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"Choueifat Bomber Was Heading to Al-Manar,ISIL Works for Sedition among Muslims"

Local Editor


Lebanon: Terrorist Naeem Abbas arrestedSaying that those who plan for suicide attacks are hoping for destabilizing security in Lebanon is not analysis anymore. The prominent radical leader of the so-called 'Islamic State of Iraq and Levant' (ISIL), Naeem Abbas, admitted during interrogation that a plan has been set to carry out a bombing in the Shiah neighborhood of Beirut's southern suburb, with the aim of dragging a reaction against residents of Tarqiq al-Jdideh in western Beirut.

The arrested terrorist confessed to the suicide bombings he supervised, which had been carried out and are planned to be carried out later, including a major operation in the Shiah to ignite sedition with the Sunni-inhabited areas close to it, particularly the Tariq al-Jdideh.

Sources familiar with the investigations said that Abbas was totally slumped in a manner stunned his interrogators and told them: "I will tell you everything but do not hit me."

The Palestinian terrorist revealed that a strategy had been set to expand the circle of bombings without any deterrent or impediment before the suicide bomber or the planner. He also said that they had a «legal cover» to do everything without caring whether the victims would be civilians or not and regardless the sect they belong to.

Abbas noted that the objective behind this project was to provoke Hezbollah to react in a way that would increase intolerance amongst the Sunnis, in order to widen the margin of terrorist groups within such environment and prevent any attempt by the state or political parties to cover the any security action against those groups.

Leading the Sunni clerics and politicians to escalate the campaign against Hezbollah was also among the targets.

Abbas said that he does not work for the so-called al-Nusra Front nor the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, but he worked within the general atmosphere of those two organizations, and he was interested in focusing on members in the tensed areas like Abra neighborhood in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.

His main focus was on young people who were partisans of the escaped terrorist cleric Ahmad al-Assir, especially those who fled to the Ein al-Helwe Palestinian refugees camp or to other areas.

Lebanon: Choueifat suicide attackChoueifat Suicide Bomber Was Heading towards Al-Manar Building

Abbas revealed that he trained the young Syrian who blew himself up in a van in the area of ​​Choueifat south eastern Beirut, and outfitted him with the explosive belt and a Kalashnikov rifle.

He also admitted to investigators that the target of the suicide bomber was not the gendarmerie checkpoint or the gas company in ​​Awzaa'i west of Beirut, but suicide bomber wanted to storm Al-Manar TV building near the golf yard in Bir Hassan-Awzaa'i area, which can be accessed by a taxi car.

"The suicide bomber was deliberately talking about the gas company and the gendarmerie checkpoint knowing that the road to Al-Manar building will become easier," Abbas said.

"The suicide bomber was supposed to reach the entrance of the channel, to open fire of his machine gun on the guard and then try to get into the building."
"It was also supposed that another suicide bomber would accompany him and do the same thing, thus emptying all of their bullets, then blowing themselves up inside the building."

Abbas added that he was preparing a plan that required a third suicide bomber with a booby-trapped car that would wait near the place and hurtle toward the building then blow himself up when crowds would gather.

Shiah Planned Blast

Abbas also admitted that during discussions with his operators about the situation in Dahiyeh in southern suburb of Beirut, the aim was to expand the circle of suicide bombings inside the area in order to force people and Hezbollah to carry out a bloody reaction against Sunnis who live in the same area. But after the first bombings, Hezbollah did not react and did not take the initiative to blow up cars in places with a Sunni majority, and people were under control. Then they (Abbas and operators) decided to study the situation from different view.

Abbas said that the surveillance groups noticed the increases security measures in areas of full control of Hezbollah, and that the measures in Shiah area are less than those in Haret Hreik, Bir al-Abed and Ruwais.

Information revealed that Abbas was preparing for a dual attack targeting one of the Shiah streets, but the ISIL emir in Qalamoun, Abu Abdullah al-Iraqi, who is coordinating with him, advised him to prepare for a tripartite attack where a suicide attack would be carried out for three consecutive batches.

-- Translated by Al-Manar English Website

Source: Newspapers
22-02-2014 - 13:58 Last updated 22-02-2014 - 15:26

Takfiri Terrorism Enemy of Entire Lebanon including Daniel Mazbout

"Terrorism is occupying the field , to the point that one can be a terrorist and an anti terrorist at the same time without causing much controversy . 
This terrorism thing works like a miracle especially in Lebanon where terrorism has almost become one of the many religious communities and soon might be represented in the Lebanese parliament by few deputes ."Daniel Maznout

Daniel is Mazbout (Right) here. He confirmed his bias and double standard.
A terrorist in Syria and Lebanon, is a freedom fighter in Egypt, fighting the Army of Sisi collaborating with Israel.

المُبشر به 'خالد الضاهر يبُث سموم الفتنة!Mazbout also,"terrorism has almost become one of the many religious communities and soon might be  [IS] represented in the Lebanese parliament by few deputes" No only in Lebanon, Mr. Mazbout, In Egypt, The president of Terrorism declared "Holly WAR' on Syria and Hezbollah

Listen to Ibrahim Aloush on Al-Manar channel

Hezbollah: Takfiri Terrorism Enemy of Entire Lebanon, including Who Justify It
Local Editor
Commenting on the terrorist crime that targeted the Lebanese army's checkpoint at the entrance of Hermel's city, Hezbollah issued a statemHezbollahent in which it considered that the terrorist track does not seek pretexts, yet carries out the acts of murder, slaughtering, exclusion and destruction without taking into consideration the affiliation of the victims.

This takfiri terrorism is the enemy of all the Lebanese, including those who justify it and claim that it responds to certain acts, the statement added.

Hezbollah also greeted the heroic acts of the leadership, the officers and the soldiers of the Lebanese army whose heroes sacrifice their souls to protect the citizens from the death cars.

Hezbollah condemned the terrorist crime and called on all the competent services to arrest and severely punish the plotters.

The statement further called on all the Lebanese to take a collective, patriotic stance that supports the Lebanese army, rejects terrorism and stops justifying it.
Hezbollah finally offered condolences to the military leadership, the martyrs' families as well as the civilians and hopes for a speedy recovery to the wounded.
Translated by Al-Manar English Website 

Son of Nasser: Syria and Egypt are targets of the same scheme”…


Son of Egypt’s Abdel Gamal Nasser: “Syria’s people will overcome the aggression … Syria and Egypt are targets of the same scheme”…

Posted on February 22, 2014 by 

Feb 22, 2014
Cairo, (SANA)

Abdul-Hakim al-Naser, son of the later Leader Jamal Abdul-Naser of Egypt, stressed that the Arab people in Syria will overcome the aggression and deter the aggressors and will emerge victorious from this hostile war which was imposed on them by the Zionism, U.S. imperialism and their allies in the region.
In a statement to SANA on the occasion of Unity of Egypt and Syria, Abdul-Naser said, “Every Syrian and Arab citizen faithful to their homeland should protect the Syrian Arab army which we consider as the first army in the United Arab republic so that we can foil the colonialist scheme of the west which aim at destroying the Arab armies,” calling for protecting the unity and Arabism of Syria which is facing the same plot Egypt is facing.
He clarified that the universal war launched on the Arab people is launched to serve the best interests of the Zionism and imperialism and their allies in the region, such as Qatar and other countries.

نجل الزعيم عبد الناصر: شعب سورية سيخرج منتصرا في الحرب العدوانية

The 22nd of February marks the anniversary of The United Arab Republic “Syria – Egypt”
Picture dated March 7th 1958 during changing the name from Syria into United Arab Republic in the UN.
A year before the unity a full alliance agreement was signed making the Syrian and Egyptian armies under one command and thus one army, the Syrian Army Was named the 1st Army and the Egyptian was named the 2nd, a 3rd Army was constructed from men from both countries and it is still operational in Egypt today but with Egyptian Nationals only.

Egypt’s Nasserist Party and Anti-Imperialist Movements Ready to Join Syrian Army

Open Letter to Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

Gamal Abdel Nasser on the Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt’s Last Great, Anti-Imperialist President, Gamal Abdel Nasser

President Gamal Abdel Nasser In Libya Celebrating The Evacuation Of American Forces

President Gamal Abdel Nasser At The People’s Conference In Tripoli Libya

Egypt: A New Realism

Iran: Extremism and terrorism have become the obsession of all peoples of the region

Posted on February 23, 2014 by 

Feb 23, 2014
Tehran, (SANA) – Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed that extremism and terrorism have become the obsession of all peoples of the region, adding that efforts should be exerted to combat terrorism and deal with this phenomenon on the international level.  
The Iranian minister’s comments came during a joint press conference with Belgium Foreign Minister, Didier Reynders, in Tehran on Sunday.
For his part, Reynders stressed that Iran’s regional and international role is “extremely important”, particularly in regards to the crisis in Syria.
Belgian foreign minister said, “Iran’s regional and international role is extremely important, particularly in regards to the crisis in Syria, and it should officially take part in solving it.” 
Advisor to Iranian Shura Council Speaker: Syria is paying price for supporting resistance
International Advisor to Iranian Shura Council Speaker Hussein Sheikh Al-Islam said Syria is paying the price for its support to resistance and its cooperation with Iran.
The Iranian official said in a speech delivered at the annual meeting of the Iranian Engineers’ Union in Tehran on Sunday that the US has supported armed terrorist groups in Syria to sever the links among the countries that comprise the axis of resistance in the region, extending from Iran to Lebanon.
He pointed to an Islamic emerging awareness of the perils of ”takfir and extremism” that was evident during the conference of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Inter-Parliamentary Union in that was held recently in Tehran.
F.Allafi/M. Ismael   

Al-Laham: Syria is facing international terrorism led by US and some Arab and Islamic countries

Is Washington Considering a Full-Scale Drone War over Syria?

Global Research, February 21, 2014

droneWill the Obama administration launch a full scale drone war over Syria in the coming months ahead? Public support for Washington to order a direct military intervention against the Syrian government because it is accused of using chemical weapons against civilians is at the lowest level in 20 years according to a Gallop Poll conducted on September 2013.
More than 51% of Americans oppose military action and 13% are unsure if military action is practical.
In February 2013, US Press Secretary Jay Carney stated to the public, the ethical and “wise” use of drones that can pinpoint targets without of course killing innocent civilians is legal:
We have acknowledged, the United States, that sometimes we use remotely piloted aircraft to conduct targeted strikes against specific al Qaeda terrorists in order to prevent attacks on the United States and to save American lives. We conduct those strikes because they are necessary to mitigate ongoing actual threats, to stop plots, prevent future attacks, and, again, save American lives. These strikes are legal, they are ethical and they are wise. The U.S. government takes great care in deciding to pursue an al Qaeda terrorist, to ensure precision and to avoid loss of innocent life
Washington did consider launching drone strikes in the same year as reported by the Los Angeles Times ‘CIA begins sizing up Islamic extremists in Syria for drone strikes’:
The CIA has stepped up secret contingency planning to protect the United States and its allies as the turmoil expands in Syria, including collecting intelligence on Islamic extremists for the first time for possible lethal drone strikes, according to current and former U.S. officials.
President Obama has not authorized drone missile strikes in Syria, however, and none are under consideration
Obama’s speech on his drone policy had concerns on the public’s attitude towards another war in the Middle East. Obama said the following on the use of drones in foreign land:
Any U.S. military action in foreign lands risks creating more enemies and impacts public opinion overseas. Moreover, our laws constrain the power of the President even during wartime, and I have taken an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States. The very precision of drone strikes and the necessary secrecy often involved in such actions can end up shielding our government from the public scrutiny that a troop deployment invites. It can also lead a President and his team to view drone strikes as a cure-all for terrorism
In a recent meeting between French President Francois Hollande and President Obama to discuss issues in the Middle East and Africa, Obama was asked about the situation in Syria:
 I’ve said throughout my presidency that I always reserve the right to exercise military action on behalf of America’s national security interests. But that has to be deployed wisely. And I think that what we saw with respect to the chemical weapons situation was an example of the judicious, wise use of possible military action
The Obama administration refers to the use of military action and how it is deployed as a “wise” option.  Is he talking about the use of drone warfare? He later continued his statement saying that the Syrian situation is “Fluid”:
Whether we can duplicate that kind of process when it comes to the larger resolution of the problem, right now we don’t think that there is a military solution, per se, to the problem. But the situation is fluid, and we are continuing to explore every possible avenue to solve this problem, because it’s not just heartbreaking to see what’s happening to the Syrian people, it’s very dangerous for the region as a whole, including friends and allies and partners like Lebanon or Jordan that are being adversely impacted by it
The Obama administration can possibly launch a full scale drone war on Syria without involving ground troops since the public is opposed to another direct military intervention in the Middle East. Washington still has its hands tied with troops remaining in Afghanistan. Relations with President Hamid Karzai are strained. President Karzai refused to sign a security pact allowing 10,000 US troops to stay in Afghanistan for counter-terrorism purposes and training Afghan forces beyond 2014. Karzai also wants limited NATO troops in Afghanistan. With US and Israeli troops in preparation for a possible confrontation with Iran if nuclear talks fail, the use of drones would be a viable option for Washington since it would strike a delicate balance with the international community and the American public concerning their attitudes towards a new war using ground troops. A full-scale drone war launched by Washington would seem like a low-intensity war to the public, meaning that a drone war is not really a “major war” involving US troops on the ground, as President Obama said in his 2013 drone policy speech “such actions can end up shielding our government from the public scrutiny “.
Washington would hope that the American public and the international community would not organize anti-war protests regarding America’s 21st century drone war against President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian people involving so-called “precision” strikes. War is war, regardless of what some people in power may think. The public wants no war against Syria, but will Washington and its allies listen? That is a good question.

Israel and Saudi Arabia’s Priorities in Syria. Covert Militarism and the “Lebanonization Strategy”

Global Research, February 18, 2014
Current developments both inside and outside of Syria have shown that the primary sponsors of the extremist-dominated insurgency – namely, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel and Turkey – aren’t quite ready to throw in the towel.
One may be forgiven for thinking the Obama administration had decided to abandon the policy of regime change following the failed attempt to incite intervention, through the chemical weapons casus belli in August. But the harsh reality remains that the above mentioned alliance is indeed continuing its covert military support of the insurgency, in one form or another, in the full knowledge the vast majority of rebels are religious fundamentalists with a sectarian agenda, and vehemently opposed to any form of democracy or political pluralism.
Primarily, the continued support is a product of the American Empires’ overarching strategy of Full Spectrum Dominance over resource-rich and strategically placed regions of the globe, via subversion, economic and military aggression; a policy imposed to varying degrees upon any state unwilling to accept full US subordination. This aggressive US stance is by no means exclusive to periods of heightened tension or crises; it is a permanent one, brought forward to its violent climax purely through Machiavellian opportunism. In Syria’s case, the Arab uprisings provided the United States and its allies the perfect opening to set in motion the subversive plans they had been working on since at least 2006. The possibility of removing an opposing government that refuses to abide by American/Israeli diktat was simply too good a chance to be missed. Accordingly, and from a very early stage, the US made attempts to facilitate and support the violent elements in Syria, while its media arms were busy conflating them with localised legitimate protesters.
Since the US took the typically reckless decision to support, widen and exacerbate the militant elements, the policy has been an abject failure. Clearly, from the tone espoused by Western diplomats and propagandists, and the oft-repeated slogan of “Assad’s days are numbered”, they expected swift regime change. These desires were largely based on American hubris and the hope that the Libya No Fly Zone scenario would gain traction in the UN security council.
Contrary to such desires, Russia and China’s anger regarding NATO’s destruction of Libya and Gaddafi’s assassination, meant that any similar resolutions put forward on Syria would face immediate veto. In turn this has proven to be a turning point in the modern relationship between the permanent members of the security council, the full ramifications of which are yet to materialise. Moreover, it proved to be a turning point in the Syrian crisis itself; knowing Russia and China would block any attempts to give NATO its second outing as Al Qaeda’s airforce, the US once again chose the policy of further covert militarism, drastically increasing funds and weapons deliveries to the rebels – parallel to the sectarian incitement campaigns espoused by Salafi-Wahhabi clerics across the Gulf – in the hope they could overturn the Syrian army through terrorism and a brutal sectarian war of attrition.
As a consequence of the failure to remove Assad or destroy the Syrian government and its apparatus, the Obama administration, reluctant and politically incapable of engaging in overt acts of aggression, is employing a realpolitik strategy; using primarily covert militarism to appease the desires of NeoConservative hawks in Congress, and its more zealous regional influences emanating from Riyadh and Tel Aviv, while avoiding the possibility of being dragged into another overt military intervention.
In turn, this double-edged strategy feeds the false public perception of the American Empire, which the pseudo-pragmatists and neoliberal propagandists are so eager to uphold and is so fundamental to US Empire-building; that of an inherently altruistic force, acting as global arbiter, grudgingly subverting, invading, bombing, and intervening in sovereign nations affairs for the good of all mankind. As long as this false perception is upheld, the sharp-edge to the grotesque charade of US realpolitik – that of covert militarism and state-sponsored terrorism – continues unabated. Clearly, the US Empire is in no rush to end the bloodshed in Syria, its priorities, as they have been since the start of 2011, are to remove, or at least severely disable and weaken the Syrian government and state, regardless of the consequences to the civilian population.
By using its control of state-funding, the arms flow, and therefore the strength and capabilities of the insurgency as a whole, the Obama administration has employed futile carrot and stick tactics in attempts to pressure the Syrian government during the current negotiations phase into acceding to US demands and giving up its sovereignty – with both the US-led alliance, and Syria and its international allies, primarily Russia and Iran, in the full knowledge the rebels lack both the domestic support, and manpower necessary, to oust Assad or defeat the Syrian army alone. Recent reports allude to the stick of US Democracy having its most recent outing in the form of “new”  and improved weapons supplies to the rebels, allegedly including MANPADS. This comes immediately off the back of the designed-to-fail Geneva “peace” talks and can be interpreted as a direct result of Washington’s failure to enforce their objectives: the stick is an endless supply of state-sponsored terrorism, the carrot is turning off the tap.
Whether the “new” arms shipments actually increase the rebels ability to inflict damage on the Syrian government remains to be seen, and is highly improbable at this stage as the Syrian army moves into the Qalamoun mountains to liberate the rebel-held town of Yabroud, in turn securing vital transit and logistical routes from Lebanon. The likely outcome of an increased arms flow to the rebels in the south, as evidenced at every interval of US-instigated militarization, will be a repeat of the same devastating results: more civilian displacement, adding to the already critical refugee crisis; more rebel destruction of civilian infrastructure, adding to further food and utility shortages; and many more lives lost.
“Lebanonization” a substitute for regime change?
As is proving to be the case, if the United States and its allies are incapable of removing the Syrian government via proxy forces without an increasingly unpopular Western military intervention, and Assad’s position and domestic support remain steadfast, then a Lebanonization strategy may well be the substitute “optimal scenario” the US and its allies are now working toward.
 Encouraging, exacerbating, and inciting division between Arabs has been the long-term strategy for the Zionist establishment since the colonialists first usurped Palestinian land in 1948 – with specific effort made toward fomenting conflict along sectarian lines. The strategy of division is directed toward any Arab state or government that refuses to abide by Zionist demands. Israeli strategist Oded Yinon’s now infamous “A strategy for Israel in the 1980′s” – dubbed the Yinon Plan – provides perhaps the clearest account of Israel’s intentions toward its Arab neighbours:
The total disintegration of Lebanon into five regional local governments is the precedent for the entire Arab world … The dissolution of Syria, and later Iraq, into districts of ethnic and religious minorities following the example of Lebanon is Israel’s main long-range objective on the Eastern front. The present military weakening of these states is the short-range objective. Syria will disintegrate into several states along the lines of its ethnic and religious structure … As a result, there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state, the district of Aleppo will be a Sunni state, and the district of Damascus another state which is hostile to the northern one. The Druze – even those of the Golan – should forma state in Hauran and in northern Jordan … the oil-rich but very divided and internally strife-ridden Iraq is certainly a candidate to fill Israel’s goals … Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation … will hasten the achievement of the supreme goal, namely breaking up Iraq into elements like Syria and Lebanon.
When viewed in this context, it can be no coincidence that US Secretary of State John Kerry is desperately pursuing a fait accompli with the Palestinian Authority (PA).
Contrary to the sickening media portrayal of the US as impartial peacebroker, Kerry’s eagerness to pursue a “deal” at this moment in time is a direct result of the Syrian conflict, and the divisions within the resistance camp it has created. The US and Israel are now attempting to force through an Israeli-oriented “peace deal” with the corrupt PA that will inevitably be both a failure, and against the Palestinians interests. Staunch allies of Palestinian resistance, currently bogged down fighting Al Qaeda ideologues in Syria and defusing car-bombs bound for Dahiyeh, are in no position to support the Palestinians against Israel in their hour of need, the US and Israel fully grasp the importance of isolating genuine Palestinian resistance from the few Arab states and actors it receives support. In his latest speech, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah reminded his listeners of this very crucial issue:
“the US Administration is seeking, along with the Zionist Administration to put an end to the Palestinian cause, and it considers that this is the best time for that because the Arab and Islamic worlds are absent today, and every country is occupied with its own problems.”
In a similar fashion, the US has used the Syrian conflict as a lever against Iran in the nuclear negotiations, Washington’s longstanding attempts to pacify and subordinate an independent Iran has undoubtedly played a major role in US policy on Syria – perhaps the defining role. Consequently, both the Palestinian and Iranian conflicts with Israel and the United States are now, as they have always been intended to some extent in US calculations, inextricably linked to resolving the Syrian crisis.
True to form, Israel’s evident glee at the destruction in Syria and overt preference for the removal of Assad and the Syrian government, with the devastation that would entail, has proven at times hard for them to conceal. Furthering the point, just one of many examples of Israeli-rebel collusion came in a recent report from the National (falsely portraying the rebels Israel is “reaching out” to as ostensibly “moderate”) which relayed that hundreds of rebels have received treatment in Israeli hospitals and been sent back into Syria with up to a $1000 in cash. Israel have made further efforts to consolidate contacts with the rebels in the south, regardless of the level of fundamentalism, and cooperated with rebel factions during the Israeli bombings on Latakia and Damascus.
 In a feeble attempt to whitewash this collusion, Israeli propagandists are busily spreading the misinformation that Israel is facilitating the Druze community in the south of Syria; yet the Druze community are firmly allied with the Syrian government. In reality, Israeli attempts to cultivate relations with the communities and rebels in the south should be correctly viewed as attempts to create enforced “safe-zones” around the occupied Golan Heights, in furtherance of the Zionists land-grabbing expansionist aspirations. Accordingly, Israel’s fraudulent neutrality is completely exposed by their collusion with the rebels to meet their own interests, and overt acts of aggression against the Syrian army.
There are many other indications that allude to prominent factions of the US alliance being preferable of, and encouraging an outcome of division, most notably Israel, but simple logic determines that Saudi Arabia, Israel’s most vital strategic partner in the region, and the actor from within the US alliance that possesses the most material influence and political will to support fundamentalists and terrorism, would also approve of the disintegration of the Syrian state, primarily viewing it as a blow to “Shi’a expansion”. The Saudi and Gulf fixation on sectarian themes, to mask what are essentially politically oriented conflicts, is also intentionally built to intensify the strategy of division in multi-ethnic, religiously plural societies – as evidenced in virtually every country fundamentalist Gulf proxies have been unleashed upon, most recently in Libya.
Yet even the Saudi’s have limits to their own capabilities and decisions, ultimately they rely on the military largesse and protection of the United States, and will therefore reign in the terrorist networks if push comes to shove. Hence, therecent Saudi attempts to dissociate from Al Qaeda and the various extremists fighting in Syria can be seen as largely cosmetic and for public consumption. In reality, the Saudi leadership see Al Qaeda and its extremist confrères as malleable proxies of no real threat to themselves, while constituting a critical component of Saudi foreign policy and covert aggression.
 Of far higher importance to both Israel and Saudi Arabia’s confluent interests in the region, which in turn play a critical role in US calculations, are the very states the fundamentalist proxies are currently being sponsored to wage war upon; namely, Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah. The disintegration of the resistance axis is the utmost priority for the states that drive US policy in the Middle East, the supposed “threat” faced by militant fundamentalist ideologues, originally created, and intermittently sponsored by the US and its allies, is merely an afterthought.
 The US Empire, in its efforts to contain, and therefore dominate and control such a strategic and resource-rich region, is more than content to allow its reactionary and sectarian clients to incite the conflict necessary to subvert, fracture and divide the inevitable power a unified Middle East could claim: if only their progressive aspirations and unity were not repeatedly “set back” by Zionist occupation and manufactured antagonism.

A Saudi and Future Movement decision: The Information Branch will combat al-Qaeda


Lebanese security forces and forensic experts work near a portrait of Shiite movement Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah that was placed in the aftermath of an explosion in Beirut's southern district of Bir Hassan on February 20, 2014. (Photo: AFP-Anwar Amro)
Published Monday, February 24, 2014
After a decision taken by the Saudis and the Hariri camp, the Information Branch returns to combating terrorism after a three-year hiatus. According to officials involved in this decision, cooperation with the Lebanese army and Hezbollah will be the defining feature of the next phase. The only other problem is with the CIA which has stopped sharing its high-value information with Lebanon’s Information Branch. There are efforts underway to reverse this development as Lebanese officials wait for a decision from the CIA’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
The Internal Security Forces’ (ISF) Information Branch will resume its counter-terrorism activities. This statement by high-level Future Movement officials irritates officers at the Information Branch and officials in the ISF, who insist that they never stopped pursuing terrorist networks. In their official statements, they confidently talk about their achievements in the past few years. But further scrutiny of the branch’s performance in the past three years reveals that it did not make a significant effort to combat terrorism, except on the information level.
Since 2011, the Information Branch’s work has been driven by a clear policy on Syria that can be summarized as follows: “We will not stop anyone from smuggling weapons into Syria, we will not bother anyone who recruits people to fight in Syria, and we will not hesitate to help Syrian rebels where we must.”

Western diplomats, some of whom work in the intelligence field, affirm that the former head of the Information Branch, Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan, “was involved in smuggling arms shipments from Lebanon to Syria.” This information was also reported in The Economist last year. Others talk about his role in arming Syrian opposition groups through Turkish territory as well.
According to Lebanese diplomats and politicians, it is true that the United States is helping Syrian rebels, but it is opposed to arming groups if the weapons are going to end up in the hands of terrorists.
These arming operations were not continued by Colonel Imad Othman who succeeded Hassan after his assassination. But he did follow in his predecessor’s footsteps in meetings with Western officials, and specifically US officials. When Hassan and Othman would discuss the situation in Syria, they would engage in a lot of propaganda. According to Western officials: “They were willing to hide a lot of facts about the strength and danger of al-Qaeda so as not to harm the rebels’ image.”
Its field (arming) activities and its exchange of information with Westerners made the US abstain from providing the Information Branch with any serious information about the movement of al-Qaeda-affiliated individuals in Lebanon.
Lebanese security services arrested Shadi al-Mawlawi in Tripoli based on information from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Lebanese army also arrested the leader of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Majed al-Majed, and Naim Abbas based on information from the CIA.
When it comes to security issues that are serious or highly-sensitive, the CIA deprives its ally - the Information Branch - of any information it has. It is no longer a matter of speculation. US diplomats and security officials informed Lebanese politicians and security officials of this decision. Oftentimes the US did not provide justification for this decision, claiming instead that the agency wants to cooperate with the oldest security agency in Lebanon, the army intelligence.
But some US intelligence officials did give the reason in confidentiality: “The arming operations in Syria that individuals and the leadership of the Information Branch have already been involved in do not inspire confidence, as these officials put their political affiliation ahead of combating terrorism.”
“But the priorities of the Information Branch have changed. Combating terrorism has become their top priority,” say officials involved with the branch’s work. They add that the consequences of this decision “will become evident but they need some time.” Surely, this decision is not the brainchild of Colonel Othman but rather comes from the Saudi-Future Movement political camp to which he belongs to.

According to political sources involved with the work of the Information Branch, the main priority in the coming period is “cooperation between the army intelligence and the Information Branch.” That is why, Interior Minister Nouhad al-Machnouk called for cooperation to close - what he termed - the “death crossings” between Lebanon and Syria that are being used to smuggle stolen cars from Lebanon into Syria through the town of Britel in the Bekaa before these cars return to Lebanon through Arsal.
Security sources in the Bekaa indicate that the most important stolen cars dealer has disappeared and stopped selling cars to the Syrian opposition in the Qalamoun region more than three months ago. But security sources in Beirut confirm that security forces will go after the man and other dealers who work in stolen cars and counterfeit their documents.
This, according to sources, will occur through coordination between the army, the Information Branch and Hezbollah, pointing out that Othman has been instructed to overcome the “psychological and political barriers” that sometimes impede coordination with the party. The sources confirm that security measures will not be restricted to car thieves but will surely include the Arsal group that helps the terrorists based in Qalamoun to carry out bombings in Lebanon. Members of this group will either have to flee from Arsal, face prison time, or die.
The sources confirm that the Future Movement has provided the political cover to go after the Arsal group. A political-security discussion will take place between Hezbollah and the Future Movement paving the way for counter-terrorism operations that target groups supporting it directly or indirectly in the northern Bekaa.
There is still the problem of being deprived of information from the US, which is “vital for combating terrorism,” according to security officials. They point out that a serious discussion is underway between Lebanese and US officials to persuade the CIA to change its decision. The US side has promised to work on the issue but no one can guarantee the CIA’s cooperation.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European, no historical connection with Middle East at all


The origin of the Ashkenazi Jews, who come most recently from Europe, has largely been shrouded in mystery. But a new study suggests that at least their maternal lineage may derive largely from Europe.
Though the finding may seem intuitive, it contradicts the notion that European Jews mostly descend from people who left Israel and the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Instead, a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England.
Little is known about the history of Ashkenazi Jews before they were expelled from the Mediterranean and settled in what is now Poland around the 12th century. On average, all Ashkenazi Jews are genetically as closely related to each other as fourth or fifth cousins, said Dr. Harry Ostrer, a pathology, pediatrics and genetics professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and the author of “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People” (Oxford University Press, 2012).
But depending on whether the lineage gets traced through maternal or paternal DNA or through the rest of the genome, researchers got very different answers for whether Ashkenazi originally came from Europe or the Near East.
Past research found that 50 percent to 80 percent of DNA from the Ashkenazi Y chromosome, which is used to trace the male lineage, originated in the Near East, Richards said. That supported a story wherein Jews came from Israel and largely eschewed intermarriage when they settled in Europe. [The Holy Land: 7 Amazing Archaeological Finds]
But historical documents tell a slightly different tale. Based on accounts such as those of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, by the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70, as many as 6 million Jews were living in the Roman Empire, but outside Israel, mainly in Italy and Southern Europe. In contrast, only about 500,000 lived in Judea, said Ostrer, who was not involved in the new study.
“The major Jewish communities were outside Judea,” Ostrer told LiveScience.
Maternal DNA
Richards and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which is contained in the cytoplasm of the egg and passed down only from the mother, from more than 3,500 people throughout the Near East, the Caucusus and Europe, including Ashkenazi Jews.
The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.
All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.
Virtually none came from the North Caucasus, located along the border between Europe and Asia between the Black and Caspian seas.
The finding should thoroughly debunk one of the most questionable, but still tenacious, hypotheses: that most Ashkenazi Jews can trace their roots to the mysterious Khazar Kingdom that flourished during the ninth century in the region between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire, Richards and Ostrer said.
The genetics suggest many of the founding Ashkenazi women were actually converts from local European populations.
“The simplest explanation was that it was mainly women who converted and they married with men who’d come from the Near East,” Richards told LiveScience.
Another possibility is that Jews actively converted both men and women among local populations at this time, although researchers would need more detailed study of paternal lineages to test that hypothesis, Richards said.
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al-Qaeda going after al Qaeda



 Abu Khaled al-Souri
“… A Syrian rebel commander, who fought alongside al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden and was close to its current chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, was killed by a suicide attack in Aleppo, intensifying in-fighting between rival armed groups.Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said he died along with six others when a fighter from the rival Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group blew himself up at an Ahrar al-Sham post in al-Halq.Al-Suri’s death occurred against the backdrop of bloody rebel infighting between an al-Qaeda-breakaway ISIL and an array of armed opposition groups….”
Posted by G, M, Z, or B at 9:35 AM

Syria Infighting Rages: ISIL Suicide Attack Kills Terrorist Close to Zawahiri

Local Editor

The commander of terrorist group, Ahrar al-Sham, was killed on Sunday along with six other militants in a suicide attack by another terrorist group, Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL).

Abu Khaled al-Souri, who fought alongside al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden and was close to its current chief, Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed on Sunday, Britian-based observatory “The Syrianb observatory for Human Rights” reported.

Souri’s death will fuel the infighting between extremist groups fighting the Syrian government.

Two militants told Reuters that five ISIL members had entered Ahrar al-Sham headquarters in Aleppo, engaged its fighters and then one ISIL militant blew himself up.

"Sheikh Abu Khaled was an important jihadi figure, he fought the Americans in Iraq and in Afghanistan." said a Syrian militant.

"He was a very important commander, he is a close friend of Sheikh Ayman [al-Zawahiri] and he knew Sheikh Bin Laden."

Souri was born in Aleppo in 1963. A senior source within Ahrar al-Sham said he had been based in Afghanistan but was sent by Zawahiri to Syria a few months ago on a mission to try to end the infighting.

Sources said that, by killing Souri, ISIL had taken the war between extremist factions to a new level, and that the decision to kill him must have been taken by the high command of ISIL, most probably its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who fell out last year with Zawahiri and the leader of the Syrian al-Qaeda group the al-Nusra Front.

Source: Agencies
24-02-2014 - 11:01 Last updated 24-02-2014 - 11:01

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Dozens of Terrorists Killed in Syrian Army Operations in Several Areas


Local Editor


The Syrian army units on Monday targeted terrorists' gatherings and dens in several areas around the country, where dozens of terrorists were killed.Syrian Army

A military source told SANA that the army units killed and injured scores of terrorists in Mou'adamiyet al-Qalamoun, al-Jbeh and Housh Arab in Damascus Countryside, in addition to destroying two cars equipped with heavy machineguns.

The source added that the army units killed a number of terrorists, some of them affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra, destroying 3 cars equipped with heavy machineguns in Yabroud, Rema farms and to the west of al-Sohil and al-Mushrfeh towns.

Another army unit killed all members of an armed terrorist group to the east of al-Cherubim Monastery in Saydnaya city.

The source pointed out that 12 terrorists affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra were killed in Kfar Batna town.

In the same context, the army units killed 3 terrorists to the north of Ghbair roundabout in Erbeen town.

Eight citizens have been injured in a mortar attack on the residential areas in Jaramana city in Damascus countryside.

A source told the Police Command that 7 mortar rounds launched by terrorists slammed into al-Jamiyat and al-Baladieh neighborhoods, al-Suyouf Square and the main square and al-Madares Street in Jaramana.

The attack caused material damage to Martyr Zahi al-Samin School and citizens' houses.

A military source said that the army units killed all members of an armed terrorist groups who were attempting to attack a military checkpoint in Morik town in Hama countryside.

The source added that among the dead terrorists were Eyad Mohammad Kadour and the Saudi Tariq Ziad al-Hashmi.

A military source said that terrorists' gatherings were destroyed in the villages and towns of Rasm al-Abboud, Jdeidet al-kweires, Ainjara and the surrounding area of Aleppo central prison and in addition to a weapon and ammunition cache in Daret Ezza village in Aleppo province.

The source added that army units killed big numbers of terrorists in the villages and towns of Hreitan and Hayan al-Ahdath in the northern countryside and destroyed vehicles loaded with weapons and ammunition in the industrial city and Abteen village.

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Armed terrorist groups were eliminated in al-Castello, al-Sekkari, the surrounding area of al-Zarzour Hospital, bustan al-Qaser and the neighborhoods of al-Hawooz and al-Zubeidiyeh in Aleppo City.

A military source said that an army unit destroyed dens that belong to terrorists of the so-called 'al-Motaz Bellah battalion' in Atman town, killing many of its members including Mohammad Ghaleb al-Masri, a terrorist group leader.

The source added that a number of terrorists were killed and many others were injured in the surrounding area of Daraa central prison, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.

Other army units carried out intensive operations against dozens of terrorists, destroying their dens and gatherings near a gas station on al-Sad road neighborhood in the city of Daraa.

Army units repelled the attempt of terrorists to attack the locals in Khattab and Um Hartein villages in Homs countryside.

A source told SANA that an army unit thwarted the attempt of terrorists to infiltrate from Abu Al-Rish village to Um Hartein in al-Makhram, Homs countryside, killing and wounding its members, as another unit repelled terrorists who sought to attack Khattab village and destroyed their weapons.

The source added that a car for terrorists was destroyed with the weapons and ammunition inside it, killing all the terrorists who were inside in al-Ghanto village.

Armed groups were wiped out in Bir Hbab village as army units pounded terrorists' hideouts in al-Zara town and al-Khalidieh village.

Army units carried out special operations against terrorists' gatherings in Morek town in Hama, killing scores of terrorists and injuring many others.

Orient Tendencies: The New US Strategy for Global Domination


Posted on February 24, 2014 by 

Orient Tendencies
Monday February 24, 2014, no172
Weekly information and analysis bulletin specialized in Arab Middle Eastern affairs prepared by neworientnews.com
Editor in chief Wassim Raad
New Orient Center for Strategic policies

The New US Strategy for Global Domination

By Ghaleb Kandil
The Obama administration leads an offensive on all fronts of international confrontation, in an attempt to modify the equations that brought down the unilateral American hegemony. The objective is to impose an international partnership led by the United States.
The stated objective of the European-American offensive in Ukraine is to undermine Russian influence in this country, to subtract it from the politico- geographical space of influence of Moscow, and integrate it to the Western sphere of domination. European countries have provided substantial support to the Ukrainian opposition, and it is interesting to note that the United States have strengthened their relations with Germany, which does not hide its economic ambitions in Ukraine. This attitude has undermined the amelioration of relations that appeared between Russia and Germany after Obama’s decision to attack Syria, last summer. In this way, the American empire has led Europe in the battle against Russia, through Ukraine.
348778_US-Syria-GenevaThe plan exceeds Ukraine and aims to take over all areas of traditional Russian influence. American strategists know that if Russia manages to win the confrontation in Ukraine, it will succeed to strengthen its influence in the whole Eastern Europe.
Washington has also announced a review of its policies in Syria, in order to restore its prestige after Obama’s decision not to intervene militarily in Syria and to start negotiations with Iran about the nuclear issue. This reassessment aimed to reassure allies and satellites of the United States and tell them that Washington does not intend to withdraw from the Middle East, as had been imagined, despite serious setbacks suffered by its plans to destroy the Syrian state and contain Iran.
American strategists have acted on three axes to reassure regional allies and agents, including Saudi Arabia: 

1-Attachment to the sanctions against Iran and slowing the negotiations with that country. 
2-The focus on the protection of Israel, working on the final liquidation of the right of return of Palestinian refugees by the consecration of the “Jewish state of Israel”. This process will be completed by the normalization of relations between Israel and the Gulf states on military and economic levels. 
3-The reactivation of the military option in Syria, through a vast project of arming and training the rebels and to launch an offensive from Jordan, with an aim to establish a “security zone” to protect Israel.
To cover this general offensive, the United States multiplies their lies about the fight against terrorism, while in Syria their main working tool are extremist groups affiliated to Al- Qaeda, which evolve under various brands.
It is clear that the confrontation in Ukraine will witness a great escalation in the coming weeks, despite the agreement signed under the patronage of the European Union.
Analysts expect measures and Russian initiatives to deal with the U.S. escalation in order to impose a balanced partnership in the world. The Russian position will also affect the Syrian and Iranian issues and not only on Ukrainian question, especially since the United States persist in wanting to build the missile shield directed against Moscow and Tehran.

About the Israeli-Jordanian “security zone” in Syria

By Ghaleb Kandil
Four factors shows that Western-Turkish-Saudi alliance against Syria, led by the United States, will fail to reverse the military balances established on the battlefield.
First, the popular mood has changed in favor of the national state. This appears in the reconciliations, which extend from one region to another, especially around Damascus. The inhabitants of these areas are tired of the crimes perpetrated by terrorist-takfirists groups and are convinced, as the majority of Syrians, that the return of the state is the only way for them to live a normal life.
 Benny Gantz
Second, the fact that the United States is forced to involve Jordan and Israel in the offensive plan from the south is a sign of weakness, which will have serious repercussions on the military operation in preparation. Indeed, the internal situation in Jordan is very fragile and can explode at any time if the authorities of this country continue to participate actively and directly in the aggression against Syria. In addition, Israeli attempts to establish a “security zone” in Syria, controlled by a militia of collaborators, will be a detonator for the launch of a Syrian popular resistance to fight against Israel and its agents. They cannot hide anymore behind the windows of a pseudo-opposition.
Third, the attacking force in Jordan prepared for the offensive, regardless of their number, is a group of mercenaries hired by Arab-Western intelligence agencies, which recently held a coordination meeting in Washington. Whatever the level of training received by these mercenaries is, there is no doubt that they will not match that of a Syrian Arab Army and Army National Defence, whose patriotic motivations give them a moral superiority, added to an exceptional combat experience.
Fourth, the lies of the United States and Saudi Arabia on their support to “moderate armed groups” face realities that nobody can deny. The Saudis have indeed attempted to unite under one banner in the province of Daraa, the Takfirists, extremists and terrorists groups, who are not moderate at all.
The spine of the Daraa offensive will be Al-Nosra Front, Ahrar al-Sham Brigades, both close to al-Qaeda and the militias of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the main component of the “Islamic Front”. If this offensive exceeds the media framework, it will result in fierce fighting near the Jordanian border, not far from the separation line in the Golan heights. The plan of creation of a pro-Israeli “security zone” will be a factor of mobilization and additional fighting for the army and the Syrian people.
It will be a battle to defend the sovereignty and the independence of Syria against Israel.
Michel Aoun, Free Patriotic Movement Leader
«The formation of the cabinet will diffuse much of the hatred and popular tension, which will decrease the severity of local disputes. The terrorism prevailing in Syria could spill over into Lebanon; Al-Qaeda is still active in Arsal, and it is passing through areas where Hezbollah is present. The Arab and foreign countries’ interests in igniting tension in the region are many. They want to establish peace with Israel, take over Lebanon and Syria’s offshore petrol and gas and gain control over political and strategic areas.»
Ali Fayyad, Hezbollah MP
«Formation of the cabinet is an important, essential and fundamental step in the context of meeting challenges. We must work to make the role of this government successful so that it will be effective and achieve what is required of it. The takfiri’s nonchalance at bringing injury to the Islamic Orphanage and killing civilians from all sects in the latest explosion in Bir Hassan, then targeting the army checkpoint in Hermel and setting conditions for halting terror operations connected to releasing terrorists from prison show that the problem of takfiri terrorism is not restricted to Hezbollah; rather, [it affects] the state and the people too.»
Saad Hariri, Future Movement leader
«We in the Future Movement will do all we can to prevent vacuum from affecting the presidency and this is a national duty for all political parties in Lebanon. It seems that you know more than we do. In fact serious dialogue took place with the FPM and it successfully led to the formation of the new government. At one point there will be a March 14 presidential candidate, and after that we will see how things go.»
Wiam Wahhab, Arab Tawhid Party leader
«Here in the Sham region Assad and Nasrallah make the decisions. Here only honorable people make decisions not traitors. Those who want to share power in Syria should be living in their country and not in foreign hotels.»
  • A suicide bomber blew himself up at a Lebanese Armed Forces checkpoint at the entrance of Beqaa’s Hermel on Saturday evening, killing three people, including two soldiers, and injuring more than ten others. “The blast was caused by an explosives-rigged four-wheel-drive vehicle… driven by a suicide bomber who detonated himself when he was stopped by [army] soldiers at the checkpoint,” according to a statement by the army. It added that the LAF “will not cease to fight anyone who attempts to harm the army and Lebanon, and will dismantle terrorist networks and pursue whomever is involved, no matter how great the sacrifice.” The National News Agency reported that a suicide bomber, driving a four-wheel-drive Jeep Grand Cherokee, plate number G248146, arrived at the army checkpoint from the eastern side of Hermel. When asked to turn on his lights, he detonated the car. The Al-Nusra Front in Lebanon, an offshoot of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, claimed responsibility for this attack. This incident was denounced by the country’s Prime Minister Tammam Salam, who said that “targeting the army is targeting an essential component of the nation.” The US Embassy also issued a statement condemning the explosion: “Targeting the army is akin to targeting all Lebanese.” The bombing on Saturday night was the latest in a string of attacks targeting Hezbollah-affiliated areas. Two car bombs exploded in Bir Hassan in Beirut’s south suburbs on Wednesday, killing 11 people. Hermel itself was targeted with car bombs twice before, on January 16 and on February 1st. Both were claimed by the same terrorist organization, the Al-Nusra Front in Lebanon. Lebanese Army forces have since attempted to uncover terror networks in Lebanon, and have been able to dismantle a number of explosives-rigged cars coming from Syria.
  • The Lebanese Armed Forces raided the residence of Mahmoud Khalaf in Sidon to arrest him. LAF confiscated explosives, grenades and war rifles during the raid. Khalaf, a Palestinian national, is suspected of espousing the extremist ideology of Al-Qaeda and is one of the supporters of Salafi Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir who has been on the run since his supporters clashed with the LAF in Sidon’s Abra last year. The army’s intelligence on Sunday apprehended a man suspected of being the dangerous terrorist, known as Qassem al-Atrash, in the Beqaa town of al-Qaa, the National News Agency reported. The army is currently trying to confirm the identity of the arrested man, the report added.
Press review
Al Akhbar (Lebanese Daily close to the Lebanese Resistance)
(February 22, 2014)
It is no longer a conjecture to say that the masterminds behind the suicide attacks want the situation to escalate in Lebanon, all the way to instigating a full-blown Sunni-Shia conflict. Naim Abbas, a prominent fundamentalist figure who is currently in custody for his alleged involvement in terrorist attacks, has revealed in the course of his questioning that there are plans in place for a major attack in the Shia-majority Chiyah district of Beirut’s southern suburb, with a view to cause an armed reaction against the people of Sunni-majority Tariq al-Jdideh.
Sources close to the investigation centering on the recent terror attacks said that Abbas collapsed in breathtaking speed, to the surprise of the investigators.
Abbas had turned his phone off when he had found out that an army unit was about to raid his hideout. Theoretically, Abbas could have “disappeared” and slipped from his pursuers, but his confusion gave him up, and prompted army intelligence officers to request to see his identification documents. After a five-minute quarrel between Abbas and army intelligence officers, Abbas revealed his real identity “outright.”
Abbas was put in a car that went straight to the Ministry of Defense. He not only revealed very quickly that there was a bomb rigged to explode near his apartment in the Corniche al-Mazraa district, but also lost control of himself en route to the ministry, and urinated in his clothes. The sources said that Abbas was in a state of terror until after he reached the interrogation room, and had told the investigators: I will tell you everything, just don’t beat me.
Abbas also revealed information about a strategy for expanding the scope of the bombings and maximizing the number of casualties, saying that there was nothing to stop suicide bombers or their plans. According to Abbas, his group had a “Sharia-based license” to do anything without regard to civilians or their religious affiliations.
Abbas said that the goal was to provoke Hezbollah so much that it would react in a way that would antagonize the Sunni community. This, his group calculated, would expand the margin of freedom for jihadists to operate within the Sunni community, and prevent any attempt by the government or other political parties to give cover to a crackdown against these groups. Another goal was to force Sunni clerics and politicians to step up their rhetoric against Hezbollah, giving cover to further attacks against its base.
The suspect said that he was not a member of al-Nusra Front or the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, but that he operated in the same jihadist circles. Abbas also said that he focused on recruiting people who were involved in what happened in Abra, meaning the supporters of fugitive cleric Ahmad al-Assir, especially those who had fled to the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp and other areas.
Naim Abbas said that it was him who had trained and gave the suicide belt and assault rifle to the young Syrian man who blew himself up in a van in Choueifat. In response to a question about why that suicide bomber was asking for directions to the police station and the gas company in the Ouzai area of Beirut, Abbas told the investigators that the man wanted to reach Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV building near the Golf course in Bir Hassan-Ouzai, which would have been easy to reach in a taxi from the police station or the gas company.
Abbas said that the suicide bomber was supposed to reach the building’s entrance, open fire at the guards, and then attempt to enter the building along with another suicide bomber. They were supposed to empty their magazines and then blow themselves up inside the building.
Abbas also told investigators that he wanted to prepare a third suicide bomber in an explosives-laden car that would wait nearby, and then hurtle toward the building when crowds gather detonating.
The fundamentalist suspect admitted that during discussions with associates regarding the situation in Dahiyeh, the focus was on how to expand the scope of attacks inside Beirut’s southern suburb, to force Hezbollah and the population to react violently against Sunnis inside Dahiyeh.
What happened after the first few bombings was that Hezbollah did not react, for example, by staging car-bomb attacks in Sunni-majority areas, while the population showed a lot of self-restraint. Because of this, the jihadist groups started thinking in a different way.
Abbas said that the groups in charge of surveillance noticed that countermeasures were stepped up in the areas that are under the full control of Hezbollah, while measures in the Chiyah area were relatively more relaxed compared to Haret Hreik, Roueiss, and Bir al-Abed. According to Abbas, his associates’ assumption was that despite the fact that the Amal Movement’s attitudes were identical to those of Hezbollah, the nature of the region in Chiyah, an Amal stronghold, made it less possible to rein in the street’s reaction compared to other areas. For this reason, plans were put in place to carry out suicide attacks in Chiyah, to instigate anti-Sunni reactions, especially in the direction of Tariq al-Jdideh.
Abbas was reportedly planning a two-pronged attack in a street in Chiyah, but Abu Abdullah al-Iraqi, commander of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the Qalamoun region with whom Abbas was in close coordination, suggested a three-stage suicide attack instead.
Al Akhbar (February 22, 2014)
Marah Mashi
The car enters al-Arrab Street near al-Dablan and other flashpoint neighborhoods in the Syrian city of Homs. The street is a reminder of its former cheerful days, when it was the site of art exhibits and cultural events.
Reaching the temporary lodgings of the people who left Old Homs is not an easy feat. An army checkpoint awaits you, with a soldier wanting to know where you are heading and the reason for your visit. The elegant buildings in al-Arrab do not have bullet and shell marks. Its residents left after the initial clashes in al-Dablan, but they quickly returned; this makes the neighborhood stand out in comparison to nearby neighborhoods that have been abandoned.
Al-Andalus School, which the government turned into a shelter for refugees, is across the street from the Education Directorate. It houses about 340 civilians who left old Homs, paving the way for the exit of some men with their families. People who have nowhere to stay under the auspices of the state will remain in the old building.
The front of the building shows signs of old clashes, and there are policemen at its entrance to inspect IDs and conduct searches. In the school’s playground, children play soccer. Clergymen leave the center. They visit the families all the time. One sounds confident that the rest will be out soon. A woman standing nearby whispers: “They’re never going to come out. They boobytrapped the tunnels, and the road is full of snipers.”
Dr. Abdel-Qader Zubair had only two months left to finish his residency at al-Walid Hospital located in the Waer neighborhood, but he ended up in a field hospital after he was kidnapped from the hospital. Zubair has tried to return to his family.
“We were caught between a rock and a hard place. We were afraid of the militants inside, but we didn’t dare flee because we were afraid of how the security forces and the army was going to treat us. Were they going to treat us as if we were fighters?” he said.
Khaled al-Masry is an anesthesiologist. He was kidnapped from al-Bir Hospital in the Waer neighborhood to work at a field hospital in Jouret al-Shayah. The doctors there had no choice but to accept the situation. Leaving the hospital was forbidden. Masry said he and a friend escaped by helping to carry aid packages that were brought in. “We met the United Nations representative and gave him an idea about our situation. So he took us out in his car right away. We underwent a routine investigation then left,” he said.
According to the people leaving Old Homs, the fighters address each other by aliases and titles. The name Abu al-Harith comes up a lot, which suggests he controls a number of fighters inside.
Baraa, 8, is full of tales: “They don’t know how to shoot because they haven’t done their military service. They would come and ask daddy how to put the bullets because daddy has done his military service and knows how to shoot, but he doesn’t carry a gun because he worries about us.”
She added: “They hid among us when we were leaving and they carried me and my sister Jana so the army would think they are families.”
Female volunteers from the Shabab al-Kheir Association in charge of the relief center cleaned up the little girls and gave them food. Tragedy befell the family before the father decided to take out Baraa and her three sisters, the youngest no older than three. They had lost their mother and an infant boy in an explosion seven months ago. The father, with his daughters, carried the mother’s remains to bury her. The girls talk about her as if she has vanished. They do not cry; hunger keeps them preoccupied.
Baraa said, “The rebels were our neighbors. We used to gather wood and cut it and put it in a barrel so they could feel warm.” The rebels, according to Baraa, would use the wood from doors of houses and bring them to the girls to break using large stones. They were used to carrying large stones and doing what those guys asked them.
“‘Tell your daughters we want tea, tell your daughters we want firewood,’” Baraa repeated what they used to tell her father. “‘Veil your daughters, we’re Muslim, have her wear a coat and cover her face.’”
“He wanted to buy my three-year-old sister Jana. He told father, I will pay as much as you want for her. He also told him, I will take your daughters and raise them if you can’t feed them.”
The fighters, according to the civilians who left, have adapted to not having power by relying on electric generators that work four hours a day. The civilians, on the other hand, have forgotten what electricity means. They retrieve soiled water from an old well and spend much time filtering it before it’s potable.
Fraiha, 12, said, “We had to eat [cats] out of hunger, but [the fighters] had some food left from the aid. They were able to break into homes and steal food supplies. They would search people’s homes and steal the food after putting a gun to the homeowner’s head.” Baraa interrupted, “We ate so many cats. Our houses were filled with big mice.” The girl’s neutral, expressionless face was unfathomable. Fraiha continued, “The meat was not good. It tasted bitter.”
Fraiha described how some tried to flee, but the fighters beheaded four of them. Another who tried to escape was whipped in the street.
Omar, 15, sits by the school’s fence. He is happy. He is carrying cigarettes in all his pockets. Here, he can smoke as much as he wants. He explained the situation inside: “The price of a bird is 10,000 Syrian pounds ($70) even though it is eaten. But the price of a kilo of Arabic cigarettes is 3 million pounds ($20,877). But does anyone have 3 million pounds?” Answering his own question, he said, “All those inside have millions, but there are no goods to buy. … They stole everything, the market, jewelry and clothes stores.”
Two other guys sit alone. Mohammed, 20, said he carried arms for a week so he could get rations. “They killed my friend under the pretext that he collaborated with the Syrian army. That is why I stopped carrying arms,” he said. “I started working with them like most people whom they used for logistical work, such as digging tunnels, serving them, and a lot of other hard work that they forced people to do.”
Al Akhbar (February 21, 2014)
Laith al-Khatib
The standing of over 500 fighters in Babbila has been resolved according to AFP. The agreement to resolve the standing of rebel fighters in the Damascus countryside has so far included a few thousand men. These fighters did not express concern over their fate after an agreement was reached. The agreement was done in a way to build confidence between rebels and the government, allowing them to confront crimes committed by foreign fighters.
Damascus countryside- The standing of rebel fighters is usually addressed at the outset of preparations for any compromise or agreement in the Damascus countryside. At first, mediators – made up of neighborhood elders or national reconciliation committees – give Syrian army officers in charge of the reconciliation process lists of the names of dozens of fighters. These officers come up with a plan regarding the fate of these fighters if they surrender to the army, which then puts the reconciliation process in motion.
This step usually serves as a token of how serious both sides are over the reconciliation efforts and as a way to gauge the mediators’ influence. Based on the success of the first step, the outcome of the remaining steps is determined by addressing the standing of the rest of the fighters who usually keep their light weapons under the leadership of the National Defense Force, which in turn falls under the leadership of the Syrian army.
Thanks to this process, the standing of a few thousand rebel fighters in the Damascus countryside was gradually resolved. In Madaya, located in the northwestern countryside of Damascus, the status of 500 fighters was resolved all at once. More than 150 fighters have turned themselves over to popular committees, or what has come to be known as the National Defense Force, in Qudsaya in the north of Damascus. The standing of about 20 leaders of armed groups and their fighters (who are estimated to be in the hundreds) in Barzeh, located to the northeast of Damascus, was resolved in the National Defense Force center in al-Mazzeh. The same scenario happened in Moadamiyeh and with hundreds of fighters in Western Ghouta as well.
Reconciliation efforts in many areas in the Damascus countryside began a long time before this latest success, but these initial attempts failed because “the political leadership did not adopt these steps in the past,” a known activist in the reconciliation efforts who preferred to remain anonymous told Al-Akhbar. He added: “The truth is, the agreements began in the Damascus countryside as traps that some security agencies set up for the rebel fighters. Many of the fighters whom we convinced to return to national ranks, were entrapped and arrested by some security agencies.” This affected the credibility of all the national reconciliation committees, whether those belonging to the National Reconciliation Ministry or the ones created through popular initiatives. “Many members of the national reconciliation committees were assassinated by fighters to avenge what happened.” However, an opportunity came when an officer from the Syrian Republican Guard began to call reconciliation committees under orders from the political leadership to discuss the possibility of making reconciliation efforts work. Then they began making compromises.
The reconciliation committees spoke with rebel leaders who come from the neighborhoods where agreements were reached and they, in turn, took on the task of talking to the foreign fighters and to drive them out of the neighborhoods they were occupying.
Sheikh Anas al-Tawil, who is an activist in Babbila, told Al-Akhbar : “We have principles that govern these reconciliation efforts. The first principle is that there is no dialogue with foreign fighters.” In all the attempts to reach a compromise in the Damascus countryside, the difference in opinion was between the local and foreign fighters.
Rabih Mustafa, a fighter from Babbila, told Al-Akhbar: “As a result of contacts with the elders months ago, we received warnings from the Saudi, Tunisian and Libyan fighters, in addition to some Syrian fighters from al-Nusra Front, against pressing ahead with the dialogue with the reconciliation committees describing their members as Shabiha, i.e, regime thugs.” This infuriated fighters from Babbilah. “None of us agreed to describing the town’s sheikhs, mayor and elders as such.”
In the second phase, the foreign fighters tried to reason with local rebels after reconciliation efforts took off. They warned against the security agencies recalling numerous incidents whereby rebel fighters were entrapped. But the elders, in cooperation with the officers in charge of this issue, had taken this into consideration, “so they agreed to allow the fighters to keep light arms and to receive a monthly salary from the National Defense Army as we became members of it.”
The details of the reconciliation process convinced local fighters and the residents left in Barzeh, Babbila, Beit Sahem, Moadamieh, Qudsia, Madaya, al-Zabadani and al-Yarmouk Refugee Camp to take part in reconciliation efforts since they were slowly dieing of starvation and they did not see the point of military confrontations. This made foreign fighters, mostly from al-Nusra Front, face two options, either fight with the residents and the local fighters or withdraw.
“Although the scale tipped in favor of the second option, this did not prevent foreign fighters from expressing their opposition to the compromises in different ways. Some threatened retribution after victory and some of them decided to withdraw at inappropriate military times to teach those who demanded their withdrawal a lesson. Some expressed their opposition by assassinating figures that had called for a compromise.”
Rebel fighters who accepted reconciliation agreements do not fear being pursued or avenged by hardline security agencies in the government. Mohammed al-Moadamani (a pseudonym), a fighter from Moadamieh tells Al-Akhbar: “The government is serious about reaching a compromise. This conviction does not stem from promises, oral or written guarantees, but from the fact that reconciliation process is a comprehensive process.”
He explains that the process includes: determining the roles of the fighters, rehabilitating local infrastructure, the return of residents to their homes and the coverage of the event by the media. He adds: “The reconciliation seems serious. It is obvious that the officers from the Syrian Republican Guard who are in charge have instructions from the top to treat us well.” For Mohammed, they can still face the worst case scenario. “The weapons are still with us, according to the terms of the agreement to protect us from any hardline party whether they are foreign fighters or al-Nusra Front fighters or even from the other side.”
Oddly enough, the process of these agreements included some civilians or those unable to carry arms. One such civilian is Ramadan Hijazi, originially from Daraya, whose left hand is paralyzed. He moved from Daraya to Moadamieh when he heard about the reconciliation efforts, hoping to get out of both areas. Ramadan tells his story to Al-Akhbarwith a smile: “I went with a group of fighters to Mazzeh and we engaged in a dialogue there. Like the others, I vowed not to direct arms, which I never used, against the state.”
Today, Ramadan is living in Jdeidet al-Fadl and he doubts that his life is in danger. He is still in contact with the “good guys” among the officers in charge of this issue and the national reconciliation. Those familiar with the details of most agreements point out that concept of the fighter in the compromise reached includes all males between the ages of 15-55 because investigating to know the identity of those who carried arms is truly a complicated matter and might take a long time.
AFP (France-Press Agency)
Acil Tabbara (February 23, 2014)
Saudi Arabia is in talks with Pakistan to provide anti-aircraft and anti-tank rockets to Syrian rebels to try to tip the balance in the war to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, a Saudi source said Sunday.
The United States has long opposed arming the rebels with such weapons, fearing they might end up in the hands of extremists, but Syrian opposition figures say the failure of Geneva peace talks seems to have led Washington to soften its opposition.
Pakistan makes its own version of Chinese shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles, known as Anza, and anti-tank rockets — both of which Riyadh is trying to get for the rebels, said the source, who is close to Saudi decision-makers, requesting anonymity.
The source pointed to a visit to Riyadh earlier this month by Pakistan’s army chief of staff, General Raheel Sharif, who met Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz.
Prince Salman himself last week led a large delegation to Pakistan, shortly after Saudi’s chief diplomat Prince Saud al-Faisal visited the kingdom’s key ally.
Jordan will be providing facilities to store the weapons before they are delivered to rebels within Syria, the same source said.
Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (right) welcomes Saudi Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul  …
AFP could not obtain confirmation from officials in Saudi, Pakistan or Jordan.
The head of the Syrian opposition, Ahmad Jarba, promised during a flying visit to northern Syria last week that “powerful arms will be arriving soon.”
“The United States could allow their allies provide the rebels with anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons following the failure of Geneva talks and the renewed tension with Russia,” said the head of the Gulf Research Centre, Abdel Aziz al-Sager.
Providing those weapons to the rebels “relieves pressure on the US in the short-term,” said Simon Henderson, director of the Gulf and Energy Policy Programme at the Washington Institue for Near East Policy.
“But the long-term political worry is that Manpads (Man-portable air-defence systems) will leak and be used to bring down a civilian airliner somewhere in the world.”
Weapons and ammunition seized by the Jordanian security forces during a hunt for wanted “outlaw …
Rebels have long said that anti-aircraft rockets would help them defend themselves against Syrian warplanes, which regularly bomb rebel-held areas with barrels loaded with TNT and other ordinance.
The nearly-three-year conflict in Syria has torn the country apart, killing more than 140,000 people, including some 50,000 civilians, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Rising Saudi influence
Saudi Arabia has a strong influence on Syria’s southern front, where it coordinates with Jordan, and has helped unite the rebel fighters in the area, according to Syrian opposition sources.
On the other hand, Qatar and Turkey are responsible for coordinating with the rebels on the northern front, said an official of the Syrian opposition, requesting anonymity.
Saudi Arabia has come to eclipse Qatar as the main supporter of the Syrian rebels, a development illustrated by the election last July of Ahmad Jarba, who has strong Saudi links, to lead the Syrian National Coalition, the main umbrella opposition group.
The trend appeared to continue with the dismissal last week of General Selim Idriss, the top commander of the Western-backed Free Syrian Army, who was considered close to Qatar, according to an opposition source.
The main criticism of Idriss was “bad distribution of weapons” and “errors in battle,” said another opposition source.
Idriss, who has refused his dismissal, has been replaced by Brigadier General Abdel Ilah al-Bashir, the leader of the rebel military council for the region of Quneitra in southern Syria.
On its internal front, Saudi Arabia has sidelined intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who had been leading Riyadh’s efforts concerning Syria, according to a Western diplomat.
Diplomats have said that the file has been passed to the interior minister, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, known for his successful crackdown on Al-Qaeda following a wave of deadly attacks in the kingdom between 2003 and 2006.
Bandar’s management had triggered American criticism, diplomats said.
The Saudi royal himself has reproached Washington for its decision not to intervene militarily in Syria, and for preventing its allies from providing rebels with much-needed weapons, diplomats added.

Al-Baysarieh: Tensions mount against Palestinian residents


A Lebanese man walks past the burnt out vehicle of one of the suspected suicide bombers from the attack on the Iranian cultural centre the previous day, after villagers set fire to the car outside his home in Baissarieh, south of the Sidon, on February 20, 2014. (Photo: AFP-Mahmoud Zayyat)
Published Monday, February 24, 2014
Those who pick the men for suicide bombings know what they are doing. Four months ago, they partially succeeded in causing tensions in the southern Lebanese town of al-Baysarieh by using Adnan al-Mohammed. They were more successful with Nidal al-Moughir. What if they choose a third person - a Palestinian resident or refugee - from the town brimming with confessional tensions?
The old woman took advantage of the power outage Sunday night, to pace back and forth in the courtyard of her home in the Palestinian neighborhood of al-Baysarieh. Tension and fear gripped her body.
She expressed concern to her son about what the night may bring to her family and neighbors. The Palestinian woman, whose face was marked with a life of displacement, is afraid of being displaced again. This fear, which she had forgotten since the end of the War of the Camps [1984-1989], was brought back by Nidal al-Moughir.
Nidal al-Moughir was identified as one of the suicide bombers used in the twin attacks in Bir Hassan last week, which left 11 people dead and dozens more wounded.

Shortly after he was identified through DNA tests conducted with his mother, a group of men from the village and its surrounding areas descended upon his family home, burning the house of his father, Hisham al-Moughir, and his car parked outside.
Al-Moughir's father condemned his son's actions and disowned him. He himself used to be a member of the Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese Resistance Brigades and was honored by Hezbollah after the July 2006 Israeli aggression. His tasks included carrying bread to those besieged in border towns, which led to him getting injured during an Israeli raid.
He said his son used to accompany him on some of the bread runs. It is well known among the neighbors that many of the family's relatives used to be in Hezbollah. However, what was done in the past is now no longer enough.
Attempting to quell the anger
Since Saturday, many youths in the villages have been sharing text messages calling for a gathering in the town square, "to condemn takfiri thought and express rejection of the presence of families that support it."
Some of them also set the car of Ahmad Khalaf on fire, which was parked outside his home at the town entrance, just a few meters from the family of the suicide bomber of the first Bir Hassan attack, Adnan al-Mohammad, also Palestinian.
The perpetrators claimed Khalaf was "a radical sheikh and the spiritual leader of both al-Moughir and al-Mohammad."
Worried about the repercussions of the young men's wrath, al-Baysarieh's political figures and municipal council called for action. Starting Sunday afternoon, they rallied in the square to stop the young men from gathering. They were supported by Lebanese army units, which were deployed in the area and worked on dispersing the crowds.
The head of the municipality, along with leading political figures, managed to distract the angry young men and invited them to the “husseiniya” [a Shia mosque’s communal hall] for a lecture on national unity, the need not to be drawn into a Sunni-Shia strife, and the roots of the Palestinian presence in the town.
However, a number of young men snuck out of the session and went back to Khalaf's home. They gathered outside and chanted sectarian and anti-Palestinian slogans, leading to the positioning of an army and Internal Security Forces (ISF) unit outside the house.
While al-Baysarieh's prominent figures maintain their rejection of the retaliation against al-Moughir's family and Palestinian residents because of what he or al-Mohammad did, they were unsuccessful in stopping the young men from burning al-Moughir's home and Khalaf’s car.
Forgetting historical ties
Al-Baysarieh is an optimal spot to ignite strife. Almost three years ago, its Lebanese and Palestinian residents united, along with the residents of neighboring New Yarine, against the army and the state, in an uprising to be allowed to build on public land. But today they are separated again and it seems there is no hope of reuniting them.

Many residents of al-Baysarieh decided to forget that they had embraced Palestinian refugees since the 1950s, including the al-Moughir family. They also donated part of its farmland to the people of Yarine and other border towns (the Sunni towns of al-Bustan, al-Dhahira, and Marwahin) following the 1978 Israeli invasion, so they could build houses instead of staying in tents.
In the past years, the town opened its voting boxes to bedouins (who were settled and nationalized since the 1950s), to become part of its electoral district although it is part of Sarafand in real estate records.
Years of intermarriage and neighborly relations were shattered by takfiri thought. Each neighborhood closed its doors. They began to remember the list of martyrs from the town in the Maghdouche battle between some Palestinian factions and the Lebanese movement, Amal.
Today, residents of the Palestinian quarter in al-Baysarieh, which is like the rest of the towns neighborhoods and not a refugee camp, are not reassured by promises that retaliatory acts will not be repeated or by the return of al-Moughir's family to their home on Saturday.
Even the banner put up by al-Mohammad's family declaring that they disowned their son after the Iranian embassy bombing was not enough. Although the family had refused to even receive his remains, they almost fell victim to people’s rage again after the identity of al-Moughir was identified.
According to the Fatah Movement's media officer in Tyre, Mohammad al-Bekai, coordination meetings between a Palestinian committee and Hezbollah and Amal representatives continued until the late hours of Sunday night. The meetings were aimed to control the anger, amid rumors that al-Baysarieh will be targeted by extremist elements to avenge the burning of al-Moughir’s home and Khalaf’s car.
However, the recommendations of the meetings held behind closed doors might not work on the ground. The Palestinian neighborhood is being bombarded with questions about the reasons behind the suicide bombers being chosen from among them to carry out takfiri schemes. They know it is an effective way to ignite strife between Sunnis and Shia and between Lebanese and Palestinians in the town, which embraces them all, along with 6,000 Syrian refugees who now also reside there.
Previous incidents
Today, some people have begun identifying the neighborhood of Yarine with Marwan Hamade (a Lebanese man who left to Syria around one year ago with al-Moughir and al-Mohammad; he is believed by some in the town to be complicit in terrorist operations in Lebanon) and Motlek Jouais (former ISF). Similarly, the Bedouin area was identified with Abdul-Rahman al-Numairy and Bashir al-Bitar, and the Palestinian quarter with Khalaf.
The five men were arrested in 2008 as part of a network led by Toufik Taha, Naim Abbas, and Mohammad Jouma, which was made up of Lebanese and Palestinians. They were suspected of preparing attacks against UNIFIL, the transfer of weapons, and firing rockets against Israel. They were released three years later.
In their confessions at the military court, they admitted to being trained by Abbas for a jihadi operation against Israel. Jouais was accused of participating in a plot against the Directorate General of the ISF and its former head Ashraf Rifi.
Today, both Khalaf (a taxi driver on the Saida route) and al-Bitar, who studied sharia with Numairy and Jouais, maintain they dropped out of the network after their release and are living in the town again. On the other hand, Numairy's family maintains that he currently lives in Beirut.
Al-Baysarieh's Palestinians draw attention to the fact that the rage is not ideological, and that there was mutual hatred between Nidal al-Moughir and the town residents. Al-Akhbarran a story about him after taking Hamade and al-Mohammad to Ahmad al-Assir and then to Syria. The Palestinians are trying to keep out of a new war and indicate that would-be suicide bomber suspects includes more Lebanese than it does Palestinians.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Ukraine: The Brown (Shirt) Revolution - Prof Francis Boyle

22 February, 19:57

Ukraine: The Brown (Shirt) Revolution - Prof Francis Boyle
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Voice of Russia

It is a fact that since 9-11-2001, the US Government has been in the business of destroying countries and using NATO as it principle instrument. That was stated more than a decade ago by then US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and later by General Wesley Clark. The Pentagon drew up a list of 7 states that were to be destroyed: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Syria and they have systematically proceeded to destroy all of the Countries on the list. The strategy in Ukraine is the same, US/NATO/EU are promoting the destabilization and the breakup of Ukraine in order to achieve the NATO goal of moving into Ukrainian territory closer to Russia. Harvard Professor Francis Boyle, a US based Russian expert who was invited to the Soviet Union to lecture spoke on these issues and more in an interview with the Voice of Russia.

While Russia was distracted into believing that the US wanted a reset US foreign policy was being planned and dictated by rabid Russia haters like Zbignew Brzezinski and Richard Pipes. Brzezinski wants to breakup Russia into approximately 68 parts and has placed his protégés in key US foreign policy posts. According to Mr. Boyle Brezezinski has staffed the Obama administration with his acolytes and protégées, including the US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, a specialist in color revolutions. At the end of the day the US plan is to see the breakup of the Russian Federation, that is the goal.
Prof Boyle
This is John Robles, you are listening to an interview with Professor Francis Boyle. He is a Professor in International Law at the University of Illinois College of Law in Champaign, Illinois. This is part 1 of a longer interview. You can find the rest of this interview on our website at voiceofrussia.com
Robles: Hello Sir! How are you this evening?
Boyle: Very fine. Thanks for having me on, John, and my best to your listening audience.
Robles: Thank you Sir! And thanks for agreeing to speak with us. News of the day is Ukraine. Now you've recently made some statements and done some work regarding Syria. I'd like to ask for your correlations between what is going on right now in Syria and what is going on right now in Ukraine. Do you see a connection? Some people are saying that Ukraine, the push there was because the US was not allowed to carry out military operations against Syria. Do you see a relationship between them?
Boyle: Well I wouldn't say that is "necessarily" the reason. As we know, Ukraine has for a long time been a strategic objective of the United States and trying to get Ukraine into NATO. And this EU plan was simply a first step in that direction. The EU wasn't really offering anything to Ukraine. But it was very clear, if they could move Ukraine closer to the EU, that would be a step closer to NATO. In fact, I regret to say over the years, even though I have EU citizenship and carry an EU passport, the EU now has become nothing but an anteroom to NATO.
So, I think this really has to be understood in terms of the gradual movement of NATO further to the east in violation of the pledge that George Bush Senior and Jim Baker gave to then President Gorbachev that if he agreed to the reunification of Germany, NATO would move no farther east, towards Russia's boundaries.
Robles: Well, we've seen those promises, similar promises were made to President Gorbachev – the first and last President of the Soviet Union – those were also ignored. And regarding …
Boyle: The problem was – he never got them in writing.
Robles: That's exactly what I was going to say.
Boyle: That is incredibly naive on his part not to get them in writing. And I would point out, right now the United States is trying to do the exact same thing on the deployment of BMDs (ballistic missile defense) into Europe and around the borders of Russia saying "you have to accept our assurances, but we are not going to give you anything in writing."
You know, it is preposterous. In fact, we had something in writing and that was the Anti-ballistic Missile System Treaty of 1972 that prevented all of this. And then Bush Junior pulled out of that treaty. So, as it stands now, really anything goes, these verbal assurances mean nothing.
Robles: Getting away a little bit from the ABM system now, you mentioned NATO and Ukraine; there is a military objective, if you could tell us about that? And is there a similar military objective for Syria? Or what is the objective of the US Government in Syria?
Boyle: Since 9/11 2001, as publicly admitted by then Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, the United States Government would be getting into the business of destroying states. And that was later confirmed by General Wesley Clark, as you know in his memoirs, his meeting there at the Pentagon where they had the list of seven states they were going to proceed to take over.
Afghanistan was first, Iraq was second, Sudan was on the list, Libya was on the list and Syria was on the list, Iran was on the list. So, they are proceeding systematically down that list of destroying states. Syria is now near the top, Iran might be next. And it also appears now the same strategy is being applied to Ukraine to promote the crackup of Ukraine between east and west and, I would hate to say it, the dissolution of Ukraine as a state.
Robles: Can you repeat that quote again? He said…
Boyle: Yes Wolfowitz said… I have the citation in my book "The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence", where Wolfowitz said: "We are going to get into the business of destroying states". And then, soon thereafter General Wesley Clark (head of NATO) was in the Pentagon and can confirm they drew up a list of seven states that they were systematically going to go after.
So, that's really, the objective here of Syria, against Syria, is as they did to Libya: to crackup Syria as a state into its constituent, religious and ethnic units not only for the United States but also for the benefit of Israel.
As you know, Israel has been a long time opponent to Syria. They headed a plan there, the Yi Nolan Plan to crackup surrounding states in order to better manage them and keep them under control. So, here you see a congruence of interests certainly between the United States and Israel.
And I regret to say it, but pretty much they have cracked up Syria in its constituent units, as they had done to Iraq. We now have basically three mini states in Iraq. The same has been done to Afghanistan and also Libya, where you have, you know it is hard to say there is a meaningful state there anymore. I have a new book out called "Destroying Libya and World Order" where I have all these citations in there and an analysis. And then, I tried to extend this to Syria near the end of the book.
And it does appear we are seeing a similar pattern of behavior here on Ukraine: to destabilize Ukraine, promote a crack up, some type of civil war or who knows what. And I guess the theory is, well if NATO-EU can get western Ukraine – fine! – they can extend the borders of NATO, the EU that far.
So, it is a very dangerous situation, because, as you know, Ukraine is of utmost strategic significance to Russia. And second, Russia believes that Ukraine is the cradle of its civilization.
Robles: Well it is, that's not a belief. Ukraine is the mother of Rus.
Boyle: I've been to Ukraine and I've been to where Nestor wrote his chronicles, and I have studied Russian and Ukrainian history, sure, at Harvard. And I went through the same PhD program at Harvard that produced Zbigniew Brzezinski before me and Richard Pipes, both of whom were, are ardent Russia haters, there is no question at all about it. And that is really part of the problem here in the United States, when it comes to Russian studies, that so much of it is biased against Russia inherently.
Robles: Why is that, please, if you could? You've been through the system, you know the system. Why does the US hate Russia so much? Why?
Boyle: Well I spent ten years at the University of Chicago and Harvard Law School studying Russian history, Russian literature, Soviet politics, Russian politics. Indeed I even offered Soviet politics and Russian history on my PhD General Exams at Harvard, which qualified me to teach both those subjects to undergraduates at Harvard. But I never learned the language because that was not what I was intending to do.
And all those years, ten years of studying, I only had two professors who I thought were fair, reasonable and balanced when it came to Russia and the Soviet Union. And understand Harvard and Chicago are two of the leading centers in the United States for training Russian experts. They train professors and experts, government officials and things of that nature.
Robles: Diplomats…
Boyle: So, and again, you had Brzezinski, I went through the same PhD program that produced Brzezinski and Kissinger. You know Brzezinski is an expatriate Pole who hates the Russians with a passion.
Robles: Oh God yes, yeah…
Boyle: Indeed Brzezinski wants to crackup Russia into its constituent units.
Robles: Right, I think it was 68 autonomous regions, if that's what it was.
Boyle: It's more dangerous than that! In that Obama's mentor at Columbia was Brzezinski. And Brzezinski ran the foreign affairs apparatus for Obama's campaign and he has staffed the Obama administration with his acolytes and protégés, like McFaul – the recently resigning ambassador.
Robles: I'm sorry, can you expand a little bit on McFaul? You said he is one of Brzezinski'sprotégé.
Boyle: Yes, he is from the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which is a neo-conservative operation out there, and Brzezinski is one of these people.
Robles: Was McFaul chosen by Brzezinski?
Boyle: I think all the high-level appointments in the Obama administration in foreign affairs have been run by Brzezinski. That is my personal feeling looking at it. Yes, Brzezinski decided not to take a position himself, but all these people that have surrounded Obama, not just on Russia, but other areas, are Brzezinski protégés and indeed that goes back in the Democratic Party I think since Carter came to power and Brzezinski was his National Security Advisor. You know, he was the one who started the Afghan Mujahidin war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and bragged about it.
So, within the Democratic Party Brzezinski is considered to be their foreign affairs guru and he was Obama's mentor at Columbia, and it is a matter of public record that Brzezinski was running the foreign affairs apparatus for the Obama campaign.
Robles: Wow!
Boyle: So, I certainly believe he helped staff this administration on foreign affairs matters.
Robles: People are thinking about a reset and trying to improve relations. And I don't think anyone knew that it was all Brzezinski, because people knew who Brzezinski was a long time ago.
Boyle: Right. Well, this I think is part of their plan to see the crackup of the Russian Federation, at the end of the day. Sure, that's I think what his objective is.
You know, if you want to get credentialed as an expert on Russia, you have to go to somewhere like Columbia or Harvard, or Chicago and get your Master's degree or PhD from people like that. At Harvard they also had Richard Pipes, he was the Reagan's top guru on the Soviet Union, The Committee on the Present Danger.
I had Pipes for imperial Russian history, again, another expatriate Pole who hates the Russians with passion. Pipes was so bad in his course on Imperial Russian history, he used to break into sweat when he was lecturing on Peter the Great or Catherine the Great and had to take a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipe his brow. So, he is another fanatic against the Russians, only prominent in the Republican Party.
So, we don't really have … you know Professor Cohen at NYU I think is fair, balanced and reasonable when it comes to Russia. He just wrote something in The Nation on Ukraine. And I think he wrote a very good book on Russia. But you know, he is really the exception to a pretty abysmal rule here in the United States when it comes to training and credentialing what were Soviet and now Russian experts.
Robles: So, why are you fair-minded Sir?
Boyle: I try to come at Russia and the Soviet Union with an open mind. I lived through the Cuban missile crisis and I concluded that probably the most important issue of my time would be to learn to understand Russia across the board and the Soviet Union. So, that's why I spent the ten years studying at the University of Chicago and Harvard and getting formally credentialed in these areas.
And I have to say I was pretty appalled. I did have Professor Edward Keenan at Harvard who was my teacher, mentor and friend. And he was Director of the Russian Research Center. And he is very fair, balanced and reasonable, and Professor Harold Berman at Harvard Law School, again, very fair, balanced and reasonable. But that was pretty much about it.
I was invited over twice by the Soviet Government to lecture, once around the country in 1986 and then in 1989. And I guess they just figured I was a reasonable American to talk to. And I was open, I met with people and lectured and I seemed to get along with everyone. We didn't necessarily agree about everything, but at least we could try to talk it out.
But that's not what we are seeing now. That's for sure! As we know from the Nuland tape here with the Ambassador in Kiev, she admits they had spent at least $5 million right away now trying to promote opposition to the democratically elected government in Ukraine. Whatever you think of Yanukovych, he is democratically elected and so far I think he's shown a remarkable restraint.
You were listening to an interview with Professor Francis Boyle. He is a Professor in International Law at the University of Illinois College of Law. That was part 1 of a longer interview. You can find the rest of this interview on our website at voiceofrussia.com

Childhood Home of Prophet Mohammad (sws) at Risk


Local Editor

Saudi Arabia: Holy MeccaThe birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is at risk of being bulldozed to make way for a modern complex in the holy city of Mecca.

The Saudi Arabian authorities are currently in the process of modernizing the city, which attracts millions of pilgrims from all over the world every year for the Hajj pilgrimage. However, their disregard for historical sites in the city has angered many Muslims.

On Thursday the Independent newspaper revealed that if the Saudi government approves plans that have been proposed, a small library that sits on top of the remains of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) childhood home will likely be demolished.

Dr Irfan al-Alawi, a historian and executive director of the UK-based Islamic Heritage Research Foundation, told the newspaper “The last remaining historical site in the kingdom is the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammad,” adding “Most people are not even aware there are plans now to destroy it.”

The Brown Revolution in Ukraine

The Spectacle in Kiev

I am a great fan of Kiev, an affable city of pleasing bourgeois character, with its plentiful small restaurants, clean tree-lined streets, and bonhomie of its beer gardens. A hundred years ago Kiev was predominantly a Russian resort, and some central areas have retained this flavour. Now Kiev is patrolled by armed thugs from the Western Ukraine, by fighters from the neo-Nazi -Right Sector, descendants of Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian Quisling’s troopers, and by their local comrades-in-arms of nationalist persuasion.
After a month of confrontation, President Viktor Yanukovych gave in, signed the EC-prepared surrender and escaped their rough revolutionary justice by the skin of his teeth. The ruling party MPs were beaten and dispersed, the communists almost lynched, the opposition have the parliament all to themselves, and they’ve  appointed new ministers and taken over the Ukraine. The Brown Revolution has won in the Ukraine. This big East European country of fifty million inhabitants has gone the way of Libya. The US and the EU won this round, and pushed Russia back eastwards, just as they intended.
It remains to be seen whether the neo-Nazi thugs who won the battle will agree to surrender the sweet fruits of victory to politicians, who are, God knows, nasty enough. And more importantly, it remains to be seen whether the Russian-speaking East and South East of the country will accept the Brown rule of Kiev, or  split off and go their own way, as the people of Israel (so relates the Bible) after King Solomon’s death rebelled against his heir saying “To your tents, o Israel!” and proclaimed independence of their fief (I Kings 12:16). Meanwhile it seems that the Easterners’ desire to preserve Ukrainian state integrity is stronger than their dislike for the victorious Browns. Though they assembled their representatives for what could be a declaration of independence, they did not dare to claim power. These peaceful people have little stamina for strife.
Their great  neighbour, Russia, does not appear overtly concerned with this ominous development. Both Russian news agencies, TASS and RIA, didn’t even place the dire Ukrainian news at the top, as Reuters and BBC did: for them, the Olympics and the biathlon were of greater importance, as you can see on these print screens:

This “ostrich” attitude is quite typical of the Russian media: whenever they find themselves in an embarrassing position, they escape into showing the Swan Lake ballet on TV. That’s what they did when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. This time it was the Olympics instead of the ballet.
Anti-Putin opposition in Russia heartily approved of the Ukrainian coup.Yesterday Kiev, tomorrow Moscow, they chanted. Maidan (the main square of Kiev, the site of anti-government demos) equals Bolotnaya (a square in Moscow, the site of anti-government protests in December 2012) is another popular slogan.
The majority of Russians were upset but not surprised. Russia decided to minimise its involvement in the Ukraine some weeks ago as if they wished to demonstrate to the world their non-interference. Their behavior bordered on recklessness. While foreign ministers of EC countries and their allies crowded Kiev, Putin sent Vladimir Lukin, a human rights emissary, an elder low-level politician of very little clout, to deal with the Ukrainian crisis. The Russian Ambassador Mr Zurabov, another non-entity, completely disappeared from public view. (Now he was recalled to Moscow). Putin  made not a single public statement on the Ukraine, treating it as though it were Libya or Mali, not a neighboring country quite close to the Russian hinterland.
This hands-off approach could have been expected: Russia did not interfere in the disastrous Ukrainian elections 2004, or in the Georgian elections that produced extremely anti-Russian governments. Russia gets involved only if there is a real battle on the ground, and a legitimate government asks for help, as in Ossetia in 2008 or in Syria in 2011. Russia supports those who fight for their cause, otherwise Russia, somewhat disappointingly, stands aside.
The West has no such inhibitions and its representatives were extremely active: the US State Department representative Victoria “Fuck EC’’ Nuland had spent days and weeks in Kiev, feeding the insurgents with cookies, delivering millions of smuggled greenbacks to them, meeting with their leaders, planning and plotting the coup. Kiev is awash with the newest US dollars fresh from its mint (of a kind yet unseen in Moscow, I’ve been told by Russian friends). The US embassy spread money around like a tipsy Texan in a night club. Every able-bodied young man willing to fight received five hundred dollar a week, a qualified fighter – up to a thousand, a platoon commander had two thousand dollars – good money by Ukrainian standards.
Money is not all. People are also needed for a successful coup. There was an opposition to Yanukovych who won democratic elections, and accordingly, three parties lost elections. Supporters of the three parties could field a lot of people for a peaceful demonstration, or for a sit-in. But would they fight when push comes to shove? Probably not. Ditto the recipients of generous US and EC grants (Nuland estimated the total sum of American investment in “democracy building” at five billion dollars). They could be called to come to the main square for a demo. However, the NGO beneficiaries are timid folk, not likely to risk their well-being. And the US needed a better fighting stock to remove the democratically elected president from power.
Serpent Eggs
In the Western Ukraine, the serpent eggs hatched: children of Nazi collaborators who had imbibed hatred towards the Russians with their mothers’ milk. Their fathers had formed a network under Reinhard Gehlen, the German spymaster. In 1945, as Germany was defeated, Gehlen swore allegiance to the US and delivered his networks to the CIA. They continued their guerrilla war against the Soviets until 1956. Their cruelty was legendary, for they aimed to terrify the population into full compliance to their command. Notoriously, they strangulated the Ukrainians suspected of being friendly to Russians with their bare hands.
A horrifying confession of a participant tells of their activities in Volyn: “One night, we strangulated 84 men. We strangulated adults, as for little kids, we held their legs, swung and broke their heads at a doorpost. …Two nice kids, Stepa and Olya, 12 and 14 years old… we tore the younger one into two parts, and there was no need to strangulate her mother Julia, she died of a heart attack” and so on and so on. They slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Poles and Jews; even the dreadful Baby Yar massacre was done by them, with German connivance, somewhat similar to Israeli connivance in the Sabra and Chatila massacres of Palestinians by the Lebanese fascists of the Phalange.
The children of these Bandera murderers were brought up to hate Communism,  Soviets and Russians, and in adoration of their fathers’ deeds. They formed the spearhead of the pro-US anti-government rebels in the Ukraine, the Right Sector led by out-and-out fascist Dmytro Yarosh. They were ready to fight, to die and kill. Such units attract potential rebels of differing backgrounds: their spokesman is young Russian -turned -Ukrainian -nationalist Artem Skoropadsky, a journalist with the mainstream oligarch-owned Kommersant-UA daily. There are similar young Russians who join Salafi networks and become suicide-bombers in the Caucasus mountains – young people whose desire for action and sacrifice could not be satisfied in the consumer society. This is a Slav al-Qaeda — real neo-Nazi storm troopers, a natural ally of the US.
And they did not fight only for association with EC and against joining a Russia-led TC. Their enemies were also the Russians in the Ukraine, and Russian-speaking ethnic Ukrainians. The difference between the twain is moot. Before independence in 1991, some three quarters of the population preferred to speak Russian. Since then, successive governments have tried to force people to use Ukrainian. For the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, anyone who speaks Russian is an enemy. You can compare this with Scotland, where people speak English, and nationalists would like to force them to speak the language of Burns.
Behind the spearhead of the Right Sector, with its fervent anti-communist and anti-Russian fighters, a larger organisation could be counted on: the neo-Nazi Freedom (Svoboda), of Tyagnibok. Some years ago Tyagnibok called for a fight against Russians and Jews, now he has become more cautious regarding the Jews. He is still as anti-Russian as John Foster Dulles. Tyagnibok was tolerated or even encouraged by Yanukovych, who wanted to take a leaf from the French president Jacques Chirac’s book. Chirac won the second round of elections against nationalist Le Pen, while probably he would have lost against any other opponent. In the same wise, Yanukovych wished Tyagnibok to become his defeatable opponent at the second round of presidential elections.
The parliamentary parties (the biggest one is the party of Julia Timoshenko with 25% of seats, the smaller one was the party of Klitschko the boxer with 15%) would support the turmoil as a way to gain power they lost at the elections.
Union of nationalists and liberals
Thus, a union of nationalists and liberals was formed. This union is the trademark of a new US policy in the Eastern Europe. It was tried in Russia two years ago, where enemies of Putin comprise of these two forces, of pro-Western liberals and of their new allies, Russian ethnic nationalists, soft and hard neo-Nazis. The liberals won’t fight, they are unpopular with the masses; they include an above-average percentage of Jews, gays, millionaires and liberal columnists; the nationalists can incite the great unwashed masses almost as well as the Bolsheviks, and will fight. This is the anti-Putin cocktail preferred by the US.This alliance actually took over 20% of vote in Moscow city elections, after their attempt to seize power by coup was beaten off by Putin. The Ukraine is their second, successful joint action.
Bear in mind: liberals do not have to support democracy. They do so only if they are certain democracy will deliver what they want. Otherwise, they can join forces with al Qaeda as now in Syria, with Islamic extremists as in Libya, with the Army as in Egypt, or with neo-Nazis, as now in Russia and the Ukraine. Historically, the liberal–Nazi alliance did not work because the old Nazis were enemies of bankers and financial capital, and therefore anti-Jewish. This hitch could be avoided: Mussolini was friendly to Jews and had a few Jewish ministers in his government; he objected to Hitler’s anti-Jewish attitude saying that “Jews are useful and friendly”. Hitler replied that if he were to allow that, thousands of Jews would join his party. Nowadays, this problem has vanished: modern neo-Nazis are friendly towards Jews, bankers and gays. The Norwegian killer Breivik is an exemplary sample of a Jew-friendly neo-Nazi. So are the Ukrainian and Russian neo-Nazis.
While the original Bandera thugs killed every Jew (and Pole) that came their way, their modern heirs receive some valuable Jewish support. The oligarchs of Jewish origin (Kolomoysky, Pinchuk and Poroshenko) financed them, while a prominent Jewish leader, Chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of the Ukraine,Josef Zissels, supported them and justified them. There are many supporters of Bandera in Israel; they usually claim that Bandera was not an anti-Semite, as he had a Jewish doctor. (So did Hitler.) Jews do not mind Nazis who do not target them. The Russian neo-Nazis target Tajik gastarbeiters, and the Ukrainian neo-Nazis target Russian-speakers.
Revolution: the Outline
The revolution deserves to be described in a few lines: Yanukovych was not too bad a president, prudent though weak. Still the Ukraine came to the edge of financial abyss. (You can read more about it in my previous piece) He tried to save the situation by allying with the EC, but the EC had no money to spare. Then he tried to make a deal with Russia, and Putin offered him a way out, without even demanding from him that the Ukraine join the Russian-led TC. This triggered the violent response of the EC and the US, as they were worried it would strengthen Russia.
Yanuk, as people call him for short, had few friends. Powerful Ukrainian oligarchs weren’t enamoured with him. Besides the usual reasons, they did not like the raider habits of Yanuk’s son, who would steal other men’s businesses. Here they may have had a point, for the leader of Belarus, the doughty Lukashenko, said that Yanuk’s son’s unorthodox ways of acquiring businesses brought disaster.
Yanuk’s electorate, the Russian-speaking people of the Ukraine (and they are a majority in the land, like English-speaking Scots are majority in Scotland) were disappointed with him because he did not give them the right to speak Russian and teach their children in Russian. The followers of Julia Timoshenko disliked him for jailing their leader. (She richly deserved it: she hired assassins, stole billions of Ukrainian state money in cahoots with a former prime minister, made a crooked deal with Gazprom at the expense of Ukrainian consumers, and what not.) Extreme nationalists hated him for not eradicating the Russian language.
The US-orchestrated attack on the elected President followed Gene Sharp’s instructions to a tee, namely: (1) seize a central square and organize a mass peaceful sit-in, (2) speak endlessly of danger of violent dispersal, (3) if the authorities do nothing, provoke bloodshed, (4) yell bloody murder, (5) the authority is horrified and stupefied and (6) removed and (7) new powers take over.
The most important element of the scheme has never been voiced by the cunning Sharp, and that is why the Occupy Wall Street movement (who thumbed through the book) failed to achieve the desired result. You have to have the Masters of Discourse™ i.e., Western mainstream media, on your side. Otherwise, the government will squash you as they did with the Occupy and many other similar movements. But here, the Western media was fully on the rebels’ side, for the events were organised by the US embassy.
At first, they gathered for a sit-in on the Independence Square (aka “Maidan Square”) some people they knew: recipients of USAID grants via the NGO network, wrote a Ukrainian expert Andrey Vajra, networks of fugitive oligarch Khoroshkovski, neo-Nazis of the Right Sector and radicals of the Common Cause. The peaceful assembly was lavishly entertained by artists; food and drink were served for free, free sex was encouraged – it was a carnival in the centre of the capital, and it began to attract the masses, as would happen in every city in the known universe. This carnival was paid for by the oligarchs and by the US embassy.
But the carnival could not last forever. As per (2), rumours of violent dispersal were spread. People became scared and drifted away. Only a small crowd of activists remained on the square. Provocation as per (3) was supplied by a Western agent within the administration, Mr Sergey Levochkin. He wrote his resignation letter, posted it and ordered police to violently disperse the sit-in. Police moved in and dispersed the activists. Nobody was killed, nobody was seriously wounded, – today, after a hundredfold dead, it is ridiculous even to mention this thrashing, – but the opposition yelled bloody murder at the time. The world media, this powerful tool in the hands of Masters of Discourse, decried “Yanukovych massacred children”. The EC and the US slapped on sanctions, foreign diplomats moved in, all claiming they want to protect peaceful demonstrators, while at the same time beefing up the Maidan crowd with armed gunmen and Right Sector fighters.
We referred to Gene Sharp, but the Maidan had an additional influence, that of Guy Debord and his concept of Society of Spectacle. It was not a real thing, but a well-done make-believe, as was its predecessor, the August 1991 Moscow “coup”. Yanukovych did everything to build up the Maidan resistance: he would send his riot police to disperse the crowd, and after they did only half of the job, he would call them back, and he did this every day. After such  treatment, even a very placid dog would bite.
The Spectacle-like unreal quality of Kiev events was emphasized by arrival of the imperial warmonger, the neocon philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy. He came to Maidan like he came to Libya and Bosnia, claiming human rights and threatening sanctions and bombing.Whenever he comes, war is following. I hope I shall be away from every country he plans to visit.
First victims of the Brown Revolution were the monuments – those of Lenin, for they do hate communism in every form, and those of the world war, because the revolutionaries solidarise with the lost side, with the German Nazis.
History will tell us to what extent Yanuk and his advisors understood what they were doing. Anyway, he encouraged the fire of Maidan by his inefficient raids by a weaponless police force. The neo-Nazis of Maidan used snipers against the police force, dozens of people were killed, but President Obama called upon Yanuk to desist, and he desisted. After renewed shooting, he would send the police in again. An EC diplomat would threaten him with the Hague tribunal dock, and he would call his police back. No government could function in such circumstances.
Eventually he collapsed, signed on the dotted line and departed for unknown destination. The rebels seized power, forbade the Russian language and began sacking Kiev and Lvov. Now the life of the placid people of Kiev has been turned into a living hell: daily robberies, beating, murder abound. The victors are preparing a military operation against the Russian-speaking areas in the South East of Ukraine. The spectacle of the revolution can yet turn really bloody.
Some Ukrainians hope that Julia Timoshenko, freshly released from jail, will be able to rein the rebels in. Others hope that President Putin will pay heed to the Ukrainian events, now that his Olympic games are, mercifully, finished. The spectacle is not over until the fat lady sings, but sing she will – her song still remains to be seen and heard.
English language editing by Ken Freeland
Israel Shamir can be reached at adam@israelshamir.net


Joshua Blakeney Interviews Gilad Atzmon

Journalist Joshua Blakeney interviewed world-famous saxophonist and philosopher Gilad Atzmon. Atzmon, who describes himself as an ex-Jew and ex-Israeli, addressed a wide-range of subjects in the interview including the writing of George Orwell, the plight of French comedian Dieudonné, The Frankfurt School, internal racism within the Jewish ethnic group and much more...

Syria: History repeats itself in Sweida


Druze sheikhs meet with Walid Jumblatt, political leader of the Druze community in Lebanon. (Photo: Bilal Jawish)
Published Tuesday, February 25, 2014
As battles intensify in the south of Syria, the governorate of Sweida is stepping up its efforts to defend its choice of siding with the Syrian state. It will be a costly battle no doubt, but the region historically known as Jabal al-Arab – Mountain of the Arabs – will not accept today what it has stood up against repeatedly in the past century, including in the 1920s and 1950s, which is partition and separation from the Syrian state.
Last week brought much tension and anxiety to the governorate of Sweida in southern Syria. The most recent clashes that erupted on multiple fronts in Jabal al-Arab seemed to be more serious than previous ones, foreshadowing an imminent danger for the people of this southern governorate.

The reported heating up of the southern front in Syria is now being felt tangibly on the battlefield, from Sweida to Daraa, and Quneitra. Recently, fighters from the Amoud Houran Brigade of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), along with Ajnad al-Sham, al-Miqdad Battalion, and militants from al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham began an offensive against the Chemical Battalion in the town of Doueiri northwest of the city of Sweida.
The attack, that included a barrage of rockets, was launched out of the city of Busra al-Harir east of Daraa. On the following day, the militants began an assault on the village of Harran, killing four civilians. Three days ago, the militants attacked a military airbase in Thaala, a town west of Sweida, but without achieving any significant gains.
There were skirmishes in the eastern front of Sweida as well. In the area adjacent to al-Asfar in the Syrian Desert, militants destroyed a number of water wells near the town of al-Rashida, and attacked the town of Tima with machine guns.
The villages of eastern Sweida overlook the main smuggling route for the militants from the Jordanian border to the eastern Ghouta region of Damascus and the city of Damir, and beyond to the Syrian hinterland. This route has been seeing increased activity for more than a month now.
Locals fear that the destruction of the water wells near al-Rashida could be the beginning of an effort to drive out the people of the villages of east Sweida to secure the militants’ supply lines and provide them with a base for an assault on Damascus. The locals argue that the water wells in the area feed the entire eastern region of Sweida with water that the villages cannot survive without, especially in light of the drought conditions this year.
The Syrian army, the Popular Committees, and other forces fighting with them have reacted violently, “reflecting how seriously they take the imminent threat,” according to field military sources who spoke to Al-Akhbar.
The sources said, “The army had been alerted in advance, and did not want a repeat of what happened with the Armament and Transport Battalions several months ago.” The sources continued, “[The army] staged an ambush with the Chemical Battalion, as it knew of the attack in advance. The air force was able to kill a large number of militants.”
Concerning the attack on Harran, local sources said, “The attack was repelled, but the militants killed four civilians in the course of their shelling and sniper attacks against the town.” Meanwhile, military sources said that the army was able to deal with the militants assaulting the airbase in Thaala from a distance, forcing them to retreat, stressing that flights in and out of the base continue to operate normally.
The escalation on the field is taking its toll on Jabal al-Arab. Sweida, which was in a generally neutral position a year ago, is now at the heart of the battle for the south of Syria.

Religious leaders, political forces, and political and security officials in the governorate speak today about a coordinated campaign in the media pushed by the opponents of the Syrian regime, not only in the Druze-majority villages of Jabal al-Arab, but also in the ranks of the large community of Syrian Druze expatriates abroad. This campaign, prominent sources in the religious establishment say, does not seek to incite the Druze against the Syrian regime as previous efforts did. Instead, it focuses on “promoting an isolationist Druze identity separate from the Syrian identity, by convincing the Druze and other communities that the Syrian state is disintegrating, and that they need to find new ways to preserve their future as a group.”
The sources added, “Israel is also taking advantage and meddling in the south with U.S.-Jordanian cooperation, with a view to rearrange Israel’s northern border with Syria and Lebanon, and carve out an [autonomous] southern crescent that would undermine the Syrian central government.”
According to well-placed security sources, “Israel has tasked agents of Arab Druze from Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria to promote Israel as an alternative patron of the Druze community in the event the Syrian state collapses.” The sources believe that Israel has a strategic interest in pushing for partition in the Syrian south, following its retreat in the aftermath of withdrawing from south Lebanon, well before the Syrian crisis.
However, the sources find the Jordanian role odd, questioning whether Jordan had any interest in such schemes, because, as the sources said, the disintegration of the Syrian south could push communal frictions in Jordan to the forefront in the future.
All this has prompted stakeholders in the region to emphasize the attitudes and choices of the governorate more than any time in the past. “Sweida has no other choice but the strong central state in Syria,” the religious sources said.
Things do not stop here, according to prominent figures in the governorate, but also include efforts to “prepare Jabal al-Arab and various popular segments in Sweida to become involved in defending the villages side by side with the army.” Yet Sweida understands that the price of securing a major geographical and demographic support base for Damascus and the Syrian state will be costly.
Follow Firas Choufi on Twitter | @firasshoufi
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

The new US-Russia Cold War


By Pepe Escobar 

Meet the new (cold) war, same as the old (cold) war. Same same, but different. One day, it's the myriad implications of Washington's "pivoting" to Asia - as in the containment of China. The next day, it's the perennial attempt to box Russia in. Never a dull moment in the New Great Game in Eurasia. 

On Russia, the denigration of all things Sochi - attributable to the inherent stupidity of Western corporate media "standards" - was just a subplot of the main show, which always gets personal; the relentless demonization of Russian President Vladimir Putin. [1] 

Yet Nulandgate - as in US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria "neo-con" Nuland uttering her famous "F**k the EU" - was way more serious. Not because of the "profanity" (praise the Lord!), but for providing what US Think Tankland hailed as "an indicator of American strategic thinking". 

Here's the game in a nutshell. Germany remote controls one of the leaders of the Ukrainian protests, heavyweight boxer Vitali Klitschko. [2] 

"F**k the EU" is essentially directed towards Berlin and Klitschko, its key protege. Washington sees this going nowhere, as Germany, after all, has been slowly building a complex energy-investment partnership with Russia. 

The Obama administration wants results - fast. Nuland herself stressed (check it out, starting at 7:26) that Washington, over the past two decades, has "invested" over US$5 billion for the "democratization" of Ukraine. So yes: this is "our" game and the EU is at best a nuisance while Russia remains the major spoiler. Welcome to Washington's Ukrainian "strategy". 

The Ukrainian chessboard

US Think Tankland now also peddles the notion that the Obama administration is expertly adept at a balance of power strategy. To include Libya as part of this "strategy" is a sick joke; Libya post-Gaddafi is a failed state, courtesy of humanitarian bombing by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Meanwhile, in Syria, the US "strategy" boils down to let Arabs kill Arabs in droves. 

Iran is way more complex. Arguably, the Obama administration calculates that through talks between Iran and the P5+1 - the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany - it will be able to outmaneuver the Russians, who are close to Tehran. This assuming the Obama administration really wants a nuclear deal with Iran that would later release the floodgates of Western business. 

الجيش السوري يسيطر على أهم معابر التهريب من لبنان بوادي الجرابيعOn Syria, it's the Russian positions that have kept the upper hand; not to mention that Putin saved Obama from yet another Middle East war. As Syria was a Russian win, no wonder Washington dreams of a win in Ukraine. 

We can interpret what's goin' on now as a remix of the 2004 Orange Revolution. But The Big Picture goes way back - from NATO's expansion in the 1990s to American NGOs trying to destabilize Russia, NATO's flirt with Georgia, and those missile defense schemes so close to Russian borders. 

In already trademark Obama administration style, the State Department's support for anti-Russia, pro-EU protests in Ukraine qualifies as "leading from behind" (remember Libya?) 

It comes complete with "humanitarian" appeal, calls for "reconciliation" and good against evil dichotomy masking a drive towards regime change. Abandon all hope to find voices of sanity on US corporate media such as NYU and Princeton's Stephen Cohen, who cut to the chase in this piece, stressing that the essential revelation of Nulandgate "was that high-level US officials were plotting to 'midwife' a new, anti-Russian Ukrainian government by ousting or neutralizing its democratically elected president - that is, a coup". 

Here the "strategy" clearly reveals itself as a US puppet now - coup or no coup - instead of an EU puppet later. No one in the Beltway gives a damn that Viktor Yanukovich was legally elected president of Ukraine, and that he had full authority to reject a dodgy deal with the EU. 

And no one in the Beltway cares that the protests are now being led by Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) - a nasty collection of fascists, football hooligans, ultra-nationalists and all sorts of unsavory neo-Nazi elements; the Ukrainian equivalents of Bandar Bush's jihadis in Syria. 

Yet the US "strategy" rules that street protests should lead to regime change. It applies to the Ukraine, but it does not apply to Thailand. 

Washington wants regime change in the Ukraine for one reason only; in the wider New Great Game in Eurasia context, that would be the rough equivalent of Texas defecting from the US and becoming a Russian ally. 

Still, this gambit is bound to fail. Moscow has myriad ways to deploy economic leverage in Ukraine; it has access to much better intel than the Americans; and the protesters/gangs/neo-Nazis are just a noisy minority. 

Washington, tough, won't give up, as it sees both the political crisis in Ukraine as the emerging financial crisis in Kazakhstan as"opportunities" (Obama lingo) to threaten Moscow's economic/strategic interests. It's as if the Beltway was praying for a widespread financial crisis in the Russia-led Customs Union (Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus). 

Pray in fact is all they've got, while the EU, for all the grandiose, rhetorical wishful thinking, remains a divided mess. After Sochi, Vlad the Hammer will be back in business with a vengeance. Nuland and co, watch your back. 

1. Journalistic malpractice & the dangers of Russia-bashing, RT, February 9, 2014.
2. EU Grooming Klitschko to Lead Ukraine, Der Spiegel Online, December 10, 2013. 

Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007), Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge (Nimble Books, 2007), and Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).

He may be reached at pepeasia@yahoo.com.

(Copyright 2014 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.) 

Oََn Qaradawi and the Wahabi – Brotherhood’s media war


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