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Obama’s Ukrainian Power Grab, Sanctions and the Boomerang Effect

By Prof. James Petras

Global Research, March 11, 2014

In the biggest power grab since George Bush seized Eastern
Europe and converted
it into a NATO bastion confronting Russia, the Obama regime, together with the EU, financed and organized a violent putsch in the Ukraine which established a puppet regime in Kiev.[1]  In response the citizens of the autonomous Crimean region, fearing the onslaught of cultural and political repression, organized self-defense militia and pressured the administration of Russian President Vladimir Putin to help protect them from armed incursions by the NATO-backed coup regime in Kiev.[2]    Russia responded to the Crimean appeal with promises of military assistance – effectively halting further Western absorption of the entire region.
Immediately following the proxy putsch the entire US-EU propaganda machine spun into high gear.[3]  The nature of the Western power grab of the Ukraine was ignored.   Russia’s defensive action in Crimea became the focus of media and Western government attacks.  Unconditional support for  the for the violent seizure of the Ukraine by the US and EU-backed coup was broadcast by the West’s entire stable of journalistic hacks and accompanied by screeds calling for measures to destabilize the Russian Federation itself through a full-scale economic and diplomatic war.  The US and EU convoked meetings and press conferences calling for trade and investment sanctions.  Threats emerged from the White House and Brussels calling for a “freeze of Russian assets” in Western banks, if Moscow did not hand over the Crimea to the coup regime in Kiev.  Russian capitulation became the price of mending East-West ties.
The Obama regime and a host of US Congress people, media pundits and policy advisers called for, or engaged in, imposing sanctions on strategic sectors of the Russian economy, including its financial assets in the West.  Opinions in Europe divided over this issue: England, France and the rabidly anti-Russian regimes of Central Europe (especially Poland and the Czech Republic) pushed for harsh sanctions, while Germany, Italy and the Netherlands were more measured in their response (Financial Times, 3/5/14, p. 2).
The Washington-based advocates for imposing sanctions against Russia view this as an opportunity to: (1) punish Russia for acceding to the Crimean autonomous government’s call for defense against the Kiev putsch by activating Russian troops stationed  in the region; (2) weaken Russia’s economy and isolate it politically from its major Western trading and investment partners; (3) legitimatize the violent seizure of power by neo-liberal and neo-Nazi clients of the US; and (4) promote destabilization within the borders of the Russian Federation.  At a minimum, economic sanctions have become an aggressive tool for energizing the corrupt pro-Western elites and oligarchs in Russia to influence the Putin government to accept the de-facto regime in Kiev and deliver the autonomous Crimean nation into their hands.
“Sanctions” are seen by the White House advisers as:  (1) projecting US power, (2) securing the Ukraine as a strategic new base for NATO, (3) ethnically cleansing this diverse and complicated region of its Russian-speaking minority and (4) opening the Ukraine for the whole-sale plunder of its economic and natural resources by Western multinational corporations.
The Obama regime cites the “success” of the financial and economic sanctions against Iran as a ‘model’ for what can be achieved with Russia:  A weakened economy, diminution of its trade, destabilizing its currency and provoking consumer scarcities and mass unrest. (FT 03/05/2014 p.2)  Secretary of US State John Kerry is pushing for more extreme forms of economic reprisals:  trade and investment sanctions, which obviously could lead to a break in diplomatic relations.(FT 03/05/2014 p.1)
Impact of Sanctions on Russia, the US and EU
Energy and financial sanctions on Russia, assuming that they can be imposed, would have a severe impact on Russian energy companies, its oligarchs and bankers.  Trade and investment agreements would have to be abrogated.  As a result Europe, which relies on Russian oil and gas imports for 30% of its energy needs, would slip back into an economic  recession (FT  03/05/2014 p.2). The US is in no position to replace these energy shortfalls.  In other words, trade and investment sanctions against the Russian Federation would have a ‘boomerang effect’ – especially against Germany, the economic ‘locomotor’ of the European Union.
Financial sanctions would hurt the corrupt Russian oligarchs who have stashed away tens of billions of Euros and Pounds in European real estate, business investments, sport teams and financial institutions.  Sanctions and a real freeze on the overseas assets of the Russian billionaires would curtail all those profitable transactions for major Western financial institutions, such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan-Chase and other “giants of Wall Street” as well as in the ‘City of London’.  (FT 03/05/2014 p.2)  In “punishing” Putin, the EU would also be “spiting on itself”.  Sanctions might weaken Russia but they would also precipitate an economic crisis in the EU and end its fragile recovery.
Russia’s Response to Sanctions
Essentially the Putin Administration can take one of two polar responses to the US-EU sanctions:  It can capitulate and withdraw from Crimea, sign an agreement on its military base (knowing full well that NATO will not comply), and accepts its own international status as a quasi-vassal state incapable of defending its allies and borders; or the Putin Administration can prepare a reciprocal set of counter-sanctions, confiscate Western investments, freeze financial assets, renege on debt payments and re-nationalize major industries.  The Russian state would be strengthened at the expense of the neo-liberal and pro-Western oligarchical sectors of Russia’s policy elite. Russia could terminate its transport and base agreements with the US, cut off the Pentagon’s Central Asian supply routes to Afghanistan.  President Putin could end sanctions with Iran, weakening  Washington’s negotiating position.  Finally, Russia could actively support dissident anti-imperialist movements in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America while strengthening its support for the Syrian government as it defends itself from US-supported violent jihadists.
In other words, US-EU sanctions while attempting to undermine Russia could actually radicalize Moscow’s domestic and foreign policy and marginalize the currently pro-Western oligarchs who had influenced the heretofore conciliatory policies of the Putin and Medvedev Administrations.
The EU and Obama might consolidate their hold over the Ukraine but they have plenty to lose on a global scale.  Moreover, the Ukraine will likely turn into a highly unstable vassal state for the NATO planners.  EU, US and IMF loans for the bankrupt regime are conditional on (1) 40% cutbacks on energy and gas subsidies, (2) 50% cuts in public sector pension payments, (3) major increases in consumer prices and (4) the privatization (plunder) of public firms.  The result will be large-scale job loss and a huge jump in unemployment.  Neo-liberal austerity programs will further erode the living standards of most wage and salaried workers and likely antagonize the neo-Nazi ‘popular base’ provoking new rounds of violent mass protests.  The West would move forward with ‘agreements’ with their Ukraine clients ‘at the top’ but face bitter conflicts ‘below’.  The prospect of Brussels and the IMF dictating devastating economic policies as part of an austerity program on the masses of Ukrainian citizens will make a mockery of the puffed-up nationalist slogans of the far Right putschists.  Economic collapse, political chaos and a new round of social upheaval will erode the political gains assumed in the power grab of February 2014.
The unfolding of the US-EU-Russian conflict over the Ukraine has far-reaching consequences, which will define the global configuration of power and foster new ideological alignments
Western sanctions will directly hit Russian capitalists and strengthen a ‘collectivist turn’.  The Western power grab of the ‘soft underbelly of Russia’ could provoke greater Russian support for insurgent movements challenging Western hegemony.  Sanctions could hasten greater Sino-Russian trade and investment ties, as well as military cooperation agreement.
Much depends on Obama and the EU’s calculation of another weak and pusillanimous response from the Russian government.  They are confidant that the Russian Federation will once again, as in the past, ‘bluster and object’ to Western expansionist moves but will ultimately capitulate.  If these calculations are wrong,  if the West goes through with financial and energy sanctions and President Putin makes a robust riposte, we are heading into the eye of a new political storm in which a polarized world will witness new class, national and regional conflicts.

[1] The pro EU-US putsch regime in Kiev is a product of nearly 25 years of planning and enormous funding by political agencies of the US government.  According to William Blum (Anti-Empire Report#126, 03/07/2014), the self-styled National Endowment for Democracy bankrolled 65 projects involving political indoctrination and the formation of political action groups.  Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland boasted that the US government had spent over $5 billion dollars preparing the ground for the putsch in Kiev.
[2]  The Crimean people had excellent reasons for organizing self –defense militias and calling for Russian military aid.  According to analyst Brian Becker (“Who’s Who in Ukraine’s New Semi-Fascist Government”, Global Research 05/09/2014), prominent neo-Nazis and right-wing extremists occupy key positions in the Kiev junta.  Fascists hold the two top positions in the National Defense Council (controlling the army, police, intelligence and the judiciary); head the Ministry of Defense; control the Prosecutor General; and include one of the Vice Presidents.  The Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk (‘Yats’), was ‘hand-picked’ by Washington, (as revealed by a secretly recorded conversation between US Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Kiev).  He is the ‘front man’ of Ukrainian fascism and NATO penetration.
[3]  ’News’ reporting became indistinguishable from editorials in all the major media outlets.  The corporate and state media’s rabid support of the violent seizure of power in Kiev by US-funded clients was equaled by their hysterical claims of a Russian “take-over” of Crimea.  See the coverage from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times , Financial Times , Washington Post, BBC News and CNN from  03/01/014 to 03/10/2014.

Behind the Scenes: Military Surprises Await Israeli Occupation in Gaza


Local Editor

  • It is expected that resistance movements in Gaza have prepared a series of military surprises that will put Israeli occupation into shame and defeat in case it ventures to escalate the situation or attack the strip. It is equally estimated the resistance is capable of engaging the Israelis for long months as well.
  • Syrian government officials and foreign observers agree that the balance has shifted in a major and complete way to the interest of the Syrian government in the ongoing battle in Syria. They expect major achievements soon in many fronts in both political and military spheres.
  • US officials have stepped up their efforts and mounted pressure against Palestinian Authority to dictate conditions and enforce certain settlement that would drop the right of return for big amount of compensation that will be financed by Gulf countries.

Source: Al-Manar Website
13-03-2014 - 10:47 Last updated 13-03-2014 

Sustainable plans for Lebanon’s oil and gas reserves


A view of oil giant Shell's oil and gas terminal on Bonny Island in southern Nigeria's Niger Delta. (Photo:Pius Utomi Ekpei)

Published Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In the coming years Lebanon could begin to reap the first fruits of its oil and gas reserves. Lebanon’s natural resources could be worth tens of billions of dollars, which is particularly important in a country with a yearly GDP of no more than $40 billion.

In other words, these resources have the ability to radically transform the Lebanese economy. However, the risks that oil wealth carries are secret to no one. Indeed, wherever oil and were discovered, many basic sectors in the economy soon lost their competitiveness, a phenomenon known as the resource curse. If Lebanon wishes to avoid this fate, then it must pursue a sustainable mode of development in accordance with a carefully thought out plan.

More importantly, Lebanon needs to decide on how it is going to spend its oil revenues. Article III of the 2010 Law on Petroleum Resources stipulates that net revenues from oil and gas should be deposited into a sovereign wealth fund (SWF).

Unfortunately the law fails to mention how this fund would be managed, only stating that it would be subject to a “special law” to be enacted later. This particular article, out of 77 other articles in the 2010 law, was the subject of a heated discussion in parliament when the law was put to a vote. Of course this should have been expected since it is the habit of Lebanese politicians to focus on money.
The SWF is essential for development in Lebanon. Proper management of this fund depends on the institutional arrangements that the Lebanese government puts in place. However, Lebanon’s record in managing funds is dismal.

Recall for instance the Fund for the Displaced that was constantly accused of graft and corruption. There was also the Council for the South, which could have helped develop one of Lebanon’s most deprived regions. It seems that more often than not, money in Lebanon evaporates before reaching its intended destination.

One of the countries that has successfully avoided the resource curse is Norway. The credit goes to its formidable and exemplary SWF that is the product of a long process of reforms that are still not finished.

Furthermore, successive administrations in Norway gave the fund a significant margin of freedom with sustainable growth kept in mind. The Norwegian government always sought to modernize its SWF, and thanks to a series of reforms, has become the world’s top SWF.

If Lebanon’s SWF were to benefit all stakeholders, then it should comply with the following four basic principles:

1.Setting specific and clear investment strategies, such as detailing the scope of the fund in terms of investment instruments such as bonds, stocks, and real estate in the local or international markets.

2.Developing clear financial regulations governing the use of the fund’s assets. Among the key issues that must be addressed here are the conditions that govern when the government can tap into the fund’s revenues. In the absence of clear criteria, politicians could use the fund’s assets to finance their personal or electoral needs.

3.Establishing an appropriate hierarchy that clearly defines the role of the government, governing bodies, and fund managers. The latter’s role in making investment-related decisions should be clearly defined.

4.Respecting the principles of transparency and accountability. Therefore, the fund must report on important items like its investment strategy, its accounting standards, and its credit rating. The fund must also regularly publish information on its assets, revenues, investment position, and cash flow.

While these conditions are necessary, they may still be not enough. The fund must be appropriately integrated into public finances in order to streamline its management; otherwise, a flimsy financial management system would undermine the fund, even if it is managed well.

Meanwhile, politicians may end up using the fund to manipulate the budget and avoid necessary reforms. The fund could thus become a secondary or parallel budget that the government could use as collateral for debt, throwing Lebanon into the clutches of the resource curse.

Lebanon has a dark history in managing its public finances and has failed to pass a budget since 2005. Institutions responsible for the government’s budgets display signs of corruption, such as duplicity in budgets, lack of auditing, and poor transparency. In the absence of the conditions mentioned earlier, this would mean that the Lebanese public would miss out on any benefit from oil revenues.

Lebanese politicians claim today that oil and gas resources are the cure for all the country’s problems, but this should not be accepted too readily. If these resources are to be mismanaged, then corruption would only increase. Avoiding the resource curse must begin by reforming our financial institutions to ensure that Lebanon’s SWF can serve the goal of sustainable development.

Sami Atallah is the Executive Director of the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS)

This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Salam resigns today... or Saturday


A handout picture released on January 15, 2014, by the Lebanese photo agency Dalati and Nohra shows Lebanese President Michel Sleiman (C) meeting with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri (L) and prime minister-designate Tammam Salam at the presidential palace in Baabda ahead of announcing the formation of the new Lebanese government following a 10-month vacuum. (Photo:AFP- Ho/Dalati and Nohra)
Published Thursday, March 13, 2014
Has the political consensus, which allowed the creation of the unity government, come to an end? Nobody has a clear answer to this question. However, the fate of the government is under threat as the Future Movement continues to reject the mention of the Resistance in the ministerial statement.
Will Prime Minister Tammam Salam resign today [Thursday]? Or did he decide to postpone his resignation until next Saturday? The fate of the new government seems to be limited to these two options after its various factions failed to agree on a ministerial statement, although the Future Movement is still insisting that Salam will not resign.

The latest attempt to reach an agreement took place on Wednesday through Minister of Health Wael Abou Faour, representing MP Walid Jumblatt, who contacted former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and Nader Hariri, who heads former Prime Minister Saad Hariri's office. They told him they would accept the following statement as a compromise: "The right of Lebanon and the Lebanese to resistance [...] and liberation [...],"under the authority of the state, under the responsibility of the state, within the confines of the state, or based on the state's decision.
Communication with Hezbollah broke down, so Abou Faour contacted Minister of Finance Ali Hassan Khalil, who informed him that Siniora and Hariri's formulas were rejected. Khalil also pointed out that the draft of the ministerial statement to which they agreed had emphasized the state's authority in several items. Thus, it is unnecessary to link the resistance with state decisions.
When Salam was informed of the outcome of the negotiations, the prime minister maintained he would resign today [Thursday]. But after receiving several calls, he decided to postpone the decision to 48 hours before the deadline given to the government to agree on the ministerial statement, which will be next Saturday.
Until late last night, none of those concerned with the negotiations had a logical explanation for the collapse of the consensus, which had ensured the creation of the government.
"We will not give up a single letter from the resistance,"Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri told a meeting with MPs yesterday. He explained the "reasons leading them to stick to the decision."
"Isn't this the government of national interest?"Berri asked. "This interest is embodied in the need to hold on to the resistance, to protect our wealth, and to deter attacks, in addition to the issue of sovereignty."
But despite the speaker's hardline position on the resistance, sources in Ain al-Tineh said he was not pessimistic. Berri believes "there is still a possibility to agree in the ministerial session and to reach an understanding between all sides."
According to the sources, Berri told the MPs that "the formula he reached recently with MP Walid Jumblatt was not proposed, due to the negative attitude of some of the members of the committee."
On the other hand, ministerial sources from March 14 indicated they were surprised to see "complications, which hindered efforts to reach an agreement on the ministerial statement, especially after the political sides agreed on creating a unity government."
The sources maintained that lines of communications between President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Salam, on one side, and several influential figures, on the other, are still open in order to find a solution. However, they explained that "the lack of an agreement meant the presence of an external decision, which does not want to provide the circumstances that allow the creation of a government with full authority." According to sources, "the decision is the first sign of an imminent presidential vacuum."
"The government's resignation is not linked to the ministerial statement, since the reasons leading to the resignation do not mention a question of confidence in the government. Salam might decide to resign for political reasons," the sources added. "His speech in the latest session of the statement drafting committee suggested he intended to resign, although he did not mention it in front of us."
Similarly, Minister of Environment Mohammed al-Machnouk maintained that Salam wanted to put an end to what is happening on the issue of the ministerial statement and does not want to wait to be told that consultations will be done to assign a new prime minister.
On the other hand, Future Bloc MP Hadi Hobeich maintained that March 14 ministers will be resigning if an agreement on the ministerial statement is not reached. But other sources in the bloc said that the government's fate was linked to international developments.

"The drafting committee's work was only buying time, in the aim of maintaining stability and tensions at the same time," the sources added. "Lebanon is part of a regional and international system of instability." On this basis, "Lebanon is still on the international agenda and stability is currently an international demand."
Thus, the sources believed that "all the talk about constitutional deadlines hampering the work of the drafting committee is unfounded. The ministerial statement stops at the limits set by the international consensus."In the event"the international community puts pressure to extend the deadlines, we will be hearing many constitutional explanations. The resignation of the government is not required at this moment."
Salam to the UCC: They "tore me to pieces"
Speaking to a delegation from the Union Coordination Committee (UCC), Salam will not play the waiting game until next Monday, when the month given to draft the ministerial statement expires. He did not even want to wait for the March 14 celebrations on Friday. According to the UCC, he was no longer willing to go through more arguments. "The issue is far from being a disagreement over terminology or a ministerial statement," he told them.
Salam eulogized the government to the members of the union delegation, which visited him yesterday to push for a scale in ranks and salaries. But it seems the pessimism passed from the prime minister to the UCC, which called for an emergency meeting to discuss options for an escalation in the next few days.
"March 8 and March 14 tore me to pieces," Salam told the delegation in the 20-minute meeting. "I was part of the solution and not the problem. I used to be and still represent moderation, and I received the votes of 128 MPs." He hinted that he informed President Suleiman of his decision.
Salam informed the delegation that in the last two meetings of the ministerial drafting committee, matters were complicated, although the discussions in the first six sessions were good.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.



This is my most important talk to date.
The new Left, The Frankfurt School, ID politics, the collapse of Working Class politics, the end of production and the meltdown of dissent.  An expose of the manner in which Jewish intelligentsia destroyed the Working Class (by mistake)... 

The talk was given at Brave New Books, Austin, Texas, 23 Feb 2014
Videoed by Floyd Anderson.

Footages for Syrian Army Battles in Rima Farms, Yabroud Outskirts in Qalamoun

Local Editor

Al-Manar posts footages for the Syrian army battles in Rima Farms and at the edge of Yabroud in Qalamoun.

Night Battle Footage In Al-Qalamoun With English Subs 

Exclusive Scenes by Al-Manar TV from Rima Farms in Yabroud.

 Hezbollah will win Yabroud vs takfiris terrorists

اسرائيل: حزب الله يريد فتح معركة موجعة معنا

اسرائيل: حزب الله يريد فتح معركة موجعة معنا
مشاركة حزب الله بالقتال في سورية مثلّت قلقاً كبيراً وشراً مستطيراً بحسب تعبير قادة الإحتلال الإسرائيلي، نظراً للخبرة العسكرية والقدرات المتطورة التي يكتسبها رجال الحزب هذه المشاركة.
بحسب قراءة قدمتها صحيفة “نيويورك تايمز” الأميركية التي استطلعت رؤية كبار الضباط الإسرائيليين حيال قتال حزب الله في سورية، اشارت الى أنّه ورغم اقرار هؤلاء القادة بأنّ أشغال الحزب في الأزمة السورية يمثّل مكسباً استراتيجياً لإسرائيل، فقد شددوا على الخبرات الهجومية التي يكتسبها الحزب في ميدان القتال، فيما سيقوم الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد بردّ الجميل للحزب عبر تزويده بالأسلحة المتطورة والقوة التي يمكن استخدامها في نهاية المطاف ضدّ اسرائيل، بحسب الصحيفة الأميركية.
“نيويورك تايمز” نقلت، عن مسؤول عسكري صهيوني كبير قوله إنّ القتال في سورية يمثّل عبئاً كبيراً على حزب الله، لكنه يمثّل ايضاً ميزة أساسية له، فقد اكتسب المزيد من الثقة بالنفس بسبب التجربة السورية.
الصحيفة قالت إنّ المخططين العسكريين الإسرائيليين يتوقعون ان تصبح المواجهة المقبلة مع حزب الله اكثر تحدياً لإسرائيل بسبب الخبرة التي اكتسبها قادته ومقاتلوه في سورية؛ المسؤول الصهيوني اضاف للصحيفة إن حزب الله الذي يمتلك أنظمة ارض / جو حديثة، وطائرات من دون طيار وقدرات الكترونية متطورة، يبدو مختلفاً اليوم ويمكن ان تكون لديه رغبة اكثر في دخول معركة اخرى اكثرايلاماً مع اسرائيل.
صحيفة نيويورك تايمز، ركزّت أيضاً على احتمال تطور عمل حزب الله في سورية الى نشاطات ضدّ الجيش الإسرائيلي في هضبة الجولان المحتلة، في اعقاب قيام طائرات اسرائيلية بشنّ هجوم على هدف للحزب قرب الحدود اللبنانية السورية.
ونقلت الصحيفة عن مسؤولين وخبراء صهاينة أن اسرائيل تراهن في هجماتها ضدّ عمليات امداد حزب الله بالأسلحة المتطورة من سورية على عدم ردّ الحزب بسبب انشغاله في المواجهة على الساحة السورية، ويزداد الرهان الإسرائيلي بحسب المسؤولين الإسرائيليين على تشويه سمعة حزب الله في الأوساط العربية والإسلامية بحسب “نيويورك تايمز”.

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فلقد تابعنا جميعا تفاعلات تصريحات راهبات "جبهة النصرة"..

وتابعنا الجدل الشديد بشأن عملية التبادل "الغامضة".. ومن الضروري في كل شأن وطني أن يتم تبادل الآراء دون الانفعال.. ودون الادعاء بأننا دوما على صواب أو أن الآخرين على خطأ..
لا يجب أن نبالغ في الاتهام واللوم.. لأننا لم نكن في ظروف الاحتجاز.. ولا نعرف أسرارها.. ولكن ما صدر ينم عن أن بيلاجيا سياف لم تتعمق كثيرا في رسائل السيد المسيح.. ولم تتلمذ جيدا في اللاهوت.. وتصرفت كأنها ليست راهبة لدير عريق له مهابة كبيرة وقداسة كبيرة ومعنى كبير جدا.. ولاشك أن المهمة التي شغلتها في معلولا فضفاضة عليها كثيرا وهي لا تعرف رمزيتها اللاهوتية..       

من يعرف الراهبات في الأديرة -وقد عرفتهن وكانت أولى نسخ الإنجيل في مكتبتي هدية منهن- يعرف كم هن بعيدات عن تعقيدات الحياة وحسابات البشر الدنيوية وكم فيهن من براءة وتصورات طفولية للحياة وتخيلات صوفية.. وكثير منهن لا يعرفن كثيرا عن الحياة والجدل بين الناس خارج الأديرة.. ولم أستغرب أن ذلك بدا على ملامح وتصريحات إحدى الراهبات العائدات من رحلة "الخطف"في يبرود والتي كانت تتحدث بعفوية دون تمثيل.. وعندي شعور قوي أنها لا تقصد ما فهم من رسالتها وأنها كانت تعبر عن مشاعرها بمعزل عن الخلفية السياسية التي لا يبدو أنها تعرف عنها الكثير..

لكن بيلاجيا سياف راهبة لا تبدو أنها من ذلك النوع الساذج.. وتبدو شخصية قوية وتدرك ما تفعل وما تقول.. وتصريحاتها ليست مجرد رأي بل تشبه "بيانا سياسيا".. ورسالة..

ليس لدينا اعتراض على أن تعترف راهبة بأنها عوملت بشكل حسن وهذا واجب أخلاقي ولا يطلب منها أن تمارس البرباغاندا.. ونحن لا نتمنى بالطبع أن يساء إليهن لنستغل ذلك فنقوم بالتشنيع على أعدائنا.. فلسنا تجار آلام ولا نبيع آلام وعذابات الآخرين في سوق الدعايات والسياسة والإعلام.. والشكر لله أن سوءا لم يلحق بهن.. ولكن هذا الإغراق في المديح لمجموعة من القتلة من جبهة النصرة يشبه أن يقول السيد المسيح ليهوذا الاسخريوطي: شكرا لأنك قبلتني.. وشكرا لأنك أمضيت معي العشاء الأخير.. وشكرا لبطرس الذي أنكرني ثلاث مرات..

يهوذا الاسخريوطي كان مقربا من السيد المسيح ومن تلامذته.. ولكن قبلة يهوذا كانت قبلة الخيانة.. وقبلة الموت.. إلا أن سؤال المسيح الاستنكاري له كان رسالة من أقوى رسائل الاحتجاج والتأثيم عندما قال له: يايهوذا أبقبلة تسلّم ابن الإنسان؟؟ وهي نفس الرسالة التي يمكن أن يقولها السيد المسيح لبيلاجيا سياف: أبقبلة من جبهة النصرة تسلمين ابن الإنسان؟؟..

والسوريون جميعا وبالذات المسيحيون منهم يعرفون من هي جبهة النصرة.. وما تضمر لهم وحجم الكراهية لكل من يختلف عنها.. والجميع يعرفون نداءات الموت للمسيحيين التي حملها الهواء بألحان جبهة النصرة ورائحة الدم المنبعثة من ردائها.. ولذلك لا يصح اعتبار قبلتها لهم عبر الراهبات إلا بأنها قبلة يهوذا.. وقبلة "جبهة النصرة"التي نقلتها لنا بيلاجيا سياف هذه ربما محاولة لشق الجسم المسيحي السوري عن بقية أجزاء الجسد السوري في الأزمة.. وربما تريد أن تقول من خلالها جبهة النصرة والتيارات الوهابية بأن لديها عرضا بتحييد المسيحيين في الصراع مع الدولة السورية.. وبذلك يتولد تيار مسيحي سوري من نوع مذهب "النأي بالنفس".. وهذا زرع لإسفين بين الكنائس السورية.. وهي محاولة أيضا للقول بأن الصراع الآن خرج منه المسيحيون وبقي فيه المكون السني ضد المكون الشيعي فقط.. وهذه محاولة لشق الصف الوطني السوري وتلاحمه المذهل بمسيحييه ومسلميه وجميع الطوائف..

ولكن قبلة جبهة النصرة هي اعتراف واضح من التيارات الإسلامية أن المسيحيين السوريين كان لهم دور بارز في التصدي للمشروع الظلامي عبر الانخراط المباشر للكثيرين منهم في المعركة.. وعبر تنشيط الكنائس الأوروبية ضد مشروع إسقاط الدولة العلمانية السورية وشرح خطره.. وقبلة جبهة النصرة هي محاولة لإضعاف الصف الوطني السوري بإخراج بعضه من المعركة وتفكيكه لأنه هدف ثمين.. فهناك إدراك متنام أن المسيحيين السوريين يلعبون دورا مهما في الصد عبر التواصل مع الكنائس الغربية.. وأنا شخصيا لدي اتصالات مع حركات كنسية غربية تخصص صلوات لتتضرع بها إلى الله أن ينصر الدولة السورية ضد موجة الظلام الديني.. وكان للمسيحيين السوريين دور كبير فيها..

وتصادف العفو عن (أبو محمد الجولاني) بشطب اسمه من قوائم الإرهاب بشكل مفاجئ ودون مبرر مع تصريحات الراهبات اللاحق يفهم منه أن النصرة تريد عقد صفقة مع الأمريكيين بشهادة الراهبات.. لإحداث اختراق في الصف المسيحي.. لخلق حالة من التردد عند المكونات المسيحية الوطنية في متابعة المعركة والتحول إلى براغماتية مسيحية (النأي بالنفس).. وهو إحياء للمشروع الطائفي.. يهدد المسيحيين للأسف قبل غيرهم..

مهما قيل من مبررات فليس في مدائح الراهبات للقتلة وفي عدم احتجاجهن على إهانتهن بالخطف والمساومة دليل على قدرة كبيرة على التسامح.. بل على أنانية مفرطة.. وليس فيها من فدائية السيد المسيح.. الراهبات الناجيات من مصيرهن لم يعرفن على ما يبدو رسالة يسوع الذي ضحى بنفسه ليخلص الإنسان من آثامه وخطاياه.. ولم يكن لديهن الرغبة بإتباع نهج معلمهن في الفدائية وإلا لما رأين في خلاصهن بشارة تشكر عليها الوطاويط.. وتصريح الراهبات لا يرى فيه لاهوت ولا فدائية المسيحولا سوطه الذي ضرب به في الهيكل.. فهو كلام يقول:
أنا، ومن بعدي الطوفان.. لا يهمني من قتل ومن ذبح.. ولا يهمني من سيقتل أو سيذبح طالما أنني نجوت..

وكان على تلميذات السيد المسيح أن يقلن: لسنا أفضل من الطفل ساري ساعود.. ومن كل الشهداء.. ومن كل الأجراس التي ماتت معلقة على الكنائس وجرح صوت رنينها وهي تنادي على من كان يزورها كل أحد.. ولم تبق منهم جبهة النصرة من أحد..   

نجت الراهبات.. وكان لحلاوة النجاة طعم آخر.. فلقد وهبت الراهبات للقتلة كل أعناق السوريين مقابل "قبلة"جبهة النصرة.. ووهبت أعناق الكنائس والمساجد لقطاع الطرق.. فأعادت الراهبات سيرة.. صكوك الغفران.. سيئة الذكر..

صكوك الغفران شقت الكنيسة يوما إلى كنيستين.. وصكوك غفران بيلاجيا سياف التي منحتها لجبهة النصرة ولقطر شقت قلوب السوريين.. وكل من تابعها وهي تثني على (أبو مالك) تشقق قلبه وتصدع.. وقد وصلتني رسائل من مصر وتونس والعراق ولبنان.. كلها رسائل مذهولة.. تفغر فاها من الصدمة من هذا الثمن الرخيص الذي بيعت فيه صكوك الغفران من معلولا..

ولا ندري إن كانت بيلاجيا سياف تثني أيضا في سرها على القرضاوي وأيمن الظواهري.. وترسل لهما سلامها ولا تفوتها مشاهدة الشريعة والحياة.. وسماع تراتيل نشيد "بالذبح جيناكم"..

من حق أبي محمد الجولاني أن يفخر بنفسه بعد اليوم وقد انتزع من "السيد المسيح"صك غفران واعترافا أنه نقي طاهر ولم يسفك قطرة دم.. أمسكت الراهبة يديه وغسلتهما من جرح المسيح السوري النازف.. ولم يبق للجولاني إلا أن يقول: ايلي ايلي لم شبقتني للجيش السوري..

صكوك الغفران التي وزعتها بيلاجيا سيافشقت القلب المسيحي.. وتكاد تشق قلب الكنيسة.. من جديد..

هل كانت الراهبات مرغمات على هذا السلوك المستهتر بمشاعر الناس؟.. هل أبو محمد الجولاني مصاص الدماء يستحق هذا التكريم لأنه أسكنهم في فيللا؟؟.. أليس في خطف وارتهان الناس إهانة لهم؟؟ أما كان من الأجدر أن تلزم الراهبة الصمت الرزين أمام هيبة الحزن الذي يلف السوريين الذين قتلهم وطاويط الليل الإسلامي ودراكيولات الجولاني مصاص الدماء؟؟.

أتذكرون في الثمانينات عندما خطف في بيروت مبعوث أساقفة كانتربيري "تيري ويت"وبقي في الحجز خمس سنوات قبل أن يطلق سراحه؟؟.. لم يقف تيري ويت ليشكر خاطفيه ولا ليوصي بالسلام على أحد من سجانيه في الزنزانة مع أنه عومل باحترام رغم الدعايات والبروباغاندا عن تعرضه للتعذيب.. تيري ويت بقي مع سجانيه خمس سنوات ونشأت بينه وبينهم علاقة وطيدة وحميمة.. وعندما خرج وترك سجانيه لم يداعب (أبو مالك البيروتي) ويوصي به خيرا.. ولم يودعه كما لو كان يصلي معه كل يوم ويردد معه التراتيل.. بل اكتفى بقول كلام يليق برجل دين مسيحي رزين..

بيلاجيا سياف خذلت ملك الثوار.. السيد المسيح.. الذي نشكو إليه كما شكا الشاعر العراقي مظفر النواب يوما آلامه إلى ملك ثواره الإمام علي..

هل تذكرون قصيدة مظفر النواب الشهيرة المتألمة.. أنبيك عليا؟؟

هذه القصيدة الشهيرة من أعظم الوجدانيات الشرقية التي تخترق صدر التاريخ بصوت الأنين والتوجع.. تشبه هذه القصيدة بئرا عميقا جدا قاعه في قلوبنا وما يسحب منه هو دمنا ودمعنا ومواجعنا وأنيننا من نفاق الأحزاب ونفاق رجال الدين الذين ملؤوا الدنيا.. وهي صرخة تسافر عبر الزمن من القرن العشرين إلى القرن السابع للميلاد تشكو إلى ملك الثوار "الثوار"أنفسهم..

ولكن لماذا ستبقى تلك القصيدة تخاطب عليا وتبكي متوجعة على حد سيفه وبلاغته؟؟

بالأمس طارت أحرف القصيدة كعصافير وطيور خائفة مذعورة.. وتشتتت ولم يبق على أغصان تلك القصيدة طائر واحد.. كل الطيور هاجرت دفعة واحدة وكأنما سمعت صوت رصاص الصيادين فجأة.. أين طارت أجنحة الكلام؟؟.. وأين حطت طيور مظفر النواب..؟؟ وماذا بقي من "أنبيك عليا"؟؟..

بالأمس أطلقت بيلاجيا سياف صوت الرصاص على قصيدة "أنبيك عليا".. وطارت العصافير المذعورة عنها لتحط على صليب السيد المسيح.. وبعضها دخل جرحه.. وبعضها سقط على تاج الشوك على رأسه..
المسيحيون الوطنيون الشرقيون والسوريون تحديدا سمعوا في قلوبهم قصيدة متوجعة تقول:

 أنبيك يسوعا..
أنّا لازلنا لانعرف لماذا قبّلك يهوذا
أنبيك يسوعا
أنّا لازلنا نتعمد بالذل
ونشحذ بالصلبان سكاكين القتلة..
ونمسح بالأيقونات.. أباطيل السفلة
أنبيك يسوعا
لو عدت اليوم.. لحاربك الداعون إليك.. وسموك.. سعوديا

ولكن هناك كلمة تختصر كل شيء هي: إن قبلة يهوذا تعني لمن يصدقها..أنه هو 
المعني.. أي أن قبلة جبهة النصرة للمسيحيين التي روجت لها سياف -عن قصد أو غير قصد- تعني أن المسيحيين مستهدفون أكثر من أي مكون وطني في المشرق.. وأن الغاية هي إفراغ المسيحيين من انتمائهم الوطني وانفصالهم عن جسد الوطن.. لخلق منطقة عازلة نفسيا بين مكونات الوطن السوري.. الصفقة التي تبرمها التيارات الإسلامية مع الأمريكيين هي أن إفراغ الشرق من مسيحييه (وهو هدف مشترك) سيكون عبر استئصالهم النفسي من الصراع.. فيغادرون إلى المنافي الطوعية لأنهم لم يعودوا جزءا من الصراع.. ومن لا يرى نفسه جزءا من معركة من أجل وطن.. يفقد انتماءه للوطن.. ويغادر إلى وطن آخر..

ولكن هيهات.. من يخرج أقدام بولس الرسول من دمشق أيها الأوغاد؟؟
بولس باق يدافع عن دمشق.. وعن الأقانيم الثلاثة.. الآب.. والابن.. والروح القدس.. التي لا يمكن فصلها.. أي الله.. الشعب.. وسورية.. وبس.

Has the US made up its mind on Aoun?


Will Aoun make it to Baabda? (Photo: Haitham Moussawi)
Published Friday, March 14, 2014
Extending President Michel Suleiman’s term is no longer on the table. No one can say why, but even Suleiman and his inner circle are no longer eager to stay in power.
French President François Hollande was one of the most enthusiastic about Suleiman’s term extension. Sources from the Lebanese presidential palace claim he had suggested the idea to Suleiman in Baabda in November 2012. However, visitors of the French capital came back recently with another story. Lebanese politicians quoted people close to Hollande as saying that he merely asked about the term extension and did not suggest it.
Those who heard this piece of information believed the French president retracted his suggestion "to extend Suleiman’s term in order to avoid a presidential vacuum that would put Lebanon’s stability in jeopardy." A Lebanese politician who frequents the Elysée Palace added that Hollande prefers to strengthen the position of the Lebanese presidency. "It is the highest Christian authority in the East," he said. "The extension will have a negative impact on the position of the presidency."
Potential presidential candidates heard this piece of news, but this does not mean the race has begun. One of potential candidates said that one cannot speak about a battle for Baabda, unless "the US makes up its mind about nominating General Michel Aoun for president."

"The Americans want a president who could ensure stability," a politician involved in the presidential elections added. "They want someone who could communicate with Hezbollah without any obstacles."
Rumors in political salons are saying that Jeffrey Feltman, United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and former US Ambassador to Lebanon, called a politician who hated Aoun to tease him, 
"What do you think? Wouldn't it be useful for Aoun to become president? Wouldn't this contribute to protecting the Christians in Lebanon? Couldn't Aoun help in curbing Hezbollah influence?"
The Lebanese politician jokingly said "Aoun in Baabda would be the same as having Samir Geagea there. Both are equivalent to electing former President Bachir Gemayel. It will lead to civil war."
This differs with what is being said by associates of Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri and MP Walid Jumblatt, the pioneers of the post-Taif political school, who say that the US has adopted the nomination of Aoun for president. "Washington wants to expose Hezbollah nationally," said a Jumblatt associate, feeling uneasy about the possibility.
Some of Berri and Jumblatt’s associates put the US and former Prime Minister Saad Hariri's "openness" towards Aoun purely in the context of a "conspiracy." In fact, politicians from Aoun's Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) and some centrists indicate that Berri and Jumblatt would prefer a president that is closer to the style of Elias Hrawi, Lebanon’s first president after the Taif agreement.
"Saad Hariri also agrees," the sources close to Berri and Jumblatt added. "Those who want to make sure can look closely to the communications between Gebran Bassil and director of Hariri's office, Nader Hariri. They could also listen to Aoun's sweet talk about Saad and Nader. There is no one left to oppose Aoun's nomination, except us, March 14 Christians, and the Saudis."
In the March 14 camp, specifically in the Future Movement, there are those who merely grin when asked about the issue. "Don't be silly," says a source within the Future Movement. "If Aoun breaks his alliance with Hezbollah, we would begin to think about his nomination to the presidency, while taking our allies into account." However, he insinuated that the Future Movement would not lose by unnerving Hezbollah by approaching Aoun.
The news about the current truce between Hariri and Aoun is no less distressing to March 8 supporters than it is to those close to Berri and Jumblatt. Some politicians are openly expressing their fear of an Aoun-US agreement, which would dissolve the alliance between the FPM and Hezbollah.
Yet it seems clear that the source of the anxiety over the issue is the lack of information about what goes on behind the doors of the closed meetings between Aoun, US Ambassador David Hill, and Saad Hariri on one side, and between Aoun and Hezbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah on the other.
It seems not many people in Hezbollah and the FPM knew what happened in the latest meetings between Nasrallah and Aoun. However, those familiar with the relationship between the two men maintained that Hezbollah's support for Aoun's nomination to the presidency "does not need discussion."
Sources close to Hezbollah reminded the "skeptics" of the 2006 July War and Aoun's steadfast support of the Resistance. The same sources added that the positive talk about Aoun and Hezbollah's emphasis on backing him in the battle for the presidency "are not merely directed to its supporters. It is what Nasrallah says in Hezbollah's internal meetings."
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Mazbout: Dividing the Syrian "Opposition" will lead to more destruction


"Assad could continue to rule but it will be over a destroyed land."

In case you missed Mazbout.  

"God knows what is in store for Putin and what destiny awaits him . Is it that of Saddam Hussein or that of Kaddhafi with whom Putin shares so much especially in the way he relates to western powers and identifies with these powers ?" Thus wrote the "Pro-Resistance" RAT 
"Thanks to Putin , Syria got the worst deal ever and the war escalated instead of stopping . This new war will oppose Muslims and Arabs to other Muslims and Arabs who will destroy one another . Assad will remain but the war will continue and Syria will be destroyed ."
"In order to cause more destruction , US and its partner Saudia worked on dividing the opposition , setting one faction against the other, labeling one as terrorist and the other as not, and setting them all against the Syrian army . Assad could continue to rule but it will be over a destroyed land."
The "Pro-Resistance" Rat is worried, the so-called "opposition" (NUSRA, ISIL, Brotherhood, AND FSA) are divided. I would add their regional sponsors (Qatar, Saudis and Turkey) are also divided. The Islamist thugs in Yabroud are divided. The SAA, and Hezbollah started entered the eastern part of Yabroud. Nusra threatened to kill those who would flee. 

Zionist Channel Ten claimed Hezbollah is responsible of the explosive which led to the transfer of three Israeli soldiers to hospital. ISIL claimed responsibility. According to Al-mayadeen, the Zionist enemy, responded and shelled a Hezbollah site in Shebaa farms. Despite, who did it, he Zionist entity who knows his it real enemy jumped to help the Muslim Zionists.

The Zionist "Pro-resistance" Rat, will never stop the campaign of divide to conquer, and whitewashing his brothers, the proxy army of his Zionist master.  
"The axis of the Resistance has one enemy which is Israel and the allies of Israel and its partners of US and Europe , and the war should be directed against the real enemy that no one should replace."  
As far as I know Iran is a leading Member of the axis of resistance. Why this Zionist Rat never criticized Iran dealing with the world order? 
Kus Ukht EL Alamak Esseyasi 

Rouhani Talking to "Muslim Brother" Obama

Shaking hands with Hollande, 
Rouhani meeting the enemy
The Supreme Leader with Teltman

Rouhani, Putin
Rouhani talking to the So-called enemy of Islam

"Many Arabs are saying that Palestinians betrayed their cause only because Hamas leadership has been taken into custody by Qatar."
Palestinians will never betray their cause. Hamas, betrayed the Palestinian cause, and its performance during the last 3 years proved that resistance was nothing more a way to wash the brotherhood's historical treason, and get to negotiating table instead of Ramalah traitors, to reach a deal about everything except the  Palestinian cause.

Who took Hamas leadership into the Qatari custody? And they failed to take Islamic Jihad leadership to the same custody?. 

You know that Mishael came to Syria from Qatar after the Fake assassination  attempt. 


Syrian Army Advances in Yabroud As Terrorist Gangs Collapse at Its Borders

Local Editor

Units of the armed forces carried out several special operationSyrian Armys on Friday in which they ambushed terrorists, killed others, thwarted infiltration attempts and released kidnapped civilians.

A military source said the army units advanced in the farms of Yabroud city in Damascus Countryside and tightened control over the eastern entrance and northeastern borders of the town.

The source added that full collapse within the armed terrorist groups’ ranks accompanied the army’s advance in the city.

SANA field reporter said that the army units killed anumber of terrorists in the industrial area and al-Qlaih roundabout in Yabroud city.

Among the dead terrorists were Maher Yusuf, Mahmoud Abdulazez and Muhab al-Sayyed Ahmad, while other terrorists were arrested at the southern entrance of the city.

The reporter added that other terrorists were killed in Afra town, including Khaldon Sweid and Ahmad Shaban.

She added that other army units destroyed large amounts of weapons and ammunition, in addition to killing scores of terrorists in Barada valley.

Other army units inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists in Halboun town.

Meanwhile, the army units killed all members of an armed terrorist group in Adra al-Balad.

Another army unit killed many terrorists in Jobar neighborhood, including Khalid Suleiman and Mohammad Abu Areda from Lebanon and al-Abadi al-Yunisi from Tunisia.

In Homs countryside, a military source told SANA reporter that an army unit thwarted an armed terrorist group's infiltration attempt from al-Dar al-Kabira towards al-Dweir village in Homs countryside, leaving its members killed and injured.

Meanwhile, an army unit ambushed an armed terrorist group which attempted to escape from al-Hossn town to Khalid valley in Lebanon, killing all its members.

The authorities, in cooperation with the locals, stormed a terrorists' den in al-Qusor district in Hama and arrested all terrorists inside it.

Terrorists Mustafa Habra, Omar Ramadan al-Hussein, Adnan Qatrameez and Aslan Halabiyeh were among the terrorists who were arrested.

A number of machineguns with ammunition were seized as an explosive device at the entrance of the district was dismantled.

A military source told SANA that the army units killed and injured scores of terrorists in the villages and towns of Salma, Dweiren, al-Dwra, al-Dweirkeh, al-Shaiseh and Ghmam in the northern countryside of Lattakia, destroying their weapons and ammunition.

Among the dead terrorists were Abu Saad from Kuwait, Amjad al-Khaznawi and Abu Omar al-Ghanidi from Saudi Arabia, Haitham al-Khlafi from Libya and Mansour al-Ghazawi from Tunisia, Mahmoud Madniyeh, Mo'aen Salwa, Mahran al-Abed and Mansour Hido.

The source added that the army units destroyed a warehouse full of rockets, mortars and a car equipped with 23 mm machine gun.

In another context, SANA reporter said that an army unit, in cooperation with national defense forces, released 3 women from the villages of al-Hambushiyeh, Barouda and Ballouta in the northern countryside of Lattakai, who had been abducted by the armed terrorist groups.

A military source told SANA that the army units killed scores of terrorists in the neighborhoods of Hanano, Bani Zaid, Bustan al-Qaseir, Karm Maiser and al-Rashiden, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.

The source added that other army units killed and injured scores of terrorists in the villages and towns of al-Aweijeh, Handarat camp, al-Mislmiyeh, Bab al-Nairab, industrial city, Hailan, Kwaires, Rasm al-Aboud and the area surrounding the central prison.

Source: Agencies
14-03-2014 - 17:58 Last updated 14-03-2014

Assad: All Those Who Commit Mistake against Syria will Pay price

Local Editor

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stresses that all those who committed mistakes against Syria will pay price, voicing regret that the hostility shown by some Arab states exceeds that of the United States.

Lebanese writer, Imad Marmal quoted Assad as saying: “we have warned earlier that the terrorism which hit Syria will hit these countries sooner or later, something which has really started to take place. All those who committed mistakes against Syria will pay price.”

According to Assad’s visitors, the Syrian leader said that some Gulf states were “secretly contacting” Damascus, noting that letters are being delivered “behind the scenes.”

He revealed that some European countries are seeking to coordinate on security and intelligence level in a bid to counter the Takfiri terrorism, Marmal added.

President Bashar al-Assad

الأسد: نحن و حزب الله في قارب واحد


We and Hezbollah sailing on the same boat

Meanwhile, Assad voiced confidence that that the victory will be achieved, noting that the post-crisis challenges won’t be less burdensome than the challenges of the crisis.

Marmal said that Assad relies on the popular reconciliations in order to mend the social fabric of the Syrian people.

Assad meanwhile stresses that Syria stands beside any state that confronts terrorism even if it“had offended us”, adding he believes that if Syria was split then other countries will be split too.

“We care about Egypt like we care about Syria. Jordanian people won’t let the conspiracy against Syria to go by their soil because they know that this conspiracy will fall back at them.”

Assad also assures that Syrian took the decision of confronting terrorism, noting that this decision is irreversible.

Source: Assafir Newspaper
14-03-2014 - 16:07 Last updated 14-03-2014 - 16:0


Rouhani, Putin Stress Relations, Praise Positive Roles in Nuclear Talks 

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani proposed, in phone talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin Thursday night¸ that the two countries should move beyond mere implementing of reached agreements and focus on issues of greater importance, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported.

Rouhani, PutinIn their phone talks which were initially aimed at pursuing the bilateral agreements reached during the Bishkek Conference, the two sides surveyed the current situation of the region and the world and the implementation of the reached agreements.

The two presidents agreed on the need for more expansion of comprehensive relations, IRNA added.

"We will spend all-out efforts aimed at further development of economic cooperation between the two countries," Rouhani said.

"We should adopt measures to implement the reached agreements as soon as possible and move through that phase into a phase of more important moves in the two counties' relations," he added.

Putin also said that he would put his efforts into promoting economic cooperation between the two countries.

Iran's nuclear negotiations

As for Iranˈs nuclear negotiations with the G5+1 countries, Rouhani said that the talks are passing through an important phase to reach the final negotiations' phase and praised Russia's positive role played in the nuclear negotiations.

President Vladimir Putin,  for his part referred to the positive and constructive Iranian role played in the nuclear negotiations with the six world powers.

"We do all our best so that the Iranian nuclear issue would lead to positive a final result," he said.

Putin also invited his Iranian counterpart to take part in the Caspian Sea Littoral Countries' Summit that is scheduled to be held in Astrakhan in September, 2014.

Source: IRNA
14-03-2014 - 13:13 Last updated 14-03-2014

When PC Is Gone, Truth Prevails And Shoa Panic Is Detected (video)


by  Gilad Atzmon

Below is a six minute segment from a Q&A session at the Washington Report’s AIPAC Conference of March 2014.  It begins the moment the Holocaust narrative is challenged and the panic on the stage becomes palpable.
In the clip, an anonymous but well-informed member of the audience asks the panel to address the question of the dominance of the Holocaust in American life.
Rightly, she points out that the Holocaust is a state-imposed religious dogma and as such ‘violates constitutional rights’.  However, it takes only a few minutes to see that as far as Justin Raimondo & Philip Weiss are concerned, all that really matters is the Jews and their suffering.
Jewish Voice for Whatever icon, Philip Weiss doesn’t think that we should ‘problematize the education of the Holocaust’.  “a wonderful book!”, he says of the Diary of Anne Frank.  Well, I’d like to hear from Weiss or anyone else something about the literary qualities of this diary – because I’ve found none.
Meanwhile, ‘anti-war’ hero Justin Raimondo apparently doesn’t agree that the Holocaust, like other historical narrative, should allow a ‘range of opinion’.
The meaning of all this is all too simple: For America to liberate itself, it may first have to  emancipate itself from its current tribal icons of dissent. For America to be once again the land of the Free, it must leave Jerusalem behind and find the true Athens in its heart.

The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity politics and Jewish Power in particular – available on Amazon.c 

Meet Obama's New Ukrainian Friends

First handshake: Obama's meeting with Yatsenyuk amounted to a diplomatic dig against Russia, which does not recognize Ukraine's new government
First handshake: Obama's meeting with Yatsenyuk amounted to a diplomatic dig against Russia, which does not recognize Ukraine's new government

by Stephen Lendman
On February 27, 2014, they announced their so-called “Ukrainian government of people’s trust.”
It includes a rogue’s gallery of societal misfits. Many are militant fascists. They’re thugs. They’re criminals.
They’re illegitimate putschists. They’re xenophobic, hate-mongering, ultranationalist anti-Semites. Combined they represent mob rule.
They make mafia bosses look saintly by comparison. They threaten world peace. They vowed to fight. They urge NATO intervention.
For the first time since WW II, overt fascists have real power. They hold major government posts.
In December 2012, European parliamentarians expressed concern about “rising nationalistic sentiment in Ukraine, expressed in support for the Svoboda party, which, as a result, is one of the two new parties to enter” Ukraine’s parliament.
Their “racist, anti-Semitic, and xenophobic views go against the EU’s fundamental values,” they said.
Europe’s parliament “appeal(ed) to pro-democratic parties in (Ukraine’s legislature) not to associate with, endorse, or form coalitions with” these elements.
All is forgiven. EU officials look the other way. They turn a blind eye. They embrace what they denounced months earlier.
They march in lockstep with Washington hardliners. They mock democratic values they claim to support.
Olexander Turchynov serves as illegitimate president. He chairs Ukraine’s coup d’etat parliament (its Verkhovna Rada).
He’s a politician/economist/screenwriter. He replaced democratically elected Viktor Yanukovych.
He’s Ukrainian armed forces commander-in-chief. He’s Batkivshchyna/All-Ukrainian Union/Fatherland party deputy chairman.
He was acting prime minister earlier. From March 3 – 11, he served until Mykola Azarov replaced him. He’s a wolf in wolf’s clothing.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk serves as Ukraine’s illegitimate prime minister. On March 12, Obama welcomed him at the White House.
He came to meet his new boss. He did so to get marching orders. He learned more about Obama’s plans to rape and pillage Ukraine.
He’s super-rich. He’s a former central banker/economy/foreign minister and parliament (Verkhovna Rada) speaker.
He’s a Batkivshchya/All-Ukrainian Union (Fatherland) leader. He betrayed his people. He sold out for greater wealth and power.
Billionaire mega-thief Yulia Tymoshenko heads it. She was imprisoned for embezzlement and serious “abuse of public office.”
Charges included illegally diverting $425 million meant for environmental projects into pension funds. A second case involved stealing around $130 million for personal use.
Putschists freed her. They did so lawlessly. She was an illegitimate Orange Revolution prime minister.
She has presidential aspirations. She may head Ukraine’s illegitimate government after sham May elections.
On March 7, the London Independent headlined “Exclusive: UK banks in row over Yulia Tymoshenko ‘millions,’ ” saying:
“…(N)umerous foreign accounts were set up in (her) name (and) her family.”
At least 85 bank accounts “containing millions of pounds were linked to (her) and relatives.”
It bears repeating. She’s a billionaire mega-thief. She accumulated wealth the old-fashioned way. She stole it.
Lawrence Graham is a UK lawyer. In March 2013, Ukraine’s legitimate government enlisted him to investigate Tymoshenko’s “allegedly misappropriated” wealth.
He reviewed 278 bank accounts in 26 countries. He learned Tymoshenko or family members “were either beneficiaries or signatories to accounts which included a number of UK banks.”
They’re now closed. At least 13 accounts worldwide remain open. Her lawyer, Sergey Vlasenko, denied reports of foreign accounts, saying:
“She has had no property, no assets, no accounts in USA, UK or Switzerland.” He claimed reports otherwise were “falsified.” He called them “part of a big dirty propaganda war.”
Ukraine’s legitimate government hired Graham “to trace more than $200 million (allegedly) siphoned off by Tymoshenko and another former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko, among others,” said The Independent.
From the mid-1990s, the funds “disappeared.” They did so when Tymoshenko ran United Energy Systems (UES).
Lazarenko awarded it monopoly rights to import Russian natural gas. In 2004, a US court convicted him of money laundering, theft, and hiding funds in foreign accounts.
His indictment called his crime “part of a conspiracy (related to) receiv(ing) money from companies owned or controlled by Tymoshenko, including United Energy Systems, in exchange for which (he) exercised his official authority in favour of (her) companies.”
US prosecutor Martha Moerosch cited “evidence that companies controlled by Tymoshenko took part in the schemes for transferring money to Lazarenko’s accounts.”
“There were bank statements” proving it, she said. Graham discovered London’s NatWest bank involvement. It held 40 million pounds in the name of UES.
Prosecutors found Tymoshenko funds worldwide. Ukrainian analyst Orysia Lutsevych calls her typical of “old generation” Ukrainian politics.
As Orange Revolution prime minister, “she did nothing to reform the economy and establish rule of law,” she said.
“Instead, she focused her attention on infighting inside the Orange Revolution in order to prepare her presidential race.”
“Most (Euromaidan protesters) were not demanding her release.” Her shady business practices earned her the nickname “gas princess.”
Ukraine’s coup d’etat government is infested with criminal extremists. Obama embraces them.
Yatsenyuk’s job is serving Western bankers. Paying them comes first. Ukrainians bear the burden.
Force-fed austerity is planned. IMF larceny features it. Onerous loans come with strings. They assure longterm debt bondage.
Terms demand mass layoffs, huge social benefit cuts, privatizing state enterprises at fire sale prices, letting Western corporations plunder Ukrainian resources freely, and cracking down hard on nonbelievers.
Andriy Parubiy co-founded the ultranationalist neo-Nazi Social National party. It’s now called Svoboda. He did so with Oleh Tyahnybok.
Parubiy and Yulia Tymoshenko co-led Washington’s 2004 Orange Revolution. He heads Ukraine’s National Defense and Security Council.
Right Sector hard right neo-Nazi hate-mongering anti-Semite Dmytro Yarosh is his deputy. He openly boasts about “…fighting Jews and Russians till I die.”
He calls Russia Ukraine’s “eternal enemy.” He said war between both countries is inevitable.
He openly supports Chechen militants. He backed Georgia’s 2008 aggression against South Ossetia.
Doku Umarov is Russia’s most wanted criminal. Yarosh urged him to terrorize Sochi’s Winter Olympics.

He claimed responsibility for attacking Domodedovo airport in 2011 as well as Moscow’s 2010 metro bomb incident.
He supports efforts to topple Syria’s Assad. He self-appointed himself Russian North Caucasus emir.
Right Sector extremists are the worst of a bad lot of rogues running Ukraine.
They’re gun-toting, radicalized terrorists. Imagine them and likeminded scoundrels in charge of Ukraine’s government.
Imagine Obama embracing them. Next thing you know he’ll call them freedom fighters. They’re cold-blooded killers. They believe in barrel-of-a-gun rule.
State terrorism defines their agenda. Anyone opposing them is targeted for elimination. Yarosh has presidential aspirations. Perhaps he intends achieving them one way or another.
Oleh Tyahnybok heads Svoboda. He chose no portfolio after putschists seized power. Perhaps he has greater aspirations in mind. He’s a force to be reckoned with.
Unaffiliated Vitaly Yarema is first vice prime minister. He formerly headed Ukraine’s Internal Affairs Ministry. His portfolio includes law enforcement.
Svoboda’s Oleksandr Sych is one of two lower-level vice prime ministers. Like fellow party members, he’s ideologically over-the-top.
Unaffiliated Volodymyr Groysman is Ukraine’s other vice prime minister. He’s a former deputy prime minister for regional policy as well as regional development, construction, housing and communal services minister.
Batkivshchyna’s deputy chairman Pavlo Petrenko is justice minister. He’s a politician, jurist and lawyer.
Andrii Deshchytsia is foreign minister. He’s a politician and diplomat. He formerly was Ukraine’s ambassador to Finland.
Oleksandr Shlapak is finance minister. He’s a former economy minister.
Pavlo Sheremeta is economical development and trade minister. Formerly he was Kiev School of Economics president.
Svoboda’s Ihor Tenyukh is defense minister. He’s Ukraine’s former naval commander. Yanukovych sacked him for supporting Kiev putschists.
Batkivshchyna’s Arsen Avakov is internal affairs minister. He’s a former parliamentarian. He held various administrative posts.
Svoboda’s Oleg Makhnitsky is prosecutor-general (Ukraine’s attorney general). He’s a politician and lawyer.
Six Svoboda members hold top government posts. Others include ecology minister Andriy Mokhnyk and agriculture minister Ihor Shvaika.
Neo-Nazi Ukrainian National Assembly/Ukrainian National Self Defense (UNA-UNSO) members Tetyana Chernoval, Dmytro Bulatov, and Yegor Sobolev hold government portfolios.
Chernoval chairs Kiev’s anti-corruption committee. Perhaps she’s in charge of dispensing spoils.
Bulatov is youth and sports minister. Sobolev is lustration (mass disqualification) committee chair.
He’s charged with purging Yanukovych loyalists. Everyone pro-Russian is targeted. So is anyone left of far right.
Obama’s new friends are ideological extremists. Imagine what Ukrainians can expect.
Their agenda makes peace activists cringe. They threaten civil war. Regional war could follow. They risk spreading it globally.
Yatsenyuk vowed never to give up “a centimeter” of Ukraine to Russia. “This is our land,” he said. “Our fathers and grandfathers have spilled their blood for this land.”
“And we won’t budge a single centimeter from (it). Let Russia and its president know this.”
Washington pledged full support. Obama pledged financial aid. Doing so violates US law. It’s spurned by supplying Israel, Egyptian putschists and other rogue governments with military and financial aid.
The 1961 Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) and 1976 Arms Export Control Act (AECA) prohibit doing so.
AECA permits military related sales only for defense or internal security. FAA forbids aiding governments that engage:
“in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, including torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, prolonged detention without charges, causing the disappearance of persons by the abduction and clandestine detention of those persons, or other flagrant denial of the right to life, liberty, and the security of person, unless such assistance will directly benefit the needy people in such country.”
The 2001 Foreign Operations Appropriations Act’s (FOAA) Leahy Law provision states:
“None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to support any training program involving a unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of Defense has received credible information from the Department of State that a member of such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights, unless all necessary corrective steps have been taken.”
FOAA prohibits funding foreign security forces that commit gross human rights violations unless its government “is taking effective measures to bring the responsible members of the security forces unit to justice.”
Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and numerous other rogue state US allies commit the worst of high crimes against peace and humanity.
It doesn’t matter. They’re close US allies. They receive generous support.
FAA prohibits giving all forms of aid to putschist regimes. Obama pledged $1 billion in loan guarantees. Doing so violates US law.
It doesn’t matter. Washington does what it wants. Russia’s Foreign Ministry commented, saying:
According to US law, FAA prohibits aiding ” ‘the government of any country whose whose duly elected head of government is deposed by military coup or decree.’ ”
“Thus, by all criteria, the provision of funds to the illegitimate (Kiev) regime, which seized power by force, is unlawful and goes beyond the boundaries of the US legal system.”
“The US administration will most probably continue to close its eyes on the dominance of the ultranationalist forces in Kiev, which have launched a hunt for dissidents across the country, increasing pressure on the Russian-speaking population and our compatriots, threatening the people in the Crimea with punishment for their desire for self-determination.”
Neo-Nazi putschists threaten all Ukrainians. Ruthless hardline rule runs things. Fascists tolerate no opposition. State terrorism targets outliers. Darker than ever dark times loom.

My PhotoStephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book is titled "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity."
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.
Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.
It airs Fridays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

Take this action now to prevent war with Syria - Syrian Sadat offers Golan Heights in exchange for dropping Assad

March 14, 2014
Dear Friends of Peace in Syria,
As we approach the March 15 end of the third year of deadly conflict in Syria, some organizations are pushing for greater US intervention and escalation of the conflict. They have organized a concerted lobbying campaign in the halls of Congress along with public demonstrations and publicity. They are well funded and have professional lobbyists and marketing consultants.

We believe it is important to speak out and make clear that the people calling for more war and aggression are a MINORITY. They do not speak for the majority of Syrian and Arab Americans who want the conflict and bloodshed to end, not escalate.  They certainly do not speak for the majority of Americans who are sick of US wars and intervention.

We are launching a telephone campaign to the offices of influential House and Senate members over the coming week, starting Friday March 14 and continuing through to Friday March 21.

We invite you to join us and to phone several key members of Senate and House listed below,  as well as your own Representative and Senators.

We can politely but firmly ask such questions as:

* Why is the US continuing to spend our tax dollars to arm, train and pay Syrian rebels, effectively turning them into paid mercenaries?   
* Why are we allied with al-Qaeda and trying to force regime change on a secular government that has done no harm to the United States?
* Why don’t we support UNCONDITIONAL negotiations, rather than demanding unacceptable conditions before the negotiations begin?
We have seen how in Libya the “no fly zone” and “humanitarian support” turned into unending violence and an attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission.  Let us express our strong opposition to this.

Please phone your own members of Congress and some of the key members listed below.
Choose your own points from the above or express your own viewpoint.
Peace in Syria depends on stopping foreign aggression and attacks. We can stop unnecessary, foolish, expensive and wasteful U.S. intervention!
Name / Party/Camber/ Committee/ Phone/ Legislative Aide to Talk with
Frank Wolf (Va) / R / House/Religious Minorities / 202-225-5136 / Jill Shatzen
Ann Eshoo (Ca) / D / House/ Religious Minorities / 202-225-8104 / Hannah Murphy
Robert Menendez (NJ) / D / Senate / Chair For Relations / 202-224-4744 / Patricia Enright
Carl Levin (Mi) / D / Senate / Chair Armed Services / 202-224-6221 / Jack Danielson
Tim Kaine (Va) / D / Senate / For Relations / 202-224-4024 / Mary Naylor
Louis Gohmert (Tx) /  R / House / Christian /  202-225-3035 / Kimberly Willingham
Elliot Engel (NY) / D / House / Ranking For Affairs / 202-225-2464 / Mira Resnick
Bob Corker (Tenn) / R /  Senate / Vice Chair For Rels / 202-224-3344 / Laura Herzog
Ed Royce (Ca) / R / House / Chair For Affairs / 202-225-4111 / Chelsea Wilson
Howard “Buck” McKeon (Ca) / R / House / Ranking Armed Services / 202-225-1956 / Ashley Schapitl

بقلم عبد الباري عطوان

 للرئيس السوري بشار الاسد عندما كشف عن مشروع يرتكز على بيع هضبة الجولان السورية المحتلة الى اسرائيل مقابل احلال السلام معها، ووجه ضربة قوية للآمال العربية الاسلامية باستعادة الحقوق المغتصبة في فلسطين، ودعم اقوى للمشروع الاسرائيلي.

الاخطر من ذلك ان السيد اللبواني الذي لا ينطق عن هوى طالب اسرائيل بالتدخل عسكريا لدعم المعارضة السورية، واسقاط نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد واقامة منطقة حظر جوي في جنوب سورية مساحتها مئة كيلومتر مربع.

هذا العرض السخي من قبل الدكتور اللبواني الذي لم يستفت فيه الشعب السوري او يستشيره او بعضا منه على الاقل، يعطي مصداقية كبيرة لما كان يردده النظام السوري منذ بداية الازمة قبل ثلاث سنوات بان سورية تتعرض الى “مؤامرة” تهدف الى تدميرها، واستنزاف جيشها، وتقسيمها الى دويلات على اسس طائفية وعرقية.

فمن الواضح ان الدكتور اللبواني عندما تقدم بهذا المشروع المفاجيء انما يرسم خريطة طريق المعارضة في المستقبل المنظور، ويكشف عن خطط لتحالف استراتيجي مع اسرائيل لاسقاط النظام السوري، مقابل حصولها على هضبة الجولان كمكافأة لها على هذه الخدمة الجليلة وفق ما يوحي به صاحب هذا المشروع الذي تطوع بان يكون “سادات سورية”.

ولا نعتقد ان الدكتور اللبواني هو الاب الوحيد لهذا المشروع، ولا بد ان هناك جهات عربية واجنبية اختارته لكي يكون “واجهة” او “اداة” لطرحه على الملأ، وعبر وسائل الاعلام في عملية “اشهار” محسوبة ومدروسة بعناية فائقة، وحتما ستظهر الحقائق جلية فيما هو قادم من ايام.

الدكتور اللبواني اعترف في حديثه لصحيفة “العرب” الصادرة في لندن ونشرته اليوم، ان مشروعه مشترك سوري دولي تم التوافق حوله مع عدد كبير من القوى، ومنهم ضباط كبار وقادة في الجيش الحر، اي ان هذا المشروع ليس وليد الساعة، وانما هو ثمرة اتصالات مع قوى سورية واخرى عربية ودولية وبرعاية امريكية غربية.

فليس من قبيل الصدفة ان يأتي الكشف عن هذا المشروع بعد عشرة ايام فقط من اجتماع قيادة الائتلاف الوطني السوري في اسطنبول واختيارها العميد عبدالاله البشير رئيسا لهيئة اركان الجيش السوري الحر، خلفا للواء سليم ادريس وتعيين قيادات جديدة للوحدات العسكرية المختلفة.

ولعله ليس من قبيل الصدفة ايضا ان تكشف صحيفة “معاريف” الاسرائيلية ان العميد البشير تدرب على ايدي جهاز الموساد الاسرائيلي بعد علاجه في احد المستشفيات الاسرائيلية، ولم يصدر حتى كتابة هذه السطور اي نفي لخبرها هذا من العميد البشير او غيره.

بعض فصائل المعارضة السورية والداعمين لها، كانت تؤكد دائما في ادبياتها ان النظام السوري يتلقى الدعم من اسرائيل ويسهر على حمايتها، وها هم يكشفون بأنفسهم كتابيا، ان العكس هو الصحيح، وان علاقتهم، او بعضهم، باسرائيل قديمة جدا، ويتباهون بها.

الدكتور اللبواني قدم شهادة براءة، وحسن سير وسلوك لاسرائيل من كل جرائمها بحق الامة العربية، فلم يكتف فقط ببيعها الجولان، بل وزاد عليها مدينة القدس وباقي الاراضي العربية المحتلة، عندما وصفها بالحمل الوديع، ونفى عنها صفة التوسع، والصقها بايران، وهذا ما يردده بنيامين نتنياهو رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي دائما.

ونسجل هنا ما قاله الدكتور اللبواني بالحرف في هذا الخصوص “اسرائيل دولة توسعية كما يقال.. هذا صحيح.. ولكن ما هي القدرات التوسعية لاسرائيل؟ عدة قرى حول القدس؟ اجزاء من وادي عربة؟ لكن انظر الى القدرات التوسعية لايران التي تصل الى اليمن والسعودية وسورية ولبنان والعراق والبحرين وبقية الخليج.. من هي الدولة التوسعية اذن ايران ام اسرائيل”.

وينسى او يتناسى الدكتور اللبواني في غمرة هذا الغزل باسرائيل، وتبرئتها من كل جرائمها في حق الشعب السوري والعرب والمسلمين جميعا، انها تحتل اراض سورية ولبنانية وكل فلسطين، وتملك اكثر من ثلاثمائة رأس نووي، وترسانة ضخمة من الاسلحة التقليدية والكيماوية.

شخصيا اصبت بحالة من الغثيان عندما قرأت الفقرة التي قال فيها الدكتور اللبواني وانقل بالحرف “هناك فرق ما بين تدخل اسرائيل في جنوب لبنان، وتدخلها في سورية، ففي جنوب لبنان دخلت كقوة احتلال بينما ستدخل الحرب في سورية كقوة تحرير”.

اصبت بالغثيان لانني لم اتصور في اي لحظة من حياتي ان اسمع عربيا مسلما، او هكذا افترض، يصف اسرائيل كقوة تحرير في سورية او اي بلد عربي آخر.

انتظرت اكثر من 12 ساعة لعلي اسمع معارضا سوريا واحدا، قياديا او نفرا عاديا، يعترض على تصريحات ومشروع الدكتور اللبواني، ولكني لم اسمع اي ادانة، او نأيا بالنفس عن هذه الخطيئة، ويبدو ان انتظاري سيطول.

مرة اخرى اقول ان هذا المشروع التآمري على الامة العربية وقضيتها المركزية، ليس وليد الساعة، وانما ثمرة مخطط كبير جرى اعداده ووضع تفاصيله، وتوزيع ادواره، بعناية شديدة، وتعلم به، وتتطوع لتنفيذه دول عربية رصدت المليارات، ووظفت فضائيات عملاقة لانجاحه على الارض.

اشعر ان السنة الرابعة من الازمة السورية او “الثورة” السورية التي تبدأ السبت، ستؤرخ لبدء مرحلة التدخل الاسرائيلي العسكري العلني، وتكوين جبهة عربية اسرائيلية موحدة لاحتلال دمشق انطلاقا من الجبهة الجنوبية، ومن مدينة درعا على وجه التحديد، التي شهدت انطلاقة الاحتجاجات الشعبية ضد النظام.. هل هي صدفة؟ لا نعتقد.

عندما قال جون كيري وزير الخارجية الامريكي لوفد المعارضة السورية عندما التقاه في جنيف ان المرحلة المقبلة ستكون “تسخين” الجبهة الجنوبية السورية لم يخطر في بالنا مطلقا، ونعتذر عن جهلنا، ان هذا التسخين سيتم على يد اسرائيل، وبطاريات صواريخ الباتريوت الامريكية التي في حوزتها التي ستفرض المنطقة العازلة تمهيدا لانطلاقها نحو دمشق.

لست خبيرا عسكريا، ولكن التاريخ القريب جدا، يؤكد لنا، ان كل الذين اقاموا مناطق حظر، او احتلوا ارضا عربية وحولوها الى مناطق عازلة في لبنان او العراق او قطاع غزة منيوا بهزائم مذلة واولهم اسرائيل، ولا اعتقد ان منطقة الحظرالجوي في درعا ستكون استثناء.

What will come of the Saudi-Qatari feud?


Qatar's Foreign Minister, Chalid al-Atija (L) holds a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif on February 26, 2014 in Tehran. (Photo: AFP-Atta Kenare)
Published Friday, March 14, 2014
The nearly 100-year-old tribal struggle between Al- Saud dynasty from Anza and Al- Thani dynasty from Tamim in the region of Najd in the Arabian Peninsula, has become part of the fault line strategic axis of the world’s politics. This is not due to either tribe’s cunning, but rather due to their three greatest assets: energy, religion and terrorism.
Saudi Arabia is seeking to isolate Qatar in both the domestic and international arena, and is now going after the very tool that the small Gulf monarchy uses to interfere in other states: the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, the Saudis have been launching a vicious attack against Qatar but we are only aware of what is being circulated in public. Meanwhile, Riyadh has other measures on its agenda. Secretly, Qatari interests are being threatened in Saudi Arabia and the conflict might even result in a military clash.

However, Qataris control their own terrorist networks, and they would no doubt respond to Saudi interests in Syria, or even in Dubai. Maybe they would even strike in Saudi Arabia itself, by giving a political and media cover to the Shia opposition.
Of course, this clash between the two Wahabi strongholds would be in the best interest of the Arab and Islamic world. Syrian blood will not be shed in vain, and the resistance axis won’t have to face Saudi-Qatari terrorism as the two sides will destroy each other in an inevitable war.
Over a century ago, British rule opposed the Saudi demand of annexing Qatar on the grounds that it was part of al-Ahsa. Tense relations between the two countries remained, and Riyadh still considers Qatar as a separatist region and the ruling al-Thani dynasty as subjects who dared to rebel against the Saudi crown. Meanwhile, al-Thani members believe they are worthy of challenging Riyadh. Geography, demography, and religious and political statuses are all worthless when it comes to the tribal world.
Regardless of the political and historical background of the feud, Qatar, a small country with a tiny population but massive wealth, adopted a successful strategy to protect itself and to strengthen its position globally. It sought to occupy the media through television and the Internet, attracting hundreds of Arab intellectuals, journalists and technicians. Thousands of the Arab elite seeking a platform to express their minds found one in Al-Jazeera, and they were soon being co-opted into the Qatari project. However, Doha did not settle for just being known as a news hub, it sought to own a political organization with regional and international affiliations.
As Gulf residents are used to buying their goods ready to use, Qataris bought a deep rooted organization that only needed a headquarters, a platform, and funding. Hence, Qatar took over the Muslim Brotherhood.
It was all working as planned up until the Arab Spring. Qatar was able to penetrate the Arab world via the media and politics, and was well accepted by regional parties. It had good relations with the Syrian-Iranian alliance and with Israel, with Iran and with Turkey; it seemed too good to be true. However, Qatar fell victim to its own success story; it moved from its self-protection strategy to a strategy seeking to control the Arab world
If Qatar had settled for its successes in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, it could have preserved its position and strengthened its role in the Arab world, but it thought it could keep playing the Arab Spring game in Syria despite the destruction and the bloodshed. Unfortunately for Qatar, it had miscalculated.
Qatar put terrorist networ
ks under its wing in Syria, it allied with Turkey in a vicious war against the Syrian people. For a while, Qatar controlled the war in Syria and used all its cards, including its most precious one, Hamas.It pulled the movement out from the resistance axis and into the fight in Syria.
Such a loss in Syria tipped the scales of the regional balance. The Muslim Brotherhood fell in Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, and even lost some of its power in Turkey. And as the Qatari project regressed, the Americans were displeased with their expanding influence. Meanwhile, the Saudis took the lead after the former emir of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa, and Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassem retreated from power, as a sign of Qatari defeat.
The Saudis launched a series of initiatives. First was the formation of a Saudi, Emirati, Bahraini, Jordanian alliance. The second was showering the new Egyptian military regime with money, political and media support against the Muslim Brotherhood. The third was renewing the war in Syria through the reformation of terrorist groups and providing all factions that obey Saudi Arabia with political support, training, funding, and arms. And the final initiative was working on two levels in Lebanon; a terrorist one that targets Hezbollah and Iranian interests, and a political one that blackmails parties in order to keep the Future Movement afloat while attempting to break through the March 8 front.
Saudi Arabia’s remaining problem concerns its relations with the Obama administration. Riyadh’s obvious and almost public ties with Islamic terrorist groups crossed a red line set by the United States. And amid the US- Iranian rapprochement over the nuclear understanding and other critical regional issues, Saudi Arabia felt isolated. In the summer of 2013, Saudi Arabia was betting on a US air-strike on Syria that would topple the Assad regime. The kingdom was shocked with the US-Russian agreement stipulating that the Syrian regime destroy its arsenal of chemical weapons, sparing Washington a war it didn’t want it in the first place.

Facing a Russian- Iranian- Syrian challenge, as well as US pressures and Qatari alertness to take over its role, Saudi Arabia made three strategic choices. First, Saudi Arabia has been coordinating with Israel in Syria and for a possible confrontation with Iran. Second, Saudi sought to exercise full control over the Syrian opposition outside Syria and the militant groups on the ground. Saudi detached itself from groups that are not under its complete control by designating them as terrorist organizations. And finally, the kingdom has been using revolving door policy when it comes to terrorism; denouncing it and supporting it at the same time to bring down both the Syrian and Iraqi regimes based on sectarian mobilization, as the two regimes are Iranian allies.
Saudi Arabia announced new political initiatives that would pave the way to renew the Saudi- US alliance during the coming visit of President Barack Obama amid regional and international changes. Saudi Arabia restricted its citizens from fighting in Syria or any other country- without taking any measures on the ground- and put an end to all takfiri incitement inside the kingdom while designating some factions as terrorist organizations, including the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) and al-Nusra Front.
The designation was a smart move by Saudi Arabia in its conflict against al-Thani dynasty. Meanwhile, if the Saudis reach a broader understanding with Obama during his visit, Qatar should expect further decisive moves from the kingdom. Interestingly, the Qatari response would only come from the country where Doha made its first mistake; Syria. The normalization of Qatari-Syrian relations is the only way to build an understanding with Moscow and Tehran.
Indeed, Qatar is attempting to mend ties with Assad is now receiving a warm reception in Damascus. In the coming days, Qatari communications with the resistance axis parties will intensify and we may witness some changes on the ground, through the announcement of a Qatari-Turkish retreat from Syria which would pave the way for further reconciliations. The release of the nuns in Yabroud revealed that some factions are still loyal to Qatar. 
Will a reconciliation take place in Yabroud? Will it pave the way for an understanding between the resistance axis and Qatar? Time will tell.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.


China warns the USA “Sanctions on Russia could lead to retaliatory action,”

The Tiger Awakens: China Warns of “Retaliatory Action” and “Unforeseeable Consequences” Over U.S. Monday Deadline
SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo
Yesterday Secretary of State and flip-flopper extraordinaire John Kerry advised Russia that Vladimir Putin has until Monday to pull back his forces from Ukraine. Failure to do so would lead to serious repercussions. Kerry was light on details, but we can assume he was talking about some sort of economic sanctions:  
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and a top critic of President Obama’s foreign policy, asked what the administration would do if Russian forces advance farther into the eastern area of Ukraine, and the new government in Kiev asks the U.S. for weapons to fight the Russians.
Kerry responded carefully, saying “we have contingencies – we are talking through various options that may or may not be available.”
“Our hope is not to create hysteria or excessive concern about that at this point in time,” he said. “Our hope is to avoid that, but there’s no telling that we can.”
It’s quite obvious, based on Kerry’s statement, that the Obama Administration really has no idea what to do, as they are still talking through “various options,” something that probably should have been worked out well before President Obama began slinging rhetoric over the crisis.
What the Obama administration assumes will happen is that they’ll force Russia into compliance by coming after their economy. Obama will hit the Late Night TV circuit to tout his success, we’ll all laugh about it, and then go on our merry way. Putin will be left embarrassed and laying in the fetal position sucking his thumb. At least that’s the plan.
But two can play at that game and China, which has stood by Russia’s show of force in Europe since the get-go, has now upped the ante.
It’s a brilliant move designed, once again, to show the world that President Obama and the United States are no longer running the show.
Sanctions could lead to retaliatory action, and that would trigger a spiral with unforeseeable consequences,” warns China’s envoy to Germany adding that “we don’t see any point in sanctions.” On the heels of Merkel’s warning that Russia risked “massive” political and economic damage if it did not change course, Reuters reports ambassador Shi Mingde urged patience saying “the door is still open” for diplomacy (though we suspect it is not) ahead of this weekend’s referendum. Russia’s Deputy Economy Minister Alexei Likhachev responded by promising “symmetrical” sanctions by Moscow. So now we have China joining the fray more aggressively.
China’s top envoy to Germany has warned the West against punishing Russia with sanctions for its intervention in Ukraine, saying such measures could lead to a dangerous chain reaction that would be difficult to control. In an interview with Reuters days before the European Union is threatening to impose its first sanctions on Russia since the Cold War, ambassador Shi Mingde issued the strongest warning against such measures by any top Chinese official to date.
“We don’t see any point in sanctions,” Shi said. “Sanctions could lead to retaliatory action, and that would trigger a spiral with unforeseeable consequences. We don’t want this.”
Using her [Merkel's] toughest rhetoric since the crisis began, she warned in a speech in parliament on Thursday that Russia risked “massive” political and economic damage if it did not change course in the coming days.
Russia’s Deputy Economy Minister Alexei Likhachev responded by promising “symmetrical” sanctions by Moscow. But Shi urged patience, saying the door for talks should remain open even after a referendum on Sunday in which Ukraine’s southern region of Crimea could vote to secede and join Russia. Merkel and other western leaders have denounced the referendum as illegal and demanded that it be canceled.
“We still see a chance to avoid an escalation. The door to talks is still open. We should use this possibility, also after the referendum,” Shi said.
The White House’s deadline for Russia to pull back is Monday.
Will Obama blink again, as he did in Syria?
Let’s remember that China holds trillions of dollars of US debt. All they have to do is hint (not even actually do it) that they will pull back on Treasury purchases and we’re toast within days.
We shouldn’t be at all surprised if, on Monday, Vladimir Putin thumbs his nose at the west again and actually sends his troops across the Crimean border into Ukraine.
One thing’s for sure. President Obama’s foreign policy has been a complete and utter disaster on every front. Either this destruction of America’s worldwide credibility is pre-planned or there is a gaggle of idiots in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Perhaps both.

Crimea has every right to decide its own future which it didn't have when it became a part of Ukraine

Posted on  by michaellee2009 | Edit
Crimea and Western 'values'
By Pepe Escobar 
Every sane sentient being knows that Ukraine's "unity" is not worth a new hot or warm war. Or even the current Western-peddled Cold War-style hysteria. Especially when Russia, once again, fights fascism - as embodied by some of the key players now in power in Kiev, and the US and EU's response is to relentlessly demonize Russia.  
Crimea -  historically, culturally, sentimentally -  is Russian, conquered by Catherine the Great from the Ottomans in 1783. Sevastopol was founded by Catherine. 
Yet those eminent Western practitioners of state idolatry have ruled that the population of Crimea has no right to conduct a referendum to decide its future - be it rejoining Russia or remaining in Ukraine with a huge degree of autonomy, according to the 1992 constitution. The eminences could not possibly admit that does not suit their geopolitical power play
Thus the current Mass; a ritualistic, hysterical invoking in unison of "international law" (Obama), (distorted) history and even morality (in the US's case, considering the historical record, a positively dreadful joke). 
No question the original inhabitants of Crimea are the Tatars -  whose rights will be fully protected in a new Crimea. They had not achieved their self-determination for the same reason Native Americans also did not. 
Yet much more alarming in the whole case is how the West once again conveniently, selectively manipulates the arbitrary carving of colonized lands -  the key reason of ongoing, intractable geopolitical disasters.  
South Sudan's independence was obsessively fought for by Washington -  helped by Hollywood clones of the Clooney variety. The pretext was to correct an arbitrary colonial carving. So that applies to Sudan, but it does not apply to Crimea. 
Thomas Jefferson's "insurgents" had the right to rebel against the British, but Crimeans cannot rebel against what most view as an illegal, fascist-laden, putschist regime in Kiev. [1] 
And that is superimposed on an arbitrary colonial carving; Ukrainian-born former premier Nikita Khrushchev, then at the head of the USSR, gave Crimea away to Ukraine, in the name of Soviet solidarity, without a Crimean referendum.  
Washington -  via a NATO war - dismantled the former Yugoslavia in the name of the "right of nations". While Crimea is not allowed a peaceful referendum, Kosovo -  essentially a drug mafia scam -  had the right to be "liberated". It would be so complicated to explain to public opinion that was essential for the maintenance of Camp Bondsteel - the largest military base outside of the US. The Empire of Bases trumps any "right of nations".
The arbitrary carving of the Pakistani tribal areas via the Durand Line -  yet another imperial British masterpiece - is the key reason for Pakistan and Afghanistan being eternally at odds. But that suits the Empire - even at the risk of miserably losing a war (NATO in Afghanistan), because that keeps it "involved" in the crucial intersection of Central and South Asia, close to both China and Russia.  
These few examples -  Iraq in itself would be worth zillions of bytes - show there are no "international law" or universal values. Only when the Empire says so. 
Flying blindly into the night Obama's foreign policy could now be interpreted as the geopolitical equivalent of the doomed Malaysia Airlines Boeing, flying blindly into the deep Asian night before a fatal plunge (into the Indian Ocean?) -  taking with it a load of unsuspected costumers.   
The New Great (Threat) Game in Eurasia  proceeds with its infernal logic. Russia should be sanctioned because it's not behaving like a true democracy - those that are allowed to bomb Iraq and Libya and support weaponized jihadis in Syria, always for a good, uplifting reason. 
Would the Khaganate of Nulands gang in Washington have the balls to force Obama to sanction "communist China" because they illegally occupy Tibet and Xinjiang, without the consent of their original Tibetan and Uighur inhabitants, which will never be offered even the dream of a referendum? 
Obama said, "We completely reject a referendum patched together in a few weeks with Russian military personnel basically taking over Crimea."  What he could not say is that the new supplicant puppet -  interim prime minister "Yats" -  has already kneeled before the Emperor; his "foundation" has been supported by the usual suspects (including the NED, the State Department and NATO ) [2]; and that "teams from the Treasury and Justice departments and the FBI" have been to Kiev to "to unravel the kleptocracy of Yanukovych's deposed government", as the proverbial  "officials" put it to US corporate media -  leading to furious,  unconfirmed rumors that all Ukrainian gold deposits may have already been shipped to the US, in what would be a regal repayment for the US$5 billion or so (copyright Victoria "F**k the EU" Nuland) Washington has spent to advance regime change.   
Once again; this is always about NATO encroaching on Ukraine and the regime changers trying some ruse to deprive Russia from its naval base in Sevastopol. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, is already on a charm offensive plugging "treaty obligations with our NATO allies",    under the (false) premise that Moscow is about to invade Ukraine (which is not even part of NATO -  yet). 
And this is also about Pipelineistan [3]; not accidentally, Crimean Supreme Council speaker Vladimir Konstantinov already stated that Crimea wants Gazprom to develop the peninsula's oil and natural gas deposits, and not US Big Oil. 
In the threat game, Russia's Deputy Economy Minister Alexei Likhachev already announced "symmetrical" sanctions if the EU proceeds with their own. That aspiring Metternich, John Kerry, issued a deadline to Moscow. 
It takes China to behave sensibly. Shi Mingde, the Chinese ambassador in Berlin, said that, "sanctions could lead to retaliatory action, and that would trigger a spiral with unforeseeable consequences … We don't see any point in sanctions." As much as non-brainwashed world public opinion don't see any point in the West's moral lessons. 
Notes: 1. Kiev Snipers Shooting From Bldg Controlled By Maidan Forces – Ex-Ukraine Security Chief, RT, March 13, 2014.
2. See here.
3. Ukraine crisis is about Great Power oil, gas pipeline rivalry, The Guardian, March 6, 2014.
Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007), Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge (Nimble Books, 2007), and Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).
He may be reached at pepeasia@yahoo.com.

(Copyright 2014 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.)

Syrian Army Kills al-Nusra Deputy Leader, Scores New Victories in Yabroud



Nusra front declares the killing of Abu Azzam Kuwaiti 
Bad news for Pelagia Sayyaf

Syrian Army Kills al-Nusra Deputy Leader, Scores New Victories in Yabroud

Local Editor

Syria: Liberating YabroudSyrian army units on Saturday inflicted terrorists heavy losses in several areas, killing and injuring scores of them and destroying their weapons.

In Yabroud city, units of the armed forces advanced further in Damascus Countryside from the northern and eastern sides, according to SANA reporter who noted that several terrorists’ dens were destroyed and many of them were killed and injured in the process.

Al-Manar Website correspondent to Yabroud said that Syrian army advance in the city has accelerated, indicating that most crossings that connect Syria to Lebanon on Qalamoun side are now under the full control of the Syrian army.

"Syrian army has entered deeply into Yabroud amid clashes with light weapons," he said, noting that the national military is directly chasing Takfiri terrorists' positions in the city.

According to the reporter, the Syrian army also took control over the south eastern highlands, Mount Saint Maron and hills overlooking the city Yabroud.

Among the Takfiris killed on Saturday was Abu Azzam al-Kuwaiti, deputy leader of the so-called al-Nusra Front in Qalamoun city, who was leading the latest swap deal between his terrorist group and the Syrian government, which ended in liberating Maloula nuns on March 09, 2014.

The opposition UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed the death of Kuwaiti.

Al-Alam TV field reporter Hussein Mortada stated that the Syrian army was monitoring Kuwaiti since weeks, along with Abu Malek - Al-Nusra Front commander. But to ensure the safety of the detained nuns, assassination was postponed until the swap deal is successfully done.

After the nuns gained freedom, a Syrian army unit infiltrated into the gathering point of Kuwaiti and Abu Malek, and planted the place with explosive devices. A huge blast occurred following the unit's withdrawal.

Soon after the bombing, Kuwaiti was killed along with scores of gunmen gathering inside, while Abu Malek was transferred to another place while infected with serious injuries in face and abdomen.

"His cry could be heard loudly," Mortada said citing field sources.

"Following the huge explosion, several members of al-Nusra Front tried to escape towards Rankoos and other nearby regions," Mortada added.

In Homs, thirty gunmen gave themselves up on Saturday to Syrian authorities in Jeb al-Jandali and Jouret al-Shiyyah in Homs city and in al-Hosrajiyeh village in Talkalakh countryside, Al-Manar TV correspondent reported.

Earlier on Friday, 43 gunmen from the neighborhoods of the old city of Homs surrendered and handed over their weapons to authorities, according to a source in the province.

In Aleppo, a military source told SANA that army units eliminated a number of terrorists in al-Marjeh and al-Ashrafiyeh neighborhoods in the city and destroyed their weapons and ammunition.

The source added that other army units destroyed armed terrorist groups’ hideouts in the villages of Hilan, Andan, Erbid, the free zone, Talet al-Madafeh, Rasem al-Abboud, al-Jadideh, al-mansourah, Kafer Hamra, al-Shurfeh al-safra, Azan, Ebtin, Kwairis and surrounding Aleppo central prison, and destroyed their criminal tools.

In Hasakah, two girls were injured in the explosion of a bomb thrown by a terrorist gunmen on a house at the Vanguards neighborhood in the city.

A source at the Police Command in the province told SANA that the terrorist attack took place last night, causing material damage to the place.

Source: Al-Manar Website
15-03-2014 - 15:30 Last updated 15-03-2014

يَبْرود الخطوة الثانية نحو الجليل.. حزب الله يثبت لإسرائيل قدرته على السيطرة على الجليل

هشام الشروفي

لست ممن يحبون التهليل بعد الانتصار , ولكن بما ان الانتصار نتيجة والنتيجة المطلوبة تبرر الشعارات التي رُفعت من أجلها , فيقتضي بعد ما حققه رجال الله في يبرود أن يعرف الذين عاثوا فساداً في سوريا وأسسوا لبيئة ارهابية تكفيرية ومولوا عناصرها وغذّوها اعلاميا وعسكريا , أن ما يقوله سادة القافلة في الشرق الأوسط ليس شعارات زائفة او يافطات مرحلية , بل هو عنوان لفعل واقعي قائم على قدم وساق في الأرض السورية , فبعد هزيمة المجاميع الارهابية في مدينة يبرود السورية وسيطرة القوات الحكومية عليها مدعومة بعناصر من الدفاع الوطني و مقاتلي حزب الله مساء أمس الجمعة , هناك أمران يجب أن يعرفهما العدو الاسرائيلي من جهة وجهابذة الربيع الدموي في سوريا من جهة أخرى :
الأول : أن سقوط يبرود بمساهمة فاعلة وكبيرة من مقاتلي حزب الله يثبت للعدو الاسرائيلي أن “الجليل” التي لوّح بدخولها الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله سابقاً , لم تكن شعاراً فحسب ولم تكن حشواً خطابياً كما يفعل قادة “القطيع المجاهد” , بل هو واقعٌ أكّده حزب الله للمرّة الثانية في يبرود بعد القصير , فالمعركتين كانتا أكثر المعارك تحشيداً اعلامياً وعسكرياً (عدة ً وعدداً) , وكلا المعركتين في ظروف مختلفة , ولكن النتيجة لم تكن فقط مشابهة بل أن بعض الاخبار الواردة من يبرود تقول أن غالبية مقاتلي “جبهة النصرة” الذين كانوا متواجدين في يبرود قتلوا في المواجهة بعد قتال شرس منذ اسابيع ومنهم المساعد الأول أو نائب قائد الجبهة , على عكس القصير التي كان هروب عدد كبير منهم او تسليم انفسهم قد وفّر على حزب الله وقتاً ودماءاً , ولم تكن تجربة قاسية كما هي تجربة يبرود , مما يعني أن صعوبة الظروف في يبرود ستعطي لمقاتلي حزب الله خبرةً أكبر ناهيك عن الحافز والثقة بالنفس التي تزداد يوماً بعد يوم وحرباً بعد حرب ومرحلة بعد مرحلة , وهنا يكون ما قام به حزب الله في يبرود هو الصدمة الثانية للأسرائيليين حيث أيقنوا للمرة الثانية , أن مقاتلي حزب الله قادرين على احتلال منطقة حتى لو كانت آهلة بالسكان وعلى طريقة قتال الشوارع وحرب العصابات , وأمام القصير و يبرود فأن الجليل لم تعد كما كانت بالنسبة لحزب الله , وحقيقة شعار حزب الله في تلك المرحلة وتلويحه باحتلالها قد ثبتت بعد ان نُقشَت بالدم والرصاص على أرض الواقع أمام الجميع , وهنا يمكن القول ان ما فعله حزب الله في سوريا هو حقيقة لن تمر على الاسرائيلي بسهولة , وستبقى تراود قادة الجيش الاسرائيلي كلما فكّروا بمواجهة برية مع مقاتلي حزب الله ليس فقط على الاراضي اللبنانية بل على الأراضي المحتلة أيضاً .
الأمر الثاني : كل ما نتج عن الصراع في سوريا و”يبرود” آخرها هو رسالة لكل الذين أوغلت أياديهم في سوريا , مغزاها أن أسياد الشرق الأوسط “محور الشر” كما يسمونه , هم أصحاب الكلمة الفصل في أي نزاع فيه , وأن مبدأ “ما لم تحصلوا عليه بالسلاح لن تحصلوا عليه بالسياسة” لم يعد مبدءاً لبنانياً يقصد حزب الله فيه الاسرائيليين ومن يغرّد في سربهم من الداخل اللبناني , بل صار حقيقة واقعية لن تستطيع لا “قطعان المجاهدين” ولا حتى القوى العظمى أن تتجاوزه , والدليل هو دمشق التي لم تسقط حتى اليوم , رجال الله خطّوا بالدم والرصاص عبارة تقول : “ان حبل وريد الممانعة الممتد من طهران الى بيروت ما عاد قاسيون “حجر الزاوية” بالنسبة له فقط , بل صار حجر الأساس لشرق أوسط جديد , تتحطم على أعتابه كل المشاريع الصهيو- أمريكية , ويُفيق كل الحالمين بدمشق في قبضة النعاج , ويُعالِج كل المصابين بهلوسات فقهاء الهوى”.

Islamic Jihad went against the tide: Questions to the Resistance and the enemy


Gaza violence: Questions to the Resistance and the enemy

Published Saturday, March 15, 2014
In the latest round of clashes between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza, Islamic Jihad went against the tide by actually retaliating against the continuous Israeli bombardment. In light of its the operation “Breaking the Silence,” one wonders: were the rockets hitting Israel a direct message to the enemy, or a message to all parties staying silent inside Gaza and the outside world?
Islamic Jihad leader, Dr. Ramadan Abdullah Shalah, said that the retaliation was in response to Israeli aggression while he warned the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah from engaging in a hollow deal brokered by the United States.

As expected, Shalah didn’t criticize other Palestinian factions involved in the Resistance, making us wonder about Hamas’s true position. In fact, all signs on the ground suggested that Islamic Jihad deliberated with Hamas about the operation. It didn’t seek Hamas’s permission, but it acted reasonably, respecting Hamas’s role as a main partner in the Resistance and its influence inside Gaza. Furthermore, Islamic Jihad was not about to fight the enemy while clashing with other Palestinian factions.
However, Hamas was not being neutral as is often the case with the “disassociation” enthusiasts in other parts of the Arab world. It did take a political position, which was reiterated by the Ezziddin al-Qassam Brigades; however Hamas is quite aware that this is not the right time to wage an open ended war against Israel. Islamic Jihad also acknowledges this fact but the difference between the two is that Hamas is not even interested in getting involved in a single round of clashes, because that would call for an international intervention, while Islamic Jihad can operate on its own.
In fact, Hamas’s political agenda has changed since 2011; hence the Resistance is no longer its ultimate priority. We are not suggesting that Hamas has given up on the Resistance or that it is ready to settle, but the movement is now paying the price of the confusion it created since it supported the Syrian opposition.

Hamas’s actions are still a debatable issue, but in any case all rational people should keep in mind that the Resistance remains the only mean to restore Palestinian rights.
Today, we ask Hamas: isn't it about time to conduct a comprehensive, transparent and courageous review of the last three years? Isn't it time to redraw a roadmap that serves only the Resistance?
Israel escalated its assault on the Resistance in Gaza in recent weeks as it is seeking to undermine the measures taken to reinforce the Resistance. In fact, officials in Tel Aviv prefer to engage in dispersed clashes along the Gaza border than to commit to an appeasement that the Resistance may exploit to build tunnels and landmines. Meanwhile, Israel doesn't seem interested in waging a full-scale war. In any case, the unfolding events can be explained based on the “waiting game” adopted by the enemy for a while now.

Israel has exploited the Syrian crisis to break the rules of the game; it raided Syrian targets without anticipating any response from the Syrian side. It recently also tried its luck in Lebanon when it struck a Hezbollah target on the Lebanese- Syrian borders. However, the enemy is now examining the missile attack in the Golan Heights, as well as the bomb blast yesterday that targeted an Israeli patrol in the occupied Shebaa Farms. Israel is considering all these events as a message from the Resistance in Lebanon announcing that it rejects any changes in the rules of the game. A message ought to be repeated if necessary.
Israel believed that Hamas is in “crisis” and cannot afford a clash right now, and it thought that no other Palestinian factions, including Islamic Jihad, could respond. In addition, the current crisis between Egypt and Hamas is affecting the whole Gaza Strip with the destruction of most tunnels on the Egyptian borders and Israel believes it can take advantage of the Gaza-Egypt tension. The enemy even resorted to maritime piracy by blocking an alleged arms cargo carrying Syrian missiles on its way to Gaza and it is now planning to exploit the incident as a way to impose new measures on the ground that go beyond the appeasement agreement of 2012.
However, Israel was shocked with Islamic Jihad’s response, which was not even proportional to the size of the Israeli aggression. As 150 missiles targeted periphery settlements, Israel was forced to think twice about its current underestimation of Palestinian force.
For Israel, the reaction of Islamic Jihad was a lot more than an angry response. The Resistance is ready to engage in a confrontation that goes beyond a minor clash. Also, Israel and other parties need to examine whether Islamic Jihad’s reaction is limited to Gaza or if it’s linked to the Resistance movement as whole.
The latest round in Gaza was a major success for the Resistance; it worried Israel but also raised even more questions about Hamas.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

أسئلة جولة غزة...للمقاومة وللعدو

ابراهيم الأمين
ليس على قاعدة مخالفة السائد، لكن على قاعدة مساءلة المخالف، يُطرح السؤال: هل جاءت عملية الجهاد الاسلامي «كسر الصمت» في مواجهة اعتداءات العدو الإسرائيلي، رسالة الى العدو نفسه، ام الى كل من يمارس الصمت، داخل غزة وخارجها؟
شرح زعيم الجهاد الدكتور رمضان عبد الله شلح البعد المتصل بتوجيه رد إلى العدو، الذي يواصل اعتداءاته دونما رادع. وشرح ايضا الموقف المحذر لسلطة رام الله من التورط في صفقة خاسرة سلفا مع العدو برعاية الولايات المتحدة.

وقال كذلك ما يمكن قوله عن تأثيرات الاوضاع العربية في القضية الفلسطينية.

لكن القيادي الفلسطيني، لم (وليس متوقعا منه أن) يعلن رسالة الى الاخرين. والاخرون هم هنا، القوى المعنية بالمقاومة في داخل فلسطين. ما يجعل السؤال مشروعا عن موقف حركة حماس مما جرى ويجري.
المعطيات الميدانية، تشير الى ان الجهاد الاسلامي لم تتصرف دون التشاور مع حماس. هذا لا يعني انها اخذت اذنا من حماس، لكنها تصرفت بعقل، ربطا بكون حماس تمثل شريكا اساسيا في تيار المقاومة، ثم لها موقعها المؤثر والحاسم داخل القطاع وداخل المعادلة. ثم لان الجهاد الاسلامي ليس بوارد قتال العدو عن طريق قتال آخرين.
حماس نفسها، لم تقف على الحياد بالمعنى الذي ينفع مع جماعات «النأي بالنفس» في اماكن اخرى من عالمنا العربي. وقالت حماس ما يجب ان تقوله سياسيا او على لسان كتائب عز الدين القسام، لكن حماس، كانت تعي تماما، ان الوقت ليس وقت الحرب المفتوحة مع العدو. وهو امر تقر به قيادة الجهاد الاسلامي، لكن الفارق بين الطرفين، ان حماس لا تظهر استعداداً للتورط حتى في جولة واحدة من شأنها تحريض العالم على التدخل، بينما يمكن الجهاد القيام بذلك. والفارق، يتصل بكون الجدول السياسي لحركة حماس، لم يعد الى ما كان عليه قبل عام 2011. اي إن اولوية المقاومة المطلقة، لم تعد الى ما كانت عليه سابقا. هذا لا يعني ابدا، ان حماس تخلت عن المقاومة، او هي مستعدة للمساومة على رأسها، لكن حماس، ومقاومتها، تدفعان ثمن حالة البلبلة التي تواجهها الحركة منذ انخراطها في حراك الاخوان المسلمين في الدول العربية، وتورطها اكثر في استراتيجية الاخوان في مرحلة ما بعد تولي الحركة ادارة الحكم في مصر وتونس، والمشاركة القوية في ادارة دول اخرى.
ثمة نقاش سوف يظل مطروحا بمواجهة حماس، وعلى العاقلين هنا، التصرف انطلاقا من كون الاسئلة تتصل بكون المقاومة ستبقى هي الخيار الوحيد لاستعادة الحق الفلسطيني، وهو امر لا مناص من العودة اليه كل لحظة. والسؤال الموجه الى حماس اليوم وغدا وفي كل حين: الم يحن اوان المراجعة الشاملة والشفافة والجريئة لمرحلة السنوات الثلاث الماضية، واعادة رسم خارطة طريق تخدم طريق المقاومة، وفقط المقاومة؟
اسرائيليا، كانت الصورة اكثر وضوحا. ما دفع العدو الى رفع مستوى الاعتداءات ضد المقاومة في غزة، لا يتصل فقط بما يجري في القطاع من انشطة تخص تعزيز قدرات المقاومة، ولا سيما أن في تل ابيب من يقول إن العدو يفضل مواجهات متفرقة على الحدود مع غزة، على هدوء يمكّن المقاومة من تحويل شريط الحدود مع غزة الى شرك كامل من المتفجرات والانفاق، لكن اسرائيل نفسها، لا تبدو معنية بصراع كبير. اما ما حصل، فله تفسير متصل بلعبة التقدير القائمة لدى قيادة العدو منذ فترة.
اسرائيل التي استغلت الازمة السورية، نجحت في كسر قواعد اللعبة بحيث تشن غارات جوية على اهداف سورية دون توقع رد فعل سوري. هي جربت حظها مع لبنان أخيرا. عندما قصفت هدفا لحزب الله على الحدود اللبنانية ـــ السورية. واسرائيل تعاين جيداً القصف الصاروخي على هدف في الجولان، وتعطيل محاولة زرع عبوة على حدود الجولان، وتفجير عبوة امس داخل المناطق المحتلة في مزارع شبعا. وهي تدرس كل هذه الاحداث على انها رسالة من المقاومة في لبنان لرفض تغيير قواعد اللعبة. وهي رسالة سوف تتكرر إذا ما تطلب الامر.
في فلسطين، تعتقد اسرائيل ان حماس في «مأزق»، وأنها لا تقدر على الدخول في مواجهة. وهي قدرت ايضا ان لا امكان لاي قوة فلسطينية اخرى ـــ على راسها الجهاد الاسلامي ـــ للتحرك ايضا. ثم هناك الازمة القائمة بين مصر وحماس، التي تنسحب على كل قطاع غزة، واقدام الجيش المصري على تدمير عدد هائل من الانفاق، وقد وجدت فيها اسرائيل ما يوسع هامش المناورة امامها ايضا. ثم جاءت عملية القرصنة البحرية التي اوقفت «شحنة نوعية» من الصواريخ السورية المرسلة الى غزة، لأجل حث إسرائيل على القيام بما تراه مناسبا لفرض وقائع ميدانية تتجاوز اتفاق التهدئة الذي قام عام 2012.
لكن اسرائيل صعقت برد الجهاد الاسلامي. لم تجد فيه اصلا ردا تناسبيا مع حجم اعتداءاتها. وجدت في صليات كثيفة بنحو 150 قذيفة وصاروخا على مستوطنات الغلاف لتفرض اسئلة جديدة. رد الجهاد فهمته اسرائيل على انه يتجاوز رد فعل غاضبا، بل هو مندرج في سياق تظهر فيه المقاومة استعدادا للذهاب الى ابعد من تراشق محدود. ثم اضطرت اسرائيل كما قوى اخرى، إلى فحص جوانب اخرى، تتصل بما اذا كانت حركة الجهاد الاسلامي تدرج ردها في سياق يتجاوز حدود القطاع، وان يكون هناك ما يتصل بتيار المقاومة ككل.
جولة غزة الاخيرة، مثلت نقطة اختبار ناجحة لقوى المقاومة. ومثلت عنصر قلق لاسرائيل، لكنها زادتمن حجم الأسئلة الموجهة الى حركة حماس.

Don't listen to what they say - look at what they do


The Saker

Russia stands for freedom!Try out this thought experiment.  Imagine for one minute that you are a fundamentally decent and honest person who, by an ironic twist of history, has been put in power during an armed insurrection basically conducted by neo-Fascist thugs who do not represent the majority of the people of your country.  They are now making demands and they want to become part of your new government.  You, of course, being a decent and honest person, are uncomfortable with that situation, but things being as they are, you have to accept the facts on the ground and take a pragmatic decision: either include some of them in your newly formed government, or risk being overthrown.

What would you do?

Well, I suppose that you would have to give the neo-Fascists a certain number of ministerial positions.  Which ones would you give them?  I think that the logical approach would give them the ministries where they might to a halfway decent job and which would minimize the harm that these crazies could do to your country, right?  So, let's look at my personal choices would be:

1) Ministry of Sports and Youth (Nazis and Fascists are good at sports and health issues)
2) Ministry of Transportation (trains will run on time)
3) Ministry of Infrastructure (Hitler built good roads)
4) Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food (no food shortages even in 1945 Berlin)
5) Ministry of Environmental Affairs (pagans often worship nature)

One would imagine that Mr Iatseniuk would do something very similar, right?

Well, not quite.  Check out where he put his neo-Facists:

Vice Prime Minister Alexandr Sych (Freedom Party)
Minister of Defense Igor Teniukh  (Freedom Party)
Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov (officially member of the Fatherland Party but in reality an agent for the Right Sector)
Head of the National Security and Defense Council Andrei Paribii (Social-National Party of Ukraine)
Deputy Head of the National Security and Defense Council Dmitri Iarosh (Right Sector)

Amazing no?  The neo-Fascists are occupying all the positions of power, what is often referred to as "power structures".  Instead of putting them where they could do the least amount of harm, Iatseniuk put them right where they are the most dangerous.

[The reality is, of course, that they - the neo-Fascists - put Iatseniuk where he is today, and not the other way around, but if we want to believe in the "democratic' myth, that is not a notion we are allowed to contemplate.]

So what are we make of Mr Iatseniuk, Klichko and others?  That they are either spineless cowards or, in fact, willing accomplices of a neo-Fascist coup?

I think that it is absolutely impossible to deny the following facts:

1) the regime in power in Kiev was put there by an armed neo-Fascist insurrection.
2) the regime in power is still fully controlled by neo-Fascists.

This is whom the US and EU are supporting: real, bona fide, ugly violent and hateful neo-Fascists.

And, yet again, it is Russia which stands alone against them.

What else is new?

The Saker

Ukraine, America’s Midas Touch – Again!


by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

‘All that glitters is not gold; all that shivers is not cold’

Mythology has it that Midas, the king of Phyrgia, was able to turn everything he touched into gold -- ‘the Midas Touch’. According to Aristotle, the legendry figure died of starvation as a result of his greed to transmute everything from its natural substance to gold. This myth is a tragic reality when it comes to America and its neocolonial adventures; America’s reach into Ukraine may well be the ‘touch’ that will end America as we know it today.

For decades, American neocons[1] have engaged in coups, false flag operations, covert and overt wars in order to institute their goal of global domination. The end of the Cold War emboldened them and 9/11 enabled them. Nations and societies became battlefields facilitated by the concept of ‘jihad’ versus‘crusade’[i] thanks to neocon Bernard Lewis who initiated this idea. As country after country fell to America’s ruthless touch -- Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, (attempts in Venezuela and Iran), little attention was paid to covert activities against Russia (and China) considered to pose a challenge to America’s global domination.

Failure of the 2004 Western-backed Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the massive 2006 protests in Crimea against NATO’s invasion with slogans such as "Occupiers go home!" which prompted the parliament of autonomous Ukraine to declare Crimea a “NATO-free territory” (Euronews archive), sent Washington’s neocons into a spin mode, especially since NATO and U.S. have been trying to encircle Russia since 1991.

Azar Gat, Ezer Weizman professor of National Security at Tel Aviv University writing for the powerful and influential Council on Foreign Relations publication (Foreign Affairs, July-August 2007) emphasized ‘the significant challenge emanating from China and Russia operating under “authoritarian capitalist” poised for a comeback. ‘
Global domination demanded curbing Russia (and China). Depriving Russia of its Black Sea Fleet in Crimea and Russia’s access to Syria’s Tartus Port are no doubt a crucial part of this strategy. As importantly, Russia’s gas exports to Europe had to be curbed.

To this end, overt and covert actions were put in place. CIA/State Department propaganda voice, Radio Free Europe, announced in 2010 that “Ukraine has been the target of democracy-promoting Western foundations, such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), for a quarter of a century” (well prior to 1991 dateline admitted to by Victoria Nuland). NED’s counterpart in England, the UK funded Westminster Foundation for Democracy was an active partner in the endeavor.

It was the Westminster Foundation that coopted the “Ukrainian Foundation for Democracy” – The People’s First Foundation that later that same year would become a member of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC). Of particular relevance is the cast of characters who would shape things to come in Ukraine (to be discussed shortly).

“Democracy” promotion aside, the possible and likely role of United States Special Operations Command (USSOC) said to be present in 120 countries as of 2011, and growing (potentially in over 140 countries todate) mut also be considered. Working with SOC is CIA’s Special Activities Division (SAD) and its departments Special Operations Group (SOG) and Political Action Group (POG), which engage in covert activities related to political influence and psychological operations.

As images of Cocktail Molotovs and sniper shootings and deaths found their way into living rooms across the globe, Europe (Ashton) concealed doubts cast over Yanukovch’s complicity in the sniper shootings, facilitating his overthrow in trumped up charges. There is no good reason for the Western backers of the mob government not to investigate the sniper killings unless a)they themselves were complicit, b) they had full knowledge of the actions, or c) concealing the actions was in their interest. No investigation has taken place to date.

Many scholars have voiced concern that the U.S. is backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine; never mind the neo-Nazis – the EU and the United States have embraced terrorism and have sided with terrorists over a democratically elected president. Although there is no universal definition of terrorism, Title 22 of the U.S. Code, Section 2656f(d) defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.”

This must be an incomprehensible part of the US/EU “war on terror”! These actions marginalize those of the marines in Afghanistan who urinated on dead corpses . With their backing of terrorists, the US and EU partners, in effect, have urinated on the graves of all who died in the despicable ‘war on terror’, including Allied soldiers.

This much said, one must surely ask why it is that the Jewish community is supporting the neo-Nazis rise. Why is it that the presence of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers who led rebel groups has not been questioned and addressed? Furthermore, why have Jewish leaders voiced support for the coup and its leaders, and they have chosen to direct their anger and venom toward Russia and President Putin in a letter?

Perhaps, familiarizing oneself with the executive members of the aforementioned USUBC may cast some light on this bizarre behavior. Especially noteworthy are names and organizations among the senior advisors to the USUBC are from pro-Israel think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and Brookings, and Board of Directors executives selected from powerful players at weapons manufacturers such as Raytheon and Boeing (Seehttp://www.usubc.org/site/recent-news/people-first-foundation-joins-u-s-ukraine-business-council-usubc).

Undoubtedly, the cast of characters and their involvement in Ukraine would help ensure the safety of the Ukrainian Jews – especially in light of the fact that Israel is poised to play a huge role in eliminating Europe’s reliance on Russian gas and supplying Europe with gas it has stolen from the Palestinians - and Syrians. Or as the New York Post put it last month: “Israel’s fortune is Putin’s horror
The planning of this “horror” has been in the making for some time. Perhaps the most revealing and interesting article is one penned by David Wurmser writing for the Jewish policy Center titled The Strategic Impact of Israel’s Export of Natural Gas. Referring to the newly found stolen gas in 2009, he writes “Israel and its neighbor now sit atop roughly two years' worth of European consumption”. He further suggests “even modest amounts of Israeli gas exports can carry significant strategic leverage”. Wurmser opines that “The short-term inflexibility of gas trade and the difficulty of replacing disrupted supply also imply that energy prices for consumers and revenues for suppliers can be easily manipulated by marginal increases or decreases.”

Citing Europe’s gas vulnerability, Wurmser posits “Europe's grim reality could represent a unique window of opportunity for Israel to nail down long-term agreements and align export policy with a broader effort to reset Israeli-European relations.”

In December of last year, The Jerusalem Post reported that not only did Hungary seek Israeli gas as an alternative to Russian gas, but it also offered to Israel access to its state-owned gas storage and offered Hungary “as a central European distribution hub for Israeli gas”.

As recently as March 11, Rigzone cited Gideon Tadmor, CEO of Avner Oil, speaking at a conference in Tel-Aviv: “"With recent events in Europe... and the aspiration of different countries to diversify their gas supply, that puts another spotlight on our massive resources and transforms our story into a global one," (a must read).

It then should come as no surprise that the Ukrainian Jewish leaders denounce any threat from the presence of ‘neo-Nazis’ claiming that they can take care of themselves. No doubt this is the case. But will Ukraine, a state that is not one nation, survive the assault on its diversity and its sovereignty? The unforeseen circumstances, the unpredicted reactions may well turn Ukraine into the last of America’s ‘Midas touch’.

Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich is an independent researcher and writer with a focus on U.S. foreign policy and the role of lobby groups in influencing US foreign policy.
[1] Former, self-confessed neocon Jacob Heilbrunn describes neoconservatism as "a decisive respect a Jewish phenomenon," even if many adherents -- albeit a minority -- are not Jewish and even though most U.S. Jews are not neoconservatives. Neoconservatives, he adds, both Jew and gentile, are bound by a "shared commitment to the largest, most important Jewish cause: the survival of Israel.”

[i] Bernard Lewis, ‘Learning the Lingo. Jihad vs. Crusade. A Historian’s Guide to the New War’, Wall Street Journal (27 Sept. 2001).

Syria’s Yabroud on Way to Victory: Al-Manar Exclusive


Local Editor

Syrian army units progress continued on Saturday against armed groups strongholds who were inside the Yabroud city, located in Qalamoun mountains in rural Damascus.

Al-Manar TV broadcast exclusive footage from inside the eastern district which was controlled by the Syrian army on Friday, while the military units deployed on the strategic hill of Saint Maron overlooking Yabroud.

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