s Office of International Organization Affairs is not—or at least was not when this observer interned there following law school years ago.
Language that would have stood a much better chance of ending the siege of Homs, Yarmouk and other areas under siege was drafted this week by a Syrian law student at the Damascus University Faculty of Law. The widely esteemed university witnessed the death of 17 of its students, along with the serious injuring of more than 20 others, when rebel mortar bombs, on 3/28/13, targeted the canteen of the College of Architecture. Those responsible for the shelling later admitted they were trained and armed by agents of the US government.
The DU law student’s draft resolution on unfettered humanitarian aid into besieged areas of Syria will hopefully be widely discussed over the weekend at a news conference tentatively scheduled on campus. Perhaps the next UN draft resolution will reflect the student’s homework assignment.
The starving victims besieged in Syria, and all people of goodwill, are demanding immediate, non-politicized humanitarian aid without further delay. Virtually every American voter is in a position to pressure his or her congressional representative, and would possibly achieve much good by making the White House aware of their demands to end playing international ‘gotcha’ politics, and to cooperate to end the needless deaths by starvation that continue today.

The Crisis of the Arab mind أزمة العقل العربي

لفهم أزمة العقل العربي الاسلامي، انصح الجميع بقراءة كتب الدكتور محمد شحرور ومشاهدة حواراته .  التلفزيونية على الرابط  هنا ان مشكلة العقل العربي ومشكلة المفكرين الذين تصدوا لنقد العقل العربي      هي الخلط بين الاسلام كرحمة للعالمين في كل زمان ومكان وبين التاريخ الاسلامي المحلي

محمد شحرور جاء لينقذ امة محمد من تخلفها

الإصلاح الديني أولاً ثم السياسي والاقتصادي – العقل العربي عقل قياسي والعقل القياسي لا ينتج

فصل السلطات في الإسلام ليس واضحاً حتى الآن للحركات الإسلامية السياسية – صحيفة السفير


 وفاة العقل العربي وولادة “نتنياهو عثرات اللئام” .. هل قتل الكواكبي بالبراميل؟؟

وكالة أوقات الشام الإخبارية
(1) رحلة شاقة بلا نهاية

لاأدري ان كان هناك عقل شغل أمته وحيّرها كما العقل العربي .. فهي تبحث عنه منذ أن سقطت بغداد بيد هولاكو .. ولكن هو أيضا يبحث عنها ولايجدها .. كأم وابنها تائهين لايلتقيان في واديين .. وكلما حاول أحد البحث عن العقل العربي وذهب يمتاح البحور وذاب جسده في رحلة البحث عاد بخفي حنين وكأنه يبحث عن الالدورادو أو نبتة الخلود التي فقدها جلجاميش في الأسطورة عندما أكلتها الحية .. وبعض الذين خرجوا للبحث عن هذا العقل لم يعودوا .. وانقطعت أخبارهم كأنما ابتلعهم مثلث برمودا وضاع أثرهم .. انه العقل الذي يكاد يتحول الى أسطورة .. فهل وجود العقل العربي أسطورة؟ 

كتب عن هذا العقل المفقودابن خلدونبطريقة مواربة عندما كاد أن ينكره بقوله: ان العرب ليسوا أرباب صناعة وعمران بل هم أرباب غزو وترحل ولسان!! .. وكتب عن هذا العقل أبو الفتح الشهرستاني في كتابه “الملل والنحل” بشكل مستتر عبر شرح المذاهب حيث تسلل منها الى طريقة تفكير عقول المذاهب .. ولامس هذا العقل الباحث العراقي علي الوردي في تحليله لاحدى تجليات العقل العربي في الشخصية العراقية وكانت المرارة هي الطعم الذي يبقى على أصابعك ولسانك وعينيك وأنت تقلب كتابه .. فيما أفنى الباحث السوري الدكتور محمد ياسين حمودة زهرة شبابه يتحدث الى هذا العقل الذي لايزال يعتقد انه موجود ويحاول انتشاله بتسعة مجلدات كاملة كرافعات عملاقة لانتشال هذا الغارق الثقيل والمثقل بالمراسي والمآسي والمغطى بالطحالب في المياه القديمة للزمن ..
وانضم الى جملة المنقبين عن هذا المفقود الباحث المغاربي محمد عابد الجابريعندما أمسك رفشا كبيرا وجعل يزيح كثبان الرمال التي تغمر هذا العقل في كتابه “بنية العقل العربي” .. الذي تلاه بكتاب “نقد العقل العربي” .. ولكن كأنما لم يقرأ هذه الكتب والأبحاث الرائعة الا معاهد البحوث الاسرائيلية والانكليزية والفرنسية ..بدليل أن الربيع العربي والاسلامي كان ثمرة من ثمار الاطلاع على هذه البحوث الأصيلة ..ففيها شيفرات العقل العربي ..

وقد صار هذا العقل المفقود وسيلة للكسب والشهرة كلما أراد باحث الصعود ومخالفة المألوف فيطلق النار على العقل العربي ويعلقه كرؤوس الأيائل والدببة على جدران سيرته الذاتية للمباهاة بصيده كما فعل صادق جلال العظم الذي علق لعدة عقود على جدران سيرته كتاب (نقد العقل الديني) وكان يريد به العقل العربي .. ولكن اكتشفنا ان رأس الدب الذي على الجدار هو عقل صادق جلال العظم نفسه .. بل ان برهان غليون قد شمر يوما عن ساعديه وقرر الانضمام لجوقة الصيادين ومريدي الشهرة وكتب لنا كتابا سماه “اغتيال العقل” وقصد به طبعا العقل العربي ولكنه رغم بندقية الخردق التي استعملها كان مجرد مقلد للصيادين ومدع للصيد .. وكان كتابه صرعة مثل صرعات الموضة والأزياء .. وكان ثريا بالمعرفة مثل ثراء أغنية بوس الواوا لهيفاء وهبي .. لأن غليون في الحقيقة قد باس الواوا في العقل العربي ..
وأنصحكم بقراءة هذا الكتاب الذي يستحق ان يسمى “اغتيال الواوا” من شدة تفاهته وسطحيته .. بدليل أن صاحب “اغتيال العقل” – أو اغتيال الواوا – أطلق النار عليه بنفسه وانضم الى ثوار بلا عقول يغتالون العقول ..
ومنذ تلك اللحظة التي اشتغل فيها برهان غليون وأمثاله من الصغار الطافين على مستنقعات الوعي على عقولنا عرفنا لماذا لايزال العقل العربي أسطورة تشبه الالدورادو التي يبحث عنها الباحثون عن مدن الذهب .. 
المشكلة التي نواجهها أيضا هي في التطفل والطفيليين واللصوص الذين لايدعون شرف المغامرة في البحث عن العقل لكنهم يتفضلون ويقدمون وجبات معرفية لتقوية ظهر العقل العربي بالفياغرا الثقافية .. ولكن مايطعمونه له هو العلف .. والعلف فقط .. والعقول التي تطعم العلف والفياغرا لايمكن ان تنجب الا ثورجية ..

وباعة العلف والفياغرا الثورية كثر .. وقد تعثرت بأحدهم يتحدث منذ فترة ويقدمه البعض على انه حفيد عبد الرحمن الكواكبي نفسه صاحب “طبائع الاستبداد” بشحمه ولحمه .. ولاحظت فورا أن هذا الشخص الطفيلي يتصرف مثل مغمور يطفو فجأة على السطح متعلقا باسم جده .. ولايحتاج المتابع الى كبير عناء لكي يدرك ان الجد لم يمرر عبقريته الى حفيده .. وأن الحفيد محدث ممل وضئيل جدا في ثياب الجد العملاق .. بل ان الحفيد قد هدم اسم جده كما يهدم الثوار الوهابيون المقامات والمزارات .. وهو يتنطح لمهمة ليس مؤهلا ثقافيا ومعرفيا لها .. وكان عليه بصدق أن يتجنب الاستعانة باسم جده واستدعائه مع كتابه وتجربته كلما وقع في زنقة معرفية .. الأبناء يتسببون بالأذى احيانا بسوء التصرف والتدبير .. وتواضع فكر الحفيد دليل على أن العبقرية موهبة مستقلة وحرة ولاتنزل مع الجينات في الأرحام .. ولااشك ابدا أن الحفيد أفسد على الجد رقاده في قبره وزاد من غمه .. وأكاد أسمع هدير الجد الغاضب من تجنيده في سفربرلك الثورة “التركية الوهابية الاسرائيلية” ..
هل هناك استبداد يفوق هذا الاستبداد العائلي ..؟؟ وهل هناك من يقتل العظماء مثل أبنائهم عندما يستولون على اسمائهم ويبيعونها في السوق مثل الفياغرا أو العلف؟؟!! الابداع الفكري هو الوحيد الذي لايورث ولايملك أحد حق افتتاح فروع له كما لو انها مطاعم ومحلات أحذية وألبسة .. ألم يكن حريا بالحفيد أن يكرم جده بابعاده عن الجدل الداخلي .. فالرموز الوطنية الكبرى لايجب استخدامها في الجدل الداخلي .. وكان حريا به ايضا ان لايدعي انه امتداد فكري واستمرار لجده يتحدث بالنيابة عنه .. لأن عبد الرحمن الكواكبي ليس فرعا لفندق الكارلتون أو مطعم ماكدونالد وليس نوعا من أنواع الجبنة .. بل هو ملكية سورية وانسانية .. أي يمكن للحفيد ان يفتتح مطعما للفلافل وفروعا لبيع الفطائر الفرنسية لمؤازرة ثورة “عثمانية القلب ووهابية الهوى ليس فيها الا الاستبداد.. والطغيان ..واستبداد الاستبداد .. ولكن من العار عليه اعلان افتتاح فرع ثوري للكواكبي المفكر والثائر على العثمانيين … ليدير محلات “الكواكبي” بنفسه ..  
وكذلك من المؤسف أن يتعرض تمثال ابي العلاء المعري لقطع الرأس وان يغضب حفيد الكواكبي لذلك السلوك ولكنه لايعلم انه هو ايضا يقطع رأس جده عبد الرحمن الكواكبي ويقدمه هدية لثوار السلطنة العثمانية .. لقد ذكرني تطفله الساذج على عقل جده وعلى عقولنا بشخصية أشعب الطفيلي العربي الشهير الذي لاتفوته مائدة ولاعرس .. فكيف وموائد هذه الأيام العامرة تتحدث عن الاستبداد وطبائعه؟؟ .. فصاحبنا يتحدث بانسياب كأنه صاحب العرس والعروس والعريس ولاتفوته وليمة الحرية لكثرة مايشير الى ارثه لجده وأحقيته في خلافته .. بل يكاد المستمع اليه يفهم أنه ينسب كتاب طبائع الاستبداد لنفسه وأن جده كان مجرد مقدمة لعبقرية الحفيد .. هذا الرجل الطفيلي للأسف كان يسرق جده علنا ويسرق كتاب جده دون أن يعرف قيمة مايسرق .. مثل السفهاء الذين يبددون مايرثون .. وكان يسرق طربوش جده وعباءته ليبيعهما في أسواق العرب .. وكان أكثر استبداد تعرض له صاحب طبائع الاستبداد هو استبداد حفيده به وبوصيته الكبيرة .. واستهتاره حتى بمعنوية أن جده كتب عن المستبد العثماني الأجنبي والمستعمر الذي يريد الآن اعادة الاستبداد الى بلاد عبد الرحمن الكواكبي .. حفيده يقدم اعتذارا باسم عبد الرحمن الكواكبي للعثمانيين عما اقترف بحقهم من جحود .. ويستثمر اسم جده ويسير في السوق وينادي لبيعه وقد وضعه بشكل مهين على طنبر الثورة ..
والحفيد لمن يسمعه ليس بتلك الرداءة الثورية التي تفوح من ثياب الثوار وأفواههم ولكن لايناقش أحد أنه متطفل على العلم والمعرفة والحرية والمنطق وحديثه يعاني من اضطراب نظام التفكير والانسجام والتناسق والتناغم .. ولايدل على تطفله على الثقافة والمنطق والحرية الا تلك الطرفة التي رواها وسخر فيها من عقلية المؤامرة وقال فيها ان عقلنا العربي مشوه ومسكون بهواجس المؤامرات لأنه في محاضرة كان يوزع فيها الاستبداد الثوري على التوانسة سأله احد الحضور -الذي وصفه حفيد الكواكبي باحتقار على أنه “قومجي”- : كيف كان جدك عبد الرحمن الكواكبي يتدبر أمره في منفاه في القاهرة؟؟ ويسردها حفيد الكواكبي ليوحي أن التونسي سأل ليشكك في ثورية عبد الرحمن الكواكبي لأن هناك من موّل اقامته في القاهرة عندما تمرد على الباب العالي ..
 وقد صدمت من الرد الأخرق الأبله .. فقد قال حفيد الكواكبي بسرعة محاولا السخرية من السؤال: ان قطر كانت تمول تمرده !!.. وفي هذا الجواب طبعا انكار وقح وغبي لحقيقة أن الثوار السوريين والعرب  قد تلقوا مالا من قطر .. وان قطر بريئة من دمنا براءة بيلاطس من دم المسيح .. وبراءة اسرائيل من دم الحريري .. ويخيل للمستمع أن الثورجيين العرب انفقوا على ثوراتهم من بيع التمر وعفط العنز ليمولوا سيارات الدوشكا والصواريخ الحرارية ورواتب ونفقات سفر المسلحين بين القارات والحملات الاعلامية .. وأن طائرات الناتو كانت تأخذ أموال دافعي الضرائب الفرنسيين والبريطانيين فقط لمساعدة هؤلاء الاحرار ولم تدفع قطر فاتورة الثورة والربيع  كله قبل ان تنضم مجموعة دول الخليج المحتلة ..
نارام سرجون – وفاة العقل العربي وولادة “نتنياهو عثرات اللئام” .. هل قتل الكواكبي بالبراميل؟؟عشرات ومئات آلاف المقاتلين الاسلاميين ينتشرون من حدود تونس الى العراق مرورا بمصر وليبيا وسوريا ولبنان وغزة لم يمولهم أحد!! .. الربيع اذن حسب حفيد طبائع الاستبداد كان من بيع التمر والمهلبية وتبرعات المساجد والدراويش .. هل يوجد مخلوق على هذا الكوكب لايعرف دور المال القطري والعربي النفطي في هذا الربيع ؟؟ وهل هناك استبداد فوق هذا الاستبداد بالعقول؟؟ .. 

في الحقيقة كان على السائل التونسي ان يسأل حفيد الكواكبي سؤالا أهم لكي نتبرع نحن بالاجابة عليه على الطريقة الثورية .. هذا السؤال المهم هو: من الذي قتل عبد الرحمن الكواكبي؟؟ والجواب طبعا هو: …. النظام السوري المجرم !! أما كيف قتله النظام السوري المجرم فالحقيقة هي أن الكواكبي لم يمت بالسم التركي كما يشاع .. بل انه مات ببرميل متفجر من البراميل التي يعشق الثوار الحديث عنها .. برميل ألقاه عليه جنود الأسد النصيريون .. عقل هذا الطفيلي الذي يستحق لقب “أشعب الكواكبي” يعترض على مبدأ توريث السلطة ولكن توريث الابداع والعبقرية الثورية هو حقه الطبيعي .. فرغما عنا يريد هذا الأشعب أن يرث مهنة الابداع .. وموهبة التحدي ..وعبقرية الكواكبي .. هل هناك أكثر من هذا الاستبداد؟؟ وهل مايقتل جسد الكواكبي بالسم كمن يقتل اسمه واسطورته بالاستبداد والتسلط عليه فقط لأنه ورث حروف اسمه  ..
ومن يستمع الى هذا الكواكبي يعرف أن العربي يعاني من استبداد الطفيليين على موائد المعرفة .. فهو يقول ان التخويف من أن سورية يمكن تقسيمها هراء يستخدمه النظام لأن الشعب السوري لايتم تقسيمه .. وقد حاولت فرنسا سابقا وفشلت .. هذا الكواكبي الصغير الطفيلي لا يرى كواكب ونيازك سايكس بيكو التي سقطت بعد تفجير سورية الكبرى بأول ربيع عربي رغما عن الشعوب التي لم تقبل بنيازك وكويكبات سايكس بيكو .. واذا كانت الحرب العالمية الثانية قد نجحت في اضعاف فرنسا ومنعت نجاح تقسيم بقية سورية فان فرنسا قد نجحت في سلخ لبنان ولواء اسكندرون بالقوة من جسد سورية .. ونسي هذا المتطفل على التاريخ والمعرفة والمستبد بالثقافة كيف ملأت اشلاء سورية الكبرى كل الشرق .. فلسطين السورية .. والاردن السوري .. ولبنان السوري .. وكيف ألحقت الموصل (وهي تابعة لولاية حلب) بالعراق .. وهاهو يرى ان العقل العربي المسروق قد أنتح فدرالية يمنية من ستة اقاليم .. وان العراق صار ثلاثة .. وأن ليبيا تستحم بالفوضى لتتقسم علنا وعلى رؤوس الأشهاد .. فكيف أن سورية الثورة ليست مشروع تقيسم وكل ماحولها يتشظى ؟؟.. تبا للعقول المستبدة .. وللعقول المتطفلة على المعرفة ..

(2) نتنياهو يعلن وفاة العقل العربي ..

منذ قرون ونحن أمة تسير بجماجم مجوفة وفارغة .. ان مرت فيها الريح صفرت .. وان مر عبر هذه الجمجمة صوت سمعنا تردد الصدى في الكهوف الكبيرة لأن جماجمنا كهوف ومغاور خالية حتى من الوطاويط .. ولن ابالغ ان قلت: ان دخل فأر جماجمنا ليأكل  لمات جوعا في زواياها الفارغة .. وان نقرنا بأصابعنا على رؤوس العرب من المحيط الى الخليج لسمعنا رنينا لأوعية جوفاء لاتضاهيها حتى سيمفونية الطناجر للعرعور عندما أعلن الثورة بالقرع على الطناجر .. وربما كان من الأجدى والأقوى لو أنه نصح بالقرع على رؤوس الناس .. لأن الرؤوس المجوفة أقوى طبول في الوجود ..

سيعاتبني البعض وسيغضب البعض .. وسيقول البعض انني صياد من صيادي الدببة تبحث عن هذا الكنز المفقود وجزيرته المفقودة .. ولكني سلفا لست بصدد البحث عن هذا الكنز المفقود رغم أنني أعترف أنني هممت مرارا بالعودة الى مكتبتي لأقلّب الكتب علني أجد أي أثر يدلني على ضالتي لأقتفيه كقصاصي الأثر .. هل هو ضائع في لحظة من لحظات التراث وبين ثنايا المحن والنكبات ؟؟ أم أنه ضاع في زمن أبي حامد الغزالي عندما كتب كتابه الشهير “تهافت الفلاسفة” وانتصر فيه النص الديني على العقل؟ وكان عمله في “احياء علوم الدين” عملية ليموت بعدها العقل؟؟  أم ضاع عقلنا في لغويات “البيان والتبيين” للجاحظ ؟؟.. لكن كلما فكرت في ركوب هذا البحر أحجمت .. فأنا لن اتبرع للخروج في رحلة شاقة وخطرة كهذه .. لأنني أخشى أن أغرق في مثلثات برمودا أو أن أغيب وتنقطع اخباري مثل غيري ..
وقد قررت أنني لن انشغل بالبحث عن هذا العقل لأنه ليس ضائعا ولامفقودا بل هو غالبا عقل مسروق ومخطوف .. وليس هناك امل في ايجاده سليما معافى لأنه لم تبق أمة لم تشتغل على عقلنا العربي ولم تركب على ظهره أو لم تسرج عليه كما كل المطايا المطيعة ..

حتى “الكينيون” الأفارقة (؟؟!!) وأحفاد وحفيدات العبد كونتا كينتي مثلكوندوليزا رايسصاروا يتسلون بعقلنا من أميريكا ويعلمونه التقوى في الدين .. والتفاني في الوطنية والصوفية في الحرية والانسانية ويستولدونه .. العقل المفقود تعرض لحادث سرقة واختطاف أول مرة في أول ربيع للعرب منذ مئة عام .. قاده موظف مخابرات بريطاني اسمه لورنس العرب وصار يباع قطعة قطعة كقطع الغيار لتسير بها عربة تيودور هرتزل .. ومنذ ذلك اليوم اختفت آثار ذلك العقل الذي نكتب عنه ونقف على أطلاله .. ونعاتبه ونقرعه ونشتاق اليه .. ونكتب فيه المديح والهجاء واللوم والعتاب .. ولكن ماذا نكتب عن عقل مفقود .. وعقل مخطوف .. وعقل مسروق .. وعقل مركوب ؟؟..

سيلومني البعض ويعتقدون انني بالغت في ظلم العقل العربي الأسير والسجين والرهينة .. ولكن من حقي
 أن أتساءل أسئلة عل من يعرف الجواب يدلني على الصواب لأن مامن أمة بحثت عن عقلها مثلنا ومامن أمة تساءلت هذه الأسئلة الوجودية مثلنا .. ومع هذا لايزال بحثها جاريا عن نبتة جلجاميش الخيالية لنزرعها في جماجمنا .. أريد من هؤلاء ايضا أن يجيبوني عن أمة تضيع منها فلسطين كاملة بكل مدنها وقراها وجبالها وسهولها .. وهذه الأمة لاتسترد مترا واحدا منها بعد ستين عاما .. لاتسترد شبرا واحدا .. مليمترا واحدا .. شجرة واحدة .. حجرا .. أي شيء ..؟؟  

لكن رجلا واحدا فقط مثل حسن نصر الله وحزبه يستعيد كل جنوب لبنان .. ويفكر في أن يعانق الجليل ويتمددبعباءته في صفد .. 

فترد عليه الأمة بأن تفقد عراقا كاملا ينشطر الى كردستان وشيعستان وسنستان تمسك بكل قطعة دولة .. وتخسر هذه الأمة السودان الذي يكاد يكون قارة كاملة بمساحته .. ثم لايكتفي العرب بذلك فيفقدون ليبيا دفعة واحدة ويذبحونها .. وهاهو عقل ليبيا يستعد للانشطار ..ويتآمرون على مصر .. ويعتقلون نهر النيل في سجون سد النهضة .. كما يسجن حزب النهضة تونس .. ويسقط اليمن وتنهمر منه الولايات والفدراليات كالمطر كما تنفسم الجراثيم بالانشطار .. ويسقط كل الخليج العربي تحت احتلال علني بالقواعد العسكرية والأساطيل الغربية .. ويسرق كل نفطه ولانملك منه قطرة واحدة ..  وفوق هذا يهاجم عتاولة هذه الأمة .. سورية ..من كل حدب وصوب .. هل هذه أمة لها عقل؟؟؟ ..وهل يستحق هذا العقل أن نبحث عنه؟؟ هل هناك عقل في الدنيا يهاجم بلدا رائعا وجوهرة في تاج العالم مثل سورية وبلدا تفضل على العرب وتركها العرب تواجه اسرائيل والغرب وحيدة أربعين عاما في الجولان والعراق ولبنان.. كل العرب دون استثناء؟؟

لايمكن لأي باحث استئناف البحث عن العقل العربي الا عندما يجيب على أسئلة أهم من سؤال ان كان الله موجودا أم لا ؟؟  فلماذا تعتز كل أمم العالم باستقلالها الا أمتنا التي تحتقر الاستقلال الوطني .. أمتنا تريد الاحتلال العثماني أن يعود اليها ويركب على ظهرها ويلحقها بالحرملك العثمانيلنصبح مذنبات باردة ..كل الأمم تريد ان تكون نجوما أما نحن فنموت لنكون نيازك مطفأة .. وصخورا تائهة في الفضاء .. وأمتنا تريد عودة الاستعمار الفرنسي والبريطاني عبر مشاريع التحرير .. وفوقهما أن يشارك الأميريكي في احتلالها .. هل رأيتم كم بكى الثوار السوريون وكم توسلوا للعالم أن يحرق بلدهم ويطفئ نجومهم؟؟ هل رأيتم كيف يأخذون أطفالهم ليكذبوا ويعلمونهم شهادة الزور ليتوسلوا بهم ويعلموهم كيف يبكون بحرقة لأن العالم تركهم من غير احتلال ولم يحررهم من وطنهم؟؟ أمة تريد فقط أن يرسل الغرب جيوشه لتفقد حريتها .. هل هذه أمة يمكن أن ينقذها عقل .. هل لها عقل يستحق البحث عنه ..
عندما تعجزون عن ادراك ماهية وشكل هذا العقل المفقود والمسروق فعليكم النظر في حكومات لبنان .. لبنان هو المكان المكشوف الذي يتمشى فيه العقل العربي عاريا ونرى اليتيه وفخذيه وعورته دون أغطية ولاشراشف .. فالوزراء في لبنان مرسومون على مقاس الصحابة والأولياء والمزارات والدراويش والحواريين والفريسيين .. ولكنهم ايضا ايضا مرسومون على قياس كل دول العالم .. حتى روبرت موغابي لديه نائب في البرلمان اللبناني .. وحتى الطوارق لهم من يمثلهم ..

هذا العقل الذي لايمل من تكرار ان الحرية والديمقراطية سبقتنا وأن العالم يذل الكيمياء والفيزياء ويتزوج المريخ ويمضي سهراته في المجرة .. ويفعل كذا وكذا .. يحدثك عن العلوم والذرة والتطور .. ولكن هذا العقل مسكون بالمآسي .. وبين معادلات الكيمياء يجلس علي ومعاوية يتقاتلان على الخلافة .. ويتجول ابو قتادة وابو دجانة بين رموز علم الجبر .. ومن بين أضلاع المثلثات يبرز فجأة أبو هريرة وعمرو بن العاص وعائشة وفاطمة وأسماء .. ويدخل الجمل وناقة صالح وناقة البسوس وجساس والزير الى كل برلمان ومجلس شورى كأعضاء أصيلين .. البرلمانات العربية ملأى بالنوق والجمال .. ويجلس بعض ذوي الياقات البيضاء ليس تحت قبة برلمان بل يحملون معهم سقيفتهم ..

وليس من العيب أن نعترف أن مانسميه قبة البرلمان هو سقيفة بني ساعدة التي تغطي برلمانات العرب ورؤوس برلمانييهم .. نستظل بها ونحشر بعضنا تحتها ..  ويتبارز السيد المسيح و النبي محمد وكل الصحابة والأولياء تحت فبة البرلمان .. وبرلمان وحكومة لبنان مثال على ماأقول ..
في اميريكا صار الكيني الأسود رئيسا حتى لو انه مجرد ممثل لدور الرئيس .. ولكن العقل العربي لايقبل أن يحكم الشيعي سنيا .. ولا السني شيعيا .. ولاالموارنة ..وفي اميريكا يتصل الرئيس الأمريكي برواد الفضاء ليقطفوا له قمرا أو كوكبا كما لو كان موسم جني التفاح والموز .. وقد يتصل بقادة السي آي ايه ويطلب رأس صدام حسين والقذافي كما لو كان يطلب سندوشة همبرغر بنكهة عربية .. ويصله الرأسان في الحال حيث يقطفهما له ثوار العرب .. أما في بلاد الثورات العربية فيتصل أمير جبهة النصرة في دمشق بأمرائه لارسال انتحاريين اثنين على عجل لاقتحام مبنى التلفزيون السوري .. وكأنه يطلب كيسي بطاطا .. و يصل الانتحاريان قبل كيسي البطاطا عادة ..
عقل العربي المسروق صار يقبل يد نتنياهو الذي يزوره كما يزور مالك مزرعة أتباعه .. وصار نتنياهو (جابر عثرات اللئام) فقد مات جابر عثرات الكرام .. هل رأيتم العقل العربي المسروق اين ظهر بالأمس ؟؟ كان متمددا ومسجى أمام نتنياهو وضباطه في الجولان .. العقل العربي المفقود والمسروق وجد جريحا أخيرا .. يداويه نتنياهو !!.. ولكن لاتعتقدوا أن نتنياهو كان يزور جرحى الثورجيين السوريين فقط لمجرد ترويج انتخابي لحزبه وقيادته في اسرائيل .. أو فقط لتصوير نفسه حاميا للسنة .. السنّة الذين يقتلهم الشيعة والنصيريون .. نتنياهو ليس غبيا ويعرف أن العقل العربي الجريح لهؤلاء سيكون مثلهم خائنا وعميلا وسيبيعه عندما يجد من يدفع له أكثر ويطعمه أكثر ويروضه أكثر ويجرحه أكثر .. ونتنياهو يعرف أن ظهوره علنا لن يفيد الثورة السورية كثيرا لأن الدعم السري أكثر نفعا بكثير مما يظهر علنا .. 

نتنياهو الذي قتل المسلمين السنة في غزة كالحشرات لايمكن أن ينقذ السنة السوريين دون غاية .. فهو يمسح بهم

 جرائمه وينظف عار اسرائيل ومجازر دير ياسين وصبرا وشاتيلا وجنين وغزة ويمهد لمجزرة كبيرة جدا ..  ولكنه أيضا كان ظهورا احتفاليا للانتصار بنصر الهي يرد فيه على نصر حسن نصر الله الالهي .. ان جنود “الله أكبر” بأنفسهم يتسابقون للسجود بين يدي جنود “يهوه” .. 

انه فعلا النصر الالهي لاسرائيل على نصر نصر الله الالهي .. حيث يظهر نتنياهو وقد انتصر أخيرا على النصر الالهي .. وانتصر على العقل العربي الذي كان أمامه مسجى ومستلقيا جريحا بلا حراك يستجديه الصداقة والصفح عن يوم الغفران ويعلن توبته والانضواء تحت ولايته ومبايعته خليفة .. والعقل المسجى كان نصرا اسرائيليا بلا شك .. 

ليس لأن تصريحات الجريح ومدائحه وثناءه على اسرائيل كانت بردا وسلاما على نتنياهو وآل نتنياهو بل لأن عتاولة الثورة السورية لم يغضبوا من اهانة الثورة وعارها ولم يخجلوا .. بل كالعادة وجهوا اللوم للنظام السوري الذي دفع ثوارهم للاحتماء باسرائيل .. ولم يسأل هؤلاء القادة الثورجيون العتاولة كيف اختفت أعضاء لثوار سوريين في تلك المشافي الميدانية الاسرائيلية .. وكيف أن تجار الأعضاء البشرية الاسرائيليون يتوجهون حاليا الى شمال (اسرائيل) كما فعلوا عند زلزال هاييتي والذي نشرته صحف سويدية .. ولم يتطرق قادة الثورة الى ماتسربه مصادر روسية نقلا عن الاسرائيليين الروس عن أن جريحين ربما تركا ليموتا عمدا وتم زرع قلبيهما لمريضين اسرائيليين وأن هناك مجموعة من الأدوية والعقاقير الطبية يتم تجريبها على الجرحى السوريين .. ولم تسأل لنا المعارضة الثورية من الذي يمول هذه المشافي ؟؟ لأن المعلومات الروسية تقول ان المشروع استثماري أيضا لأن دولا خليجية تدفع كل النفقات للجيش الاسرائيلي ومايثير الحزن أن الاسرائيليين يقدمون فواتير مزورة ومبالغا بها جدا لهذه الدول الخليجية وأن الملايين من الدولارات التي تجنيها السلطات الاسرائيلية تذهب الى مشاريع الاستيطان في القدس .. بل ان هناك تبرعات صامتة في دولة خليجية تشجع على جمع تبرعات تذهب للجيش الاسرائيلي ليقوم بعلاج الجرحى السوريين بحجة أنه من واجب المسلمين دفع النفقات وليس من واجب الاسرائيليين .. ولاأستبعد ان تلك فتوى فيها زنخ القرضاوي ورائحته .. ومباركة خالد مشعل واسماعيل هنية طالما أنها لانقاذ جنود “الله أكبر” ..هل بعد هذا الجنون جنون ؟؟
انها الحية التي أكلت نبتة الخلود .. اسرائيل قد أكلت عقل العرب .. وتركتهم بلا عقل ..
أوبعد كل هذا .. هل تعتقدون أن اي خريطة واي كتاب سيدلنا على مكان العقل العربي المسروق .. اليس بالامكان الآن أن نجد نبتة الخلود لجلجاميش .. وأن نجد الالدورادو .. على أن نجد نبتة اسمها العقل العربي ..
أنصحكم بقوة ان توقفوا البحث والابحار والأسفار لاستعادة المسروق أو جثته أو رفاته .. لأنه جهد بلا طائل .. فالعقل العربي مات ودفن .. وها أنا ذا أعلن وفاة عقل العرب دون تردد .. ولكنني أنصحكم بقوة أكبر أن تبادروا جميعا الى عمل أكثر اجلالا وعظمة وفائدة وأكثر حنكة ..وسيكون هدية لجيل قادم .. وهو صناعة عقل عربي جديد .. انسوا العقل المسروق .. والعقل الذي يموت .. وابدأوا بناء جديدا .. قويا متينا .. ليس فيه حبة رمل واحدة .. بل كل خلية فيه هي جسد شهيد .. وكل خلية تزدخم بأحلامه ومذكراته ورسوماته .. وليس في ذاكرة الخلايا مضر ولاتميم ولاعبس ولاغطفان ولا عكاظ ولا الجمل ولا السقيفة .. بل صور مقاتلين سوريين مع بنادقهم .. ورسائلهم الى حبيباتهم وأخواتهم وأمهاتهم .. وأشواقهم الى ضيعاتهم وقراهم وجبالهم ومدنهم وحاراتهم التي اشتاقت لهم وتريد ان تعانقهم شكرا وعرفانا واعجابا .. وفي كل نبضة عصبية في العقل الجديد تسري أغنية وموال وطني وتلمع منها صور الصداقة الحقيقية والمصافحة بين الأحبة .. وكل شق فيه يهندسه مهندسون من مقاتلي مطار منغ العسكري الأبطال ومن المدافعين الذين يقفون كالأساطير في سجن حلب المركزي ..والفرقة 17 .. وكل بارقة فيه تبرق مثلما تلك التي يصنعها الطيارون السوريون ورجال الصواريخ .. وتعلموا صناعة العقل الغاضب من رجال الكوماندوس السوريين .. ومن الفرقة الرابعة .. ومن الجنود الذين يأكلون قمم القلمون .. تعلموا من الجنود السوريين والضباط السوريين الذين يصنعون النصر .. فمن يصنع النصر .. يصنع العقل الجديد .. فما النصر الا عقل جديد يدفن العقل الذي مات .. نعم لقد مات العقل العربي القديم العفن بعد أن انحنى وتدنى واندحر وانتحر .. وهانحن نقيم بنيانا لعقل قادم .. شاهق .. عزيز .. كريم .. حر .. صادق ..سيقتل الحية .. وأصحاب الحية ..وثوار الحية ..

ملفات نقد العقل العربي 
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