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A guy posing as Pro-Resistance writer has revealed his agenda of casting doubts about Syria commitment towards the Axis of Resistance and the Palestinian cause.
The choice is always there and the road is open and the Golan Heights could be liberated the same way Lebanon was liberated…The path of the Resistance is hard but that of surrender is harder…
 He forget what he previously wrote on Syria's Assad I would only quote, a paragraph from his post: NAJAH WAKEEM ON REGIONAL ISSUES
Wakeem praised the president of Syria saying that he has met him more than once and was impressed by his extreme politeness and as a president , he not only cares about providing the Syrians with what they need in these hard times but is worried about how the society as a whole will heal. Wakeem said that the president of Syria should never give up the presidency and will not give up and he is the sure winner of any presidential elections by the majority of voters."
“In order to continue to rule , Assad who agreed to shift the battle – according to Russia’s instructions – would have to present concessions not only to US but to Russia as well and this has already started in approving of the Egyptian military coup in Egypt and in turning the war against NATO and Israel into a war against Terrorism.”
Assad to continue ruling Syria, is fighting a WAR AGAINST TERRORISM INSTEAD OF WAR AGAINST ISRAEL.
"This war on terrorism is nothing more than shifting of the original struggle with Israel ; it serves more than a purpose. It replaces the fight with Israel with another fight that benefits Israel and the world order . It keeps the Arab armies busy fighting a fictitious enemy called Terrorism created by the establishment. It destroys Arab countries and dismantles Arab societies that will be torn by internal conflicts . It exposes and threatens directly the armed Resistance to Israel . Should Syria really settle for this and carry on this task ? Weren't there any other alternatives?"
By resistance he meant Hamas, who stabbed Syria in the Back.
"The Egyptian minister of interior has officially accused HAMAS of training and helping the Muslim Brothers and of interfering in Egypt’s internal affairs . HAMAS has denied these accusations saying they are made up and unfounded ."
"This is to say that lately the Egyptian military who seized power by a coup that deposed the elected president Mursi, and who confronted the Muslim Brothers killing hundreds of them, have banned the Muslim Brothers – who are an essential constituent of the Egyptian society- from political life and frozen all their assets in the societies and associations they monitor. The Muslim brothers have thus become a prohibited Party."
He forget what he wrote about THE MIND MAZE OF HANIYYA
"Everything in Haniyya’s speech was denial . Denying the interference in Syria or in Syrian affairs , denying the involvement in Yarmuk camp , denying the destabilization of the lives of Palestinians in Syria , denying rallying against Syria , denying the internal crisis, denying the uncertain future , denying the Egyptian threat.."
He justified the treason of Muslim brothers, and their Zionist war to destroy the Egypt's society and Army (THE UNITED STATES ARMY OF EGYPT), after what they did in Syria to the Russian union army of Syria. 
"Do the Muslim Brothers constitute the major threat? And is Erdogan a Muslim Brother before being a NATO stooge ? And are the Muslim Brothers the most prominent danger threatening the area . What about Israel ?" He asked
Sponsoring Hamas long truce with Israel, and protecting its border from resistance IS RESISTANCE. Opening the gates of Yarmouk Camp to Nusra Front is Liberation, YARMOUK CAMP UNDER SIEGE, by the Syrian Arab army, not under occupation of MB "freedom fighters"

Why to blame the 34 Years of Israeli-Egyptian Relation On Morsi, Mr. Mazbout asked ignoring the treason's history of Muslim brothers, Sadat's Slaves since he poisoned Nasser and pave the way to Camp David.

He used Sheikh Imam's famous songs. ” Who can hold Egypt prisoner” Says the song. 
"The answer is : No one of course can do that and Egypt finally will work out its own release and will liberate itself ."Daniel answered Shaikh Iman, off course from the millions of "Slaves" who filled the Streets and square to remove, Saladin Mursi, the great friend of Perez. However, Daniel was right Al Mutannabi is still among us sharing his feelings with us . His famous poem is describing Egypt of the Murshid, and his boy Mursi. 
Thanks for the translation.
"The benevolence of real man is in their act of giving while the benevolence of those is just in words . May they be doomed along with their benevolence Death will not seize any of them except by way of a stick because their souls are stinking Is it every time that a slave kills his master or betrays him that Egypt rallies behind him?Egypt’s guardians have slept on the foxes who have become satiated , but the grapes have not ran out.The enslaved is not worth having for brother by a free dignified person even if he be dressed with the garbs of freedom Do not purchase an enslaved unless he is with a stick because the enslaved is base and worthless I never thought i would live to a time where an enslaved will insult me and be praised Nor i thought that life will be short of people or that the like of Mister Whitey existed"

I wished Daniel chosed another song of Shaikh Imam about Egypt and a particular Egyptian named Samir Ghatas being an annual visitor of Qala'a Prison. 

صباح الخير

صباح الخير علي الورد اللي فتح في جناين مصر
صباح العندليب يشــــدي بألحان السبوع يا مصر
صــبـاح الداية واللفة ورش الملح في الزفة
صباح يطلع بأعلامنا من القلعة لباب النصر
سلامتك يامة يا مهرة
يـــــا حبالة يا ولادة يا سـت الكل يا طاهرة
سلامتك من آلام الحيض من الحرمان من القهرة
سلامة نهدك المرضع سلامة بطنك الخضرا
هناكي وفرحة الوالدة   تضمي الولد يا والدة
يصونهم لك ويحميهم يكترهم يخليهم
يجمع شــملهم بيكي يتمم فرحتك بيهم
صباح الخير علي ولادك صباح الياسمين والفل
تعيشي ويفنوا حسادك ويسقوهم كاسات الذل
وبلغ يا ســـــــمير غطاس يا ضيف المعتقل سنوي 
بصوتك دا اللي كله حماس صباح الخير على الثانوي 
وأهلا بيكو في القلعه وباللي في الطريق جايين 
ما دامت مصر ولادة
وفيها الطلق والعادة
حتفضل شمسها طالعة برغم القلعة والزنازين

كلمات: احمد فؤاد نجم
ألحان: الشيخ امام 

4:40 to the end

Samir Ghatas was the advisor of Abu-Jihad the leader of 1st Intifada. Samir was Interviewed yesterday by Amro -Naseef of Al-Manar.

سمير غطاس _ ماذا بعد / المنار 06 02 2014 
On the Terrorists - Sorry the so Called terrorist - war on Egypt 

د سمير غطاس : التنظيم الدولى وبخ مشعل على خطاب هنية الاخير
Om Mishaal and the International Brotherhood

Hamas and botherhood

د. سمير غطاس يغسل ويكـوي الحمساوي موسى أبو مرزوق ويفضح بالدليل حركة حماس الخائنـة
Samir Ghatas and ABU-Marzouk of Hamas

Lifting The Siege of Yarmouk One food Parcel & One Polio Vaccination at a Time


Franklin Lamb

 Yarmouk Palestinian camp, Damascus

As of 2/6/14 it’s been seven days since the first humanitarian aid, generally in the form of 56 lb. food parcels packed by UNWRA, the World Food Program, the ICRC or European aid organizations have been able to enter Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp following half a dozen aborted attempts the past few months by various militia and political groups to achieve consensus to deliver aid.  The aid parcels, including two kilos of rice, two kilos sugar, three kilos lentils, three kilos dry macaroni, plus flour, jam, tea, oil, and sweet Halawi spread are intended to feed a family of five to eight for ten days. The boxes have been trickling into the South side of the Yarmouk Palestinian camp and up along Rima Street where this observer has seen crowds this past week tensely waiting and hoping for food and clean water. For some camp residents the wait for relief began in June of 2013 when all entrances and exits to Yarmouk camp were cut.

A large yellow flat-bed truck arrived on the morning of 2/5/14 and this observer watched as food parcels were off-loaded and neatly stacked into sixYarmouk aids  white pick-up trucks that were then driven into Yarmouk under the watchful gaze of pro and anti-regime forces and security agents.   According to one source from South Beirut who this observer had met earlier, Nusra Front, Islamic Front, ISIL (the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Levant) and Jund al Sham snipers could be observed on rooftops monitoring the distribution activity with their eyes pressed against their rifle scopes. One SARCS volunteer who this observer has known for two years advised that she feared there might be a shootout between these fighters and nearby Palestinian forces allied with the government (Ahmad Jibril’s PFLP-GC) who standing nearby with hand radio phones  watching and seemingly discussing the events. Frankly, for this observer, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish which group which around here is given the proliferation of fighters with beards and essentially indistinguishable attire.
For many food parcel recipients, their first act is to open the jar of jam inside the cardboard box and scoop the confections into the mouths of their children or the nearby infirm refugees, usually elderly.  On 2/6/14, UNWRA also started a polio vaccination program, its first in Yarmouk and which is urgently needed by thousands of trapped camp residents. Ten thousand dosages of polio vaccines are being allowed into the camp with vaccinations currently underway for the second day running.

In addition to the so far paltry amount of food allowed into the camp, approximately 1,600 people have been allowed to leave Yarmouk for medical treatment.  Young Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) volunteers, wearing shirts with large Red Crosses can be seen trickling out from the besieged camp this Yarmouk aidsmorning. Invariably holding the hands, arms, or shoulders of those who could walk the 50 yards to waiting ambulances that will evacuate and transport these patients, suffering the effects of starvation including muscle atrophy and dehydration. Most will be taken to the PCRS Jaffa hospital two kilometers away. Others are being transferred to Syrian government hospitals in Mazah, in central Damascus, including al-Mujtahed, al-Muwasat, al-Tawleed and children hospital.
This observer mingled for a couple of hours among the approximately 250 family members of trapped refugees, many of whom appear daily outside the only exit from Yarmouk camp, hoping that a relative might be allowed to leave. One elderly lady, maybe in her late sixties, explained to this observer that every day for the past seven months, i.e. since the tight siege of Yarmouk began last June, she has stood in the same location waiting for her son Mahmoud to come to her from inside besieged Yarmouk. She has no idea if he is alive but she explained to me that she believes that God will deliver him safely to her.

Given the 18,000 in need of  urgent aid  this cold winter morning inside Yarmouk camp, what has been allowed in so far has been a  mere trickle, rather minor in a sense.  But major for those getting the live saving food parcels and urgently required medical treatment.

As this observer waits to return to Yarmouk this morning, and for a promised and expensive taxi to hopefully arrive, for few cabs want to go anywhere near Yarmouk camp these days and charge five times the normal fare if they do, ones imagines that as has been the case this past week, there will be large crowds and long lines of people waiting and sometimes jostling for food. This attests to the enormous humanitarian need and to the desperation of thousands of civilians, Palestinian and Syrian, being starved and used as a weapon of war and as human shields.

After months of false starts toward reaching an agreement among fourteen Palestinian factions here in Damascus, as well as a green light from the Syrian government, and more than a dozen rebel militias, each with disparate agendas, this week’s agreement, and the 8th since early December, may or may not hold. And it may not end the carnage that criminally took 6000 more lives just last month.

If it does succeed, it will be one more half-step, to use UN Envoy, Lakhdar Brahimi Geneva II term, toward lifting the siege of Yarmouk camp which achievement might then augur well for more widespread humanitarian efforts to achieve a nationwide ceasefire  as a full step toward serious reconciliation work in order to save this great country.

Franklin Lamb is a visiting Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law, Damascus University and volunteers with the Sabra-Shatila Scholarship Program (sssp-lb.com).

Source: Al-Manar Website
07-02-2014 - 09:45 Last updated 07-02-2014 - 09:45

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O' Jerusalem: Six Officers Wounded in Egypt Bomb Attack as Zionist Army Storms Aqsa Mosque

Damuscus is the way to Jerusalem Jerusalem -Raed salah

This war on terrorism is nothing more than shifting of the original struggle with Israel ; it serves more than a purpose. It replaces the fight with Israel with another fight that benefits Israel and the world order . It keeps the Arab armies busy fighting a fictitious enemy called Terrorism  created by the establishment. It destroys Arab countries and dismantles Arab societies that will be torn by internal conflicts . It exposes and threatens directly the armed Resistance to Israel . Should Syria really settle for this and carry on this task ? Weren’t there any other alternatives?” - Danial Mabsout

ED Note: the so called  "fictitious enemy called Terrorism"includes Nusra Front, ISIL .... Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis 

Safwat Hegazi was arrested early Wednesday morning
“whoever sprays Morsi with water will be sprayed with blood.”  - Safwat Hegazy 

Zionist Army Storms Aqsa Mosque, Clashes with Palestinian Worshippers
Local Editor
The Zionist army stormed Friday the courtyards of Aqsa Mosque and launched tear gases, suffocating a number of Palestinians.

Aqsa Mosque Clashes
The Israeli army had also targeted the worshippers, including women and children, throwing stun grenades and rubber bullets indiscriminately on  them.
The Israeli troops further besieged the Palestinian worshippers within the courtyards of the mosque and closed its main gates and prevented providing medical services to the wounded.
The Israeli occupation troops forcefully cleared a Palestinian protest camp in the Jordan Valley on Friday; the camp witnessed a demonstration against the Israeli refusal to pull out of the area in any future "peace deal."

"At 1:30 am (on Friday, 2330 GMT on Thursday) the army raided the village unexpectedly," activist Diana al-Zeer said.

"They started throwing sound grenades and were very violent while they evacuated us."
As a result, at least seven Palestinians were wounded.

Six Officers Wounded in Egypt Bomb Attack


Six Egyptian policemen were wounded in a bomb attack on a bridge in the capital on Friday, officials said.

The interior ministry said two small bombs exploded near policemen stationed on a bridge near central Cairo. At least six were wounded in the attack, the health ministry said.
Police cordoned offEgypt policemen the scene, where a lightly damaged police truck appeared to have borne the brunt of the blast.

State television reported that the attack targeted a checkpoint set up to counter a scheduled protest by supporters of toppled president Mohammad Mursi.

Militant attacks on police and soldiers have killed scores, mostly in the restive Sinai Peninsula, since Morsi's overthrow by the military on July 3.

Sinai-based extremists have also claimed responsibility for attacks targeting police in Cairo and elsewhere.

An Al-Qaeda-inspired group based in the Sinai said it carried out a car bombing outside Cairo police headquarters on January 24 that killed four people.

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Stealth Operation which Restored Control over Strategic Naamat Mountain


Nidal Hmedeh

It was the fastest operation by units from the Syrian Arab Army Commandos and allies since the beginning of the Syrian war. It led to the full control over Al-Naamat barren mountains within four hours leaving Al-Nusra Front and the groups of armed Takfiris in Qalamoun and Arsal in a state of shock, only days after the battles on the outskirts of Al-Atefiah.

Syrian ArmyAl-Naamat region lies on the versant of the Eastern Lebanon Mountain Range inside the Syrian territories; but a part of it is inside Lebanon, and hunters in the area call the whole mountain range extended from Homs to Arsal Al-Naamat.

The significance of these mountains lies in its rugged terrains, large number of caves and natural hideouts, as well as the high hills and valleys covering the area, which makes it a naturally and militarily protected habitat. Syrian opposition militants have taken advantage of that since the Syrian war erupted, as armed battalions heading through Al-Qusair to Damascus took these mountains as shelters for them.

This mountain has formed a safe passageway for militants of different nationalities heading from Lebanon to Syria, specifically those present in Arsal, and it was used for transferring weapons from Lebanon to Al-Qusair and the Central City. Also through it, militants escaped from Al-Qusair on the fifth of June, 2012, after they were given a safe passageway through Al-Hamra village to Al-Naamat, following their decision to withdraw from Al-Qusair. This withdrawal took place without any internal coordination and under complete chaos.

The armed phalanges preserved their strong presence in Al-Naamat, specifically in the area facing Al-Qaa region where one of the valleys was used for firing rocket barrages at Hermel, and in infiltration attempts to Al-Qusair through the town of Jousieh bordering Lebanon.

What happened on the night of February 1?

On the 16th of January, and in concurrence with the first suicide attack in Hermel, opposition groups (in Lebanon and Syria) waged a wide attack on Jousieh through Al-Naamat mountains. After facing an ambush seven kilometers away from Al-Qusair and on the outskirts of
Al-Atefiah village, militants withdrew from the mountainous region in Al-Naamat heading east into Syria through the Bedouin region. This followed the losses they have suffered on the outskirts of Al-Atefiah village and the failure of their wide attack in attempt to reach Al-Qusair countryside, which turned out to be arranged weeks earlier, yet the withdrawal was full of defeat and led to the killing of a large number of Kamikaze.

The withdrawal was essential for them to close ranks and organize them before returning to the hills of Al-Naamat. Moreover, the militants' leadership, which gets military advice and cooperation from local and regional apparatuses, wagered on the inability of the Syrian Army and its allies to enter and locate in the barren Al-Naamat mountains because of their terrains and cold weather, especially as the region was expecting an ice storm at that time. Additionally, any operation of this kind needed equipment, elements, supplies for soldiers, as well as building tough and long roads. This allayed the opposition's worries about the situation in the region, however, Al-Nusra Front's calculations did not match the other part's fighting experience and boldness in tough and far places.

On the night of the 28th of January, it was time to enter the region into a depth of 27 kilometers and a height of seven kilometers, so that the militants' locations would be practically in the desert, while the Army and its allies would reach a spot in the barren mountains very close to Arsal.

The plan was set to have control over the strategic hills in the mountain which could be connected to each other and to the outside with covering fire. The most dangerous task was to be able to stay firm after the Takfiri militants recognize that the mountain is no longer empty but is rather occupied by their enemy, hence, they'd have to initiate in an attack so that the Army and its allies wouldn't settle in the locations they established in the hills they entered. This is what happened, just as the Army and its allies expected.

In concurrence with the second suicide attack in Hermel in the beginning of February, and which took place after sunset, hundreds of militants waged an attack at Al-Naamat mountain to prevent the Syrian Army and its allies from settling in their locations in the region which they entered in one night and without any fighting.

Militants advanced into the region where several ambushes were already prepared leaving dozens of casualties in their ranks. Unlike Al-Atefiah attack, the battle lasted only for five hours and resulted in the retreat of militants into the desert. By that, militants lost control over Al-Naamat mountains, so it became hard for them to fire rockets at Hermel, and their capability to reach the outskirts of Jousieh diminished... hence, Al-Qusair became out of reach.

Translated by Sara Taha Moughnieh

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Qassem: Hezbollah Will Defeat Takfiri Plot, Achievements to Appear Soon

بعملية استخباراتية نوعية.. حزب الله يكشف خلايا داعش النائمة في الضاحية

بعملية استخباراتية نوعية.. حزب الله يكشف خلايا داعش النائمة في الضاحية

Qassem: Hezbollah Will Defeat Takfiri Plot, Achievements to Appear Soon

Local Editor
Sheikh Naim QassemHezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem asserted that Hezbollah will continue its war against the takfiri plot and will defeat it, noting that the achievements in this context are to appear soon.

Sheikh Qassem added that the recent suicidal explosions are not vandalizing attacks, yet a planned war against the resistance and all its environment as well as against the Lebanese army.

Sheikh Qassem pointed out that Syrian town of Yabroud is the source of the booby-trapped cars which are being moved to Lebanon via a  certain Lebanese town where the suicide bombings are planned and executed by multinational takfiri criminals.

Source: Agencies
07-02-2014 - 21:49 Last updated 07-02-2014 - 21:49

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By US Orders: The King Orders Saudis Abandon Their Terrorists


Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal leaves the Foreign Ministry after meeting with Pakistan's Adviser for National Security and Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz in Islamabad on January 7, 2014. (Photo: AFP-Aamir QURESHI)

By Royal Orders: Saudis Abandon Their Fighters

Published Friday, February 7, 2014
The recent announcement by Saudi Arabia concerning its fighters in Syria is no mere detail to gloss over. It is a decidedly serious indicator of the extent of pressure exerted by the United States, including the threat to cancel the expected visit by President Barack Obama to the kingdom. Yet the story has another dimension: the return of Saudi fighters to their home country.
The Saudis are afraid of an uncontrolled return of those fighters to their country. Two conditions have been set. The first would be a return, under security precautions via the Saudi embassy in Turkey, as mentioned by the ambassador in Ankara on February 6. The second means their dispersal along the frontlines, a repeat of what Saudi fighters in Afghanistan experienced. The following is just some of what is known about the kingdom's abandonment of its fighters in Syria.
Royal orders in Saudi Arabia are not issued except in the case of relieving an emir of his duties, appointing him to a position, or in relation to a sovereign issue requiring orders from the highest authority in the state. However, the royal orders issued on February 3 are a clear indicator that the subject of the royal decree surpasses the authority of the cabinet. It called for what can be described as a "written pledge" from the king himself.
Three issues could be construed from the royal orders:
First, the royal order was issued in the context of the media debate on the supposed visit by US President Barack Obama to Riyadh at the end of March. At the beginning of this month, US newspapers, such as the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, published the news about the prospective visit. The US embassy in Riyadh quickly replied, saying the White House did not say anything of the sort. "The embassy did not have any information about the visit and cannot comment on it," said the assistant media attaché at the US embassy Stewart White.
However, with the issuing of the royal decree on February 3, the White House immediately announced the visit by Obama to Riyadh at the end of next March. The royal order was the lengthiest in the history of such decrees, except for those related to the budget. In summary, it was a wholesale condemnation of terrorist acts in all their forms, where Saudi citizens were involved, whether civilians, military personnel, and preachers who agitate, belong, donate, or glorify religious or ideological extremists, calling for the most severe sentences against them.
According to available information, US officials presented the Saudis with a huge dossier at the end of last year. It contained irrefutable evidence proving the involvement of Saudi Arabia in terrorist activities in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and even Russia. The dossier was now in the hands of the international community, which could lead to a censure at the UN Security Council and the classification of Saudi Arabia as state sponsor of global terrorism.
The message was heard clearly by the Saudis. It meant that it is impossible to include terrorism in the protection and strategic defense treaty signed in the 1940s between Saudi King Abdul-Aziz and US President Franklin Roosevelt. The question of terrorism is an international issue and does not belong in bilateral agreements.
Saudi Arabia felt the threat, which required a quick position from the highest authority in the country. Some in the royal family understood it as a precondition for Obama's visit to Riyadh in order to allay the concerns of US allies and the international community, who no longer doubt Saudi's involvement in the majority of terrorist activities in the region and around the world.
Second, the royal orders were a clear message to Saudi fighters, civilians and military alike, principally in Syria, but also in Iraq, Lebanon, and other places. It meant that a harsh fate awaits them if they decided to come back home. To avoid the grim destiny and severe punishment, they had to remain outside the borders and continue their mission until they perish or get dispersed in other fighting arenas, much like the first contingent of Arab Afghan fighters and those who emerged in Iraq after 2003, in Lebanon after the Nahr al-Bared war at the end of 2007, and those currently in Syria following the agreement between Saudi intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan and former CIA chief David Petraeus in the summer of 2012.
There is no doubt that a royal decree of such severity is a stab in the back by the official sponsor, represented by Prince Bandar, whose mission was put to rest by the decision. Reactions by al-Qaeda supporters on social media sites indicate extensive anger against Saudi Arabia for deceiving the fighters, time after time, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Lebanon and now in Syria. Thus, many Saudi fighters and their supporters are beginning to see the royal decree as a provocative act. This might push the fighters to commit foolish security acts to foil its aims, tarnishing the image of the kingdom and reinforcing the impression that it supports terrorism.
Naturally, the Saudi regime could hide behind the pretext that it never supported the fighting abroad and did not allow the collection of donations or incitement to emigrate to join the jihad. On the surface, the excuse is valid. Many agitating preachers and mosque imams were subjected to investigations to stop the collection of donations for fighting in Syria, in addition to the issuing of fatwas, which considered fighting in Syria to be "sedition."
On the other hand, observers have gathered overwhelming evidence about the complicity of Saudi political, media, and religious institutions in the emigration of thousands of Saudis to the "land of steadfastness" in Syria. Nothing else could explain the participation of hundreds of Saudi soldiers fighting there, despite being prohibited from traveling abroad, except by special orders of the military leadership.
The mention of military personnel and the severe punishment awaiting them was not by accident. It would not have happened without documented evidence about the participation of large numbers of military personnel in the fighting in Syria, who poured through Jordan under the patronage of Saudi Assistant Defense Minister Prince Salman bin Sultan, the half-brother of the godfather of the war in Syria Prince Bandar.
Saudi Arabia had mastered a double game. In public, it expressed a contrived strictness about the participation of Saudis in fighting abroad or collecting donations for al-Qaeda and its old and new subsidiaries. But in secret, money, men, and weapons were flooding the battlefields without any control.
The third issue concerns secondary indicators in the royal decree, which imply that the war in Syria was coming to an end and that armed groups are now on their own, after losing the required finances, arms, and training. This could only mean the end of the role of Prince Bandar, who left to the United States for a prolonged vacation, under the pretext of medical treatment.
This brings us to the Iranian-Turkish proposal, which provides the Saudis a decent exit from the Syrian quagmire, on the condition of gradually abandoning its support for the insurgents. It is clear that the two countries have begun a joint high-level coordination to confront the question of terrorism. After Ankara's previous hesitation to give it serious consideration, according to the Iranian view, it is now beginning to give it the widest attention, after the recent visit by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Iran.
The outcome means that Saudi is fearful of the return of its fighters, so it came up with a list of harsh punishments to avoid the violent repercussions at the time of reckoning. Moreover, what is even more dangerous, from its perspective, would be international sanctions which await the kingdom if it does not withdraw from the war in Syria and funding terrorism on the international level. This has led European intelligence agencies to step up their presence in the region to follow-up on the return of Saudi citizens back to the kingdom.
It is necessary to draw attention to concessions made by Saudi Arabia to cast away the specter of accusations of supporting terrorism. During his most recent visit to Riyadh, US Secretary of State John Kerry described the position of the Saudi leadership concerning the Israeli-Palestinian settlement with intriguing words. He said he felt "strong enthusiasm" on its part in this regard, at a time when nothing existed for such an enthusiasm.
Here is where the information intersects: the terrorism file presented by the United States to their Saudi counterparts and the Palestinian-Israeli settlement dossier. Sources close to the Palestinian National Authority in Ramallah said that Kerry had asked the head of the PNA, Mahmoud Abbas, to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, in return for a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. This would be with the gradual abandonment of the principle of the right of return and reviving the implantation project on a large scale, where Arab countries, in addition to Australia and Canada, would absorb Palestinians.
Palestinian sources add that President Abbas was reluctant about announcing his approval without a cover by influential Arab countries, chiefly Saudi Arabia. Kerry reassured Abbas that he would be personally undertaking this task.
Is there a relationship between Kerry's reassurances and the enthusiasm of King Abdullah? In general, the royal decree is a sign of a new stage.

This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Syria will head to Geneva with the same message and spirit


Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Faisal Mikdad: “Syria’s official delegation to participate in 2nd round of Geneva talks next Monday”

Damascus, 7 FEB 2014 – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Faisal Mikdad, member of Syria’s official delegation to Geneva conference announced that the delegation will participate in the second round of talks in Geneva scheduled next Monday.
“The delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic underlines continuing the efforts made at the first round of the conference and putting emphasis on discussing Geneva Communique item by item in order,” Mikdad told SANA in a statement on Friday.
“Restoring security and stability to Syria makes it necessary to discuss putting an end to terrorism and violence as stated in Geneva Communique and that the two Syrian sides agree on that for the protection of the Syrian citizens’ lives and stopping the Syrian bloodshed at the hands of the armed terrorist groups and their regional and international backers,” he added.
The first round of Geneva talks started with an open session in the Swiss city of Montreux on January 22 with the presence of foreign ministers of a number of countries, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and UN Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi.
Talks then moved to Geneva where closed sessions took place during which discussions between Syria’s delegation and the Coalition delegation so-called “opposition” were held through Brahimi. The sessions continued through January 31.
Geneva talks came out with no tangible results and this was what Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Head of Syria’s delegation Walid al-Moallem stressed in a press conference he held in Geneva on the last day of talks.
“We reached no tangible outcomes over this week of dialogue and that was because of two reasons; the first one had to do with the other side being immature and unserious and threatening to blow up the meeting more than once and showing intransigence over one and only issue as if we came here for one hour during which we are to hand them everything and then we go back. And this indicates the immaturity I talked about and the delusions they have,” al-Moallem told the reporters in Geneva.
He added that the other reason why the talks failed to bring about any outcomes is “the tense atmosphere with which the US wanted to wrap Geneva 2 meeting with its open presence and blatant interference in the meeting’s affairs and especially in terms of steering the other side since the opening of the meetings in Montreux and through its armament decision which came up while the meetings were taking place.”

Bashar al-Jaafari: “We will head to Geneva with the same message and spirit”

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that the Syrian Arab Republic delegation will head to Geneva with the same message, directive and spirit on the internal, Arab, Regional and international levels in order to involve the other side in a multi-faceted dialogue that proves positive, constructive and fruitful, not a dialogue beneath the level expected by the Syrian street.
In an interview given to Lebanon’s NBN TV channel on Friday, al-Jaafari said that the upper limit of the dialogue must be raised higher than in the first round and that it should be distinctly patriotic, and that the official Syrian delegation will attempt to draw the other side in this direction as much as possible.
He voiced satisfaction over the first round of talks in which the Syrian official delegation had the upper hand in terms of dialogue, something which was acknowledged by western media, political analysts, and the UN delegation.
“We’re looking forward to dialogue with national opposition that has the interests of Syria and the Syrian people in sight and that shares with us common denominators and constants, primarily preserving Syria’s independence, sovereignty and unity, rejecting foreign interference, demanding the liberation of its occupied lands, and rejecting violence and terrorism,” al-Jaafari said.
He pointed out that the coalition delegation of the so-called “opposition” rejected all the papers submitted in the first round without even reading or discussing them, when these papers aimed at creating common denominators and included constants that no patriotic person can reject.
Al-Jaafari noted that the coalition delegation was receiving instructions via paper clippings delivered to the meeting room from dark rooms in the hotel where that delegation was staying, and that the coalition delegation had an incorrect interpretation of what was proposed and therefore they reached wrong conclusions, adding that their discourse and propositions were those of amateurs, not professionals.
He said that the coalition delegation was under the illusion that it would seize power in Syria as easily as drinking water, which is what they were promised, and despite that, the Syrian official delegation said that it has no objections to discussing anything in the first Geneva communiqué as long as it’s discussed in the logical order starting from the first item.
Al-Jaafari noted that regardless of any transitional or permanent governing body or whatever one might call such a thing, a constitutional vacuum in any country would create problems, and a transitional stage cannot proceed with a constitutional vacuum, therefore the current constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic will be in effect during any transitional stage up until elections or any other constitution submitted to be approved by the people.
“Each side interprets the Geneva communiqué in the way they desire… the Russia interpretation is different from the American interpretation which is also different from the interpretation of UN Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi. As for us in Syria, we read it objectively and without any problem,” he said.
He said that the coalition delegation will be different in form during the next round, as there is a need for involving part of the national opposition in it since Syria’s future cannot be discussed with one element in the opposition, adding that Russia and Brahimi agree with this opinion.
Al-Jaafari dismissed the new Saudi approach towards Saudi terrorists fighting in Syria as misleading and lacking seriousness as it only tackles one aspect of the issue, noting that this approach is similar to the statements of the British Prime Minister and Interior Minister who said that they will withdraw the nationalities of 500 British terrorists fighting in Syria, saying that such statements will motivate terrorists as they effectively mean “stay in Syria to kill Syrians as you have no other choice.”
He asserted that Saudi Arabia, other Arab Gulf countries and United States must stop funding, arming and supporting terrorists in Syria and that they should comply with the Security Council’s counterterrorism resolutions, adding “it cannot be understood how the United States includes Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham on its list of terrorist organizations all while it announces that it will continue arming terrorist groups in Syria.”
Al-Jaafari pointed out that since the crisis began in Syria, the Syrian government sent around 500 letters to the United Nations and the Security Council, and almost 269 of these letters are related to counterterrorism and built on evidence, adding that these letters helped transition the countries which support terrorism from the stage of denial to the stage of acknowledging the presence of terrorism in Syria..
Damascus, 7 February 2014 – SANA/Ghossoun/Said/Sabbagh

Khamenei: Compromise will lead nowhere


Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says any compromise with arrogant powers will lead nowhere, stressing that interventionist powers are after putting autocratic puppets at the helm.

Iran cleric urges ‘crushing’ response to US threats

Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahhedi Kermani addresses worshippers at the weekly Friday Prayers in Tehran. (File photo)
Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahhedi Kermani addresses worshippers at the weekly Friday Prayers in Tehran. (File photo)

Fri Feb 7, 2014 12:57PM GMT

A senior Iranian cleric has called on the Foreign Ministry to react decisively to US threats against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear energy program.

“People expect the Iranian Foreign Ministry to give crushing response to rants, lies, accusations and brazenness of the United States,” Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahhedi Kermani said in a sermon to worshippers at the weekly Friday Prayers in Tehran.

He was reacting to US Secretary of State John Kerry’s renewed threat of military action and allegations made by US top nuclear negotiator with Iran, Wendy Sherman, against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

“Mr. Kerry and Ms. Sherman behaved very impolitely, they expressed ugly words and this ugliness is” in their nature, said the Iranian cleric.

Movahhedi Kermani added that the US officials continue to threaten Iran with the military option.
In a testimony to the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 4, Sherman, the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and the Obama administration’s top negotiator with Iran, questioned Iran’s need to maintain a number of its nuclear facilities.

On February 5, Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif rejected Sherman’s comments as “worthless.”

In addition, some 200 Iranian legislators slammed Sherman’s remarks on Thursday, calling them offensive and reflective of the US hegemonic character.

Iran and the six major world powers – the United States, Russia, China, France, the UK, and Germany – signed a nuclear deal in Geneva, Switzerland, last November to pave the way for the full resolution of the West’s decade-old standoff over Tehran’s nuclear energy program. The two sides started to implement the agreement on January 20 and aim to continue negotiations for a final comprehensive deal.

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Saudi Arabia’s Anti-terrorism Law Excludes Terrorists Sent to Syria


Posted on  by michaellee2009 

Activists: S. Arabia’s Anti-terrorism Law Excludes Terrorists Sent to Syria
TEHRAN (FNA)- The new anti-terrorism law recently approved by Riyadh doesn’t include those Takfiri and Salafi terrorists who are sent to Syria and merely prevents their return to Saudi Arabia, activists complained.
“The law approved in Saudi Arabia to fight against terrorism excludes the terrorists who are dispatched to Syria under the name of Jihad and it includes those who will return to the country (after fighting in Syria),” a female Saudi activist told FNA on the condition of anonymity due to the fear for her life.
She further complained that while the Saudi regime bans Saudi writers and activists from traveling abroad, it facilitates the Takfiri and “Jihadi” terrorists’ transfer to Syria.
Syria has repeatedly warned of the Saudi regime’s support and instigation of terrorism in violation of the international resolutions, saying that since the beginning of the crisis, it has sent a number of letters to the UN and Security Council affirming that the Saudi regime is involved in the crimes perpetrated by the terrorist groups in Syria.
Syria’s Permanent Envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said in January that the Saudi regime is involved in instigating people to terrorism and sending the terrorists to Syria under the pretext of Jihad, including “the sex jihad”.
“Those issues became confirmed starting from the statement of the Saudi foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal who admitted twice in Cairo that Saudi Arabia is arming the opposition… it is a clear confession,” al-Jaafari told al-Mayadeen TV.
He stressed that Saudi Arabia is instigating people to terrorism and perpetrating massacres in Syria, adding that the so-called “the Islamic Front” is also a terrorist organization.                




Words, in the battle of Liberation are of prime importance, but in the age of Internet, where Cyber Battles are waged, between truth and falsehood, the use of the right word becomes more vital than ever.
We have observed how the word, “apartheid” has crept in and has been intensely used by many Palestinians and their supporters without much reflection upon the meaning, implications or outcome of such use.
The definition of “Apartheid” 
a·part·heid  (-pärtht, -ht)
1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
2. policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.
Thus, the use of apartheid to describe “Israel”, the entity which was established by terror, planned ethnic cleansing and continues to practice slow genocide is extremely inappropriate, insufficient and falls very short from giving a complete and accurate portrait.
Calling “Israel” an Apartheid is a CONCEALMENT of Genocide 
Calling the Zionist entity mere “apartheid”, i.e “separation”, would only serve in concealing the true genocidal nature of the Jewish state, and present it as a “normal” and “legitimate” political system with only few holes, some racist laws, and wrong policies which can be easily changed. Such use would promote the legitimization of this entity. From a legal aspect, crimes of apartheid does not carry the same weight in International Law as Crimes against Humanity,thus may be harder to prosecute.
Campaigning to demand that the existing Jewish state, would change some of its policies (rather than to call for its dismantling and delegitimisation, to end this entity, once and for all) would simply enable the usurpation of historic Palestine.
Calling for ODS (one democratic state, as a continuation of “Israel”), while ignoring the right of Palestinians to FULL LIBERATION, would enable the Zionist entity toexpand and enlarge its boundaries, to encompass the ENTIRE land of Palestine, by annexing what remains of Palestine.
Calling for “equal rights” between mass-murderers and their victims, means wilful participation in wiping out the Palestinian Identity, under “Israeli” authority thus promoting giving Palestinians “israeli” citizenship,  which means unwittingly promoting the “israelization” of what remains of Palestinians, i.e upgrading their state from “occupied Palestinians” to “israeli slaves”.
I call upon our people and our supporters to be alert and not to participate in whitewashing the crimes of the Jewish state, by calling it an “apartheid” rather than what it really is, a genocidal, supremacist, expansionist, ethnic-cleansing entity.

The Genocide Convention

Article 2 of the United Nations issued Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide states:
“any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such:
1. Killing members of the group; [Israel ...guilty]
2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; [Israel ...guilty]
3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; [Israel ...guilty]
4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [Israel ...guilty]
5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
Article 4 states:
Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.
Nuremberg Principles

Principle VI. states,
“The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:
(a) Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).
(b) War crimes:
Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to,murder, ill-treatment or deportation of slave labor or for any other purpose of the civilian population of or in occupied territory; murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the Seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.
(c) Crimes against humanity:
Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.”
In Contrast:

In contrast:

The Sanhedrin Principles:
“A king should not wage other wars before a milchemet mitzvah. What is considered as milchemet mitzvah? The war against the seven nations who occupied Eretz Yisrael, the war against Amalek, and a war fought to assist Israel from an enemy which attacks them.
Afterwards, he may wage a milchemet hareshut, (war of aggression) i.e. a war fought with other nations in order to expand the borders of Israel or magnify its greatness and reputation.
Mishneh Torah, Chapter 1, Halacha 2: Amalek’s seed should be annihilated before the construction of the Temple
6) The obligation to destroy the seven nations living in the Land of Canaan; 7) The prohibition against allowing any one of them to remain alive; 8) The obligation to destroy the descendents of Amalek; 9) The obligation to remember what Amalek did;
“If the enemy accepts the offer of peace and commits itself to the fulfillment of the seven mitzvot that were commanded to Noah’s descendents, none of them should be killed. Rather, they should be subjugated as ibid.:11 states: ‘They shall be your subjects and serve you.’ If they agree to tribute, but do not accept subjugation or if they accept subjugation, but do not agree to tribute, their offer should not be heeded. They must accept both. The subjugation they must accept consists of being on a lower level, scorned and humble. They must never raise their heads against Israel, but must remain subjugated under their rule. They may never be appointed over a Jew in any matter whatsoever.”

Starving in Syria: Palestinian refugees die in rebel-held camp [VIDEO]


Feb 1, 2014, RT
An estimated 18 thousand people, including many women and children, remain trapped in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in southern Damascus. It’s been cut-off by Syrian rebels for more than a year now. Hundreds of relief parcels have managed to reach the camp for the first time in several months but that’s too late for at least 85 people who have died there since the middle of last year from illness and starvation. RT’s Maria Finoshina took a trip to this rebel enclave.

Imam Khamenei: Tactics could be changed, but not the principles.

Imam Khamenei Receives Iranian Air Force Commanders
Local Editor
Iran’s Army Air Force commanders, dignitaries, and personnel have visited the Leader of the Revolution today Saturday morning, Mehr Imam Khamenei - Air Force CommandersNews quoted the Leader’s official website report.

“Today morning, on the anniversary of the historic renewal of allegiance to Imam Khomeini (RA) by Air Force personnel and commanders, Air Force commanders, personnel, and dignitaries visited the Leader of the Revolution,” wrote the report.

“The event on February 8 1979 was such an event. The secrets behind the perpetuation of the Islamic system are explicit emphasis on principles and values, as the great Imam (RA) acted according to these principles,” the Leader said.

“The event on February 8 1979 was such an event. The secrets behind the perpetuation of the Islamic system are explicit emphasis on principles and values, as the great Imam (RA) acted according to these principles,” the Leader said.
Imam Khamenei believed that in no circumstance should the explicitness be abandoned. “Tactics could be changed, but not the principles. The Islamic Republic relies upon people’s piety, will, and love,” he asserted.

He also expressed hopes that on February 11 (the anniversary of victory of the Islamic Revolution) the nation would come to streets and cry their national solidarity and strength.
Source: Agencies
08-02-2014 - 12:37 Last updated 08-02-2014 - 12:46

Hersh revelations and false-flag talk in media


Journalist Seymour Hersh
Journalist Seymour Hersh
Dec 11, 2013, Kevin Barrett
Whenever a big, media-hyped attack or atrocity happens, the mainstream media always says the same thing: “The bad guys did it.”
And who are these “bad guys”? The enemy-du-jour of the powers-that-be.
The authorities blamed 9/11 on “radical Muslims.” They blamed the Boston Marathon, Sandy Hook and Aurora, Colorado massacres on “gun nuts” and “extremists.”
The mainstream media have not yet admitted that these atrocities were false-flag operations. They are too recent. People would be too angry.
But mainstream journalists and historians do admit the truth about past false-flags.
During the Cold War, Western governments and media blamed the Operation Gladio massacres in Brabant, Belgium and Bologna, Italy on “anti-American leftists”. . . just as they blamed the fake Gulf of Tonkin attack on the North Vietnamese. Today, everyone admits that these were all false-flag operations commanded by the US military.
During Operation Ajax – the CIA’s overthrow of Iran’s prime minister Mossadeq in 1953 – CIA operatives repeatedly committed mass murder and falsely blamed Mossadeq supporters. They blew up mosques, targeted religious leaders for assassination, machine-gunned crowds, then scattered thousands of leaflets claiming Mossadeq was responsible.
Former CIA operative Kermit Roosevelt has admitted to committing these murders and spreading these lies. CIA documents released this year confirm the Agency’s role in the atrocities.
The Israelis, world champion false-flag terrorists, have admitted that their agents dressed up as Egyptian Arabs and bombed American targets in Egypt during the Lavon Affair in 1954. It took the Zionists fifty years to admit the truth. When the Israeli government finally confessed in 2005 to its attack on America, it lavished honors on the false-flag terrorists.
When will Israel finally admit that its slaughter of the American sailors of the USS Liberty in 1967 was a botched false-flag designed to be blamed on Egypt and trigger a US attack on Cairo?
Today, thanks to the power of the internet, more and more people are learning about false-flags. The media are finding it more and more difficult to ignore this critically-important, massively-censored topic.
A few days ago, award-winning mainstream journalist Seymour Hersh forced the mainstream media to talk about false-flags. In his article “Whose sarin?” Hersh confirmed what alternative media outlets like Press TV and Veterans Today reported back in August: The chemical weapons attack in al-Ghouta was almost certainly perpetrated by Saudi-supported militants, not the Syrian government.
That was the only conceivable purpose of such an attack. Obama had drawn a “red line” around the chemical weapons issue. Hence, the only way the rebels could hope to convince the US to bomb Syria was by staging a chemical weapons attack and falsely blaming Assad on such an attack.
In August, no mainstream publication even raised this as a possibility. They all mindlessly echoed Israeli and US government sources assuring the world that Assad must have been responsible for the al-Ghouta atrocity. Yet they offered no convincing evidence of Assad’s responsibility.
If you were paying attention to Press TV, Veterans Today, Global Research, or other independent media outlets, you knew how unlikely it was that Assad would unleash chemical weapons in a militarily useless attack just a few miles from where chemical weapons inspectors were touching down in Damascus.
The mainstream story was ridiculous on its face…almost as ridiculous as the official story of 9/11, which blames nineteen debauched “radical Muslims” with box-cutters led by a terminal kidney patient in a cave in Afghanistan for the three most logistically-complex, technologically-advanced skyscraper demolitions in history.
The mainstream media would rather report ridiculous, self-evidently false assertions than even raise the possibility of a false-flag. That is because the corporate media are, as Noam Chomsky puts it, “manufacturers of consent.”
Their job is not to report the truth, but to help powerful forces shape public opinion. And false-flags are the most powerful tool available to those who wish to shape public opinion.
The media will never even mention that false-flags exist unless they are forced to do so by someone like Seymour Hersh.
Hersh’s article cites all kinds of documentary evidence proving that US intelligence sources knew that the Syrian rebels, not Assad’s government, were behind the al-Ghouta gas attack.
For example: “One high-level intelligence officer, in an email to a colleague, called the administration’s assurances of Assad’s responsibility a “ruse.” The attack “was not the result of the current regime,” he wrote.
Another high-level US intelligence source compared the al-Ghouta attack to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which is now officially admitted to have been a false-flag designed to trigger massive US escalation of the war against Vietnam.
This is not the first time that Hersh has forced false-flag talk upon a reluctant media. During the Bush Administration’s attempt to win public support for its increasingly unpopular occupation of Iraq, Hersh reported that the one-legged al-Qaeda superman Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a “composite figure” whose exploits were being wildly exaggerated, if not invented out of whole cloth, by US government propagandists.
More recently, Hersh reported that the official story of the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden by US Navy Seals is “one big lie, not one word of it is true.” He added, “The republic’s in trouble, we lie about everything, lying has become the staple.”
Hersh’s revelations about al-Zarqawi, Bin Laden, and the al-Ghouta false-flag raise a larger question: Is “al-Qaeda” itself one big Western false-flag operation designed to demonize Islam and destabilize the Islamic world?

Homs Governor: Armed Groups Violate Truce in Old City

Local Editor
Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi on Saturday said that the armed terrorist groups violated the truce in the old city of Homs by firing mortar shells on the Police Command building in the Old Sa'a area.

Barazi, in a statement to SANA, affirmed the city's commitment to carry out the agreement signed with the UN resident representative to get the civilians, besieged by the armed terrorist groups, out of the old city.

The Governor added that he made a field visit to the old Sa'a region on the surrounding of the old city, asking the field commanders to exercise the highest degree of self-restraint to fulfill the agreement.

The first group of civilians besieged in the old city has been allowed out of the city towards Deek al-Jinn area, SANA reporter said Friday.
Source: Agencies
08-02-2014 - 14:41 Last updated 08-02-2014 - 14:47

The Hypocrisy of Human Rights Watch


Jose M. Vivanco at Senate hearing in 2004. Photo by Jeremy Bigwood.
Jose M. Vivanco at Senate hearing in 2004. Photo by Jeremy Bigwood.
Feb 5, 2014,
Over more than a decade, the rise of the left in Latin American governance has led to remarkable advances in poverty alleviation, regional integration, and a reassertion of sovereignty and independence. The United States has been antagonistic toward the new left governments, and has concurrently pursued a bellicose foreign policy, in many cases blithely dismissive of international law.
So why has Human Rights Watch (HRW)—despite proclaiming itself “one of the world’s leading independent organizations” on human rights—so consistently paralleled U.S. positions and policies? This affinity for the U.S. government agenda is not limited to Latin America. In the summer of 2013, for example, when the prospect of a unilateral U.S. missile strike on Syria—a clear violation of the UN Charter—loomed large, HRW’s executive director Kenneth Roth speculated as to whether a simply “symbolic” bombing would be sufficient. “If Obama decides to strike Syria, will he settle for symbolism or do something that will help protect civilians?” he asked on Twitter. Executive director of MIT’s Center for International Studies John Tirman swiftly denounced the tweet as “possibly the most ignorant and irresponsible statement ever by a major human-rights advocate.”1
HRW’s accommodation to U.S. policy has also extended to renditions—the illegal practice of kidnapping and transporting suspects around the planet to be interrogated and often tortured in allied countries. In early 2009, when it was reported that the newly elected Obama administration was leaving this program intact, HRW’s then Washington advocacy director Tom Malinowski argued that “under limited circumstances, there is a legitimate place” for renditions, and encouraged patience: “they want to design a system that doesn’t result in people being sent to foreign dungeons to be tortured,” he said, “but designing that system is going to take some time.”2
Similar consideration was not extended to de-facto U.S. enemy Venezuela, when, in 2012, HRW’s Americas director José Miguel Vivanco and global advocacy director Peggy Hicks wrote a letter to President Hugo Chávez arguing that his country was unfit to serve on the UN’s Human Rights Council. Councilmembers must uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights, they maintained, but unfortunately, “Venezuela currently falls far short of acceptable standards.”Given HRW’s silence regarding U.S. membership in the same council, one wonders precisely what HRW’s acceptable standards are.
One underlying factor for HRW’s general conformity with U.S. policy was clarified on July 8, 2013, when Roth took to Twitter to congratulate his colleague Malinowski on his nomination to be Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL). Malinowski was poised to further human rights as a senior-level foreign-policy official for an administration that convenes weekly “Terror Tuesday” meetings. In these meetings, Obama and his staffers deliberate the meting out of extrajudicial drone assassinations around the planet, reportedly working from a secret “kill list” that has included several U.S. citizens and a 17-year-old girl.4
Malinowski’s entry into government was actually a re-entry. Prior to HRW, he had served as a speechwriter for Secretary of State Madeline Albright and for the White House’s National Security Council. He was also once a special assistant to President Bill Clinton—all of which he proudly listed in his HRW biography. During his Senate confirmation hearing on September 24, Malinowski promised to “deepen the bipartisan consensus for America’s defense of liberty around the world,” and assured the Foreign Relations Committee that no matter where the U.S. debate on Syria led, “the mere fact that we are having it marks our nation as exceptional.”5
That very day, Obama stood before the UN General Assembly and declared, “some may disagree, but I believe that America is exceptional.” Assuming that by “exceptional” Obama meant exceptionally benevolent, one of those who disagreed was Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, who had opened the proceedings at the same podium by excoriating Obama’s “global network of electronic espionage,” which she considered a “disrespect to national sovereignty” and a “grave violation of human rights and of civil liberties.” Rousseff contrasted Washington’s rogue behavior with her characterization of Brazil as a country that has “lived in peace with our neighbors for more than 140 years.” Brazil and its neighbors, she argued, were “democratic, pacific and respectful of international law.”Rousseff’s speech crystallized Latin America’s broad opposition to U.S. exceptionalism, and therefore shed light on the left’s mutually antagonistic relationship with HRW.
Malinowski’s background is but one example of a larger scenario. HRW’s institutional culture is shaped by its leadership’s intimate links to various arms of the U.S. government. In her HRW biography, the vice chair of HRW’s board of directors, Susan Manilow, describes herself as “a longtime friend to Bill Clinton,” and helped manage his campaign finances. (HRW once signed a letter to Clinton advocating the prosecution of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes; HRW made no case for holding Clinton accountable for NATO’s civilian-killing bombings despite concluding that they constituted “violations of international humanitarian law.”)Bruce Rabb, also on Human Rights Watch’s Board of Directors, advertises in his biography that he “served as staff assistant to President Richard Nixon” from 1969-70—the period in which that administration secretly and illegally carpet bombed Cambodia and Laos.8
The advisory committee for HRW’s Americas Division has even boasted the presence of a former Central Intelligence Agency official, Miguel Díaz. According to his State Department biography, Díaz served as a CIA analyst and also provided “oversight of U.S. intelligence activities in Latin America” for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.As of 2012, Díaz focused, as he once did for the CIA, on Central America for the State Department’s DRL—the same bureau now to be supervised by Malinowski.
Other HRW associates have similarly questionable backgrounds: Myles Frechette, currently an advisory committee member for the Americas Division, served as Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean from 1990-93, and then became U.S. Ambassador to Colombia from 1994-97. Frechette subsequently worked as the executive director of a “nonprofit” group called the North American-Peruvian Business Council, and championed the interests of his funders in front of Congress. His organization received financing from companies such as Newmont Mining, Barrick Gold, Caterpillar, Continental Airlines, J.P. Morgan, ExxonMobil, Patton Boggs, and Texaco.10
Michael Shifter, who also currently serves on HRW’s Americas advisory committee, directed the Latin America and Caribbean program for the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a quasi-governmental entity whose former acting president Allen Weinstein told The Washington Post in 1991 that “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”11 Shifter, as current president of a policy center called the Inter-American Dialogue, oversees $4 million a year in programming, financed in part through donations from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the embassies of Canada, Germany, Guatemala, Mexico and Spain, and corporations such as Chevron, ExxonMobil, J.P. Morgan, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Boeing, and Western Union.
To be sure, not all of the organization’s leadership has been so involved in dubious political activities. Many HRW board members are simply investment bankers, like board co-chairs Joel Motley of Public Capital Advisors, LLC, and Hassan Elmasry, of Independent Franchise Partners, LLP. HRW Vice Chair John Studzinski is a senior managing director at The Blackstone Group, a private equity firm founded by Peter G. Peterson, the billionaire who has passionately sought to eviscerate Social Security and Medicare. And although Julien J. Studley, the Vice Chair of the Americas advisory committee, once served in the U.S. Army’s psychological warfare unit, he is now just another wealthy real-estate tycoon in New York.
That HRW’s advocacy reflects its institutional makeup is unremarkable. Indeed, an examination of its positions on Latin America demonstrates the group’s predictable, general conformity with U.S. interests. Consider, for example, HRW’s reaction to the death of Hugo Chávez. Within hours of his passing on March 5, 2013, HRW published an overview—“Venezuela: Chávez’s Authoritarian Legacy”—to enormous online response. In accordance with its headline’s misleading terminology, HRW never once mentioned Chávez’s democratic bona fides: Since 1998, he had triumphed in 14 of 15 elections or referenda, all of which were deemed free and fair by international monitors. Chávez’s most recent reelection boasted an 81% participation rate; former president Jimmy Carter described the voting process as “the best in the world.”12 The article neglected to cite a single positive aspect of Chávez’s tenure, under which poverty was slashed by half and infant mortality by a third.
In contrast, HRW’s August 21, 2012 statement regarding the death of Ethiopian leader Meles Zenawi was decidedly more muted: “Ethiopia: Transition Should Support Human Rights Reform,” read the headline. Leslie Lefkow, HRW’s deputy Africa director, urged the country’s new leadership to “reassure Ethiopians by building on Meles’s positive legacy while reversing his government’s most pernicious policies.” Regarding a leader whose two-decade rule had none of Chávez’s democratic legitimacy (HRW itself documented Ethiopia’s repressive and unfair elections in both 2005 and 2010), the organization argued only that “Meles leaves a mixed legacy on human rights.”13 Whereas HRW omitted all mention of Chávez-era social improvements, it wrote, “Under [Meles’s] leadership the country has experienced significant, albeit uneven, economic development and progress.”
The explanation for this discrepancy is obvious: as a New York Times obituary reported, Meles was “one of the United States government’s closest African allies.” Although “widely considered one of Africa’s most repressive governments,” wrote the Times, Ethiopia “continues to receive more than $800 million in American aid each year. American officials have said that the Ethiopian military and security services are among the Central Intelligence Agency’s favorite partners.”14
HRW has taken its double standard to cartoonish heights throughout Latin America. At a 2009 NED Democracy Award Roundtable, José Miguel Vivanco described Cuba, not the United States, as “one of our countries in the hemisphere that is perhaps the one that has today the worst human-rights record in the region.” As evidence, he listed Cuba’s “long- and short-term detentions with no due process, physical abuse [and] surveillance”—as though these were not commonplace U.S. practices, even (ironically) at Guantánamo Bay.15 Vivanco was also quoted in late 2013, claiming at an Inter-American Dialogue event that the “gravest setbacks to freedom of association and expression in Latin America have taken place in Ecuador”—not in Colombia, the world’s most dangerous country for trade union leaders, or in Honduras, the region’s deadliest country for journalists (both, incidentally, U.S. allies).16
Latin America scholars are sounding the alarm: New York University history professor Greg Grandin recently described HRW as “Washington’s adjunct” in The Nation magazine.17 And when Vivanco publicly stated that “we did [our 2008] report because we wanted to show the world that Venezuela is not a model for anyone,” over 100 academics wrote to the HRW’s directors, lamenting the “great loss to civil society when we can no longer trust a source such as Human Rights Watch to conduct an impartial investigation and draw conclusions based on verifiable facts.”18
HRW’s deep ties to U.S. corporate and state sectors should disqualify the institution from any public pretense of independence. Such a claim is indeed untenable given the U.S.-headquartered organization’s status as a revolving door for high-level governmental bureaucrats. Stripping itself of the “independent” label would allow HRW’s findings and advocacy to be more accurately evaluated, and its biases more clearly recognized.
In Latin America, there is a widespread awareness of Washington’s ability to deflect any outside attempts to constrain its prerogative to use violence and violate international law. The past three decades alone have seen U.S. military invasions of Grenada and Panama, a campaign of international terrorism against Nicaragua, and support for coup governments in countries such as Venezuela, Haiti, Honduras, and Guatemala. If HRW is to retain credibility in the region, it must begin to extricate itself from elite spheres of U.S. decision-making and abandon its institutional internalization of U.S. exceptionalism. Implementing a clear prohibition to retaining staff and advisers who have crafted or executed U.S. foreign policy would be an important first step. At the very least, HRW can institute lengthy “cooling-off” periods—say, five years in duration—before and after its associates move between the organization and the government.
After all, HRW’s Malinowski will be directly subordinate to Secretary of State John Kerry, who conveyed the U.S. attitude toward Latin America in a way that only an administrator of a superpower could. In an April 17, 2013 House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, a member of Congress asked Kerry whether the United States should prioritize “the entire region as opposed to just focusing on one country, since they seem to be trying to work together closer than ever before.” Kerry reassured him of the administration’s global vision. “Look,” he said. “The Western Hemisphere is our backyard. It is critical to us.”19
1. Kenneth Roth, followed by John Tirman’s response, Twitter, August 25, 3013,http://twitter.com/KenRoth/status/371797912210407424.
2. Greg Miller, “Obama preserves renditions as counter-terrorism tool,” Los Angeles Times, February 1, 2009.
3. José Miguel Vivanco and Peggy Hicks, “Letter to President Chavez on Venezuela’s Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council,” Human Rights Watch, November 9, 2012.
4. Jo Becker and Scott Shane, “Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will,” The New York Times, May 29, 2012.
5. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “Statement for the Record by Tom Malinowski,” September 24, 2013.
6. “Text of Obama’s Speech at the U.N.,” The New York Times, September 24, 2013. Statement by H.E. Dilma Rousseff, United Nations, September 24, 2013.
7. Human Rights Watch, “Major Rights Groups Oppose Immunity for Milosevic,” October 6, 2000. HRW, “New Figures on Civilian Deaths in Kosovo War,” Februrary 8, 2000.
8. Human Rights Watch, “Board of Directors,” www.hrw.org, accessed November 16, 2013.
9. U.S. Department of State, “Franklin Fellows Alumni,” September 8, 2011, http://careers.state.gov/ff/meet-the-fellows/franklin-fellows/miguel-diaz, accessed November 16, 2013.
10. Ways and Means Committee, “Statement of Myles Frechette, the North American Peruvian Business Council,” U.S. House of Representatives, May 8, 2001.
11. David Ignatius, “Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups,” The Washington Post, September 22, 1991.
12. Keane Bhatt, “A Hall of Shame for Venezuelan Elections Coverage,” Manufacturing Contempt (blog), nacla.org, October 8, 2012.
13. Human Rights Watch, “Ethiopia: Government Repression Undermines Poll,” May 24, 2010.
14. Jeffrey Gettleman, “Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dies at 57,” The New York Times, August 22, 2012.
15. National Endowment for Democracy, “José Miguel Vivanco: 2009 NED Democracy Award Roundtable,” Youtube.com, Jun 29, 2009.
16. Eva Saiz, “Indígenas de Ecuador denuncian en EEUU la norma de libre asociación de Correa,” El Pais, October 28, 2013.
17. Greg Grandin, “The Winner of Venezuela’s Election to Succeed Hugo Chávez Is Hugo Chávez,” The Nation, April 16, 2013.
18. Venezuelanalysis.com, “More Than 100 Latin America Experts Question Human Rights Watch’s Venezuela Report,” December 17, 2008.
19. Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, “Hearing: Securing U.S. Interests Abroad: The FY 2014 Foreign Affairs Budget,” April 17, 2013.

Iran Sends Warships to US Maritime Borders


Local Editor

Senior Iranian Navy commanders announced on Saturday that the country has sent several fleets of warships to the US maritime borders, FNA reportedIran Warships.

"The Iranian Army's naval fleets have already started their voyage towards the Atlantic Ocean via the waters near South Africa," Commander of Iran's Northern Navy Fleet Admiral Afshin Rezayee Haddad announced on Saturday.

The admiral, who is also the commander of the Iranian Army's 4th Naval Zone said, "Iran's military fleet is approaching the United States' maritime borders, and this move has a message."

In September 2012, Iran's Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari reiterated Iran's plans for sailing off the US coasts to counter the US presence in its waters in the Persian Gulf.

Sayyari had earlier informed of Tehran's plans to send its naval forces to the Atlantic to deploy along the US marine borders, and in September 2012 he said that this would happen "in the next few years".

The plan is part of Iran's response to Washington's beefed up naval presence in the Persian Gulf. The US Navy's 5th fleet is based in Bahrain - across the Persian Gulf from Iran - and the US has conducted two major maritime war games in the last two years.

In September 2011, Sayyari had announced that the country planned to move vessels into the Atlantic Ocean to start a naval buildup "near maritime borders of the United States".
"Like the arrogant powers that are present near our maritime borders, we will also have a powerful presence close to the American marine borders," Sayyari said.

Speaking at a ceremony marking the 31st anniversary of the start of the 1980-1988 war with Iraq, Sayyari gave no details of when such a deployment could happen or the number or type of vessels to be used.

Sayyari had first announced in July, 2011 that Iran was going to send "a flotilla into the Atlantic".

The Iranian navy has been developing its presence in international waters since 2010, regularly launching vessels in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden to protect Iranian ships from Somali pirates operating in the area.

Source: Agencies
08-02-2014 - 16:48 Last updated 08-02-2014 - 16:48 

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The developments in Egypt, has proved and will prove that removing Mursi was the second phase of the Egyptian revolution, the people of Egypt are neither Slaves nor chess stones moved by the Army and/or NED, 

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Egypt's left politician Hamdeen Sabahi to run for presidency

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Sabahi came third in the 2012 election won by Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was deposed by the army in July following mass protests against his rule.
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حمدين صباحي يترشح للرئاسة.. وانقسام داخل ’’تمرد’’ بين السيسي وصباحي‎

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