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Sadek al Husseini: Radio Al Nour Interview VS A-Manar Interview


Finally I found it, "the the interview by Mister Sadek al Husseini was given to the radio al Nour by Mister al Husseini".


Click the link and listen

Daniel asked me to withdraw my accusation of dishonesty because his post was about above interview not the one with Al-manar chennel.

Having listened twice and carefully to the interview,I hereby confirm the bias and dishonesty of Mr. Mabsout, in reporting the interview. He did that because both interviews blows up all his writings since June 2013, and expose his mind maze, and confirm that neither Iran, nor Syria may pay the Price required by America - The Palestinian cause. 

Daniel avoided the part of the interview about the performance of Rouhani and Zarif. He highlighted the part of Iran bringing Erdogan on his kneels to Tehran and ignored more than half of the interview about the Syrian performance, media and diplomatic victory in Geneva, as a result of the defeat of America on September 3,213 at the gates of the Lion’s Den in Damascus

In the Interview Husseini quoted Jamal Hamdan saying that the meeting of Egypt, Iran and Turkey will change the face of the world. 

Husseini highlighted the defeat of the American Islam - the Islam of brothers of America in both Egypt and Turkey. He confirmed that what happened in June 30 was not a coup supported by the people, it was a popular uprising supported by the Army. 

Concerning Sisi, Husseini said that Iran would welcome Sisi as a new Nasser with a modern face, but refuse the attempt to tun the uprising against revolutionary Islam. 

Now see the Interview with same guy on Al-manar, and you will find that content of both interviews is almost the same.

  • Related:

The Liar wants his Lies removed
A LESSON TO ALL (Except Daniel Mabsout)

There is no Palestinian issue for Syrian rebels


A handout picture released by the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on May 15, 2013, shows protestors crying after unidentified armed groups opened fire on demonstrators as they marched in the Syrian capital Damascus in support of the right to return of Palestinian refugees who fled their homes or were expelled during various conflicts. (AFP/SANA)
A handout picture released by the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on May 15, 2013, shows protestors crying after unidentified armed groups opened fire on demonstrators as they marched in the Syrian capital Damascus in support of the right to return of Palestinian refugees who fled their homes or were expelled during various conflicts. (AFP/SANA)
Nov 10, 2013, Nadezhda Kevorkova
The Palestinian issue has been uniting all Muslims for 65 years. Syrian rebels succeeded in their mission – they made the world forget about the Palestinian issue.
The militants pulled Palestinians out of refugee camps; they are killing them or using these people as human shields. And the media are silent about it, while the Syrian opposition keeps screaming about the “oppressive Assad regime.”
It’s been a year since Syrian rebels raided the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Syria – Yarmouk, near Damascus. Up until recently it was the duty of Israeli soldiers to persecute Palestinians, now this is done by Syrian rebels with their Muslim slogans. The media are not saying anything about it.
What is the life of Palestinians like, now that the Syrian conflict made them refugees again?

‘Nobody is helping us – neither Europe, nor the UN’

Abu-Badr, head of Beirut’s Bourj al-Barajneh refugee camp People’s Committee, gathered representatives of all Palestinian parties. They all keep regular contacts with camps in Syria.
A year after Palestinian camps and Palestinians were attacked, the heads of these organizations are saying that the Syrian war is a staged conflict, and its goal is to distract everybody from the Palestinian problem.
A total of 760,000 Palestinian refugees lived in Syria before the war, and about 550,000 in Lebanon. Palestinians had equal rights in Syria, and virtually no rights in Lebanon. For example, they were not allowed to work in 72 professional capacities.
Abu-Badr says, “There are over 1,000 Palestinian families from Syria in our camp. Nobody is helping us – not Europe, not the UN. The Red Cross came twice. The refugees are renting housing on their own.”
To rent a place to live is a big problem for a Palestinian, especially at the camp. And to pay rent, they have to find a job, which is extremely difficult in Lebanon.
He says that according to the authorities, there are about 120,000 Palestinian refugees from Syria living south of Tripoli. So every tenth refugee is a Palestinian.
Turkey and Jordan don’t accept Palestinians.
Kafar is a young mother of two. She used to live in Syria’s Yarmouk with her family. Now she is struggling to survive in Bourj al-Barajneh in Lebanon.
She fled Yarmouk at the end of 2012, when the rebels took over the camp and made it their foothold to carry out attacks on Damascus.

Palestinian refugee women from Syria plays are seen outside their tents at Ain al-Helweh Palestinian refugee camp near the port-city of Sidon, southern Lebanon (Reuters/Ali Hashisho)
Palestinian refugee women from Syria plays are seen outside their tents at Ain al-Helweh Palestinian refugee camp near the port-city of Sidon, southern Lebanon (Reuters/Ali Hashisho)
Yarmouk is one of the largest Palestinian camps in Syria. Before the war it had 150,000 residents, which was almost one-quarter of all Palestinian refugees in Syria. The camp is very close to the Damascus city limits, and there were subdivisions where regular Syrians lived.
Refugee camps are extraterritorial places. Police and army are not allowed there, the residents don’t have citizenship, they don’t vote and don’t serve in the army. Camps are self-governed by representatives of all Palestinian political parties. Unlike all other countries, Syria allowed refugees to leave camps and enjoy all rights and freedoms.
A Syrian family named Lakud brought the fighters to Yarmouk. Palestinians didn’t support the rebels then, and they are not supporting them now. Some parts of the camp are still controlled by the opposition.

A human shield for militants

Kafar recalls: “The entire camp left in a snap back then, when armed militants entered it. They were inside, shooting bullets into the air – they always act the same way. They ordered the residents to leave having placed their orders on different websites and having sent emails. Nobody stayed there.”
In December 2012, some started trying to come back. There are even a few families that decided to stay in the camp, hoping it would get better soon. Kafar says all the houses have been looted – they have taken everything, including electrical wires. 
She says the militants were shooting those Palestinians who went out to take part in demonstrations. They wouldn’t let people return to their homes, but in case they did come back home, they couldn’t leave their houses again.
“If the militants went away, we would come back. Sometimes we can contact those inside the camp. They tell us about the blockade – they feel like they live in a cage, they lack food. There is no escape – they are kept as a human shield for the militants,” Kafar says.

Syrian rebels (AFP Photo)
Syrian rebels (AFP Photo)
She tells us about her relative who went to find her children, but ended up as a hostage in the camp.
“The militants won’t let you come in, but if one has entered – he would be kept there by force. They have established checkpoints. They deprive the people of food and beat the women who try to sneak inside, bringing something to their relatives to eat,” Kafar says. 
Hitting a woman in public is considered absolutely unlawful among Muslims. But Kafar says that the militants in Yarmouk have their own vision of everything.
“We are not afraid of war, but they won’t even feed the people. The al-Nusra militants are tall, wear long beards and look like foreigners. Probably, there are Syrians among them but none of my relatives have ever seen one,” Kafar says.  

One blanket for five

Palestinians from Syria in Lebanon are in even more dire straits.
“They humiliate us – we are constantly being insulted,” the woman tells us.
She is showing us around her tiny apartment with two rooms and a kitchen. The ceiling leaks when it rains.
“The rent is $300. If I don’t find money by Sunday, we’ll have to leave for Syria.”
Apart from the rent, they pay $70 for water.
Her father-in-law was killed. Her mother-in-law returned to Syria and now lives with their relatives there.
“I’ll go to Syria and wait there until I can come back home. Staying here is humiliating,” Kafar says.
Her husband takes up any job he can, be it a laborer, carrier or loader.
They have no warm clothes – all their belongings were stolen in Yarmouk. This family doesn’t belong to any group. They got help from different organizations such as Hamas, the Popular Front or some voluntary organizations. But it can hardly be called help – it is more like a mere pittance. 
“They gave us one blanket for five people. But we are living creatures,” Kafar says, showing us a thin grey synthetic blanket. She thinks it looks like a cloth that is used to wrap a dead body when burying it.
The family has no money to buy food. They sometimes receive help from neighbors, who share their food with them. I saw them bring some bread and crisps.

‘In Syria, Palestinians are treated better than brothers’

Kafar complains about how the refugee work is organized.
“They distribute some humanitarian aid, but the process is humiliating to us every step of the way. There is fighting in Syria, but Palestinians are respected there. And here they call us Syrian dogs.”
“We had a good life under Assad, not lacking anything. We will go back and live in Syria, even if we have to live in tents. Syrians treat us as equal, they help us,” says Kafar.
In the last year they received help twice – from Hamas and from people from Qatar – about $300 per family, which is less than one dollar a day. But not everybody gets even these payments. There are lists of those who suffer the most in these camps.
She tells us how the process of distributing this aid works.
“A family gets a check for $150 from Qatar. But there wasn’t enough for everybody on the list. So people are humiliated even more. The place where these checks are given is near Beirut, you have to take a taxi to get there and spend half of the money on the ride. They give food stamps for certain food items, which can only be bought in one supermarket. And this store is also far away.”

A Palestinian refugee boy from Syria plays with a tyre as another boy walks past tents at Ain al-Helweh Palestinian refugee camp near the port-city of Sidon, southern Lebanon (Reuters/Ali Hashisho)
A Palestinian refugee boy from Syria plays with a tyre as another boy walks past tents at Ain al-Helweh Palestinian refugee camp near the port-city of Sidon, southern Lebanon (Reuters/Ali Hashisho)
“You can’t buy meat with these food stamps. Do they think children can go for a year without meat?” the woman asks.
 “We are convinced that Syria will welcome us back. They loved us there, treated us like brothers, even better than brothers. We lived better than Syrians themselves,” Kafar says.
She knows that the Lebanese have closed the border for Palestinian refugees. So they can’t go anywhere.
“They accepted us in Syria. When we lost everything, they took care of us. They asked us what we needed. Six blankets? Food? They gave us everything. They didn’t blame us, even though life was difficult for everyone.”
She thinks her family made a mistake when it moved to Lebanon. “We were told life would be good here. Now we regret the decision.”
Her husband came six months earlier, he thought they would be safe here while there is fighting.

‘There is no Palestinian issue for Syrian rebels’

“We Palestinians have played no part in Syria’s distress. We didn’t participate in street protests, and our people did not join the rebels,” says Kafar. She admits to having heard that some Palestinians have, in fact, taken up arms against the Syrian government. But she is certain that is a rare exception.
“Those people must have been seduced by money, or befuddled with drugs, and with false promises. Only the poorest and the most destitute of the Palestinians have gone to fight for money, and it took them 18 months to get that desperate.
“Such people have nothing to eat, so they join the rebels hoping to make some money to sustain their families, and then desert at the first opportunity.”
“We cannot admit to supporting the regime, for fear of being killed on the spot. Those rebels do not consider the Palestinian issue to be of primary importance. There is no Palestinian issue for the rebels at all,” says Kafar.
Every night, the inhabitants of Bourj al-Barajneh go to sleep fearing that al-Nusra militants may descend on the Palestinian refugee camp and start asserting their rule, the way they did at Yarmouk. There is talk that al-Nusra men were spotted recently inside Nahr al-Barrid, another Palestinian camp. Since then, the People’s Committee instituted vigilante patrols across the entire camp.
“Our people control every in and out,” Kafar tells us. “They keep watch at night to make sure no strangers come upon us as we sleep. That’s how it happened in Yarmouk.”
The Syrian army has also set up checkpoints guarding the entrance to each camp.

‘They butchered a family to make the others serve as a human shield’

Yarmouk was not the only Palestinian camp captured and cleared of refugees by insurgents. Moreover, no one can assess the number of Palestinians killed in the process.
A Palestinian woman named Gusun was forced to flee camp Duma near Damascus on September 23, 2012, together with her husband, their three kids, and her husband’s brother.
“There were plenty of olive groves next to our camp. We lived in peace for a long time, until the fighting drew close to our camp. Then, rebels started taking shelter in our camp, hiding in our houses during firefights, and shooting through our windows. And we found ourselves between the hammer and the anvil. So one day, we slipped out at five in the morning and ran away through the olive grove,” Gursun tells me.

Free Syrian Army fighter (Reuters/Muzaffar Salman)
Free Syrian Army fighter (Reuters/Muzaffar Salman)
“The rebels had killed many people in our camp unflinchingly. They butchered a married couple who were my husband’s kin – they cut their throats, so that the other Palestinians would stay in the camp and serve as their human shield, while the government was commanding us to flee.”
Gusun went back to check on Duma some four months ago.
“I found my home thoroughly looted, its roof smashed,” she recalls. “And the FSA and al-Nusra are still entrenched in the camp.”
“Once their men spotted me at Duma, they came up and questioned me to make sure I was from that camp. They let me go, but they kept watching me. Later, when I went out to a grocery store, I noticed a car tailing me. Then I got scared and ran away from the camp,” says Gusun.
“The rebels I saw were tall and fair-skinned. There are some who don’t speak Arabic, and there are some who do. People have also told me there are black rebels, but I have never seen one. Some rebels wear black vests, some wear masks, some wear short pants, and others wear normal trousers. There are many fair-skinned men among them, those are foreigners.
“When we walked around the camp, we would try not to look them in the face, for fear that they might do us harm,”Gusun says.

‘Palestinians, get out of Syria’

The world’s mainstream media, who have closely followed the insurgency and its war on Assad, have proven squeamish when it comes to covering the way rebels treat Palestinians. In the spring of 2011, they would refute news reports that opposition activists wave Israeli flags and chant anti-Palestinian slogans at their rallies.
This stands to reason: two years ago, the Palestinian issue was still the No. 1 concern for the Muslim world, and an anti-Palestinian stance would have done serious harm to the rebels’ reputation. All the more so as Egyptian revolutionaries at Tahrir Square had been pronouncedly pro-Palestinian, despising Hosni Mubarak for his support for the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.
The women at Bourj al-Barajneh are perplexed at the world’s ignorance of how Syrian insurgents really feel about Palestinians.
“At the onset of the revolution, slogans were like, ‘Carrots belong with carrots and cabbage with cabbage, and this is no land for Palestinians’,” says Gusun, who is shocked that no media have ever reported that the Syrian rebels had initially been against the Palestinians.
“Under these slogans, the armed rebels marched along the streets, angered by the local Palestinians’ reluctance to turn against the regime,” says Gusun.
“In about a year and a half, some Palestinians were in this way or another made to join the rebels. But that didn’t change much the rebels’ opinion of the Palestinians,” remarks Gusun, adding that even now the Palestinians on the side of the rebels are few and far between.

Palestinian refugee children from Syria stands outside tents at Ain al-Helweh Palestinian refugee camp near the port-city of Sidon, southern Lebanon (Reuters/Ali Hashisho)
Palestinian refugee children from Syria stands outside tents at Ain al-Helweh Palestinian refugee camp near the port-city of Sidon, southern Lebanon (Reuters/Ali Hashisho)
She can’t understand the reason why the Lebanese are treating Palestinians like that. After all, Syria did give shelter to 1 million Lebanese and Palestinian refugees after the 2006 Israeli attack.
“During the 2006 war we welcomed the Palestinians like family. But now we are being treated as outsiders.”
At that time, all the refugees from Lebanon found home, food and clothes straight on arrival.
Gusun was lucky to have found a job, and so was her husband. “I had to work as a cleaning lady. I’d never done anything like that before. But we had to survive somehow. The UN gives only $30 once every four months.’
It was crucial for the sponsors of the anti-Syrian campaign to shift the focus of one and a half billion Muslims from Palestine to the war against Assad. And their mission almost succeeded.
The issue of Palestine used to bring everyone together: Communists and atheists, the Sunni and the Shia, Christians and Muslims, left- and right-wingers, anti-globalists and nationalists. Now the war in Syria has torn them all apart.
Fast forward two years, there are no more rallies against the occupation of Jerusalem, no ships trying to break through the Gaza Strip and the West Bank blockade. In the meantime, this blockade has grown even tougher after the military coup in Egypt, with the abuse of Palestinians in the West Bank escalating into ethnic cleansing.
The sponsors of the war repeatedly tried to get Palestinians to back intervention into Syria. But their efforts failed: from Hamas to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad to the Popular Front to Fatah, not a single Palestinian organization has ever supported the campaign.

Iran Warns US against Military Action: Washington Threats “Meaningless”


Local Editor

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan dismissed the United States’ military threats against the Islamic Republic as “very meaningless” threats to the Iranian nation.

Addressing a gathering on Saturday to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Dehqan warned Washington against the catastrophe that a military strike against Iran would entail for it.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan
The Iranian nation has always been resisting against Western arrogant powers, and has never compromised with Imperialism, the Iranian minister told the gathering in the holy city of Qom.

Iranians are always prepared to confront arrogant powers, he said, adding: “Islamic Iran has taught all Muslims and world’s freedom-seeking people that the sole option against the caprice and the bullying of Western arrogant powers is resistance and steadfastness, and [proved that] true independence and freedom can be achieved only through this way.”

US officials have repeatedly threatened that despite the nuclear deal sealed with Tehran last November, the military action against the Islamic Republic was still on table.

On February 4, Dehqan warned against any military attack against the country, saying the Islamic Republic will give a crushing response to any such act of aggression.

“The Iranian nation has always proved through history that it is fully ready to defend the principles of the sacred Islamic establishment and will severely punish aggressors,” he noted.

Besieged Homs Described as “Jungle of Monsters” by Evacuated Civilians [VIDEO]

65 civilians were evacuated from Homs on Sunday
Civilians Evacuated from Syria’s Homs despite Terrorists’ Fire

Feb 8, 2014, Sana
Syrian civilians are now evacuating the besieged districts of Homs from the Old City according to a UN-sponsored agreement on a shaky ceasefire to allow for humanitarian aid to get in and let civilians out. Some of the civilians who left gave their testimony of what they experienced when living under the rule of the armed militants. “It is truly a jungle of monsters that we used to live in,” says a mother who was able to leave with her family. According to those civilians, the militants would take any food for themselves and not share it with the civilians, who were used as human shields.

the Khazar plan


A Brief History of Khazars in the ‘Goldene Medin’

Contributed by John Churchilly

“The Khazars – or Ashkenazis (Hebrew for German) how they call themselves today – are actually the descendants of ethnic Turk tribes that entered Europe as part of Attila’s hordes and their local Germanic rape victims. For speed and logistical reasons they couldn’t bring their women along, all the way from Mongolia, and had to ‘source’ them locally, usally by killing everybody else in the tribe.

Given how busy those Huns/Khazars were raping and pillaging, the fruits of those rapes ended up speaking Yiddish, a medivial Germanic dialect mixed with Turkish elements, and weren’t too attached to the traditional Hun /Khazar phallus cult, although some remnants of that obsession with the male genital can still be seen today in Ashkenazi subculture, especially Ashkenazi dominated pornography and male ‘enhancement’ products. Eventually, the Huns/Khazars converted to Talmudism, because that creed was far more palatable to both their Christian and Muslim neighbours, at a time when the Khazars were dominating the Eastern European part of the ancient silk road.” — Andrew Winkler

“Never in the history of our people have we been so safe and so successful and so well integrated as we are in the United States. The Golden Age in Spain had nothing on the 350 years we have spent in America. This is in fact, as our grandparents said, the ‘goldene Medin’ (the golden land)”. — JINSA

Years ago Benjamin Freedman said, “They rule America as monarchs“. “They” are the reason Sharon could boast, “We control America and they know it.” But most Americans do not know it. Just who are “they” and where did “they” come from? That is the purpose of this article — revealing the Khazars.

Americans should know Khazars secretly dominate every aspect of American life. They have infiltrated the upper levels of American government, industry, banking, finance, commerce, mass media, communications, real estate, merchandising, arts, education, sports, professional associations etc. This is not by chance or merit but by design, a careful preference in selection over many, many decades. “We have taken hold of the ends of the springs which move their mechanism. We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the press, into liberty of the person, but principally into education and training as being the cornerstones of a free existence.” (Italics are quotes from the Protocols.)

Khazars are a race that originated in the Black Sea area and migrated into Eastern Europe in the Dark Ages to an area called Khazaria. It was there that in the 700′s A.D., after a long war they were conquered by Islam and later adopted Judaism as their official religion. Around 1000 A.D. they migrated into Spain, were very prosperous but ousted after a century or two and went to Portugal. After a century or so they were ousted again and went to the Netherlands. The Netherlands prospered for about a century and the Khazars spread across Europe and then America. They were never in the Biblical Lands.

“Khazars” and “Jews” are not synonymous. Judaism is a religion going back to antiquity, earlier even than the beginnings of civilization. Its members have largely remained in the Middle East. Its scripture is the Old Testament of the Bible. By comparison, Khazars are recent cultural Jews. Their scripture is the Protocols to the Elders of Zion, the evil bible of modern Zionism which calls for a different global polity, a ruthless dictatorship. Its opening sentence reads, “It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good.” Thus in political matters, this race should be called Khazars not Jews.

Many Jews have been victims of the Khazars and many disavow Zionism. Nevertheless, the vast majority of Jews in Europe and America are Khazars and vice versa. Having no religious beliefs including an after life, Khazars focus entirely on worldly acquisitions especially money. “It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, and to put in its place material needs.” They are largely an urban people located in cities; nature and natural resources are for privatization and profit. They are virulently anti-Catholic since the Church is their principal organized opposition, “The Russian autocracy, the one and only serious foe we had in the world, without counting the Papacy.”

Khazars are the heart of Zionism, supported by millions of Christians who commonly depend on them, one way or another, “The need for daily bread forces them to keep silence and be our humble servants.” Khazars also call themselves Ashkenazi to separate themselves from their “lesser brethren”, Sepphardim or Middle Eastern Jews. Historically, Khazars when they entered a society always gathered in their own ghettos with their own governments and became “black holes” of wealth by their predatory commercial and lending practices. Although they intermarried with other races, they did not assimilate.

The founders of America knew them well: Washington called them “the greatest enemy” to the new nation; Franklin called them “vampires”; Jefferson, “false citizens”; Madison, “money changers” and Jackson, “Ye breed of vipers”. At the time there were few in America. In the late 19th century, Khazars came to America by the millions as a result of Russian pogroms after an assassination.[1] This continued into the 20th century so that by the time of World War I there were about 3 million in America. They doubled their numbers in America during the 1930′s and 1990′s so that today of their world population of about 14 million (the same as pre-Holocaust(?)), over 6 million are in America or about 2% of the American population and control a majority of the nation’s wealth. By contrast African-Americans number nearly 40 million and control little of the nation’s wealth. Khazar-Americans came here with the wealth and financing amassed over millenia while African-Americans came here via the Khazar slave trade and were kept impoverished and uneducated for 300 years (the black goldene medin).

So, in about two hundred years, Khazars have become the richest and most powerful and influential minority in America, the most bountiful nation on earth. This is precisely what Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison and Jackson feared. The brilliant Franklin said, “If they are let into the country, in two hundred years our children will be working in their fields while they sit in their counting-houses, rubbing their hands.” What extraordinary foresight! But let’s step back aways.

Around 1595 Amsterdam Khazars founded the Bank of England through William Patterson and began the Khazar banking of today, fiat money at interest, income taxes to pay the interest, fractional reserves and immense debt to finance war and governmental expenses instead of taxation. English national debt soared tenfold. “An exceedingly burdensome debit has been created and all the wealth of States flowed into our cash-boxes.”

Then around 1770 arose Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a colossus in the history of banking and finance. Rothschild was already rich in his late twenties from banking. He then solicited and became agent for Prince William IX of Hanau , one of the richest men in Europe, becoming vastly richer. One story is that Rothschild brokered the recruitment of 12,000 German soldiers (Hessians) for use by England in the American Revolution. Their pay disappeared; 7,000 were killed and the remaining 5,000 were abandoned in America where their descendants can be found today.

Rothschild organized the bankers and financiers of Europe into his preferred enterprise, an invisible monopoly. “Capital must be free to establish a monopoly of industry and trade: this is already being put in execution.” They financed (and fomented) wars because it filled their “treasuries” and opened the doors to government. They made vast loans to governments which provided them with an endless stream of interest. “These loans burdened the finances of the States with the payment of interest and made them the bond slaves of our bankers.” Their goal was to take control of all the money in the world and subjugate all mankind, the modern Zionist agenda described in the Protocols. “Nature herself has destined us to guide and rule the world.” And after two centuries they have succeeded (remember Franklin’s prediction).

The Khazar global bankers rule the world under the Khazar/Jewish Dynasty, the Rothschilds. Rothschild is quoted, “Let me control the issuance of a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” This is the key. Control of all the money and credit in the world, all untaxed. “A tax on capitalists diminishes the growth of wealth in private hands in which we have concentrated it.” It is “an aristocracy of money” involving super rich Khazars, the Khazar global bankers, their Federal Reserve and other central banks and their Protocols. “We shall establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of colossal riches, upon which even large fortunes will depend.”

“The pressure came from the Jews – all over the world, and in the face of it Mr. Ford was panic-stricken. He is one of the richest men in the world but he was made to feel that the Jews have more money and hence more power than he, and that their money and their power can be quickly mobilized against an opponent, and with crushing consequences.” (Moody Monthly Sept. 1927 on Ford’s “apology” to the American Jewish Congress.)

“Whoever controls the money, controls the flow of wealth.” (Fr. Coughlin on 1930′s radio.)
After the American Constitution became law, unifying American money, the Rothschild agent, Alexander Hamilton, in 1791 persuaded Washington to approve Rothschild’s Bank of the United States, the forerunner of the Federal Reserve, which took control of American money and Khazar-American wealth burgeoned. The Bank charter lapsed in 1836 but Khazar banking was now well established in America. It financed for Rothschild the Robber Barons (Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, Harriman). Earlier, Rothschild had taken over the Bank of England as well as the Bank of France. He founded the Rothschild Dynasty and sent his five sons to the capitals of Europe to manage the financial affairs of the Dynasty. Then followed for the rest of the century all the wars and chaos described in the Protocols, bankrupting Europe.

“Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies. The system of banking is a blot left in our Constitution which, if not covered, will end in its destruction.” (Thomas Jefferson)

Sadly, humanity hoped the 20th century would bring peace but it would bring only more wars, even world wars, and chaos and the most dreadful arsenal of weapons ever conceived by man,”We will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super Government with submissiveness.” The League of Nations at Versailles was the first attempt at their Super Government, “All the States of Europe will be locked in our coil as in a powerful vice“; the United Nations was the second and the continental Unions the foundation for the third, “Our international rights will wipe out national rights.”

“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” (President Garfield )

A few months later Garfield was assassinated like Lincoln, McKinley and Kennedy who also opposed the Khazar bankers. Today these bankers control all the money of the world including Russia and China. The most powerful central bank is the Federal Reserve which has always been owned and manipulated by the Khazar bankers. It finances their speculations around the world, backed by the money, credit and “guns of America”. It is directly responsible for World War I, the Crash of 1929, the Great Depression, the Asian Crisis and the coming Dollar Crisis.

“Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over. The sack of these United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history.” (Congressman McFadden of Pennsylvania in 1934, he died suspiciously at 60 in 1936 after several attempts on his life.)

Early in the 20th century, Khazar-Americans like Warburg, Brandeis, Untermeyer, Baruch and Meyer through their “panama” Wilson brought US the Federal Reserve, World War I, income taxes, and the popular election of senators; Morganthau and Baruch through FDR brought US World War II with Eisenhower and Clark leading the Allies, and Rothschild’s “panama” Johnson and Nixon with Kissinger brought US the Vietnam War. During World War I, three Khazar-Americans commanded the American war effort: Baruch over all industry, Warburg over all banking and Meyer over all war financing and added sedition laws (like today’s Hate Laws) to stifle complaints of their immense frauds like The Duplication of War Bonds (one for Khazar-Americans and one for government). Today the reins of our secret government are held by the likes of Wolfowitz, Pearl, Feith, Zacheim, Chertoff, Greenspan, Abrams, Bolton, Kristol, Kagan and on and on. They have many rich tax exempt foundations, factions and organizations supporting them. They have installed yet another “panama” in the White House and directed “the guns of America” at the Muslim world and oversee a gigantic fleecing of the American taxpayer in favor of Israel and Zionism. “We replaced the ruler by a caricature, a president, taken from the midst of our puppet creatures, our slaves, a puppet in our hands.”

Over the course of the 20th century, the most powerful industrial nation on earth; built by plentiful resources, ample farmland, temperate climate, cheap immigrant labor and unscathed by foreign war, has been utterly bankrupted by the Khazar bankers. “Economic crises have been produced by us by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation.” The greatest industrial nation in history has been liquidated, tens of millions of jobs lost, and the proceeds used for financial speculations around the world guaranteed by the Federal Reserve. “To complete the ruin of industry we shall bring speculation and transfer into our hands all the money of the world.” The American people haven’t a clue of the colossal tax free wealth in the tens of trillions the Khazars have amassed by defrauding them and their government especially in wartime yet the American people are beginning to wake up, noting that now Khazars seem to “own everything in America”. But Khazars believe we are too late.

The Federal Reserve is responsible for immense bubbles in the financial markets, housing and money supply and finances the Middle East wars that many predict will produce a “train-wreck” of the American economy and standard of living, “an economic crisis, which will stop dealings on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. Disorders and bankruptcy will be universal.” The states should plan to issue their own script as in the colonial days, “on the day after the political smash” of Washington.

“The growth of the Nation and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world, a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men.” (Woodrow Wilson)

Khazar-Americans have a monopoly of all American mass media: movies, television, newspapers, books and magazines. “The Press is a great force that creates the movement of thought in the people. It has fallen into our hands.” For generations they have “Pavlov-ed” US like dogs with a nonstop diet of their subliminal propaganda, from Gentlemen’s Agreement to Schindler’s List. The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, like the murder of Rachel Corrie, is officially “closed” and “buried” by Washington. We are told to “Get over it”. But we are never allowed to “get over” German National Socialism, the Holocaust(?) and anti-semitism. “They have lost the habit of thinking. These hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims.”

And, as boasted in the Protocols, the Khazar bankers are completely invisible. “Who will ever suspect that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?” Any reference to them is sneeringly disposed of as “conspiracy theory” or “anti-semitism”. “Anti- Semitism is indispensable for the management of our lesser brethren. This has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us.” In reality, guided by Rothschild’s Protocols, Zionism is the greatest conspiracy in history, a group of supremely organized and dedicated, even fanatical, people who by their control of the world’s money have access to unlimited credit and money for their global political and economic purposes. “Our widely conceived plan is already approaching the desired consummation. There now remains not much more for us to build up upon the foundation we have laid. Surely we shall not fail with such wealth to prove that all that evil which for so many centuries we have had to commit has served the cause of true well-being– the bringing of everything into order.” The Khazar New World Order!

They think of themselves as Ubermensch “Their mind is undeveloped in comparison with our mind.“, witness all their Nobel awards yet their chutzpah vastly exceeds their intelligence, witness the colossal bungle of their New Pearl Harbor on September Eleven, an impossible false flag hoax. It is also exceeded by their consummate evil, witness the thousands horribly murdered on September Eleven and the humanicide caused by their never-ending wars for profit. “It is from us the all engulfing terror proceeds. We are merciless.” Without the Khazars, America would have been a “goldene medin” for everyone; there was plenty for all.

“It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.” (George Washington)

Khazars dread two things above all else; ethnic cleansing and taxation. Like so often in the past, societies find it necessary to save themselves from their depredations. Americans must boycott all Khazar-American politicians and remove them from public office and demand the transfer of taxation from wages and sales taxes on necessaries to the vast untaxed trillions of wealth and property in America much of it held by the Khazar-Americans which has been used not for investment in America (and jobs) but for electioneering, propaganda and speculation, undermining the true welfare and prosperity of America.

Acknowledgment: To the authors and researchers on the internet who do all the hard work. Source: ZioPedia.org ZioPedia – All There Is To Know About Zionism http://www.ziopedia.org Powered by Joomla! Generated: 6 September, 2007, 16:34

‘We want to go out!’: 18,000 starving inside Syrian refugee camp


Members of jihadist group Al-Nusra Front (AFP Photo)
Members of jihadist group Al-Nusra Front (AFP Photo)
Feb 1, 2014, RT.com
Mass starvation, disease and hopelessness abound in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus. Although a UN agency has managed to make its first food aid delivery to the rebel-held camp in weeks, many people are on the brink of starvation.
The camp is located on the edge of the territory the Syrian government considers under its control, in a southern Damascus neighborhood, just five miles away from the capital’s center.
Rebel forces have been holding the camp for more than a year and the army started a siege in June. Nothing and no one comes in or out, as 18,000 people continue to be kept in a state of limbo.
Some of the Palestinian refugees living in the camp have been there for decades, victims of the Palestinian people’s conflict with Israel. Now they are hoping desperately for a resolution to this conflict, in Syria.
RT made it as close as possible to the edge of the camp under government supervision, to observe as the UN Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), in league with Syrian and Palestinian authorities, delivers the much-needed food aid.
There were cases when people were let out to come back with supplies; but only women and elderly men. They knew they could not leave because their families continue to be trapped inside.
It’s as bad as it can get, I’m desperately hungry…we have nothing to eat,” one woman told RT’s Maria Finoshina. There is no free passage deeper into the camp, as snipers are on the ready to shoot anyone who ventures in.
The UNRWA hopes it will be able to continue food deliveries. On Thursday, it managed its first delivery in two weeks, consisting of 1,000 food parcels – the biggest yet.
The distribution is ongoing. This is the first aid to enter the camp since January 21, when UNRWA distributed 138 food parcels,” UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness said.
Another convoy entered the camp Friday.
Speaking to Reuters, Gunness said that they hope “to continue and increase substantially the amount of aid being delivered… with each passing hour, their need increases.”
Even in this climate of desperation, versions as to what exactly is going on differ massively. So much so that Reuters claims that the UNRWA has knowledged that one of its latest convoys was fired upon by government forces determined to starve the Palestinian refugees. The same tune is being sung by opposition activists, claiming that the government is using hunger as a weapon.
Yarmouk families, meanwhile, continue to perish – and seem to be rather blaming the rebel forces.
There is no food, nothing to eat or drink, the militants are inside,” one resident told RT. “I swear by the soul of the Prophet we want this to stop. What is our guilt? We want to go out!
We cannot leave – the militants prevent us,” another resident said.
A total of 85 people in the camp have died since June, and many fear the number will continue to rise if the aid situation is not restored and supplies do not start running normally.
The stalemate has been going on for months now, with no end in sight – despite the Palestinian authorities stepping in.
Palestinian ambassador to Syria Mahmoud Al Khaldi told RT that the authorities “are negotiating with the militants to convince them to go out. We tell them that this is of no importance and these are just people – they’ll not gain any strategic goal. We had three rounds of talks, but we failed. And I don’t think they’ll accept this – it’s clear.
Sieges have been a tried and tested rebel tactic for three years now. Just outside Damascus, the town of Adra has been held since mid-December 2013, with 5,000 of those who did not flee in time held prisoner in their own homes and used as human shields, just in case the government forces decide to storm the town by force. They are now encamped just outside the town – but cannot storm it for fear of causing civilian deaths.
Anwar Raja, from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, sees the rebels’ tactics as an obvious move to insinuate the government’s complicity in the suffering of its own people.
The Nusra Front and the Takfiri groups are trading on the hunger of the people. They want to say to the world: ‘See: the people are hungry.’ It’s like the residents are kidnapped inside their own camp, inside their own home, and the militants are negotiating over them, negotiating their souls,” Raja said.
They claim that the Syrian state is besieging Palestinians in the camp. They want to invert the image and the truth, saying that the Syrian government is part of the killing force, as they don’t do anything to protect the people. They want people to hate the regime.”
According to Raja, an evacuation plan has been worked out with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent to evacuate “hundreds” of Yarmouk residents. The evacuees were transported to several hospitals, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Saturday, but the Red Crescent could not be reached to confirm the details of the operation.

Britons ’Involved in Syria Executions and Torture’


Local Editor

Sky news: Briton militants in SyriaVideos and images have been posted on social networks by extremists who have travelled to Syria showing British militants participating in beatings and even executions of people and other militants in the war-torn country, Al-Alam website reported.

The footage obtained by Sky News shows that the material was uploaded onto the accounts of two men from London who were involved in fighting along extremist groups that have some links to the al-Qaeda affiliated group al-Nusra Front.

Al-Nusra Front is the only extremist outfit operating on the ground in Syria that is explicitly endorsed by al Qaeda's global leader.

One video, apparently taken on a mobile phone, was posted to Facebook on January 30 this year. It shows a prisoner, apparently from the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), being beaten.
The FSA prisoner is heard shouting his innocence as he is bound to a car tyre and beaten across the legs with what appears to be a metal baton.

As he writhes around on the floor, one of the men stamps on his head.

Repeatedly he cries in Syrian Arabic dialect that he is not one of the "kuffar", non-believers, and that he is a "mujahid" - a fighter like them.

As the beating continues he begs them not to kill him.

Towards the end of the video, the baton breaks in half, and is held up to the camera by one of the captors.

The Facebook video post is accompanied by a chilling description by the British citizen who uploaded it.

The social media account has been verified as belonging to a British citizen, by experts from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalization (ICSR) at King's College London, a leading research unit on foreign fighters in Syria.

The account username is a pseudonym, and as yet there is little detail on the man's true identity, but ICSR researchers could establish that he has travelled from London and is currently in militant-held areas in north-western Syria.

The ICSR monitors hundreds of social media accounts in a large scale project to track the latest developments in the Syrian conflict.

It estimates that amongst the hundreds of foreign fighters on the ground right now in Syria, at least 40 are from Britain.

Source: Newspapers
10-02-2014 - 16:37 Last updated 10-02-2014 - 16:3

60 minutes with Nasser Kandil- On Geneva 3, Lebanon and Ukraine, ,

ستون دقيقة مع ناصر قنديل الحلقة الثامنه عشر

ISIS “too extreme for al-Qaeda”


By Dr Kevin Barrett
Fri Feb 7, 2014 9:19PM

Col. Michael Aquino is a man of remarkable achievements. He was expelled from the Church of Satan for being too evil – and then, after being prosecuted and miraculously acquitted of horrific child abuse, was promoted to head all US military psychological operations programs.
When the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, called the US government “the Great Satan” he wasn't kidding.

Getting kicked out of the Church of Satan for being too evil – now THAT is impressive. But the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has managed an equally impressive feat: They have been expelled from al-Qaeda for being too extremist in their approach to terrorism.
Too extreme for al-Qaeda?!

“ISIS is now officially the biggest and baddest global jihadi group on the planet,” Brookings terror expert William McCants told the New York Times.  “Nothing says ‘hard-core’ like being cast out by Al Qaeda.”

The US government, which protests that it is only helping the “good terrorists” rather than the “bad terrorists” in Syria, will now have to add a third group to the list: the “really, REALLY bad terrorists.”
The American people, terrorized by media propaganda into believing they could be blown up or mailed US government anthrax by al-Qaeda at any moment, must be shivering with dread. A new global jihadi group is out there that even al-Qaeda finds terrifying! What is the US government doing to protect its citizens from the likes of ISIS?
Americans might be surprised to learn that the US government and its allies appear to be arming ISIS, encouraging it, and pushing it to commit ever-more-extreme acts of senseless terrorism.
Back in 2010, when ISIS was known as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) the world learned that key US ally Saudi Arabia was funding the “al-Qaeda” terrorists. Former National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen cited US intelligence sources:
“The King of Saudi Arabia has strongly criticized the country's intelligence officials for disclosing a secret document, which shows Riyadh has links with terrorist activities carried out by al-Qaeda in Iraq.  King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz ordered a special committee to investigate the intelligence leak and inform him about those liable in the case. Some 37 members of Saudi's intelligence service, accused of being behind the leakage of the confidential document, were also reported to have been arrested.”

Saudi Arabia isn't the only US Mideast ally supporting al-Qaeda and its offshoots. On December 5th, 2002, the BBC cited Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon claiming that al-Qaeda was active in Gaza: “We know that they are there.” Three days later, the BBC reported that Palestinian authorities had caught Israeli agents creating fake “al-Qaeda” cells in Gaza. No wonder Sharon knew they were there!

This was not, alas, the first time that Israel had set up a fake “al-Qaeda” cell. The Hamburg “al-Qaeda” group around Mohammed Atta was apparently infiltrated and taken over by Israeli intelligence, which used a Hebrew-speaking Atta double and at least two doubles of long-time Mossad asset Ziad Jarrah, among other impersonators, as it set up the (barely) plausible patsies for the 9/11/2001 false flag operation. (Those interested in learning how Muslim patsies were framed for 9/11 should start with three books: The Hidden History of 9/11, edited by Paul Zarembka; Hijacking America's Mind on 9/11 by Elias Davidsson; and Welcome to Terrorland by Daniel Hopsicker.)
And it isn't just the Saudis and Israelis. The US and the West in general appear to be sponsoring “radical Islamic terrorism” all over the world – and the more extreme the better.

In Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai has accused US forces of carrying out the worst terrorist atrocities in his country and trying to blame them on the Taliban. The Washington Post reports that Karzai has provided “a list of dozens of (false-flag) attacks that he believes the U.S. government may have been involved in...The list even includes the recent bomb and gun assault on a Lebanese restaurant in Kabul, one of the bloodiest acts targeting the international community in Afghanistan, the official said. The attack, which left 21 people dead, including three Americans, was almost universally attributed to the Taliban.”

Karzai believes the US is committing false-flag terrorism in Afghanistan in order to destabilize the country. That also appears to be a goal of Western-sponsored false-flag terror in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq.

Even al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has suggested that some of the most extreme terrorism attributed to ISIS (previously known as AQI) is false-flag. In September 2005, al-Zawahiri wrote a letter questioning AQI's indiscriminate attacks on Shi'a civilians; and in 2007 he said that “traitors” posing as AQI were responsible for the ongoing terror onslaught against Iraqi civilians.
So the recent split between al-Qaeda and ISIS has a long and bloody history.

Why is the West encouraging and even creating the bloodiest, most vicious “Islamic terror” groups? For the same reason police plant agents provocateurs in the ranks of demonstrators: To destabilize the protest groups, turn the public against them, and allow the police to crush them.

The anti-globalization movement was hamstrung by agents provocateurs in black ski masks who would suddenly begin smashing windows and committing violent acts. This would give the police an excuse to beat and arrest protestors and shut down the demonstrations. The media would then broadcast images of the false-flag violence, and dutifully report that “violent protests” had been quashed and order restored.
The Zionist-led, bankster-ruled West is terrified of the Islamic Awakening. So they are planting agents provocateurs in the ranks of Islamic militants to provoke violence, extremism, and sectarianism – and to turn the Western and global publics against Islam, and justify a fake “war on terror” that is actually a war on Islam.
So when a bunch of terrorists get kicked out of al-Qaeda because their terrorism is too extreme, we may safely assume that they are agents provocateurs, working to destabilize the Middle East on behalf of the global bankster elite.

Orient Tendencies: The Defeat of Saudi Arabia in Syria

Orient Tendencies
Monday February 10, 2014, no170

Weekly information and analysis bulletin specialized in Arab Middle Eastern affairs prepared by neworientnews.com
Editor in chief Wassim Raad
New Orient Center for Strategic policies

By Ghaleb Kandil
Syrian opposition is living under the shock of the progress of the Syrian Arab Army in Aleppo, in the countryside of Damascus and Homs province, while the process of reconciliation, which restore the power of the state in the areas bruised by Takfirists groups, is spreading around the capital. Meanwhile, opponents circles in the Arabian Peninsula have explained the reasons behind the royal decree on Saudi terrorists in Syria.

Saudi opponents have revealed that the Saudi regime has received a U.S. warning that the Syrian government has submitted to the Security Council of the United Nations a huge amount of documents and reports on the Saudi involvement in direct support of terrorism in Syria. U.S. officials have warned Riyadh that Russia could rely on this reports to support the Syrian demand to adopt sanctions against all governments involved in supporting terrorism. They added that Washington would not be able to oppose this approach because the fight against terrorism is a priority of its official policy, and any attempt to block the process initiated by Russia et Syria could have serious consequences: 1-The deterioration of relations with Russia; 2-the weakening of international cooperation with U.S. intelligence services in the fight against terrorism, which could bring the specter of terrorist attacks on American soil.

For these reasons, the United States asked Riyadh to take measures giving the impression that the kingdom is fighting terrorism. This will facilitate U.S. efforts aimed at bailing out the regional role of Saudi Arabia and will contain the impact of the US-Saudi failure to destroy the Syrian state.

The Royal Decree was supplemented by the announcement of the Saudi embassy in Ankara that it was prepared to accept armed extremist Saudi fighters in Syria to help them return home.

The order of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz and the statement of his embassy in Turkey constitute an admission of the presence of Saudi military officers and instructors, members of the security services and the National Guard of the kingdom, on the field in Syria. The Syrian ambassador to the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari, announced the presence of a very large number of Saudi detainees at the hands of Syrian security services. According to credible information, they would be 800 persons.

Some analysts have estimated that the royal decree is an order of repatriation to Saudi soldiers sent by the Saud dynasty to fight with terrorist groups, and a call for Takfirists to continue fighting instead of returning to the country, where they may risk 30 years in prison.

It is in this context that Barack Obama is visiting, in late March, Saudi Arabia. Press information and reports on the visit indicate that the main objective of the U.S. President is to redistribute positions within the Saudi regime after its defeat in Syria. U.S. sources said that the missions of the head of intelligence, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, are about to be officially terminated. Consultations were held between Riyadh and Washington for new appointments to key positions, which require royal decrees. U.S. media reported that King Abdullah would favor the appointment of ambassador to the United States, Adel al-Joubair, head of intelligence, while his son, Abdel Aziz bin Abdullah al- Saud would succeed al-Faisal. Conflicts within the ruling family is intensifying amid succession struggle after the death of King Abdullah , whose disappearance, according to many experts, could bring back to the surface internal contradictions and trigger a war between the princes of the second generation.

Observers say that the opinion of Barack Obama will be decisive in the redistribution of roles within the royal family, as recommended by the U.S. intelligence services.

Experts argue that the U.S. proposal, sent to Russia to organize a regional meeting on the sidelines of the Geneva II Conference II, aims to help Saudi Arabia to escape the consequences of his actions Syria. The United States has proposed a meeting at expert level between Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the United States and Russia. Iran's refusal has disappointed U.S. hopes to absorb Saudi failure, trying to anticipate changes on the Syrian field. Especially that the coming weeks will bring new achievements for the Syrian Arab Army, with a new change in the balance in its favor. The confession of the Secretary of State John Kerry about changes favorable to Bachar al-Assad is no longer sufficient. These changes on the ground will pave the way for the reelection of President Assad for a new term, the first after the drafting of the new Constitution.

There is great differences between the winning side, who knows what he wants and expresses the popular will, and facades manipulated by Americans, Saudis and Turks, trying, in vain, to present them ass credible interlocutor.

The defeat of Saud in Syria is the decisive blow to the kingdom of sand, already shaken by deep internal crises.


Michel Sleiman, Lebanese President

«My ambition is to make a farewell speech in Baabda Palace. I have given instructions to prepare it, and to hand over power to a normally elected president. The presidency did not begin with me, and it will not end with the end of a constitutional mandate. I call for the fortification of national unity, which is our most valuable asset. Whoever is thinking of preventing a quorum in Parliament is mistaken because it means disabling elections, and it is undemocratic. We are seeking to form a consensus government, but if that does not happen for one reason or another, the country cannot remain without a government. Can the president who is calling for boosting his powers abandon the powers existing in the Constitution, and not sign a decree calling for the government. Is sticking to a minister name, a portfolio or a condition more important than adhering to Lebanon? Citizens are complaining of hunger and from a bad security situation. We need to form a cabinet that is up to people’s hopes. Applying the national defense strategy will make the army the sole armed power.»

Michel Aoun, Free Patriotic Movement Leader

«We fully support the memorandum that was issued by Bkirki, and we hope that we cooperate with those who support achieving it, because it embodies the principles on which Lebanon is based (...) The danger in the Cabinet formation process lies in the fact that its consultations eliminated the presence of the largest Christian parliamentary bloc. It became clear to us when we opposed this deliberate error that the deal to form a Cabinet was made between certain officials and the prime minister-designate and we had no choice ... as if they're bidding farewell to national partnership. The current practices have nothing to do with constitutional principles or norms that were established during previous Cabinet formation efforts ... the present behavior should be rejected outright to prevent setting a precedent. The concept of an all-embracing Cabinet contradicts political targeting which amounts to exclusion. Things became more complicated after the prime minister-designate held on to it the condition when his party the Future Movement called for it. If the aim of forming a government is to do away with the presidential election, which means preparations to introduce paralysis in that post, then this is more dangerous and its consequences are grave. Beware of messing with national principles during a critical and dangerous stage in the life of our one nation.»

Ashraf Rifi, Former Internal Security Forces in Lebanon

«The government and state institutions have been negligent and ineffective in defending border villages, from Akkar to Arsal, which have been exposed to repeated shelling by the Syrian army without any prohibitive action. I call on the government to lodge a complaint with the UN security council. I call on the government to deploy the army immediately along the entirety of the border with Syria, and retaliate to the sources of fire that have caused displacement.»

Ali Fayad, Hezbollah MP

«A fait-accompli government is incapable of addressing requirements pertaining to the upcoming stage. Besides, such a government won't confront the Takfeeri threat. Therefore, the difficult phase at hand, necessitates that all political constituents work together on board a balanced cabinet in a bid to reach a certain level of understanding over a successful showdown with the Takfeeris.»


  • The Lebanese Army Saturday arrested a man during a raid on his home in the qada of Zahle, east Lebanon, security sources said. The sources identified Nawwaf al-Hussein as the man apprehended during the raid in the village of Jlala, Chtaura. Media reports said Hussein’s arrest was linked to the case of detained Omar Atrash, a Sunni Sheikh who was charged last week with involvement in two recent suicide bombings in Beirut’s southern suburbs.

  • Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai said Wednesday electing a new president on time was a necessary condition for a strong state and warned that power-hungry politicians implicating Lebanon in regional conflicts were leading the country into the abyss. Reading a National Charter drafted by the Maronite Church as a roadmap for what he described as a critical stage in the history of Lebanon and the region, the Maronite leader also stressed the need for adherence to the three principles upon which the country was established: coexistence, the National Pact and Muslim-Christian partnership. “Electing a new president as a new head of state within the constitutional deadlines is not debatable and it is a primary condition because its absence means an absence of the state and its future,” Rai said during a televised news conference. Rai also outlined what he said were the growing concerns of Lebanese, saying the Maronite Church could not remain quiet as the country neared an “existential crisis.” “The Lebanese should recognize that a national plan cannot be applied unless it produces a just, productive and capable state or else it will threaten the Lebanese entity,” Rai said. “Those adopting self-security measures justify them by [highlighting] the inability of the state as well the people’s right to self-defense. This leads to a scenario wherein the strongest party imposes its choices on others and the other parties seek empowerment through foreign sides,” he said. “A speedy resolution to the crisis [in Syria] and the return of refugees to their land are vital Lebanese interests,” he said.

  • A total of 420 people were evacuated Sunday from army-besieged districts of the Syrian city of Homs, the province's governor said, as television footage showed exhausted men, women and children. "Four hundred and twenty besieged people came out today from the Old City districts of Homs, and the operation is still under way," Barazi said. Television footage showed women, children and elderly men getting off the buses that brought them out of the besieged areas, after suffering a more than 600-day siege. They appeared visibly exhausted and frail-looking, in video broadcast by Beirut-based channel Al-Mayadeen. Children, carried by their parents, looked pale. The civilians were assisted by UN staff wearing helmets and blue vests, and Syrian Red Crescent volunteers. There was also a strong Syrian army presence at the evacuation site. "We had nothing. All the children were sick, we even had nothing to drink," said one exhausted woman, her three children standing around her. "It's been two years and four months!" a man told a journalist who asked him how long it had been since he had left the rebel-held districts.

  • Australian officials Sunday blame a "fairly major breakdown" in border security for the reported escape of a convicted terrorist through Sydney Airport to join the conflict in Syria. New South Wales Premier Barry O'Farrell expressed concern after media reports that Khaled Sharrouf, who served almost four years in prison after pleading guilty over a 2005 conspiracy to attack Sydney, had fled the country. According to News Corp Australia, Sharrouf boarded a flight to Malaysia at Sydney Airport last month using his brother's passport and was now believed to be in Syria. "I have to say I think that immigration and the federal police and customs have been doing a magnificent job," O'Farrell told reporters when asked about the case. "But I look to see what caused what appears to have been a fairly major breakdown." Police and customs have refused to comment on the case. Sharrouf, 31, had his passport confiscated and has been on international watchlists since his release from prison in 2009. He pleaded guilty to committing acts in preparation for a terrorist act by possessing clocks and batteries to be used in a bomb blast as part of the so-called "Terror Nine" conspiracy, which resulted in Australia's largest-ever terrorism trial and the conviction of nine men. Australia's government expressed concern last month at the growing numbers of its citizens travelling to Syria to fight alongside rebel groups, with several reported deaths.

  • The Lebanonfiles website reports that armed masked men, brandishing flags of Al Qaeda, appear from time to time in Kaska, Beirut.

Press review

As Safir (Lebanese daily, Arab nationalist)
Ghassan Rifi (February 5, 2014)

Publishing the names of 21 Lebanese killed in the Syrian town of Zarat and the Knights fortress (Homs district), after joining the ranks of Islamist rebel groups, has thrown its weight in many parts of North Lebanon and the Bekaa.

Fears have grown after reports that most of these young people had entered Syria at different times, by using illegal crossings between the two countries. They are from Lebanese areas under close surveillance by the security services and the spotlight of the media due to the supposed location of Al Qaeda.

It is no secret that since the Lebanese Abou Sleiman (former Roumieh inmate for belonging to Fatah al-Islam) took command of the Knights fortress, two years ago, many Lebanese youth were encouraged to join him. The first attempt to join the ranks of Abou Sleiman units is signed by that so-called "Tall Kalakh," whose members, except one, were ambushed by Syrian army in October 2012. Since that incident, infiltrations in Syria are in small groups of two or three individuals per night. Today, the number of Lebanese fighters deployed between Zarat and Crack Knights totaled several hundred.

Strong tension that prevailed at the Lebanese-Syrian border in recent days is related to this matter. The Brigade of Abu Sleiman informed groups in Lebanon about the delicacy of his situation due to the blockade imposed by the Syrian army and the continued bombardment their positions. Lebanese militiamen then attempted diversions to ease the pressure on Abu Sleiman men. They fired mortars to Syria and attacked a Syrian army check-point near the village of Gheida, killing several soldiers. They hoped to open a corridor that would allow Abou Sleiman's men to withdraw to Lebanon. But the Syrian response was violent and shells fell on Lebanese villages. The locals say between five and seven militiamen bodies are visible on the bank of the Grand River, and nobody dares approach to recover.

Informed sources expect an intensification of the firepower of the Syrian army in the region, which endangers the lives of dozens of Lebanese militiamen stationed in the Knights fortress.

Salafi sources indicate that a significant number of young people starting to escape the control of clerics because of the growing involvement of Hezbollah in Syria and the continued sectarian speeches from some political factions.

An Nahar (Lebanese daily, close to March-14 Coalition)
Rosanna Bou Mouncef (February 7, 2014)

According to some officials, the forces of March-8 rely on the fact that the influential countries will try to persuade President Michel Sleiman, Tammam Salam and March-14 to save the next government in meeting the claims of General Michel Aoun, instead of resorting to the more difficult options, including the possibility of holding up the Caretaker government, which would be invested with presidential prerogatives in the event that a new president wouldn't be elected. March-8 is now convinced that the influential countries prefer the formation of a unifying government. However, the intransigence of March-8 could lead March-14 coalition to focus on certain portfolios and some names. Wednesday night, the Future Movement has hardened its position by insisting on the appointment of General Ashraf Rifi at the Interior ministry. March-14 believes that if Michel Aoun may assume responsibility hinder the birth of government, causing a potential vacuum in the presidency, Hezbollah, does not have that luxury, given the security incidents in its strongholds. March-14 forces also believe that the March-8 maneuvers aimed at returning the ball in their court, pointing Saad Hariri to form the new government after the resignation of Tammam Salam, putting the head of the Future in obligation to return to Lebanon.

Al Akhbar (Lebanese Daily close to the Lebanese Resistance)
Fouad al-Ibrahim (February 7, 2014)

The recent announcement by Saudi Arabia concerning its fighters in Syria is no mere detail to gloss over. It is a decidedly serious indicator of the extent of pressure exerted by the United States, including the threat to cancel the expected visit by President Barack Obama to the kingdom. Yet the story has another dimension: the return of Saudi fighters to their home country.

The Saudis are afraid of an uncontrolled return of those fighters to their country. Two conditions have been set. The first would be a return, under security precautions via the Saudi embassy in Turkey, as mentioned by the ambassador in Ankara on February 6. The second means their dispersal along the frontlines, a repeat of what Saudi fighters in Afghanistan experienced. The following is just some of what is known about the kingdom's abandonment of its fighters in Syria.

Royal orders in Saudi Arabia are not issued except in the case of relieving an emir of his duties, appointing him to a position, or in relation to a sovereign issue requiring orders from the highest authority in the state. However, the royal orders issued on February 3 are a clear indicator that the subject of the royal decree surpasses the authority of the cabinet. It called for what can be described as a "written pledge" from the king himself.

Three issues could be construed from the royal orders:
First, the royal order was issued in the context of the media debate on the supposed visit by US President Barack Obama to Riyadh at the end of March. At the beginning of this month, US newspapers, such as the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, published the news about the prospective visit. The US embassy in Riyadh quickly replied, saying the White House did not say anything of the sort. "The embassy did not have any information about the visit and cannot comment on it," said the assistant media attaché at the US embassy Stewart White.

However, with the issuing of the royal decree on February 3, the White House immediately announced the visit by Obama to Riyadh at the end of next March. The royal order was the lengthiest in the history of such decrees, except for those related to the budget. In summary, it was a wholesale condemnation of terrorist acts in all their forms, where Saudi citizens were involved, whether civilians, military personnel, and preachers who agitate, belong, donate, or glorify religious or ideological extremists, calling for the most severe sentences against them.

According to available information, US officials presented the Saudis with a huge dossier at the end of last year. It contained irrefutable evidence proving the involvement of Saudi Arabia in terrorist activities in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and even Russia. The dossier was now in the hands of the international community, which could lead to a censure at the UN Security Council and the classification of Saudi Arabia as state sponsor of global terrorism.

The message was heard clearly by the Saudis. It meant that it is impossible to include terrorism in the protection and strategic defense treaty signed in the 1940s between Saudi King Abdul-Aziz and US President Franklin Roosevelt. The question of terrorism is an international issue and does not belong in bilateral agreements.

Saudi Arabia felt the threat, which required a quick position from the highest authority in the country. Some in the royal family understood it as a precondition for Obama's visit to Riyadh in order to allay the concerns of US allies and the international community, who no longer doubt Saudi's involvement in the majority of terrorist activities in the region and around the world.

Second, the royal orders were a clear message to Saudi fighters, civilians and military alike, principally in Syria, but also in Iraq, Lebanon, and other places. It meant that a harsh fate awaits them if they decided to come back home. To avoid the grim destiny and severe punishment, they had to remain outside the borders and continue their mission until they perish or get dispersed in other fighting arenas, much like the first contingent of Arab Afghan fighters and those who emerged in Iraq after 2003, in Lebanon after the Nahr al-Bared war at the end of 2007, and those currently in Syria following the agreement between Saudi intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan and former CIA chief David Petraeus in the summer of 2012.

There is no doubt that a royal decree of such severity is a stab in the back by the official sponsor, represented by Prince Bandar, whose mission was put to rest by the decision. Reactions by al-Qaeda supporters on social media sites indicate extensive anger against Saudi Arabia for deceiving the fighters, time after time, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Lebanon and now in Syria. Thus, many Saudi fighters and their supporters are beginning to see the royal decree as a provocative act. This might push the fighters to commit foolish security acts to foil its aims, tarnishing the image of the kingdom and reinforcing the impression that it supports terrorism.
Naturally, the Saudi regime could hide behind the pretext that it never supported the fighting abroad and did not allow the collection of donations or incitement to emigrate to join the jihad. On the surface, the excuse is valid. Many agitating preachers and mosque imams were subjected to investigations to stop the collection of donations for fighting in Syria, in addition to the issuing of fatwas, which considered fighting in Syria to be "sedition."

On the other hand, observers have gathered overwhelming evidence about the complicity of Saudi political, media, and religious institutions in the emigration of thousands of Saudis to the "land of steadfastness" in Syria. Nothing else could explain the participation of hundreds of Saudi soldiers fighting there, despite being prohibited from traveling abroad, except by special orders of the military leadership.

The mention of military personnel and the severe punishment awaiting them was not by accident. It would not have happened without documented evidence about the participation of large numbers of military personnel in the fighting in Syria, who poured through Jordan under the patronage of Saudi Assistant Defense Minister Prince Salman bin Sultan, the half-brother of the godfather of the war in Syria Prince Bandar.

Saudi Arabia had mastered a double game. In public, it expressed a contrived strictness about the participation of Saudis in fighting abroad or collecting donations for al-Qaeda and its old and new subsidiaries. But in secret, money, men, and weapons were flooding the battlefields without any control.

The third issue concerns secondary indicators in the royal decree, which imply that the war in Syria was coming to an end and that armed groups are now on their own, after losing the required finances, arms, and training. This could only mean the end of the role of Prince Bandar, who left to the United States for a prolonged vacation, under the pretext of medical treatment.

This brings us to the Iranian-Turkish proposal, which provides the Saudis a decent exit from the Syrian quagmire, on the condition of gradually abandoning its support for the insurgents. It is clear that the two countries have begun a joint high-level coordination to confront the question of terrorism. After Ankara's previous hesitation to give it serious consideration, according to the Iranian view, it is now beginning to give it the widest attention, after the recent visit by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Iran.

The outcome means that Saudi is fearful of the return of its fighters, so it came up with a list of harsh punishments to avoid the violent repercussions at the time of reckoning. Moreover, what is even more dangerous, from its perspective, would be international sanctions which await the kingdom if it does not withdraw from the war in Syria and funding terrorism on the international level. This has led European intelligence agencies to step up their presence in the region to follow-up on the return of Saudi citizens back to the kingdom.
It is necessary to draw attention to concessions made by Saudi Arabia to cast away the specter of accusations of supporting terrorism. During his most recent visit to Riyadh, US Secretary of State John Kerry described the position of the Saudi leadership concerning the Israeli-Palestinian settlement with intriguing words. He said he felt "strong enthusiasm" on its part in this regard, at a time when nothing existed for such an enthusiasm.
Here is where the information intersects: the terrorism file presented by the United States to their Saudi counterparts and the Palestinian-Israeli settlement dossier. Sources close to the Palestinian National Authority in Ramallah said that Kerry had asked the head of the PNA, Mahmoud Abbas, to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, in return for a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. This would be with the gradual abandonment of the principle of the right of return and reviving the implantation project on a large scale, where Arab countries, in addition to Australia and Canada, would absorb Palestinians.

Palestinian sources add that President Abbas was reluctant about announcing his approval without a cover by influential Arab countries, chiefly Saudi Arabia. Kerry reassured Abbas that he would be personally undertaking this task.

Is there a relationship between Kerry's reassurances and the enthusiasm of King Abdullah? In general, the royal decree is a sign of a new stage.

Al Akhbar (February 6, 2014)
Yazan al-Saad
As the media continues to focus its spotlight on the recent Saudi-American political disputes, analysts believe that on a more fundamental level, the military and economic ties are likely to endure as the money continues to flow.

In 1933, as the Arab American Company (ARAMCO) started exploring and developing vast oil reserves, the relationship between the infantile Wahhabi kingdom and the developing Western superpower blossomed and an agreement was made.

It was simple: oil for protection. Saudi ensured the flow of oil at stable prices, while the US protected and provided security for the al-Saud monarchy. It became one of the most essential components that shaped power structures which govern the region to this day.

But as tensions surfaced in recent months, many began to speculate over the future relationship between the two countries.

In the final week of last November, a historical deal was struck between Iran and six world powers, including the US, that sought to lessen sanctions on the Islamic Republic in return for more international oversight on its nuclear energy program. That deal emerged after the US and Iran conducted secret meetings that sought to subdue the drums of war.

The Saudis were surprised and furious. They, like everyone else, were kept in the dark regarding the secret negotiations, and were concerned the deal would signal an end of Western attempts to contain Iranian regional power.

The Saudis were already fuming with their American ally over its last-minute decision to not strike Syria in mid-September, and over what the Saudis perceived to be inadequate support for former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak during the Egyptian uprising in January 2011.

The Americans, meanwhile, have become exceedingly uncomfortable with the key role members of the Saudi monarchy are playing in fermenting and nourishing fundamentalist armed groups in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

But analysts say the current tension is not necessarily a radical development, as political disagreements have appeared in the past, and that such disagreements will not have a profound effect on the future of their bilateral relationship.

“This is not new,” Frederic Wehrey, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and lieutenant colonel in the US Air Force Reserve, said during a talk he gave at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut.

“The Saudis were not particularly pleased during the Iraq-Iran-US talks in 2007. It goes all the way back to when the Saudis were in conflict with [Egyptian leader] Gamal Abdul Nasser,” he said.

The constant theme, Wehrey argued, is that the Saudis felt that they were not being consulted. With Iran, which the Saudis consider a major hegemonic threat in the region, the dispute arises from Saudi fears that they will be downgraded and confined to the status of ‘junior partner’ in America’s plans for the region.

“Saudi and much of the Gulf always wanted to internationalize security, and Iran does not. The Gulf will always fear two things: abandonment, and entrapment by American wars or policies,” he argued.

“There is no amount of assurances to fully assuage the Saudis. The US bent over backwards many times, and we can point to Obama's upcoming trip to Saudi Arabia in March,” as an example of easing concerns, Wehrey said.

Fouad Ibrahim, a Saudi journalist and opponent to the monarchy based in Beirut, claims the main issue between the two nations is how Saudi conducts itself in the region.

“There were many issues historically, but I think today the US is concerned with the Saudi-Israeli plans against the Syrian state. The Saudis tried to get US involved in wars for Saudi interests, like Iran, but this is not possible,” he told Al-Akhbar.

Ibrahim further opined the Saudi monarchy was currently in a state of confusion, saying, “they were betting on a complete change in the power dynamics in the region, and because that did not happen, the monarchy has lost its nerves,” implying they are driven by emotional rather than political calculations.

For Ibrahim, the dispute was directly linked to Saudi's role in fermenting fundamentalist armed groups in places like Syria.

“That is why the Americans waited first for the Saudi King to issue his decree that says Saudis fighting abroad will be jailed, before announcing Obama's visit,” he said. “It was only a few hours after the decree was made that the Americans announced the visit.
“It shows you how sensitive the matter was and the amount of US pressure on the Saudi monarchy.”

Similarly, Wehrey noted that there is a growing belief in Washington that the war in Syria has “eclipsed the Iraq war as a magnet for foreign volunteers” which Saudi is seen as playing a major role in.

“The memory of Afghanistan and Iraq is palatable in Washington now,” Wehrey said, referring to the American army’s battles with fighters who were backed by Saudi Arabia.

“And the worry [with Syria] is where the fighters are going next,” he added.
And stemming off the present dispute, media and political commentators have argued that Saudi, and the rest of the Gulf, would attempt to seek a more independent and less reliant relationship from the US, at least politically.

But for both Wehrey and Ibrahim, this trend is not entirely likely.

“Seeking a polygamous, if I can use this term, relationship with other powers is challenging. No body is equipped to fill in as a the security guarantor today – China, EU, or Russia are not candidates,” Wehrey said, adding “there is also a great deal of disunity in the Gulf over foreign policy objectives, and much of the efforts are aiming to deal with internal discontent and other ideological threats by passing draconian laws, ejecting expatriates, and so forth.”

And, Wehrey noted, according to Pentagon and Department of Defense officials he has spoken to, the military-to-military relationship continues to be solid.

“We are not going anywhere,” he said, “The Gulf is still a door-way for US power projection into the rest of the region. This still guides a lot of the thinking.”
“The Middle East has become too costly for the US,” Ibrahim said on his part, “and Asia is becoming an attractive region for the US because it's stable and has large economic potential. While I think Saudi and America will not have the same political relations as before, the military relationship is still going strong because its purely about money.”
“This is the only advantage the Saudis provide [for the Americans]. It's nothing else but a reservoir of money for the American military industry,” he concluded.
Indeed, in 2010 the US and Saudi Arabia inked an arms deal worth $60 billion – the largest US arms deal ever – which is expected to provide the Saudi military with state-of-the-art aircraft, bunker busters, and other advanced military equipment, as well as training.

No matter the extent of the political quarrel, the exuberant, lucrative profits made from this relationship – for the Americans at least – suggests that it will be business as usual for the near future.

Al Akhbar (February 5 , 2014)
Firas Choufi

The fierce battles between the Syrian army and armed extremist groups in the town of Zara, surrounding the Krak des Chevaliers, are echoing throughout Wadi al-Nasara, which is Arabic for the Valley of the Christians. Each day, the villages in the valley bury new victims. Those who have not fled have now resolved never to abandon Syria.
The driver’s voice mixed with the sound of the snowy wind pounding our speeding car as it traversed the Hawash-Zara road, in Wadi al-Nasara, west of the city of Homs. “This road is dirty at night,” the man remarked.

There were two men in the back, sticking their rifles out the window. You feel fear, but you try to pull yourself together.

It was pitch black outside, and the Syrian opposition militants holed up in the Krak des Chevaliers crusader castle are known to target this road. But according to the driver, the situation is now safer, after the Syrian army established new positions and stepped up its security measures. The minutes passed heavily, with the images of gratuitous death and beheadings in Wadi al-Nasara playing over and over again in your head.

Those fighting alongside the Syrian army have made their peace with death. They talk about their comrades who have been killed in a sad, matter-of-fact tone. The residents sheltered in their homes in the valley might not be facing certain death like them, but the odds of being killed from random shelling and the almost daily sniping by the militants remain high. And while army reinforcements in preparation for the liberation of Krak Des Chevaliers improved conditions along the road in the past two weeks, travel by night is still risky.

The cold weather is not the biggest concern behind the sand barriers. Nizar, a pro-regime fighter, adjusts his wooly hat and blows warm air into his palms, as he divides his gaze between his night vision scopes and us. “You can’t afford to be cold or to close your eyes. The militants are trying to sneak in every hour. I hope they do, so I can show them to you on the scopes.”

The fighters stationed here include Syrian army soldiers, National Defense Forces members, and fighters from the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP). But the majority of them are in truth residents of nearby villages.

Most of the Christians who remain in the region are not banking on salvation to come from Western Christendom. Those who have not fled say they now prefer to die here as opposed to receiving the “White Man’s charity,” anyway.

Tony, who works at a shawarma restaurant in the village of Hawash, does not want to leave. Like him, the mother of Hossam, from the village of Hanbara, who was killed in the conflict, wants to stay close to his grave so she can visit him every day. Countless others like them want to stay, too. Syria is the only home they have.

During a January 29 attack on a National Defense checkpoint in the town of Ammar al-Hosn, the militants took great joy in mutilating the bodies of the troops who had been manning the checkpoint. They gouged the eyes of one corpse and beheaded another, taking the head with them.

Over the past several weeks, the militants beheaded many others, including fighters from the National Defense Forces, an SSNP fighter named Hanna Karam, and also civilians, most recently a young man named Fadi Matta, from Marmarita.

Our guide, during a tour of Syrian army checkpoints during the day, reckoned that the goal of the beheadings was having the opposite of its intended effect among the residents of the valley, who are now more adamant about taking up arms against the militants. Indeed, with the increasing attacks against the residents, a new batch of fighters has been arriving almost every day from surrounding villages like Bahzina, Hanambra, Shallouh, and Hawash to the sand barriers, to enlist against the militants.
Some come from universities, others from their jobs in restaurants, farming, and various other professions. One of the fighters said, “Life on the battlefield robs you of everything. You only think about killing militants or imagining yourself dead.”

Those fighting alongside the Syrian army do not deny that some of the militants are highly experienced, especially sharpshooters. In Zara, it is all about “who shoots first?” When army snipers, who are also professionals, find it hard to take out a sniper from the armed extremists’ ranks, for example, Syrian army soldiers use guided missiles for the job, because one sniper can slow down the advance of dozens of soldiers for several days.

Those in foxholes and along the front lines are not mindless rifles. Many of them can handle themselves well in political conversations. Abu Joseph, from Marmarita, said, “The war is not between Sunnis and Shia, or Alawis and Sunnis. It is between backwardness and all Syrians, including us, the Christians.”

Hanna Karam’s funeral was held on January 31 in Bahzina. The procession was permeated by as much anger as sorrow. The young man was killed in an attack on Zara farms. When his comrades were finally able to retrieve his body, the takfiris had already severed his head.

It was a closed-casket service. The coffin was carried while the town’s scouts performed the Syrian national anthem. Hanna’s bereaved mother walked behind the coffin, calling his name like he was still there, drinking coffee with his brothers near the church and the cemetery.

For the residents of Wadi al-Nasara, Krak des Chevaliers is now a monster made out of stone, perched in the high mountain, spoiling their lives day and night, with the corpse-obsessed ghouls it shelters. Facts, rumors, and outrageous myths intermingle among the residents about the medieval castle and the militants hiding inside.

While some locals claim that 5,000 to 7,000 militants are inside the crusader castle, military sources assert that the real number does not exceed a thousand, though they admit that the militants are in possession of huge quantities of arms and ammunition. Recently, the militants were able to seize a tank, a 37-mm gun, and a mortar from the army.

Suddenly, the residents turned into military experts, and panicked ones at that. But even days later, there has been no shelling from the tank on the village. “They didn’t try the tank yet!” quipped one patron at a small shop in the village. He continued, “They tried the 37-mm. Two days ago, they fired at Marmarita, but thank God, no one was hurt. Let’s see when they will use the tank. Yesterday, they tried the mortar.”

The military sources said that the militants are saving the tank for the “major battle,” and are hiding it from the Syrian air force.

Marmarita is the largest Christian town in Wadi al-Nasara, alongside the town of Hawash. The majority of its residents are Greek Orthodox Christians. Before the conflict, they numbered 7,000. Today, more than 30,000 people live in the town, including many Christians displaced from the Bustan al-Diwan district of Homs, as well as from Hamidiyeh and the city of Qusayr.

The road to Marmarita from Hawash takes longer than usual. Before the war, the road passed through Krak des Chevaliers and did not take more than 10 minutes. Now, the road has been diverted to the town of Daghleh, and it takes around half an hour. Half an hour is okay, if it means avoiding sniper fire – or an extremist waiting to slit your throat.
At night, it is possible to encounter some patrons at the town’s restaurants, but even so, they are only a handful. Before the conflict, Marmarita was one of the most important summer resorts in Syria.

In the daytime, one can see Krak des Chevaliers to the southwest. On a clear day, one can also see the Lebanese Cedar Mountains and a good part of the Western Lebanon Mountain Range.

Residents of Marmarita took up arms to defend their areas a while ago under the leadership of Bashar al-Yazigi. They joined the Popular Committees first, and then the National Defense Forces, in addition to the SSNP. Eight fighters from Marmarita have been killed in action, in addition to two civilians and a number of Syrian army soldiers and officers.
In the afternoon, when the shops start to close, one will be able to see an interesting sight: all the shutters have been recently painted with the colors of the Syrian flag.

Al Joumhouria (Lebanese Daily close to March-14 coalition, February 7, 2014)

Military sources said that the Lebanese Army has strengthened recently its security measures to deal with a possible terrorist attack that would undermine the stability of the country. These measures came after information on the preparation of terrorist operations and suicide attacks by a new procedure, as it appeared with the last attack of Choueifat.

Terrorists operating in Lebanon are now using women to transport explosives used in the suicide bombings. Faced with this new strategy, the Lebanese Army has decided to search women as well at checkpoints erected in sensitive areas such as the Palestinian camps.

Military sources also pointed out that the army has set up an operating command center in charge of monitoring the security situation.

The Daily Star (Lebanese Daily close to March-14 coalition, February 8, 2014)
Hussein Dakroub, Antoine Ghattas Saab

Tammam Salam lans to form an all-embracing political Cabinet early next week, sources close to the premier-designate said Friday, despite Hezbollah’s warning that exclusion of MP Michel Aoun might lead to the government’s collapse.

“Salam is expected to announce an all-embracing political government early next week despite [March 8] threats to boycott it,” a source close to Salam told The Daily Star.
“Efforts are ongoing to resolve the row over the interior portfolio within the March 14 coalition as well as the problem over Aoun’s objection to the rotation of ministerial portfolios,” the source said.

Sources familiar with the Cabinet formation talks told The Daily Star that MP Walid Jumblatt, through caretaker Social Affairs Minister Wael Abu Faour, would launch an eleventh-hour initiative aimed at overcoming obstacles impeding the birth of the new government.

The initiative will not be based merely on the distribution of the four sovereign portfolios, the Defense, Interior, Foreign and Finance Ministries, but also the division of all portfolios between the March 8 and March 14 coalitions, the sources said.

Abu Faour will shuttle in the next 48 hours between Baabda Palace, Speaker Nabih Berri’s residence in Ain al-Tineh and Salam’s residence in Moseitbeh carrying with him Jumblatt’s proposal to end the current standoff over rotating key ministerial portfolios among sects, the sources said. Details of the proposal were not immediately known.

Aoun has refused to budge on his opposition to the concept of rotating ministerial portfolios in an all-embracing Cabinet based on an 8-8-8 lineup. The 8-8-8 proposal was part a compromise reached last month by the Hezbollah-led March 8 coalition, the Future Movement and Jumblatt’s Progressive Socialist Party in a bid to break the 10-month-old Cabinet impasse.

Hezbollah’s mediation efforts have failed to make Aoun drop his demand for retaining the Energy Ministry, currently held by his son-in-law, Gebran Bassil, for his bloc.

Salam has rejected Aoun’s demand, preferring the concept of rotating all ministerial portfolios among sects and parties, which the prime minister-designate has stuck to since he was appointed on April 6.

Given Aoun’s unyielding stance, Salam is expected to go ahead with forming an all-embracing political government even without the FPM leader’s approval.

Aoun and March 8 parties have signaled that they would withdraw their ministers from what they dubbed a fait accompli government.

Hezbollah warned Friday of the consequences of excluding the FPM from the new Cabinet.

“The attempt to be too clever during the [Cabinet] formation process in order to exclude a major component might topple the all-embracing government,” MP Mohammad Raad, head of Hezbollah’s bloc in Parliament, told the audience at a ceremony to honor a number of university professors at a restaurant on the Beirut airport road.

He renewed Hezbollah’s call for forming an all-embracing government in which all the political parties participate “so that it [the government] can confront all political, security and socioeconomic problems.”

The parliamentary Future bloc reiterated its demand for a new government to cope with political, security and economic problems.

It also urged Iran to halt Hezbollah’s military intervention in Syria.

“The Future bloc calls on Iran to keep its hands off Lebanon and stop Hezbollah’s further involvement in the Syrian quagmire ... particularly since developments indicate a protracted crisis [in Syria] that will produce no winners.”

- See more at: http://www.neworientnews.com/news/fullnews.php?news_id=126279#sthash.wFtm5fIg.dpuf

Miqdad: States Involved in Syrian Blood Regard Stopping Terrorism Not Priority

Local Editor

Syrian deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal al-MiqdadSyrian deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal al-Miqdad said that there are governments involved in the blood of the Syrian people and have priorities other than put an end to terrorism.

Speaking to reporters in Geneva on Monday, Miqdad noted that " it is time to reach an agreement between the Syrians to stop the bloodshed, and this is a priority."

"The goal of the Geneva-II is the cessation of violence and terrorism," he said, adding that progress cannot be made if the bloodshed and supporting terrorism didn't stop.

Miqdad stated that the decision of Saudi Arabia, that warned of terrorists to return to the Kingdom is "a step backward and an invitation for terrorists to not to return because they will be subjected to prison and is therefore more of incitement to murder."

"The time has come to stop terrorist acts in Syria and to reach an agreement," he went on to say, stressing that the Syrian government considers the fight against terrorism as a priority in the second round of Geneva talks.

Miqdad singled out that "if we do not stop the massacres taking place in Syria, Syrian people will not trust the talks in Geneva."

The Syrian official stated also that the goal behind "Maan massacre" is to kill women and children only.

The opposition militants committed on Sunday a horrible massacre in Maan village in Hama countryside of central Syria, killing around 120 people, including women and children.

Source: Websites
11-02-2014 - 08:57 Last updated 11-02-2014 - 08:57 

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So, every one (EXCEPT IRAN) seems to be joining the war on terror , whether Egypt, Iraq or Syria, even Saudi Arabia- which is taking today draconian measures- is joining in . And Turkey will join in soon but will have first to define who the terrorist is, and whether terrorism could include the Kurds , if it could include the Kurds then Erdogan is for it . So, everyone is joining in and the terrorists also are joining in, and you have terrorists fighting terrorists, and army fighting terrorists, and this cannot end . The war on terrorism cannot end .

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عزيز دويك

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Nothing will stop the Syrian army from cleansing the whole country from the thugs of the opposition . The Syrian flag now has replaced that of the opposition in al Qusayr and is seen from far witnessing the victory of … Continue reading 

This whole war had for goal to shift the struggle from the Arab / Israeli struggle to the terror / anti terror struggle, and these two have the same origin and are controlled by the same side. Russia has accepted to be part of this project too . This struggle is not new, and has started more than a decade ago and, in its name, at least two wars have been waged against Iraq and Afghanistan, and both wars are not close to end and are causing great destruction .

What the world order (INCLUDING THE TRAITORS IN RAMALLAH AND GAZA) seeks is to liquidate the Palestinian Cause in a costless process , and for this, it has to isolate Palestinians ( PAESTINIANS ARE NOT ABBAS AND MISHAAL) from their Arab environment on the ground of terrorism. It is al Sisi Brothers of America ) that in charge of such a task and all the others -even Assad- will back al Sisi. And when the Palestinian Authority will offer all the concessions that are needed, there will be no one to object or oppose these concessions , and when the right of return will be abolished no one will raise his voice to say no ; every one will be busy fighting terrorism and defending al Sisi or praising Assad . Blogs like Uprootedpalestinians – which are part of the set up – will be busy too fighting the wars of others . (ASSHOLE: PROVIDE YOUR EVIDENCE)

Defeating terrorism is not just by fighting its manifestations on the ground, but by identifying the forces that stand behind it and perpetrate it and monitor it and benefit from it directly or indirectly . 



Geneva II: Coalition Delegation Refuses to Tackle Counterterrorism



The coalition delegation rejected including counterteGeneva IIrrorism on the conference's agenda, and that no agreement was reached on the agenda, SANA reported.

The delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic began discussing the issue of terrorism and will continue to do so until a common national project for counterterrorism is reached.

The Syrian official delegation said that no other item will be discussed before discussing the issue of combating terrorism which is affecting the Syrian people, in accordance with the first Geneva communiqué, wondering how there can be discussion of political issues when the coalition delegation refuses to include counterterrorism in the agenda.

Upon the request of Syria’s official delegation, the morning session between Syria's official delegation and the coalition delegation started on Tuesday by observing a minute of silence for the souls of Maan martyrs in Hama countryside and Syria’s martyrs.

Earlier, Syria’s official delegation arrived to UN HQ in Geneva to take part in the morning session in the presence of UN envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi.

Source: Agencies
11-02-2014 - 16:46 Last updated 11-02-2014 - 16:46 

Syria, since 1980's, asked for a universal definition of terrorism.

الشيخ عبد السلام الحراش والقاضي عمار بلال _ ارهاب العصابات المسلحة / الفضائية 1

Geneva 2: Syrian lessons to the the enemy, the "enemy within" and the "theory of everyone"


By the enemy within I mean those, despite intentions, serving the Zion agenda of dividing the Axis of Resistance.  

Ariadna Theokopoulos hit the nail in exposing the "Theory of everything" 

Applying the "theory of everyone" on the so-called "Arab Spring":
  • The Egyptian uprising is nothing but a world order conspiracy, to force Syria to join the World's order war on terror.
  • The war on Syria is nothing but a mean to force Syria to join the World's order war on terror.
  • The world order terror war on Resistance is equal to resisting world's order terror in Syria and Egypt. The target of both is liquidation of the Palestinian cause. Muslim brothers leading the war on Axis of resistance in Syria, are not terrorists because their Hamas was part of that axis.
The Theory
      "every one seems to be joining the war on terror , whether Egypt, Iraq or Syria, even Saudi Arabia- which is taking today draconian measures- is joining in . And Turkey will join in soon but will have first to define who the terrorist is, and whether terrorism could include the Kurds , if it could include the Kurds then Erdogan is for it . So, everyone is joining in and the terrorists also are joining in, and you have terrorists fighting terrorists, and army fighting terrorists, and this cannot end . The war on terrorism cannot end ."
      However, here, the Theory of "everyone" excludes Iran and Hezbollah. The theory failed to mention that the Islamic revolution in, Iran since day one, is fighting the world order terrorism represented 
      by Mojahideen Khalq, Sadam, Talban, Jund Allah, and now Takfiri terrorism in Syria.  Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Roknabadi stressed Monday that:
       "Iran will keep always to be the strategic depth of the proud people, especially in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine, against the Zionist occupation and the Takfiri terrorism."
    Iran's ambassador statement confirms the strategic alliance with Syria and Palestine against the Zionist and the Takfiri terrorism. According to the theory, Wahhabism is not terrorism, and the Takfiri terrorist are thugs, not terrorists.  ----On Geneva
    2 and the second Egyptian's uprising inspired by the Syrian 3 years
                د احمد الحاج على و عادل نعيسة_ سورية تتحاور_ الثوابت الوطنية في جنيف 2 / الفضائية

              You are welcome



              You are welcome to have my land

              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to hear

              The weeping olive tree, when pulled down

              With the sharp, yellow teeth of your ugly bulldozer


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to feel, the agonising pain

              Of my hills and mountains… torn apart

              When hit by your merciless missile


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to see

              The blood of my poppies, when fallen to the ground

              Crushed under the cold metallic chains of your tank


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to taste

              The bitter salty flavour of slavery,

              Felt by my villages and towns

              When under curfew for days on end

              notice the little Hero

              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to smell

              The burning yearning in my orchid’s wounded heart

              To be united again with her much missed children


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to hear

              The cries of howling wind, mourning her little ones

              Who used to play, flying away their black and white

              Red and green kites


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to feel

              The tight shallow breathing of my home and garden

              Suffocating by your nerve and tear gas


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to see

              The tears of my clouds trickling down their cheeks

              When punched by the fist of your apache helicopter


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to taste

              The sweetness of dignity felt by a stone

              When picked up by a little hand of a brave boy


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to smell

              The perfume of my earth, taking a shower

              Getting ready to embrace the body

              Of her beloved child


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to touch and heal

              The deep bleeding wounds of my sky

              Stabbed by your f16


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you are able to teach

              Your heart how to love

              Every drop of water, gushing from below

              Or falling from above


              Yes, you can have my land

              When… you can gently hold

              Every grain of sand

              And tell her how sorry you are

              For causing all the pain she’s gone through


              Yes, you are welcome to have my land

              When… you fall on your knees sobbing

              When are able to hear, whispers of angels

              Chanting of saints and prayers of prophets

              Singing words of love and peace

              For EVERY human soul, not just your own


              Then… and ONLY then

              You are welcome to have my land

              But then, will you ever do it?



              Na… I doubt it !

              2222557405_23d64b5e51_z - Copy

              Takfiri Terrorists Holed Up in Krak des Chevaliers “Waiting for their Turn”


              Syrian Opposition Militants Holed Up in Krak des Chevaliers “Waiting for their Turn”

              A file image grab taken from AFP TV on on 28 June 2012 shows a terrorist taking position at the Krak des Chevaliers near the village of Azzara on the ...

              Published Tuesday, February 11, 2014
              The militants occupying Krak des Chevaliers, the famed crusader castle between Homs and the Mediterranean coast, are anxiously following the battles in the town of Zara, as if they are waiting for their turn to come.
              Syrian and Lebanese militants have spoken to Al-Akhbar about their daily lives there, about what they say is a famine lurking around the corner, and what they call “merchants of blood,” in reference to war profiteers. Field commanders also spoke about the stages of the confrontation and the weapons used by both sides, but said, “Any settlement would be a betrayal of religion and the land.”
              Qalaat al-Husn, or Krak des Chevaliers, the most prominent stronghold of the armed Syrian opposition in the countryside surrounding Tal Kalakh, comes under daily shelling. Battles are raging in the nearby town of Zara, where explosive barrels are dropped on its inhabitants, both civilians and combatants. But the story of the “opposition’s fort,” where nearly 3,500 people are holed up, began many months ago.

              The castle has been under siege by the Syrian army for nearly a year and a half. But for several reasons, it seems that Krak des Chevaliers acts like a magnet for militants originating from North Lebanon.
              For instance, the commander of one of the most notorious Salafi groups stationed at the castle is Lebanese national Khaled al-Mahmoud, who is also known as Abu Suleiman al-Muhajir. Mahmoud was previously incarcerated in Lebanon’s Roumieh prison for his involvement with the terrorist group Fatah al-Islam. Dozens of Lebanese men have since joined him for “jihad” against the “Nusairi (Alawi) regime.”
              Abu Khaled (a pseudonym), one of the Lebanese militants fighting in Syria, told Al-Akhbar that he had joined the fight with the start of the uprising in Syria, saying that his motive was “jihad to defend Muslims being killed by the oppressors.”
              The thirty-something man, who is from the Bab al-Tabbaneh district of Tripoli, said that at first, he joined Sheikh Walid al-Bustani, who is from the same neighborhood, and who would later be killed by militants from the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Abu Khaled also said that he moved frequently between Lebanon and Syria, but that he was cut off from Lebanon for months following an ambush that killed 21 Lebanese jihadis in Tal Kalakh in late 2012.
              Abu Khaled’s motive also applies to Abu Uday, a young man in his twenties who, together with five of his friends, has joined the militants in Krak des Chevaliers. Abu Uday hails from the Lebanese border town of Mashta Hammoud. Several months ago, he married a Syrian woman at the castle.
              He said that, like others, he is defending his people and his religion against an infidel regime that is killing his coreligionists. He told Al-Akhbar that his brother was killed by Assad’s forces as he tried to slip out of the castle, and said, “The majority of Lebanese at the castle are fighting with the group Jund al-Sham.”
              Regarding the number of Lebanese fighting alongside the Syrian opposition holed up in Krak des Chevaliers, Abu Uday put them at no more than 300. In addition to religious motives for joining the fight, Abu Uday said that there were also motives related to the kinship between people in the villages of Wadi Khaled and those in Tal Kalakh on the Syrian side.
              Also speaking to Al-Akhbar, field commander Ahmad al-Masri said that the siege of the castle has proceeded in two stages. He continued, “The first stage began by cordoning off all entrances to the castle with checkpoints, while roads were blocked by the residents of pro-regime villages.”
              The man, who is suffering from a knee injury, pointed out, “The road to the village of Zara al-Turkmanieh remained open, allowing us to use it for basic supplies during that stage.” The village in question is about six kilometers from Krak des Chevaliers. Al Masri added, “The Syrian army deployed artillery batteries to target cars passing between Zara and the castle, limiting our ability to move through it except at night.”
              As for the second stage of the siege, the field commander said, “It started in Ramadan seven months ago, when the army tried to storm the Burj area in Zara, to create a wedge between the castle and Zara.”
              Masri said that the rebels repelled the attack, but that in response, the Syrian army closed the Zara road, “which was the last remaining lifeline for the two villages.” He then continued, “In the first and second months, people used up all the supplies and medicines they had, as the situation deteriorated slowly. Now, there is a complete dependence on smuggled food and weapons.”
              Abu Riad al-Homsi, a spokesperson for the Ahrar Qalaat al-Husn Brigade, spends his time between coordinating media activities and caring for the wounded. Currently, he said, he is preparing a report about the “suffering of the castle’s occupants.” According to Homsi, “the wounded are as good as dead because of the lack of medical supplies.”
              Smugglers and War Profiteers
              There are endless stories about smugglers who are needed whenever the siege intensifies.
              The militants in Krak des Chevaliers enumerate the checkpoints that the National Defense Forces have erected to tighten the blockade on the castle. They said, “Symptoms of malnutrition began to appear on people, like skin eczema, swollen faces and hands, dizziness and fainting.” As a result, they said, six elderly people have died, of which they named two men called Abu Amin al-Zobi and Mohammad Abboud respectively.
              The militants say that the sustained shelling has so far killed 160 people, and wounded scores others. One of the militants, who declined to be named, told Al-Akhbar, “Trying to help the wounded now costs us thousands of dollars,” and pointed out that they now have to pay the smugglers large sums of money to take the injured to Lebanon.
              The cost of moving each wounded person is about $2000, according to the militants. He then added, “The only thing abundant here are the war profiteers. We even bribed Syrian army officers to facilitate the passage of food, medicine, and sometimes the wounded.”
              A medic working at Krak des Chevaliers also spoke to Al-Akhbar. He said, “There is a field hospital in the castle but there is a shortage of medical equipment and drugs, which have been nearly all used up after the siege was tightened.” The medic added, “The crew at the hospital is doing its best, but most of the injuries end in death because it is not possible to carry out surgery with the lack of equipment and qualified doctors.”
              The Balance of Power
              Since the start of the battles in Zara, the shelling on Krak des Chevaliers has intensified. Militants inside say that they come under daily bombardment from artillery batteries and rocket launchers in the surrounding villages.
              Despite this, militants say that morale is high. Some of them revealed that they have armored vehicles, which they had seized from the army during the fighting. The militants confirmed that there was no shortage of ammunition, as they had been able to store them in large quantities throughout the past months.
              Regarding the progress of the battles, one militant said, “The men are fighting valiantly because they know that if this area falls to the regime, then we will have no foothold anywhere in it because of the sectarian composition of the region.”
              According to the militants as well, the Syrian army has brought warplanes and helicopters more than 10 days ago, and has been using them to drop explosive barrels. They said, “One barrel fell on a home, killing six people and injuring 11, all civilians,” which allegedly took place on Sunday.
              The Syrian army, they continued, has been using mortar shells, and said, “During the last campaign, around 40 of us perished.” The militants at the castle said that their equipment consisted mainly of automatic rifles, machine guns, and mortars, in addition to a few tanks that were all seized from the Syrian army. One of the things that can be counted on to be in their favor, they claimed, was “the mountainous terrain and fortifications we have built since the start of the uprising, in addition to trenches, foxholes, and caves.”
              The militants here say that they prefer death over humiliation, and refuse to lay down their arms. They said, “The regime forces repeatedly tried through mediators to make a deal with us, but we refused. We will never accept a deal, because this would be a betrayal of religion and the land.”
              Three Factions at Krak des Chevaliers
              Those who spoke to Al-Akhbar declined to mention the number of militants present inside the castle, but they all agreed that there were three main factions defending it: the Ahrar Qalaat al-Husn Brigade, the Tal Kalakh Martyrs Brigade, and Jund al-Sham – which has both Syrian and Lebanese fighters.
              One of those in charge of propaganda in the castle said, “The majority of the Lebanese who fight under Jund al-Sham are from the border regions.” But he too declined to mention their number, saying Lebanese fighters in the castle were no more than a few hundred.
              Follow Radwan Murtada on Twitter | @radwanmortada
              This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

              NCC at the Station: Shall we take the train to Geneva?


              Louay Safi (R), spokesperson for the Syrian National Coalition, speaks to journalists during the Syrian peace talks at the United Nations headquarters on February 11, 2014 in Geneva. (Photo: AFP-Phillipe Desmazes)

              Published Tuesday, February 11, 2014
              Representative of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria (NCB), Haythem Manna (blue), attends the Syrian Opposition Conference in Cairo on 2 July 2012. (Photo: AFP - Khaled Desouki)
              National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change in Syria (NCC) seems to have mastered the waiting game, waiting for the Syrian National Coalition (SNC). Ever since the Syrian National Council was "dissolved" and a broad meeting of the Syrian opposition in Cairo (May 2012) and throughout the Doha meetings, which gave birth to the coalition, the NCC would be mentioned as a participant of sorts in those meetings.
              Today, the NCC is waiting for the meeting of the SNC's political committee to decide on two proposals; one political and the other organizational, which were agreed upon in a meeting in Cairo between the NCC General Coordinator Hassan Abdul-Azim and the head of the SNC, Ahmad al-Jarba.
              If the proposals are passed, the NCC would be participating on its own terms in the next round of talks at Geneva II. Now more than ever, its leaders have been giving the impression that they will hop on the Geneva train. Although they missed yesterday's stop, there are other stops and as they claim, the road is long.

              A senior source at the NCC confirms the presence of an international decision "for the NCC to join the Geneva process." Observers note that the "expansion of the opposition's delegation" is for various reasons, starting with the delegation's inadequacy and its weak representation.
              For example, Hadi al-Bahra, who headed the opposition's negotiating team in one of the first round's sessions, gained his experience to face Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, from selling cars in Saudi Arabia.
              According to NCC sources, who followed up on the most recent meeting in Cairo, an agreement was reached for the NCC to be represented by five seats, three at the main negotiating table and two consultative seats. The question of who will be representing the NCC took up an important part of its executive office meeting on Sunday, which lasted five hours.
              The so called "internal opposition" is optimistic. They deliberated the question of giving one seat to a militia group, meaning the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). Obstacles and vetoes were removed, according to a senior official. There is no veto against the head of the NCC in the diaspora, Haytham Manna, or the head of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), Saleh Muslim, he added.
              Sources from the SNC met this "positivity" from the NCC with a similar position, except with the "figures who have a problem with the revolution." The sources did not mention the names of the individuals, but they are Haytham Manna and Saleh Muslim.
              Hisham Mroue, a member of the coalition's political committee, confirms the veto of his colleague, "Figures like Hassan Abdul-Azim and NCC member Aref Dalila have kept their places in efforts to expand the Coalition's delegation, despite Egyptian and Western efforts to get the NCC to choose its own representatives.”
              The Facebook page of the media office president in the NCC, Munther Khaddam, is rife with critics and gloaters. "The NCC's repeated disappointments with the coalition is a cause for pity and sorrow," someone comments to Khaddam's criticism of "the coalition leadership's disregard of all the understandings in Cairo."
              Dependency on international decisions and the NCC's reliance on their "friends" to impose its presence in Geneva carry a degree of pragmatism. If it was Jarba's decision, he would never have shook Abdul-Azim's hand in his life.
              The NCC is promoting that the meeting was "imposed" on the coalition. Yet this is the same "game of nations," which had kept the "internal opposition" away from the international scene. In the event that the NCC participates in the international peace conference, the same international game, which led to its embarrassment in front of its Syrian supporters, would be the only way for "Manna and co." to be present in the corridors of "peaceful settlement hotels."
              This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

              Rebranding Terrorism: Syria Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” are “Not Killing Civilians”


              Posted on February 10, 2014 by 

              Terrorism with a “Human Face”: Syria Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” are “Not Killing Civilians”

              By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
              Global Research, February 10, 2014
              The attacks by opposition forces largely integrated by Al Qaeda terrorists can no longer be denied.
              What is now occurring is a re-branding of the various terrorist formations covertly support by Western intelligence.
              The latest slur of media disinformation consists in providing a “human face” to Al Qaeda.
              While the media acknowledges that the Al Nusrah front is integrated by Al Qaeda affiliated rebels, the  Islamist rebels affiliated with the New Islamic Front –which has received Washington’s ascent– are now portrayed as “freedom fighters” involved strictly in para-military operations.
              Media Fabrications
              According to the media reports:
              1. The opposition rebels are predominantly Syrian nationals.
              2. They are not targeting innocent civilians.
              3. They are acting in a responsible fashion. They are no longer involved in terrorist acts.  They are targeting government forces and the pro-government National Defense Force militia, set up in towns and villages across Syria.
              The attack on an Alawite village in the province of Hama
              A Reuters report pertaining to a recent rebel attack on an Alawite village in the province of Hama suggests that civilians deaths are few in number, largely the result of “collateral damage”, attributable to  “neglect” pertaining to the government evacuation programs from the areas of combat.
              Read carefully (emphasis added). The Reuters report casually denies the atrocities committed by US-NATO-Saudi sponsored terrorists:
              Islamist fighters battling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forcesseized control of an Alawite village in the central province of Hama on Sunday, part of an offensive to try to cut off supply routes from Damascus to the north of the country.
              The report denies, despite ample evidence, that the “freedom fighters” killed civilians. Detailed government data on civilian casualties are dismissed;
              But the government said the dead were mainly women and childrenand accused the fighters of committing a massacre on the eve of the resumption of peace talks in Geneva.”
              Reuters prefers to quote the “evidence” provided by the fake UK based Syrian Observatory. Those killed were part of the government’s militia forces:
              The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said the Islamists killed 25 people in the village of Maan, mainly from a pro-Assad National Defence Force militia.
              Residents of Maan, around 5 miles east of Syria’s main north-south highway, are from the same Alawite minority as the Assad family which has ruled Syria for the last four decades.
              The Observatory said most women and children had been evacuated from the village before it was taken over.
              (Reuters report Chicago Tribune, February 9, 2014
              The “freedom fighters” are “overwhelmingly” Syrian national
              The Reuters report fails to acknowledge something which is amply documented by media reports and official data: most of the rebels are mercenaries recruited in Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, not to mention several European countries including Britain and France.
              The “freedom fighters” are “overwhelmingly” Syrian nationals according to Reuters:
              Rebels fighting to overthrow Assad are overwhelmingly from the country’s Sunni Muslim majority, backed by Islamist and jihadi fighters from across the Islamic world.
              “Video footage released on Sunday showed a rebel fighter performing Muslim prayers on top of a municipal building after the seizure of Maan, one of several sites in Hama targeted by the rebels in recent days. Another video showed the dead body of a pro-Assad fighter.
              The Observatory said most women and children had been evacuated from the village before it was taken over.
              (Reuters report Chicago Tribune, February 9, 2014
              Yarmouk: The Palestinian Urban Suburb
              A BBC report pertaining to the Palestinian Yarmouk, urban suburb of Damascus, sustains the legend of opposition “activists” and “freedom fighters”  coming to the rescue of  Palestinians:
              The situation has grown desperate since last summer when the Syrian army blocked regular supplies to the camp in an attempt to force out rebels [Al Qaeda terrorists supported by US-NATO] holed up inside.
              Activists’ videos and photographs have shown little children crying in hunger and with visible signs of malnutrition. Residents told the BBC that recently there have been about 100 deaths from starvation.
              Palestinians are evacuated from the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus, Syria, on February 2, 2014 (photo credit: UNRWA/AFP)

              The strategy of the Al Qaeda rebels advised by Western and Israeli Special Forces has been to block the supply routes of food and essential commodities.  And then the media comes in and blames the government:

              “Babies also died because there was no milk. Their mothers couldn’t breastfeed them because they were sick and undernourished.”

              Palestinians in Yarmouk say they have resorted to eating boiled herbs and plants found growing near their homes.

              The insinuation is that government forces –which have acted in support of the Palestinians– are responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Yarmouk.
              At the same time, the BBC refutes its own lies. It acknowledges that the Syrian authorities supported the Palestinians from the very outset:
              The unofficial camp was set up as a home for refugees who left or were forced from their original homes because of the 1948 war that led to the creation of Israel.
              Although the Syrian authorities did not give citizenship to refugees, they had full access to employment and social services. Many say they had relatively good lives compared to their counterparts in other Arab countries.
              Yet the BBC in its coverage of Yarmouk, insinuates that the terrorists integrated by Western advisers had the support of the Palestinians against the Syrian government and that ultimately the “freedom fighters” allowed the supply routes to be opened to the United Nations relief programs led by the UNRWA:
              Armed rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad moved into the camp and found support among some Palestinian groups.
              After months of negotiations, a deal was struck at the end of last year between the Syrian authorities and Palestinian representatives to allow food to be delivered to the camp. BBC, February 10, 2014

              Behind the Scenes: Terrorist Abbas Confessions "Tip of the Iceberg"


              Local Editor

              Lebanon security:The arrested terrorist Naim Abbas confessed Wednesday about many underground explosives stocks and booby-trapped cars prepared to be sent to Beirut suburbs, sources told Al-Manar English Website.

              The Lebanese Army arrested Abbas on Wednesday, a leader of al-Qaeda-affiliated Abdullah Azzam Brigades, who confessed to his role in several terrorist operations across Lebanon.

              It is estimated that hard work is awaiting for the Lebanese army intelligence directorate due to the exposure of many secret sites of explosive materials and suicide bombers in Lebanon.

              Terrorist suicide attacks were planned to rock southern suburb.

              Sources told Al-Manar Website that the security information leaked Wednesday about the terrorist Abbas represents the tip of the iceberg regarding the classified intelligence to be revealed in the investigation.

              In Syria, the security sources told Al-Manar Website that huge collapses are expected to take place within the Takfiri groups fronts in Qalamoun region less that the estimated time due to large success achieved by the Syrian army.

              The national military launched on Wednesday a wide-scale operation in north east Damascus of Yabroud area to restore security to the place and clear it of Takfiris presence.

              Takfiri armed groups used to take Qalamoun as fortified stronghold to assemble, arm and train terrorists, who are committing massacres against civilians and operate against the Syrian army.

              In Lebanon, Al-Manar Website learned from high-level sources that a new government could be formed next week following more developments in the domestic political dialogue.

              Chief of the Lebanese Patriotic Movement, Michel Aoun, voiced approval over exchanging the Ministry of Energy for another ministerial portfolio.

              Source: Al-Manar Website
              12-02-2014 - 15:24 Last updated 12-02-2014 - 15:33

              LAF Arrests Most Dangerous Terrorist in Lebanon, Dismantles Car Bomb
              Army dismantles car bombb
              The intelligence directorate in the Lebanese army arrested on Wednesday a leader in al-Qaeda-affiliated group, the terrorist Naim Abbas, the army announced.

              Meanwhile, the army also seized a booby-trapped car in the area Abbas was arrested in.
              The National News Agency (NNA) reported the event, saying that Abbas has ties with the so-called “Islamic State in Iraq and Levant” (ISIL).
              The terrorist is a leader in Abdullah Azzam brigades which is responsible for the blasts which rocked Beirut’s southern suburb (Dahiyeh) and Hermel.

              Al-Manar correspondent reported that Abbas is one of the most dangerous wanted terrorists in Lebanon.

              She noted that he left Ain al-Hilweh camp few days earlier, adding that he was arrested in Tariq Jdideh in Beirut.

              Abbas is one of the prominent figures who transferred suicide bombers and car bombs used in the terrorist blasts.

              Shortly after Abbas’ arrest, the intelligence directorate seized a booby-trapped car in Tariq Jdideh area in Beirut.

              Al-Manar correspondent said that the car was heading to the Dahiyeh, according to confessions made by the arrested terrorist Naim Abbas.

              She added that the car was 4x4 vehicle, Toyota Rav 4, adding that it was rigged with a large amount of explosive materials.

              Source: Al Manar TV
              12-02-2014 - 11:31 Last updated 12-02-2014 - 11:57 

              Parallel Syrian Campaigns in Syria and Geneva

              Syrian Army Launches Wide Campaign in Yabroud, Controls Jarajeer
              Local Editor
              The Syrian army launched a wide campaign in the Syrian town of Yabroud in Qalamoun as it controlled the village of Jarajeer which borders the Lebanese town of Arsal.

              The Syrian Army is preparing also to recapture the area of Rima farms, inflicting heavy losses upon the militants.
              Source: Al-Manar Website
              12-02-2014 - 14:44 Last updated 12-02-2014 - 14:44 |

              جنيف 2 السوري _ بين الواقع .. والوهم _ وسورية .. والعالم 12 02 2014

              مؤتمر صحفي ل د فيصل المقداد _ جنيف 2 السوري / الفضائية 12 02 2014

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