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WP: 3rd Anniversary of Syria Crisis, Al-Assad Steadily Winning War - US Intel: "Assad has as good as won"


WP: 3rd Anniversary of Syria Crisis, Al-Assad Steadily Winning War

Local Editor

The Washington Post US daily stressed that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is in a stronger position than ever before to quell the armed group against his rule.

Aided by the steadfast support of his allies and the deepening disarray of his foes, al-Assad is pressing ahead with plans to be reelected to a third seven-year term this summer while sustaining intense military pressure intended to crush his opponents.

According to the US daily, the strategy is not new, but in recent months it has started to yield tangible progress in the form of slow but steady gains on several key fronts.

Most notably, the government has pushed the armed groups back or squeezed them into isolated pockets in large swathes of the territory surrounding Damascus, diminishing prospects that the opposition will soon be in a position to seriously threaten the capital or topple the regime. 

"More than ever there is no hope. Not on the ground and not politically," Abu Emad said, using a pseudonym to protect his identity. "For the rebels to win, it will take a miracle."

The extent of the progress has been such that al-Assad felt confident enough this week to travel 20 miles outside Damascus, through territory held by the armed groups for much of the past two years. In the northeastern suburb of Adra, he visited displaced people, promised them aid and pledged to uphold the fight.

But the likelihood is growing that al-Assad will be able to pacify enough of the country to sustain his hold on power and claim victory, said Jeffry White, military analyst at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. 

"The possibility of the regime winning in a real sense is there," he said. "It depends on a lot of factors - that the regime continues to get support from [the Lebanese militia] Hizbullah and Iran, that there's no outside intervention, and that the rebels don't get better organized or new weaponry. But unless the rebels can change the situation on the ground in some way, the regime is going to keep grinding them down."

Deepening rifts among the rebels have further enhanced the government's prospects. A revolt in January by an assortment of diverse armed groups against the al-Qaeda-inspired so-called "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [ISIL] led to widespread bloodshed across northern Syria.

The daily further noted that "the rebel landscape has since continued to fragment. Al-Qaeda's central command repudiated ISIL, triggering a rift between that group and al-Qaeda's main Syrian affiliate, al-Nusra Front, that has erupted in fighting in the east of the country. The mainstream Supreme Military Council, backed by the United States, has split into two feuding camps after the ouster of its commander, Gen. Salim Idriss.

Liwa al-Tawheed, the biggest armed groups' force in Aleppo, lost 500 men in those weeks, compared with 1,300 in two years of fighting government forces, according to a logistician with the brigade, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. His brigade is deeply divided over the confrontation with ISIL, with some battalions in favor of fighting the extremists and others opposed, and the subject is sensitive even within his own unit.

"It has taken a heavy toll, and the regime is taking full advantage," he said of the rebel rifts. "Now we are in danger of losing Aleppo."

Meanwhile, preparations are gathering pace in Damascus for presidential elections due by July under the terms of Syria's current constitution.
Source: WP, Edited by website team

US Intel: "Assad has as good as won"

خيوط اللعبة | من غزة وشبعا الى أوكرانيا: معركة المحاور تحسم في سوريا
'Despite the meager results of Secretary of State Kerry’s six hours of talks with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on March 14th, State Department officials are not despairing of a diplomatic solution to the Crimea crisis. Kerry is calling the talks “constructive.” Contrary to the media build-up, officials never saw the session with Lavrov as “last ditch’ or “make or break.” One official summed things up to us: “We were certainly hoping for more, but Kerry was able to use his already good relationship with Lavrov to offer a number of very specific ideas for greater autonomy for Crimea. These will form the basis of further talks after the referendum.”  Critics on the Hill, however, believe that the referendum will only harden Moscow's position in having the Crimea return to Russian sovereignty.  This is not to say that that situation is not extremely volatile. There is deep concern in Washington that President Putin has misread the determination of the West to impose costs on him or – much worse – that he will intervene in Eastern Ukraine if civic disturbances continue there. The Administration’s hope is that the increasingly tough approach adopted by German Chancellor Merkel – who is seen in Washington as the pivotal player – will convince Putin to have second thoughts. As an NSC analyst commented to us: “We have a good understanding about Lavrov but we hardly any read of Putin.” There is a sense of foreboding that, once sanctions start to be imposed, attitudes will harden in Moscow and the crisis will turn into a prolonged one – with implications on other issues in the US-Russia relationship like Syria, Iran, North Korea and nuclear disarmament. With new P5+1 talks due with Tehran next week, US officials are at present encouraged that the Russian attitude remains cooperative.  Regarding Syria, US attention has dropped precipitately, with the result that US intelligence analysts are warning that Assad is making military gains that will be near impossible to reverse. One analyst commented to us: “Assad has as good as won.” ...'

Crimea: Unmasking revolution

Ukraine SITREP March 14, 10:55 EST (and a look at the Ukrainian military)


Russia stands for freedom!

  • Serious clashes have taken place in the city of Donetsk.  According to most accounts, the newly appointed billionaire governor Taruta attempted to organize a demonstration in support of "a united Ukraine".  For his purpose he bused in from Kiev and western Ukraine.  The local population organized a counter-demonstration.  The cops tried to keep the two groups apart, but failed, and soon violent clashes happened.  The Banderites were fewer in numbers, but were armed with metal bars, tear gas and other weapons, but the locals had the numbers on their side and eventually the Banderites had to withdraw.  They were loaded in their buses under police protection and had to leave.  At least one person died, many were wounded.
  • In Lugansk the local SBU (security services), which is clearly under Banderite control, kidnapped the "popular governor".
  • In Chernigov gangs of neo-Fascists are attacking and looting shops owned by Russian speakers.
  • Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has declared that the new regime in Kiev is clearly unable to maintain order and that Russia reserves the right to protect the Russian speakers in the Ukraine
There have been a lot of speculations about the Ukrainian military and its actual capabilities.  CNN even published this absolutely ridiculous chart:

So this might be a good time to look at what the Ukrainian military really looks like.  Needless to say, that kind of information is typically classified and I don't have access to any classified sources.  However, I found a source which in the past has been rather reliable and who is well-connected with the Russian intelligence community: the reporter Evgenii Pozhidaev from the Regnum news agency.  This is, according to him, the real condition of what is left of the Ukrainian military:
  • 20 SU-27 of which 15 can fly.
  • 80 MiG-29 of which 30 can fly (of a total of 45 MiG-29s were seized by Russia in the Crimea only 4 could fly).
  • 24 SU-24 of which 12 can fly.
  • 36 SU-25 of which 14 can fly.
The yearly amount of flying hours in the Ukraine is, on average, 17 hours, and in the best units 40 hours.  In Russia the average is 110-130 hours.
  • 30 S-300 batteries of which only 3 are in good condition
  • 10 Buk 9К37 batteries whose condition is unknown
  • 41'000 soliders of which 6'000 are fully trained and 500 well-trained
    686 tanks, many bad shape, of which 86 can be considered as modern
  • 100+ heavy multi-launch rocket systems with well-trained crews
In contrast, Russia currently has 150'000 soldiers, 880 tanks, 90 combat aircraft and 120 combat helicopters deployed right across the Ukrainian-Russian border.

Bottom line: the Ukrainian military has a lot of powerful artillery units and an aging but still relevant air defense force.  It can probably count on something in the range of 10'000 well-trained soldiers plus much larger reserves (ex Soviet military officers).  A national guard of loyal Banderites of about another 10'000 men is in the process being created and this is the force which could be used in to keep an eye on the regular military and for punitive terror operations against the Russian-speaking population.  In terms of armor, the Ukrainian military has many but old vehicles (MBT, APCs, IFVs,) protected by many short range air defense systems.

The Ukrainian Navy and Air Force basically exist only on paper.

The good news for the new regime is that all the evidence points to the fact that the SBU (the state security service, ex-KGB) appears to have switched its loyalty to the new regime.

Finally, the regime can probably count on 20'000+ armed thugs: a combination of the Right Sector brownshirts, mobsters hired by the newly appointed billionaire governors and volunteers from western Ukraine.

I think that a clear picture emerges from the above.  It can be summarized in two basic conclusions:

a) The Banderite regime has more then enough forces to subdue, suppress, repress and terrorize the Russian speaking population in the south and east of the Ukraine.  It's large and well-trained artillery force is particularly dangerous for the Crimean Peninsula.

b) The Banderite regime has no hope at all to mount a meaningful defense against the Russian military.  As Pozhidaev put it - "the Ukrainian Air Force can only be considered powerful by African standards".  That also goes for the rest of the Ukrainian armed forces.

The Saker

PS: if I promise that when this crisis is over we can have a long and open discussion on Hitler and the role of Jews in WWII, can we now pretty please stop this and discuss current events?  I think that has the author of this blog I should have the right to ask you to at least suspend this tsunami of Hilter & Jews centered comments.  Please, I really beg you, don't force me to start censoring your posts and accept my offer of compromise - we will discuss all this at a later time and I promise you a full post on my personal views on this topic.  Deal?

The European and American public are being systematically lied to about the Ukraine crisis.

Posted on  by michaellee2009 | Edit

In this video we’re going to provide you with compelling evidence that the crimes against humanity committed in Kiev earlier this year were in fact committed by the new coalition government and that officials in the E.U. and the United States knew full well who committed these crimes and that they are protecting and financially supporting the real criminals.
On February 20th of 2013 the world was shocked by video footage of snipers firing on protesters in Kiev Ukraine. Twenty one people were murdered, and it was widely assumed that President Victor Yanukovich and his supporters were behind the attacks. However a phone conversation between EU foreign policy chief Cathy Ashton and Estonia’s foreign minister Urmas Paet leaked to the public on March 5th reveals that the snipers in were actually from the new coalition government, and that Western diplomats knew this and covered it up.
Urmas Paet: “All the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among police men and people in the street, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides.”
Cathy Ashton: “Well that’s, yeah…”
Urmas Paet: “And she also showed me some photos and she said that has medical doctor, she can say that it is the same handwriting…”
Cathy Ashton: “Yeah…”
Urmas Paet: “Same type of bullets… and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened. So that there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”
Urmas Paet: “All the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among police men and people in the street, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides.”
Cathy Ashton: “Well that’s, yeah…”
Urmas Paet: “And she also showed me some photos and she said that has medical doctor, she can say that it is the same handwriting…”
Cathy Ashton: “Yeah…”
Urmas Paet: “Same type of bullets… and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened. So that there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”
For some reason the U.S. media didn’t think that little detail was worth covering.

Today the UNSC made its choice, tomorrow the Crimeans will make theirs

The Saker
Tomorrow Crimeans will make a basic and clear choice.  The choice will not be whether to remain part of Banderastan or not, the choice will be whether to become de-facto independent and accept a figleaf of Ukrainian sovereignty  over Crimea, or to totally break-off from the "Ukrainian experiment" and return to Russia.

"On March 16th we will chose: either or"
All the members of the UNSC except Russia (vetoed) and China (abstained) seem to think that it is absolutely unacceptable to refuse to join a Nazi Banderastan for the people who had to bear 80% of the weight of ridding the world from the Third Reich.  One could say that by that vote these countries also made their own choice:  Russia freed the West from the Nazis, yet the West prefers to Nazis to the Russians.

Hitler, this first proponent of a European Union, would be proud of his "western" successors.

The Saker

Israeli Ministers Slam Abbas Ahead of Obama Meet


Local Editor

Israeli ministers slammed Palestinian Authority Chief over the so-called “peace” talks with the Israelis as Mahmoud Abbas was preparing to meet US President Barack Obama.

Enviroment Minister Gilad Erdan US Secretary of State John Kerry was "wrong" for pressuring the Zionist entity in peace talks.

Israeli enviroment minister Gilad Erdan
"John Kerry is wrong because he is putting pressure on the wrong side," said Erdan, who is considered close to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Kerry should be asking Abu Mazen (Abbas) why he is stubbornly refusing to recognize Israel as the Jewish state," he told public radio.

His remarks came two days after Kerry criticized Netanyahu's repeated demand that the Palestinians recognize the occupation entity as a “Jewish state.”

Earlier on Saturday, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said Abbas was "not a partner for a final peace deal".

Abbas "is a partner for receiving, not giving," Yaalon told Israel's Channel 2 television in an interview.

Israeli defense minister Moshe Yaalon
"He is not a partner for a final agreement that would include the recognition of Israel as the national state of the Jewish people and that would end the conflict and all claims."

Abbas is due to meet Obama in Washington on Monday to discuss the stalled talks brokered by Kerry.
"He (Abbas) says it very clearly but no one seems to listen... I'm sorry to come to this conclusion, but this (deal) will not happen in my time," said Yaalon who is considered to be one of the most rightwing ministers in Netanyahu's coalition government.

The Abbas-Obama talks are likely to focus on a US-proposed framework to guide final status negotiations, before the impending deadline for the current round of talks on April 29.

Source: AFP
16-03-2014 - 13:29 Last updated 16-03-2014 - 13:29

Warning of possible USA instigated false flag events in Ukraine

Posted on  by michaellee2009 

Operation Independence Continues - Anonymous exposes US invasion plans in Ukraine

Operation Independence Continues - Anonymous exposes US invasion plans in Ukraine
By tomorrow, the 15th of March 2014, the United States, through its agents in Ukraine, will begin a series of false flag attacks on targets in Ukraine which have been designed to make it look as if they were carried out by the Special Forces of the Russian Federation.

This information has been made available and was released through several forums used by Anonymous Ukraine. Members of Anonymous Ukraine, who are involved in what Anonymous has called Operation Independence, have independently verified that Anonymous is the source for the e-mails. Among the three key e-mail is one containing the initial instructions from the US Army Assistant Army Attaché Jason P. Gresh to a senior official of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army named Igor Protsuyuk. Again Anonymous has exposed treason by Ukrainian officials and the egregious illegal meddling of the United Sates into the affairs of a sovereign nation.
Anonymous Ukraine is operating in what can only be described as a hot war zone where almost all communications and internet access are either completely controlled and intercepted or have been shut down. Contacts in Anonymous Ukraine have also stated that there is a campaign by the US Government and the current illegitimate regime which illegally seized power to demonize and discredit Anonymous.
Anonymous Ukraine does not support what they call "the Bandera Nazis" because: they do not represent the Ukrainian people, they have deposed the democratically elected president, they have destabilized the country, they have killed hundreds of peaceful Ukrainian and they have completely taken over the media and the internet.
Anonymous Ukraine has therefore stated that those running the Facebook page under "Anonymous Ukraine" are CIA and US Government lackeys who are promoting nazis and destroying their country before selling it to NATO, the US and the EU.
Members of Anonymous Ukraine are in fear for their safety and have stated that the Bandera nazis have issued orders to execute those responsible for previous releases of their hacked e-mails and the recording of telephone conversations that have been made available on-line. They have also noticed heightened activity by the NSA and CIA against all of their web resources.
Anonymous Ukraine is monitoring all communications in Ukraine and also regularly attacking all NATO, NSA and CIA resources as well as those of the Udar Party, the Svoboda Party, the offices and structures of the new government and has intercepted almost all of the e-mails of the Bandera Nazis.
With regard to Russia a source in Anonymous said that they are monitoring Russia communication in Ukraine as well and do not want to Russia annex their country. If the people of Crimea want to join Russia Anonymous supports the will of the people. The internet is still free in Crimea and the situation there is table. However members of the collective are extremely upset with the censorship that the Bandera nazis have implemented.
With regard to more leaks our source said there is too much information but that they are getting almost everything. Whether this is true or not one this is certain, Anonymous has not backed off and is surely becoming a headache for the illegitimate authorities in Kiev.
The members polled for this statement do not represent all of Anonymous. They represent a segment of the collective currently active in Ukraine and other regions.
Anonymous Ukraine Statement:
Greetings citizens of the world. We are Anonymous Ukraine Operation Independence Ukraine continues.
Western hirelings and fascists are attempting to start a war with Russia in Ukraine.
Much of Ukraine is now under the control of the Bandera nazis but all is not lost. We are winning. We continue to uncover and expose to the world the evil plans the United States, NATO, the European Union, the NSA, the CIA, the IMF and their corporate banker masters have for Ukraine. We will not let this stand. We will expose every detail of their plan. We will never forgive them for what they have done to Ukraine and they will pay the cost.
Ukraine has no government. Those in the Verhovnaya Rada are self-appointed Nazi killers and do not represent the Ukrainian people.
We repeat. Anonymous Ukraine continues to support peace and the right of the people of Ukraine and the Crimea to self determination. The Bandera Nazis and fascist thugs that are pretending to be the voice of the people will be stopped. The US/NATO invasion of Ukraine will be stopped. Their puppets will be exposed and brought to justice.
Murderers and fascist thugs who kill police and members of the security services of Ukraine do not represent the will or the wishes of the people of Ukraine. Nazis who deny the Nuremberg Trials at the United Nations do not represent the will of the people.
Anonymous Ukraine supports the Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Tartars, Jews and others that the Bandera nazis want to kill. They are also Anonymous.
We have hacked the e-mail correspondence of the US Army and the Nazi Trident in Ukraine including the US Army Attaché’s Assistant in Kiev Jason Gresh and yet another high ranking Bandera Nazi from the Ukrainian General Staff Igor Protsyk.
The western hirelings and traitors are planning to conduct a series of attacks on Ukrainian military bases in order to destabilize the situation in Ukraine. The want to stop the referendum in Crimea. They want war with Russia.
The US Army writes to Igor Protsyk that it’s time to implement a plan that implies causing problems to the transport hubs in the south-east of Ukraine in order to frame-up the neighbor. It will create favorable conditions for Pentagon to act.
Russia is Ukraine’s friend. We Anonymous, have witnessed the support for the people of Ukraine by Russia. Russia has kept order in Crimea while the Bandera nazis have destroyed much of what the people cherish. The Bandera nazis want blood and war for Ukraine. Then they will sell Ukraine to NATO and the United States and take their money to another country like Julia Timoshenko whose accounts we have also hacked and which we can empty at will.
The United States and its puppets in Ukraine in Ukraine want to start a war with Russia. Obama cannot be allowed to kill the peoples of the world any longer. The Bandera nazis refuse to return Ukraine to the people. They do not listen.
Citizens of the world. We repeat. The people of Ukraine do not want European Union integration. The people of Ukraine do not want NATO on their territory. The people of Ukraine voted for President Yanukovich to lead them in fair and just democratic elections. He is still the President of Ukraine.
The people of Ukraine plea to the President and to Russia for help in ending the siege of Ukraine by Nazi thugs and murderous gangs. The people of Ukraine do not want to see their beloved capital Kiev occupied by western hirelings and Bandera nazis. The people of Ukraine want their independence to be recognized and be allowed to determine their own fate without pressure from US, NATO, European Union. The people of Ukraine want peace and want the Bandera Nazis to be stopped once and for all.
Anonymous Ukraine does not like nor support what is happening in Ukraine now. Anonymous Ukraine thanks President Putin for protecting President Yanukovich. We appeal to the president of our country who is hiding in Russia to return to Ukraine and restore order and rid Ukraine of the Bandera nazis and the Western hirelings.
Anonymous Ukraine calls for Ukraine to be unified and independent. The government of Ukraine promoted the country's integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions despite the reluctance of Ukrainian people. Ukrainian citizens realize that signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union will lead to the collapse of Ukrainian economy in the near future. We express our support to the people of our country.
We want Ukrainian government and EU leadership to understand that people of Ukraine do not want their country to become a raw material donor to Europe. Ukraine must be free. We do not want to be dependent on other countries or organizations. Ukrainian people do not need a speculative Association Agreement with the European Union. Ukraine does not need the International Monetary Fund or the western banksters and their conditions. We do not need to be servants of NATO. Ukraine does not need the European Union. Ukraine does not need NATO. Ukraine should not be anybody's servant. Ukraine is not a cheap prostitute for Obama.
The Russian people of Ukraine make up a hardworking and intelligent part of Ukrainian society. The Russian people are brothers and sisters to the Ukrainian people. We do not support demonizing the Russian people. We do not support making the Russian language illegal and we do not support the destruction of monuments and churches by the Bandera Nazis.
We stand for independent Ukraine. We declare the continuation of Operation Independence. We will strike at the web resources of countries and organizations that pose a threat to freedom and independence of Ukraine!
The Bandera Nazis did not listen. Their leader Dimitry Yarosh will soon understand what the words expect us mean. They have proven the weak cowards that we knew they were.
We will continue to take their sites down and publish every communication they make. We will continue attacking all of their web resources.
Anonymous does not attack media sources but that is when the media is free. The Bandera nazi media can therefore expect us.
We will protect Ukraine from Western hirelings and fascists that are trying to hurl Ukraine into chaos! We do not want them to start a war!
We are Anonymous Ukraine.
We are the Patriots of our country.
We Do Not Forgive.
We Do Not Forget.
Do Not Expect Us.
We Are Already Here.

E-Mail 1
From: Jason P. Gresh GreshJP@state.gov
To: Igor Protsuyuk igor.protsyk@gmail.com, ivprotsyk@mil.gov.ua
Subj: Peninsula
Date: Sun, 9 March 2014 17:57:09 +0200
Events are moving fast in the Crimea. Our friends in Washington expect more decisive action from your network.
This comments underlines the desperation and the rush that the US has in cementing their overthrow of Ukraine. They can not risk that there will democratic elections and a legitimate government which will so no to NATO, the EU, the IMF and the US.
I think it's time to implement the plan we discussed lately. Your job is to cause some problems to the transport hubs in the south-east in order to frame-up the neighbor.
The neighbor in this case means the Russian Federation. One note, for a military attaché Mr. Gresh’s English is not that good but he could be talking down to his hirelings.
It will create favorable conditions for Pentagon and the Company to act.
Of course the phrase "the Company" means the Central Intelligence Agency.
Do not waste time, my friend.
Jason P. Gresh
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
Assistant Army Attaché
U.S. Embassy, Kyiv
Tankova 4, Kyiv, Ukraine 04112
(380-44) 521 - 5444 | Fax: (380-44) 521 - 5636

E-Mail 2
From: Igor Protsuyuk igor.protsyk@gmail.com,
To: Basil Labaichuk krivonis.te@gmail.com
Subj: Get active in Melitopol
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 5:50:35 -0700
You must launch actions in Melitopole very quickly . The 25th Air Transport Brigade is located there.
We need to mess with (pull in, provoke) our sworn friends and our good neighbors . I think you understand me .
This phrase is interesting in the use of the term “sworn friends” which may mean their terrorist allies, the other parts of their Trident or Yatsenyuk and Klitcschko themselves.
You must proceed carefully and cautiously.
The 25th Air Brigade is currently on combat missions, so make sure no great harm comes to the planes .
There are already damaged aircraft at the location, with those you can do whatever you want. I will send you there registration numbers.
Remember, it is necessary to make everything look like it was a real attack by Russian Special Forces .
The Brigade Commander there is an intelligent man.
He will not know the details but in an extreme case you can turn to him. We will warn him.
Colonel Igor Protsyk
Chief of Staff, Bilateral Military Cooperation Division, Main Directorate for Military Cooperation and PKO
General Staff, Armed Forces of Ukraine
tel +38044 481-5407 cell +38067 407 97 40
e-mail: i.v.protsyk@mil.gov.ua e-mail: protsyk@ukr.net

E-Mail 3
From: Basil Labaichuk krivonis.te@gmail.com
To: Oleg Kolyarny kolyarny@gmail.com
CC: igor.protsyk@gmail.com
Subj: Urgent need to make some noise
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 9:20:46 -0700
Oleg, there is an urgent need to make noise attributed to Muscovites (epithet) at the Melitopole air base. This must be done before March 15. You already understand why.
First of all you need to contact Paschke (Pavel) Tarasenko . You must know him, he's from local Svoboda Party and is in on the plan.
10-12 guys will be arriving there from the Center.
They are the best fighters of the Trident. Misha (Mihail) is in charge, you should know him too. He will fill you in on the details. You must meet these people and ensure that they have everything they need.
Proceed with caution. Speak only in Russian.
The 25th Air Brigade is currently engaged in combat missions, so do not do a lot of damage to the aircraft.
There are plenty of scrap (damaged) aircraft there and you can do whatever you like with them. You will be told which damaged aircraft you can attack.
It is vital that everything looks like as real attack by our neighbor’s (Russian) commandos. But without bodies.
Give me your account details again. The money will come on time, do not worry .
See the attached file. It is just a proposal. Decide yourself what to do. Read more:

Shady Ashton's role in regime change

Lady Ashton
Lady Ashton

Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:51PM GMT

Questions need to asked about the real role of the European Union's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.

With her demeanor of quiet diplomacy and down-to-earth style, some may see her as a fixer of diplomatic solutions. But, increasingly, it seems that the British appointed European bureaucrat is playing a more sinister role of finessing regime change on behalf of Washington and its NATO allies.

Ashton - whose official British title is "Lady Ashton" - was made a member of the House of Lords under Britain's archaic and undemocratic honors system back in 1999. She has never been elected by a popular vote, yet she has risen by political patronage to become Europe's top diplomat deciding the fate of foreign states and millions of lives.

Up to now, Ashton has enjoyed something of a benevolent image akin to a "well-meaning auntie figure". Mild-mannered and modest, she might be seen as an honest broker. For example, she is credited with helping to broker the P5+1 interim nuclear deal with Iran last November.

However, the covert involvement of Western governments in orchestrating the coup d'état in Ukraine and Ashton's de facto participation in this regime-change operation makes her much less a lady and more a cynical operator who is far from an honest broker.

When the street protests sparked off in Kiev at the end of November, allegedly as a result of incumbent President Viktor Yanukovych's refusal to sign a EU trade pact, Ashton was among the trail of top Western political figures who took it upon themselves to "mediate" in the ensuing political crisis.

While Ashton appeared to be mediating between the Ukrainian government and protesters in Kiev's Maidan Square, she was nevertheless all the while stirring up the street demonstrations. She was photographed with protest leaders, including Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who is now the self-styled prime minister of Ukraine, even though these agitators were urging neo-Nazi violence and widespread law breaking.

The EU foreign policy chief was thus instrumental in lending credibility and legitimacy to what can only be described as a violent seizure of government. The criminal involvement of the American CIA and its various non-governmental incarnations in fomenting this coup is well documented. That makes Ashton a CIA collaborator.

Ashton deserves further scrutiny because more evidence is emerging that the street massacre in Kiev last month precipitating the seizure of Ukraine's government was carried out by snipers working for the Western-backed coup plotters.

The latest revelations from Ukraine's former security chief confirm that the shootings were orchestrated by members of the Western-backed coalition - the coalition that has since taken political power in Kiev. Aleksandr Yakimenko told Russian media this week that the building from where the snipers fired fatal shots at police and protesters on February 20 was under the full control of the organizers of the Maidan demonstrations. In particular, Andriy Parubiy, who has since been appointed by the Kiev junta as head of the National Security and Defense Council, prevented any measures at the time of the shootings to arrest the snipers, says Yakimenko.

Yet, Ashton, along with other European and American leaders, has said little about what appears to be a huge crime. Indeed, she has endorsed the ruling administration in Kiev as the "interim government of Ukraine" even though the evidence points to the new political office holders in Kiev as being an unelected junta that came to power through acts of terrorism.

A phone call leaked last week showed that the EU foreign policy chief knew about allegations of the massacre from as early as February 26 when Ashton was told by Estonia's top diplomat Urmas Paet about the snipers working for the Ukrainian opposition. Up to 100 people, including civilians and police were killed in the gunfire on February 20.

When Ashton was told of this sinister covert action, all she replied to Paet was: "Gosh, we must investigate that..."

Well, since then, Ashton has kept a conspicuous silence on what appears to be an act of mass murder by the Western-backed opposition. Former Ukrainian security chief Yakimenko says evidence points to the involvement of US Special Forces. He says the agitators worked closely with the US embassy in Kiev.

Considering the grave criminal implications, it is revealing that Ashton had so little to say in response to the initial news over the phone from the Estonian foreign minister. That suggests that Ashton already knew of the criminal conspiracy to use terrorism in order to grab power, or she is now choosing to cover up.

Either way, Ashton's silence on the sinister events in Kiev is damning and especially so as more incriminating evidence emerges about the incident being a Western state-sponsored act of terrorism. Russia is calling for an international inquiry, but Aston and her Western allies are saying nothing. What has become of the supposed honest broker?

Last weekend, the Lady was in Tehran on what was hailed as a landmark visit. It was her first visit to Iran since she became EU foreign policy chief in 2009.

Rather mischievously, she announced in Tehran that there was "no guarantee" that a comprehensive agreement to the P5+1 nuclear negotiations would be achieved. Ashton then offended the Iranian government when she embarked on "unsanctioned" meetings with various political dissident groups while in Tehran - unrelated to the nuclear issue. Some Iranian parliamentarians accused her of interfering in Iranian internal affairs. Was that Ashton's calling card for more such agitation in Iran, just like in Ukraine?

This week, US president Barack Obama signed off on a continuation of American sanctions against Iran for another year, which does not bode well for a comprehensive settlement to the decade-old nuclear dispute and for the lifting of Western sanctions punishing the Iranian people.

Given her role in facilitating Western regime change in Ukraine, which has since led to a dangerous escalation of tensions between Washington, its European allies and Russia, Lady Ashton is showing herself to be someone who cannot be trusted. Not so much Lady Ashton, more like Shady Ashton.

The End of Qalamoun Emirate


Army gains full control over Yabroud, Defense Minister visits the city

Mar 17, 2014


Early this month, the army took control of al-Sahl town to the north of Yabroud and the town and farms of Rima, in addition to the eastern hills overlooking Yabroud, including al-Aqbeh area and the compound and hill of al-Qatri.

With these achievements the army had almost fully encircled Yabroud city, witnessing the collapse of the dens and fortifications of the takfiri terrorist groups successively in front of the fatal blows by the army.

Fleeing terrorists from Yabroud enter Lebanese Ersal, Lebanese Army arrests 5 of them

Meanwhile, Lebanese security sources said there has been movement of members of armed terrorist groups from and to Ersal in Beqaa, east Lebanon.

The Lebanese National News Agency said that the Lebanese Army intercepted a pickup truck carrying armed terrorists in Ersal area, opening fire on it when it failed to comply to the orders of a checkpoint.

The Lebanese Army arrested five terrorists who were in the vehicle and who were in possession of military arms and munitions.

The Lebanese Army also intercepted another pickup truck in Wadi Hamid area containing three Syrians coming from Syria and transporting an amount of narcotics.

Al-Manar TV said that the Lebanese Army is patrolling the borders between Lebanon and Syria to prevent terrorists fleeing Yabroud from entering Lebanon, with army vehicles patrolling the area near Ersal around the clock and closing certain routes that gunmen might use to enter Lebanon.

The area patrolled by the Lebanese Army extends around 40 kilometers and consists chiefly of difficult mountainous terrain.

Reports said that 24 injured terrorists and 3 terrorists' bodies reached field hospitals in Ersal from Yabroud, and that there are many more injured terrorists waiting on crossing points.

Al-Manar TV quoted sources as saying that numbers of terrorists fleeing from Yabroud entered the Lebanese refugee camps in Wadi Hamid.

This movement of fleeing terrorists followed the Syrian armed forces’ seizure of control over Yabroud city and the resulting great collapse within the terrorist groups’ ranks.
Other Lebanese media outlets said large numbers of fleeing terrorists were seen today morning in Ersal after, noting that those terrorists have positioned in the mountains of the Lebanese town.

The Lebanese army recently closed a number of illegal crossings on the borders between Lebanon and Syria which witness infiltration of terrorists and smuggling of weapons and ammunition on a large scale.

The recently closed crossings, especially those near Ersal, were used as routes for car bombs which targeted Lebanon and terrorists infiltrating Syria under a cover of some Lebanese political forces of March 14th trend.

Photos from Yabroud









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Putin: Crimeans expressed their will in full accordance with intl law, UN Charter

USA whines about International Law as if it's something they regularly comply with and as if aiding and abetting an armed fascist revolution against a democratically elected Government is in compliance.

A woman with her face painted in the colours of the Russian national flag waits for the announcement of preliminary results of today's referendum on Lenin Square in the Crimean capital of Simferopol March 16, 2014 (Reuters / Thomas Peter) A woman with her face painted in the colours of the Russian national flag waits for the announcement of preliminary results of today’s referendum on Lenin Square in the Crimean capital of Simferopol March 16, 2014 (Reuters / Thomas Peter)
The referendum in Crimea was fully consistent with international law and UN Charter, Russian President Vladimir Putin told Barack Obama, after the overwhelming majority of Crimeans expressed their willingness to join Russia.

The citizens of the peninsula have been given an opportunity to freely express their will and exercise their right to self-determination, the Russian president said in a phone conversation with his US counterpart, according to Kremlin’s press service.

With a record-breaking turnout of over 80 percent, according to preliminary results, over 95 percent of the Crimean population said ‘yes’ to the reunion of the republic with Russia. International observers have not reported any violations or anything resembling any kind of pressure during the vote.

However, Obama said the Unites States and the “international community” will “never recognize” the results of the referendum “administered under threats of violence and intimidation,” according to White House spokesman.

Obama “emphasized that Russia’s actions were in violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity” and that the US in coordination with its European partners is “prepared to impose additional costs on Russia,” the White House added.

Despite the existing differences in the assessment of the situation in Ukraine, the leaders of Russia and US have agreed that they must jointly seek to help stabilize the situation in the country, the Kremlin said.

“Putin drew attention to the inability and unwillingness of the current Kiev authorities to curb rampant ultra-nationalist and radical groups, destabilizing and terrorizing civilians, including Russian-speaking population, and our fellow citizens,” Kremlin statement reads.

In this context, the possibility of sending an OSCE monitoring mission to Ukraine was discussed, the press office reported. The Russian President believes such a mission should be extended to all Ukrainian regions.

Crimeans Want to Join Russia, Obama Outraged


Local Editor

Crimeans vote in ReferendumAn overwhelming 95.5 percent of Crimeans voted Sunday to become part of Russia in a referendum deemed "illegal" by US and UK.

With 50 percent of ballots counted, referendum commission chairman Mykhaylo Malyshev said 3.5 percent had voted to remain in Ukraine with wider autonomous powers and 1.0 percent were "spoiled ballots."

Crimea's leader Sergiy Aksyonov said the referendum "will go down in history."

"Today we took a very important decision that will go down in history," Aksyonov tweeted in the wake of the exit poll. He said Crimea's regional government will make a formal application Monday to join the Russian Federation.

"The Supreme Soviet of Crimea will make an official application for the republic to join the Russian Federation at a meeting on March 17," Aksyonov said in a tweet.

Outraged US President Barack Obama hinted at possible additional sanctions on Russia, warning his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that the United States and its allies would "never" recognize Crimea's breakaway vote Sunday.

In a telephone call, Obama told Putin that the vote violated the Ukrainian constitution. "President Obama emphasized that the Crimean 'referendum,' which violates the Ukrainian constitution and occurred under duress of Russian military intervention, would never be recognized by the United States and the international community," the White House said in a statement.

The Kremlin said earlier that the call was initiated by the American side, as relations between Russia and the United States plunged to their lowest point since the Cold War.

Putin told Obama that the referendum was fully legal, "in line with the norms of international law and the UN charter."

For its part, Britain slammed the vote as a "mockery" of democracy and refused to recognize the referendum's outcome.

Speaking in Brussels ahead of a meeting of European Union foreign ministers on Monday, Foreign Secretary William Hague condemned the vote as being in ‘breach’ of the Ukrainian constitution.

Source: AFP
17-03-2014 - 01:49 Last updated 17-03-2014


USA whines about International Law as if it's something they regularly comply with and as if aiding and abetting an armed fascist revolution against a democratically elected Government is in compliance.
A woman with her face painted in the colours of the Russian national flag waits for the announcement of preliminary results of today’s referendum on Lenin Square in the Crimean capital of Simferopol March 16, 2014 (Reuters / Thomas Peter)
The referendum in Crimea was fully consistent with international law and UN Charter, Russian President Vladimir Putin told Barack Obama, after the overwhelming majority of Crimeans expressed their willingness to join Russia.

The citizens of the peninsula have been given an opportunity to freely express their will and exercise their right to self-determination, the Russian president said in a phone conversation with his US counterpart, according to Kremlin’s press service.

With a record-breaking turnout of over 80 percent, according to preliminary results, over 95 percent of the Crimean population said ‘yes’ to the reunion of the republic with Russia. International observers have not reported any violations or anything resembling any kind of pressure during the vote.

However, Obama said the Unites States and the “international community” will “never recognize” the results of the referendum “administered under threats of violence and intimidation,” according to White House spokesman.

Obama “emphasized that Russia’s actions were in violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity” and that the US in coordination with its European partners is “prepared to impose additional costs on Russia,” the White House added.

Despite the existing differences in the assessment of the situation in Ukraine, the leaders of Russia and US have agreed that they must jointly seek to help stabilize the situation in the country, the Kremlin said.

“Putin drew attention to the inability and unwillingness of the current Kiev authorities to curb rampant ultra-nationalist and radical groups, destabilizing and terrorizing civilians, including Russian-speaking population, and our fellow citizens,” Kremlin statement reads.

In this context, the possibility of sending an OSCE monitoring mission to Ukraine was discussed, the press office reported. The Russian President believes such a mission should be extended to all Ukrainian regions.

Ukraine, Russia and the world: Five Questions to 3 Authors


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Ukraine, Russia and the world: Five Questions to 3 Authors


Tlaxcala asked three authors- Dmitry OrlovThe Saker and Pepe Escobar- who have been accurately following the situation in and around Ukraine, 5 questions. Here are their answers. Tlaxcala doesn't share all their views but find them interesting enough to be shared.

1) Do you believe US (Obama) is using Ukraine to take revenge for Syria and make the EU "unfit for fight"? What would their strategic goals be?

Dmitry Orlov: Obama's goal was to stage a coup d'état to replace the Ukrainian government with a puppet regime. In this he has succeeded. But I doubt that his strategies go beyond that.

The Saker: The current crisis has been entirely the creation of the USA and, to a lesser degree, of the EU. The USA is locked in a Cold-War type mentality illustrated by the following two quotes. One by Hillary Clinton “There is a move to re-Sovietise the region,” (...) “It’s not going to be called that. It’s going to be called a customs union, it will be called Eurasian Union and all of that,” (...) “But let's make no mistake about it. We know what the goal is and we are trying to figure out effective ways to slow down or prevent it” (source) and one by Zbigniew Brzezinski: “Without Ukraine Russia ceases to be empire, while with Ukraine - bought off first and subdued afterwards, it automatically turns into empire…According to him, the new world order under the hegemony of the United States is created against Russia and on the fragments of Russia. Ukraine is the Western outpost to prevent the recreation of the Soviet Union” (source). Thus the USA are not trying to “get” the Ukraine for NATO or for any other purpose, what they want is to deny the Ukraine to Russia in a hope of preventing the latter from becoming a new Soviet Empire. This is thus a pure zero-sum game – any Russian loss is, by definition, a success for the USA. The fact that Russia is already a superpower capable of stopping the USA (as shown in the Syrian crisis) or the fact that Russia has no desire to become another Soviet Union or even any other kind of empire (empires are costly and the Russians have no desire to become another USSR) makes no difference: the US plutocracy believes this and acts on this belief. Furthermore, the US elites have been humiliated in the Syrian crisis and they now want to show Russia and the rest of the world “who is boss”. Finally, add to this the influence of some very powerful ethnic lobbies who all share a common hatred for Russia (Jewish, Ukrainian, Polish) and you will get a policy whose sole aim is to make things as bad for Russia as possible. This is nothing new. During the war in Afghanistan the USA was willing to fully back the worst types of Wahabi terrorists only to hurt the USSR. Now the USA is giving its support to violent neo-Fascist nationalists. The sole condition for any terrorist group, no matter how evil and crazy, to get money from the CIA and is affiliates is to hate Russia. The wars in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo had no other purpose than “stick it to the Russians”. And if we look closer at the core of this maniacal hatred of the US elites for Russia we find that very little has changed in the West since the Middle-Ages: the western elites have always hated Russia for being Orthodox and for refusing to be conquered.

Pepe Escobar: Ukraine is definitely the Obama administration's warped revenge playbook for not being allowed to bomb Syria (it was in fact saved from it, plus the horrible consequences, by Moscow). The only things that matter for Washington in Ukraine, in that order, are: 1) NATO bases. 2) Pipelineistan; US Big Oil controlling still unexplored oil and gas wealth. 3) US agro-business taking over fertile Ukrainian lands. The EU does not need and want Ukraine, because it would need to save it from bankruptcy with funds it does not have (moreover, the operation would further enrage millions of already destitute Europeans.)

2) What do you believe is Russia's (Putin's) strategic goal and the tactic ways to reach it?

DO: Prevent further EU/NATO encroachment; guarantee the rights of Russian-speakers in what has for centuries been Russian territory; uphold international rule of law. Possibly avenge NATO actions against Serbia in Kosovo.

The Saker: For Russia the goal is simple: survival as a nation, country and civilization. In this sense, this is not a “Putin policy” but a “Russian policy”: except for the few tiny CIA funded parties which represent no more that 1-2 percent of the Russian population, there is a consensus amongst all the major Russian political movements in support of the current Russian stance in this crisis which Russians view as an existential threat. When NATO bombed the Serbs in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo Russia was ruled by a drunken western-puppet, Eltsin, and a clique of mostly Jewish oligarchs called the “semibankirshchina” (the seven bankers): Russia then was very much like the Ukraine today. But even then, most Russian people fully understood that the US rampage in the Balkans was a message to them: “watch what we can do to your allies – you are next”. This feeling was very much reinforced by the US covert war against Syria when most Russians understood that Assad was killing the exact same type of vicious Wahabi thugs in Syria which Putin had to crush in Chechnia. Many Russians at the time said “we ought to thank Assad for killing them there, so we do not have to do this here” and “if we let Assad be overthrown, we will be next”. What you hear nowadays in Russia is “it's not about the Serbs or the Syrians anymore, this time this is about us”. So for the vast majority of Russians - including Putin - the main strategic goal is simple: not let Russia become the next Bosnia, Kosovo or Syria. In other words: survival. The second strategic goal of Russia is to prevent all of the Ukraine from becoming a “Banderastan” and to protect the Russian-speaking population from being enslaved by an openly neo-Fascist and racist regime. The third strategic goal of Russia is to achieve the first two goals, if possible, without triggering a war with US/NATO. Notice that I have listed these goals in order of priority and that if a full-scale war is threatened by the US/NATO the Kremlin will not back down from its first two strategic objectives. Make no mistakes, Russia is willing to go to war over these, Putin is not bluffing.

As for the tactic chosen by Russia, it is a sophisticated one. As the expression goes “when Russia is threatened, she does not get angry, she concentrates”. This is what happening today. The essence of the Russian tactic is the following one: first, militarily protect the Crimea to allow it to break-off from the current Banderastan and thereby set a precedent and an example: While in half of regions currently controlled by the neo-Fascists the pensions are not paid at all, and while the revolutionary regime in Kiev has already indicated that it plans to slash all pensions by 50%, in Crimea all salaries and social services will be paid in full to everybody, even those who resigned rather than recognize the Crimean authorities. The folks in Banderastan are about to find out that there is more to running a country than beating unarmed cops and singing the national anthem. Then, Russia has threatened to use military force should the Banderist forces try to subdue the south (Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson) and the east (Donetsk, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Lugansk) by violence. This threat both deters the Banderists from going overboard with violence while giving the Russian-speakers somewhat of a “safety net” for their protest and civil disobedience actions. Third, the Kremlin knows that the newly created Banderastan is broke and that the US and EU will never come up with anywhere near the kind of money needed to bail it out. Not only has Russia stopped sending money to the Ukraine, but Gazprom has declared the previous agreement reached with Yanukovich has been violated by the new regime, thus the price of gas for the Ukraine will now sharply rise. Finally, the richest parts of the Ukraine are, precisely, the east and the south of the country which are now attempting not to pay taxes to the illegal regime in Kiev. And if the Banderites succeed in taking over the east, then its entire industry will instantly collapse (it fully depends on Russia). Thus time is on Russia's side and the new Banderastan is simply not viable. With no money, no energy and without the possibility to rule by terror (at least in the south and east), the new regime will inevitably collapse. Russia will only re-engage the rump-Ukraine once the neo-Fascists are gone and a civilized regime comes back to power in Kiev.

PE: Number one strategic goal is to prevent NATO bases in Ukraine. Russian intel foiled a coup in Crimea that would replicate the coup in Kiev. That would lead - in the long run - to the regime changers in Kiev tearing up the Russia-Ukraine treaty in Sevastopol, thus opening the way to NATO. That's what precipitated sending the Spetsnaz to Crimea. Putin weighed the pros and cons. This is a chess move. He might lose in the West, but he wins internally (more popular than ever), he keeps Sevastopol, and if Crimea rejoins Russia, Gazprom exploits immense oil and gas deposits in the peninsula, and not US Big Oil.

G8, G7, Go away!, by Harm , Germany

3) Do you believe usual "puppets" (Germany-Saudi Arabia) of the US are trying to become independent of their masters? And has Merkel a real own politics toward Ukraine and Russia? And has Saudi Arabia a real one toward Syria, Egypt and Iraq?

DONot sure how much of a puppet Germany is going to be. It is already much closer to Russia than anyone imagines and is quite unhappy with the US. Saudi Arabia wanted to use US forces as mercenaries in Syria; when they didn't work they became very unhappy with the US as well.

The Saker: The EU is in a deep systemic crisis from which it has no possibility to recover without some dramatic changes which the EU bureaucracy categorically refuses to even contemplate. For the EU, the Ukraine was an opportunity to acquire a market for its goods and services and a chance to try to appear relevant in international affairs. Frankly, the EU needs the Ukraine to boost its much damaged image and ego, thus the vapid promises and the constant stream of EU politicians to the Maidan. And if that means supporting overt neo-Fascists and racists – so be it! The problem for the EU is that it does not have the means of its policies. Sure, Klichko is seen by some as a German puppet, but neither he, not Tiagnibok or even Yatsenuik or Timoshenko really matter. The folks that matter today in the Ukraine are the members of Dmitri Iarosh's Right Sector – the hardcore crazies, the west-Ukrainian version of the Taliban. Only they matter because they currently hold a monopoly on violence. True, Timoshenko has the support for the oligarchs and they have a lot of money, but in the short term, at least, a shotgun has more power than a suitcase with dollars. Unlike the “official opposition leaders”, the real thugs of the Maidan are fully paid for and run by the USA, hence Ms Nuland's crude but accurate assessment of the EU's role in the current crisis. Of course, some EU politicians are getting nervous, after all, having a large Banderastan in the middle of Europe is a very dangerous thing, but no European politician will ever overtly challenge the USA over its policies. In the EU, the US “is boss”, and the EU politicians all know it. The fact is that there is no “EU policy”. The EU is the USA's bitch, and it will do whatever Uncle Sam tells it to do. Of course, EU politicians can make speeches, have something vaguely reminiscent of a personal opinion, but when push comes to shove, they are all irrelevant, and they know it.
PE: Puppets are starting to think for themselves - but that need qualification. Germany and Russia - in terms of energy and investment - already have a strategic partnership; ask any relevant German captain of industry. Berlin IS fed up with Washington;  one of the meanings of Vic "F**k" the EU" outburst is that the US wanted regime change now, with their own puppet ("Yats") in place - even if helped by neo-nazis (Svoboda, Right Sector) instead of maybe later, with the inexperienced German puppet (Klitschko) in place.
The House of Saud's ONLY policy is their own survival - especially now, when the succession of Abdullah is still open. That, compounded with paranoia, and irrational Wahhabi hatred of Shi'ites, informs their "strategy". They bought the Sisi junta in Egypt, a small price to pay to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood. They would love some sort of emirate in Syria - and their plans have been frustrated even with Bandar Bush deploying heavy artillery (no wonder he was replaced). And in Iraq they want regime change as well, because they see Maliki as an Iranian puppet. House of Saud is THE number one source of trouble all across the Middle East.


4) Back to Ukraine: Do you agree with Christopher Westdal's analysis? Ukraine should let Crimea go. But Putin shouldn’t take it. What are your comments?

DO: Ukraine has no choice in the matter, and whether it will join Russia is up to Crimean people and up to Russian legislators. Putin's view is likely to revolve around what will most help his popularity with the Russians, and I would guess that absorbing Crimea will help it the most.

The Saker: Westdal's analysis is fundamentally flawed because it overlooks two basic facts: first, Russia is not a dictatorship and the Crimea is sacred Russian land for which a huge number of Russians died over hundreds of years. If Putin decided to hand over the Crimea to the Banderites he would face a very ugly situation at home with an outraged public opinion. Westdal second mistake is that he believes that Russia needs a “hook” to somehow control the Ukraine. There is no “Ukraine” any more, this experiment is over, all we have now is a Banderastan in central and western Ukraine, a region that will be fought over in one manner or another in the east and south, and a Crimea which is gone forever. As for the current neo-Fascist regime in Kiev – it is not viable anyway, and Russia has plenty of other “hooks” to negotiate with any future rump-Ukraine which will succeed the current Banderastan.  Bottom line: if the Crimeans want to join Russia Putin has no option but to agree to this.

PE: Essentially that's correct; Crimea is much more useful (and cheaper) to Putin inside Ukraine - with a huge degree of autonomy - than re-attached to the Russian Federation. It remains to be seen how the result of the referendum can be used/steered by the Kremlin to get "concessions" from Kiev, assuming Kiev and Moscow start talking (they will have to). What matters most to Russia is the sanctity of Sevastopol and the certainty there will be no NATO bases. I doubt Kiev can assure them in both cases.

Rabe, Germany

5) What advice, basing on your experience, could you give to people fighting despotic regimes to avoid to fall in the trap of a color revolution?

DO: Don't accept help from the US or the EU. Do your best to discredit the work of Western NGOs and run them out of the country as soon as possible.

The Saker: Never take any empire's money or support. Never accept in your ranks anybody who is willing to get any empire's money or support. And always remember that a bad state and a bad regime are always preferable to no state and no regime. The latter means do not use violence to overthrow a regime you hate, even if it oppresses you. First, violence always generates fear and more violence. But even more importantly, violence often leads to the collapse not only of the hated regime, but also of the state itself. And when anarchy breaks loose, the most violent and ruthless gangs always come to power. When you fight against a hated oppressive regime – fight against its ideology, against its authority, show it no respect, openly make fun of it, but do not use violence and never fight against your own compatriots. Fight against ideas, not people. You can win a national liberation war against a foreign occupier, but you cannot win a civil war. Seek reconciliation, never revenge, show compassion to the “other one” and never ever ignore the voice of your own conscience. Always discriminate between right and wrong, but never between “our people” and “their people” as all humans are equally precious in the eyes of God. Give your allegiance only to God and “Trust not in princes, nor in the children of men, in whom there is no safety. “ (Psalm 145). If you keep your heart and conscience pure, then no empire will make you its puppet.

PE: Keep a very informed close eye on NGOs of the NED and Freedom House kind, and how they instrumentalize any dissent to their own regime change purposes. Same for State Department maneuvers, including dodgy US ambassadors of the agitator kind. Follow the money, follow the propaganda, follow who's behind your "support".

Moon Landing Of Ukraine 1973, by Tounushifan, USA

Released by Tlaxcala under a Copyleft licence.

Orient Tendencies: Resistance is inevitable, whatever enemies say

Monday March 17, 2014, no175

Weekly information and analysis bulletin specialized in Arab Middle Eastern affairs prepared by neworientnews.com
Editor in chief Wassim Raad
New Orient Center for Strategic policies

Resistance is inevitable, whatever enemies say
By Ghaleb Kandil

The illusions of some parties of their ability to alter the balance of power in Lebanon, and realize their dreams to target the Resistance and its legitimacy, have filed on the rock of reality. They thought to change the balance of power with the help of the Americans, the West and the Arab Gulf, including Saudi Arabia, but they have once again failed.

At the expiry of the period which would have transformed Tammam Salam government to a caretaker Cabinet, white smoke finally cleared, and the protagonists agreed on a ministerial statement recognizing "the right of Lebanon and Lebanese citizens to resist the Israeli occupation." An inalienable right recognized by the United Nations Charter, but some Lebanese were willing to sell out, for free, to serve the interests of Israel, abandoning the only factor that makes the strength of Lebanon. March-14, helped by the President of the Republic, have still failed. Just hours after the oratory Carnival of March-14, the Future Movement has resigned to accept his defeat. The intervention of diplomats based in Beirut and major capitals concerned by the Lebanese situation convince that coalition of the inability to change the balance of power.
The escalation initiated by March-14 in denying the right of the Lebanese to resist occupation illustrates the internal dissensions which blow in the ranks of that coalition, the weakness of its external support, and reflects an unparalleled political amateurism. In this context, we can highlight the following factors:

-Saudi Arabia sees its sphere of influence gradually reducing and witnesses the dismemberment of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

-The West, led by the United States, is lost and does not know how to act after the offensive against Russia in the Ukrainian case. Moscow has prevented Westerners to capitalize on Ukrainian crisis. Germany launches signals on his disagreement with its NATO allies and seems tempted by a Eurasian partnership with Russia.

-According to the most optimistic estimates, it is clear that the enemies of the Resistance are unable to launch a global offensive, as had been believed for a moment, by those who have analyzed too simply and too quickly events in Ukraine.

-The Israeli attempts to change the rules of the game were met with strong ground realities and responses, some of which remained unknown to the general public and deeply mysterious.

The determination of the Lebanese political forces, allies of the Resistance, and their intelligent management of the confrontation, were due to the stubbornness of the Future and 14 Mars. These political forces have brandished the possibility of binding parliamentary consultations in if the government of Tammam Salam falls. They sent messages to the appointment of a new personality to form a government from which March-14 would be excluded. Unable to stay longer out of the government, the leaders of this coalition are resigned to accept the reference to the Resistance in the Ministerial statement. They felt that the Salam government is the most they can hope for in the current circumstances, where the organization of the presidential election seems very difficult.


Saad Hariri, Futur Movement leader
«The army, people, and resistance expression ended and will not come back, as the new formula does not give any party rights above the state’s authority. The ministerial statement does not give any legitimacy to the use of arms outside the framework of the state, its army, and its security and military institutions, or the implicating Lebanon in foreign wars. There is no more room for doubt that the resistance’s arms, or any other arms, are a controversial issue and will remain subject to national dialogue and the new president.»

Beshara Rai, Maronite Patriarch

«We hope that the concerned parties, especially the ones who are loyal to Lebanon and the state, stop this bleeding, correct what needs to be corrected, explain what is unclear, and give the cabinet the vote of confidence. This way they can start working seriously in sectors that need urgent attention and rebuild the Lebanese people’s trust in them and the state. Do political leaders feel and realize how much the economic, social, security, and administrative bleeding has intensified during the ten months it took to form the government?»

Mohammad Raad, Hezbollah parliamentary group leader

«Wait for the good that will come from the resistance because it will be kinder to them than the Israeli enemy whose agenda they are trying to carry out in the ministerial statement. We have been tolerant with all the paragraphs of the ministerial statement, but when they wished to remove the resistance, which represents for all the Lebanese people the option of their free, dear, and independent existence, we objected.»


  • 20140316-214509.jpg
    Syrian troops on Sunday seized full control of the rebel bastion Yabrud in the strategic Qalamoun region near the Lebanese border, Syrian state media reported. "Our brave armed forces have full control over Yabrud in Damascus province and are combing through the town and removing explosive devices placed by terrorists," state television said, citing a military source. Capturing Yabrud, the last major rebel bastion near the Lebanese border north of Damascus, would help President Bashar al-Assad secure the land route linking his Mediterranean coastal stronghold with the capital Damascus, and choke off a cross-border rebel supply line from Lebanon. A military source told Reuters that the rebels had pulled out of Yabrud around dawn, a day after pro-government forces had entered eastern districts of the town and captured several strategic hilltops. A fighter in Yabrud from al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official affiliate in Syria, confirmed to Reuters the rebels had decided to pull out and said they were heading towards nearby villages including Hosh Arab, Rankos and Fleita.

  • Nabi Othman attackThe security situation in the eastern Beqaa town of Arsal came under the spotlight Sunday after Syrian regime troops seized the border town of Yabrud across from Lebanon’s Beqaa region. Lebanon’s state National News Agency reported that the Lebanese Armed Forces detained a group of Syrians carrying military grade weapons and ammunition in the area around Arsal. Shortly before news of the group’s detention, another NNA report said that the LAF had fired at a pick-up truck in the Wadi Raayan area close to Arsal after it refused to stop at a checkpoint, hitting the vehicle a number of times. A Lebanese Armed Forces statement later confirmed that the pick-up had approached Lebanese territory from Syria via a dirt road in Arsal’s outskirts. When the army fired on the car it proceeded to return from where it had come. The army statement added that another pick-up was stopped later in the day in the Wadi Hamid area. The second car, which also came from Syrian territory, was transporting three Syrians carrying an unspecified “quantity of drugs.” Meanwhile, seven dead and pver 100 injured people, most of them Syrians from Yabrud, were admitted to a field hospital set up in Arsal.  The Syrian air force targeted fighters fleeing to Arsal from Syria’s strife-stricken Qalamoun region, killing a number of fighters, the NNA reported.

  • A Lebanese army soldier injured an attack late-Saturday in the northern city of Tripoli succumbed to his wounds Sunday, bringing to 12 the death toll in three days of clashes between neighborhoods divided over the war in Syria, the military said. Militants attacked three army vehicles with hand grenades and grenade launchers in separate incidents in Tripoli Saturday, injuring six soldiers. One of the unnamed troops later died of his wounds, the army said in a statement. The death comes as fighting continues in the latest flare-up of violence between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen. Hundreds have been killed in a series of brutal clashes between the neighborhoods over the past two years, often triggered by events in Syria, or Syria-related events in Lebanon. The fighting erupted Thursday after gunmen on scooters shot dead Walid Barhoum, an Alawi resident of Jabal Mohsen marking the latest in a spate of sectarian attacks by salafi militants in the city. Dozens of soldiers have also been killed or injured in attacks on their patrols and checkpoints in Tripoli over the last two years. The army is incredibly vulnerable in some parts of the city, including Bab al-Tabbaneh, where Islamist gunmen who back Syria's rebels view Lebanese troops as enemy forces.

  • Prime Minister Tammam Salam and President Michel Suleiman apologized to Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Ghadanfar Roken Abadi Friday for accusations made against Iran by Interior Minister Nohad Mashnouq during a recent Arab League meeting in Marrakesh Morroco. “Salam confirmed that the position [expressed] towards the Islamic Republic of Iran does not [represent] the position of the Lebanese government,” Abadi said in a statement after a meeting with Salam. He later met with Suleiman who echoed Salam’s apology and added that bilateral connections between Lebanon and Iran were “capable of resolving disputes when they occur,” the National News Agency reported. On Wednesday at the meeting of Arab Interior ministers in Marrakesh, Mashnouq stated that recent and past violence in Lebanon was a result of Iranian and Syrian intervention.

Press review

As Safir (Lebanese daily, Arab nationalist)
(March  14, 2014)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the most important quality in the next Lebanese president is the level of “resistance” he is able to demonstrate, and complimented Prime Minister Tammam Salam and Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

“We are not waiting for the person himself; rather, for his selection,” said Assad to his visitors. “We are waiting to see what he will be able to grant [as far as] resistance [is concerned,] which is a fundamental criterion for us, afterwards let he who comes come. That is an internal Lebanese affair.”

Assad also complimented Salam calling him “the son of a highborn political family with excellent morals” and said that Nasrallah’s position “shows loyalty and [demonstrates that] we are in the same boat.”

Al Joumhouria (Lebanese Daily close to March-14 coalition)
(March 14, 2014)

Sources have cited Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea as saying he could leave the March 14 due to issues related to the ministerial statement.

Geagea will withdraw from the alliance if its leaders accept March 8’s formula concerning “resistance” in the ministerial statement; sources told Al-Joumouria .
“Geagea will affirm that the LF’s problem with the [current] cabinet is its fundamental contradiction over two projects: the state project and the statelet project,” the sources said in reference to a speech the LF leader will deliver at Friday’s March 14 ceremony.
The role of “the resistance” against Israel has been the main point of contention for the committee in charge of drafting the ministerial statement.

Al Anbaa (Kuwaiti daily, March 14, 2014)

Lebanese President Michel Suleiman said that Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria devalued the formula of the unity of the Lebanese army, people, and resistance that was promulgated in the previous cabinet’s ministerial statement.

“When the resistance went to Syria, this trinity was devalued… Hezbollah devalued it when it went to Syria without asking the people or the army,” Suleiman told Al-Anbaa.
The president added that he will call for a national dialogue session soon in order to discuss a defense strategy.“When the government receives the vote of confidence, I will call for the resumption of the discussion of the defense strategy.”

He reiterated that “the solution to avoid the Syrian crisis’ repercussions is to abide by the Baabda Declaration” that calls for Lebanon’s in Syria.

The president also underscored the importance of electing a new president. “The Lebanese interest is accomplished by electing a new president, not by extending [my] term, but by implementing the constitution.”

Al Akhbar (Lebanese Daily close to the Lebanese Resistance)
Ghassan Saoud (March 15, 2014)

The Ministry of Justice, like the Internal Security Forces (ISF), is firmly in Ashraf Rifi’s grip. His heavy-handed actions appeal to the people of Tripoli, who have been frustrated by politicians’ empty promises of big projects for the city that don’t materialize.

On Tripoli’s streets, General Ashraf Rifi’s posters are now plastered not just on public property, but on apartment balconies and roofs as well. Rifi’s transition from sponsoring Tripoli’s street fighters to becoming minister of justice is a significant event in this man’s life, according to those who knows how much he exploited his former position as general director of the Internal Security Forces (ISF) for his political aspirations.

There is now an ongoing competition between the pictures of Rifi and MP Mohammed Kabbara and their supporters in Tripoli’s markets. Kabbara bears more similarities to Rifi than some might think. Neither Rifi’s father nor Kabbara’s were MPs. Neither one owns a bank and neither man’s grandfather was a Mufti. Not only that, both men are far from being religiously devout, a trait that the city’s traditional notables are known for, such as former prime ministers Omar Karami and Najib Mikati. Also both men share the same political ideology, namely, providing services and telling the masses what they love to hear. All of this means that their playing field is identical. Neither Rifi nor Kabbara count on trade unionists, intellectuals or former partisans. Both men go after poorer citizens only occasionally helped by Mikati. Perhaps that is what makes the competition between them so fierce.

Kabbara knows that there are five Sunni parliament seats up for grabs in Tripoli. The electoral victory of Mikati, former Minister of Finance Mohammed al-Safadi, and MP Samir al-Jisr is guaranteed irrespective of the alliances in the city. Rifi is expected to win the fourth seat, which means that Kabbara has to compete with 20 candidates for the remaining seat. He must compete against two former MPs, Mustafa Alloush who, unlike Kabbara, belongs to the Future Movement (FM), and Misbah al-Ahdab, who belongs to the club of March 14 notables.

There are elaborate discussions in Tripoli about former Prime Minister Saad Hariri offering Jisr moral compensation for excluding him from the government by asking him to accompany him to Egypt. No one, however, was concerned with Kabbara’s sentiments. He had hoped that his son-in-law, Ziad al-Qadiri, would be appointed to the cabinet so he can regain the ability to offer services and therefore regain his influence in the city.

In addition to Mikati, Kabbara and Rifi, the Karami family, represented today by former Minister of Sports Faisal Karami, enjoys historical influence. The Future Movement on the other hand is only good for distributing aid or asking for a loan. But when push comes to shove, Tripoli residents resort to one of these four figures for help if they face some kind of crisis.

Therefore, if Mikati agrees to make an alliance with Karami and Kabbara, he can put an end to Rifi’s rising star. Also if Rifi decides to be humble and accept an alliance with Mikati and Kabbara, he can deal a serious blow to the Karami leadership in their main stronghold of Tripoli. If, however, they are divided in pairs, Rifi and Karami on one side and Mikati and Kabbara, on the other, they could very well rip apart Tripoli’s social fabric.

In the Bab al-Tabbaneh neighborhood of Tripoli, the recent rain disrupted the work of the very few merchants that are still able to make a living. The closed shops allude to the stagnation in the area. The economic crisis plays an instrumental role in enabling gang leaders to recruit more fighters despite their failure to achieve tangible victories.
From one garage to another, people’s undocumented conversations are about the recurring civil strife in the city. Here, too, there are nouveaux riches who have profited from Rifi’s patronage. One Salafist leader now owns more than nine residential apartments in Abu Samra in Tripoli. He recently bought a large plot of land in al-Quba area to build a residential complex on it. One of the neighborhood gang chiefs takes advantage of the truce between one combat round and another to tour Europe. Another gang chief bought a residential apartment for his family in al-Maarad in Tripoli as far away from the neighborhood where he fights as possible. Future Movement MPs fight amongst each other so their supporters can get food, social assistance, and other goods meant for Syrian refugees.

Rifi’s priority is still Tripoli according to one of his associates. Imitating the Karami family as opposed to Mikati, he puts the ministry at the service of his leadership. Among the trade unionists generally, and the lawyers and doctors specifically, it is hard to find Rifi supporters except for attorney Tarek Shandab who went from suing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and others left and right, to defending Omar al-Atrash who was arrested in connection with a recent wave of deadly bombings in Lebanon.

As for the security system that he worked so hard to lead single-handedly, he handed it over to retired Colonel Amid Hammoud as soon as he took over the Ministry of Justice. According to security sources, Hammoud is supposed to begin a serious arrangement for this system under Rifi’s supervision excluding undisciplined elements. Tripoli’s security forces can be summed up in two main groups. One with Saudi affiliations headed by Hammoud and the other led by Salafist leader Hussam Sabbagh.
On the popular level, it seems clear that Rifi benefited from the anger of March 8 supporters over his appointment as minister to make the residents of Tripoli feel that they achieved a victory. He also benefits from the public frustration with those of whom much was expected but did not deliver while Rifi, of whom nothing was expected, surprised people. In this context, no one cares about his cover up of violations perpetrated by his family, or how one of his properties infringes on the coast which is public property.

When talking about Rifi and the people under his patronage, one remembers former MP Mohammed Bek Hamza nicknamed, “Mohammed the conqueror.” He was one of the strong men of the 1958 crisis who appealed to the first intelligence man in the history of Lebanon and Syria, Abdel Hamid al-Sarraj, so he supplied him with weapons and asked former Prime Minister Rashid Karami to include him in his electoral list in 1960. Karami accepted reluctantly, thinking it is the best way to end the influence of the Mokadem family in the city as Hamza was their son-in-law. Hamza went from driving a bus to driving the masses. His crowning achievement in parliament was launching a new sewage network in the city. The people celebrating had barely made it home and used the bathrooms when the drains were blocked and sewage water flooded the city.
Time seems to repeating itself once again in Tripoli.

Al Akhbar (March 15, 2014)
Ibrahim al-Amin

In the latest round of clashes between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza, Islamic Jihad went against the tide by actually retaliating against the continuous Israeli bombardment. In light of its the operation “Breaking the Silence,” one wonders: were the rockets hitting Israel a direct message to the enemy, or a message to all parties staying silent inside Gaza and the outside world?

Islamic Jihad leader, Dr. Ramadan Abdullah Shalah, said that the retaliation was in response to Israeli aggressions while he warned the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah from engaging in a hollow deal brokered by the United States.

As expected, Shalah didn’t criticize other Palestinian factions involved in the Resistance, making us wonder about Hamas’s true position. In fact, all signs on the ground suggested that Islamic Jihad deliberated with Hamas about the operation. It didn’t seek Hamas’s permission, but it acted reasonably, respecting Hamas’s role as a main partner in the Resistance and its influence inside Gaza. Furthermore, Islamic Jihad was not about to fight the enemy while clashing with other Palestinian factions.

However, Hamas was not being neutral as is often the case with the “disassociation” enthusiasts in other parts of the Arab world. It did take a political position, which was reiterated by the Ezziddin al-Qassam Brigades; however Hamas is quite aware that this is not the right time to wage an open ended war against Israel. Islamic Jihad also acknowledges this fact but the difference between the two is that Hamas is not even interested in getting involved in a single round of clashes, because that would call for an international intervention, while Islamic Jihad can operate on its own.

In fact, Hamas’s political agenda has changed since 2011; hence the Resistance is no longer its ultimate priority. We are not suggesting that Hamas has given up on the Resistance or that it is ready to settle, but the movement is now paying the price of the confusion it created since it supported the Syrian opposition.

Hamas’s actions are still a debatable issue, but in any case all rational people should keep in mind that the Resistance remains the only mean to restore Palestinian rights.
Today, we ask Hamas: isn’t it about time to conduct a comprehensive, transparent and courageous review of the last three years? Isn’t it time to redraw a roadmap that serves only the Resistance?

Israel escalated its assault on the Resistance in Gaza in recent weeks as it is seeking to undermine the measures taken to reinforce the Resistance. In fact, officials in Tel Aviv prefer to engage in dispersed clashes along the Gaza border than to commit to an appeasement that the Resistance may exploit to build tunnels and landmines. Meanwhile, Israel doesn’t seem interested in waging a full-scale war. In any case, the unfolding events can be explained based on the “waiting game” adopted by the enemy for a while now.

Israel has exploited the Syrian crisis to break the rules of the game; it raided Syrian targets without anticipating any response from the Syrian side. It recently also tried its luck in Lebanon when it struck a Hezbollah target on the Lebanese- Syrian borders. However, the enemy is now examining the missile attack in the Golan Heights, as well as the bomb blast yesterday that targeted an Israeli patrol in the occupied Shebaa Farms. Israel is considering all these events as a message from the Resistance in Lebanon announcing that it rejects any changes in the rules of the game. A message ought to be repeated if necessary.

Israel believed that Hamas is in “crisis” and cannot afford a clash right now, and it thought that no other Palestinian factions, including Islamic Jihad, could respond. In addition, the current crisis between Egypt and Hamas is affecting the whole Gaza Strip with the destruction of most tunnels on the Egyptian borders and Israel believes it can take advantage of the Gaza-Egypt tension. The enemy even resorted to maritime piracy by blocking an alleged arms cargo carrying Syrian missiles on its way to Gaza and it is now planning to exploit the incident as a way to impose new measures on the ground that go beyond the appeasement agreement of 2012.

However, Israel was shocked with Islamic Jihad’s response, which was not even proportional to the size of the Israeli aggression. As 150 missiles targeted periphery settlements, Israel was forced to think twice about its current underestimation of Palestinian force.

For Israel, the reaction of Islamic Jihad was a lot more than an angry response. The Resistance is ready to engage in a confrontation that goes beyond a minor clash. Also, Israel and other parties need to examine whether Islamic Jihad’s reaction is limited to Gaza or if it’s linked to the Resistance movement as whole.

The latest round in Gaza was a major success for the Resistance; it worried Israel but also raised even more questions about Hamas.

Al Akhbar (March 14, 2014)
Hassan Illeik

Extending President Michel Suleiman’s term is no longer on the table. No one can say why, but even Suleiman and his inner circle are no longer eager to stay in power.

French President François Hollande was one of the most enthusiastic about Suleiman’s term extension. Sources from the Lebanese presidential palace claim he had suggested the idea to Suleiman in Baabda in November 2012. However, visitors of the French capital came back recently with another story. Lebanese politicians quoted people close to Hollande as saying that he merely asked about the term extension and did not suggest it.

Those who heard this piece of information believed the French president retracted his suggestion "to extend Suleiman’s term in order to avoid a presidential vacuum that would put Lebanon’s stability in jeopardy." A Lebanese politician who frequents the Elysée Palace added that Hollande prefers to strengthen the position of the Lebanese presidency. "It is the highest Christian authority in the East," he said. "The extension will have a negative impact on the position of the presidency."

Potential presidential candidates heard this piece of news, but this does not mean the race has begun. One of potential candidates said that one cannot speak about a battle for Baabda, unless "the US makes up its mind about nominating General Michel Aoun for president."

"The Americans want a president who could ensure stability," a politician involved in the presidential elections added. "They want someone who could communicate with Hezbollah without any obstacles."

Rumors in political salons are saying that Jeffrey Feltman, United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and former US Ambassador to Lebanon, called a politician who hated Aoun to tease him, "What do you think? Wouldn't it be useful for Aoun to become president? Wouldn't this contribute to protecting the Christians in Lebanon? Couldn't Aoun help in curbing Hezbollah influence?"

The Lebanese politician jokingly said "Aoun in Baabda would be the same as having Samir Geagea there. Both are equivalent to electing former President Bachir Gemayel. It will lead to civil war."

This differs with what is being said by associates of Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri and MP Walid Jumblatt, the pioneers of the post-Taif political school, who say that the US has adopted the nomination of Aoun for president. "Washington wants to expose Hezbollah nationally," said a Jumblatt associate, feeling uneasy about the possibility.

Some of Berri and Jumblatt’s associates put the US and former Prime Minister Saad Hariri's "openness" towards Aoun purely in the context of a "conspiracy." In fact, politicians from Aoun's Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) and some centrists indicate that Berri and Jumblatt would prefer a president that is closer to the style of Elias Hrawi, Lebanon’s first president after the Taif agreement.

"Saad Hariri also agrees," the sources close to Berri and Jumblatt added. "Those who want to make sure can look closely to the communications between Gebran Bassil and director of Hariri's office, Nader Hariri. They could also listen to Aoun's sweet talk about Saad and Nader. There is no one left to oppose Aoun's nomination, except us, March 14 Christians, and the Saudis."

In the March 14 camp, specifically in the Future Movement, there are those who merely grin when asked about the issue. "Don't be silly," says a source within the Future Movement. "If Aoun breaks his alliance with Hezbollah, we would begin to think about his nomination to the presidency, while taking our allies into account." However, he insinuated that the Future Movement would not lose by unnerving Hezbollah by approaching Aoun.

The news about the current truce between Hariri and Aoun is no less distressing to March 8 supporters than it is to those close to Berri and Jumblatt. Some politicians are openly expressing their fear of an Aoun-US agreement, which would dissolve the alliance between the FPM and Hezbollah.

Yet it seems clear that the source of the anxiety over the issue is the lack of information about what goes on behind the doors of the closed meetings between Aoun, US Ambassador David Hill, and Saad Hariri on one side, and between Aoun and Hezbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah on the other.

It seems not many people in Hezbollah and the FPM knew what happened in the latest meetings between Nasrallah and Aoun. However, those familiar with the relationship between the two men maintained that Hezbollah's support for Aoun's nomination to the presidency "does not need discussion."

Sources close to Hezbollah reminded the "skeptics" of the 2006 July War and Aoun's steadfast support of the Resistance. The same sources added that the positive talk about Aoun and Hezbollah's emphasis on backing him in the battle for the presidency "are not merely directed to its supporters. It is what Nasrallah says in Hezbollah's internal meetings."
- See more at: http://www.neworientnews.com/news/fullnews.php?news_id=129830#sthash.wW04lCM6.dpuf

The end of the Qalamoun mini-state


A handout picture released by the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on March 17, 2014, shows Syrian pro-government forces and supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad hoisting their national flag in the western town of Yabrud.(Photo: AFP-SANA/ HO)
Published Monday, March 17, 2014
The outcome of the war in Qalamoun has now been settled. Though not all battles there have been won, the capture of Yabrud by the Syrian army and Hezbollah on Sunday has dealt a fatal blow to the project for a Qalamoun mini-state.
In terms of geography, the Qalamoun region acts as a link between Damascus and Homs. Qalamoun is also Syria’s foremost gateway to Lebanon. Simultaneously, the Qalamoun mountain range opens up to the boundless Badia, the desert bordering Hama, Aleppo, Raqqa, and Deir al-Zour in the north, Iraq in the east, and the Damascus countryside in the south.
The Syrian opposition’s plan was to extend its control over the Qalamoun Mountains, including both the area east of the Damascus-Homs highway, from northern Dmeir in the Damascus countryside to the southern Homs countryside, and the area west of the highway, from northern Zabadani in the Damascus countryside to south of Qusayr in the Homs countryside.
The opposition envisioned establishing a mini-state in the form of a horizontal bar extending from Lebanon to Iraq, dividing Syria into two parts: Damascus and south Syria; and Homs and northern/western Syria. Practically, this would have led to Syria falling to the opposition without much trouble. Compared to the effort to control Qalamoun, operations that were previously touted to separate Damascus from Homs, and the Syrian coast from the capital, would have then been a fait accompli.

But the Syrian army and its allies stood their ground in the Ghouta region of Damascus’s countryside, the agricultural belt surrounding the capital, before the decisive battle in Qusayr. The opposition’s plot and the project for the Qalamoun mini-state began to reel, until it was dealt a deadly blow in Yabrud on Sunday. This, according to field commanders, will lead to “positive aftershocks” throughout the Homs and Damascus regions in the coming months.
But Yabrud and Qalamoun border another area: Lebanon. The first consignments of weapons and fighters sent to the Damascus countryside had come via Lebanon through Qalamoun. The first batch of weapons and fighters to arrive in Homs had crossed Qusayr and Tal Kalakh, coming from the Bekaa and Wadi Khaled.
But this is only a small part of the story. The success of the mini-state project would have forced the Lebanese to coexist with an emirate stretching from the borders of Akkar in the north to the borders of the Shebaa Farms in the south, under the control of al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, the most formidable faction operating in Qalamoun. Al-Nusra Front is rivaled only by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the Islamic Front – which has been engaging in dreadful one-upmanship with al-Nusra Front both in its sectarian conduct and discourse.
The top exports of that emirate to Lebanon were car bombs, the vast majority of which came from Yabrud, prepared by al-Nusra Front, ISIS, and the Abdullah Azzam Brigades. But does the end of the battle of Yabrud mean that no more car bombs will be detonated in Lebanon?
No doubt, according to Lebanese security officials, the battle of Yabrud, the dismantling of several terrorist networks in Lebanon, and the security measures enforced in the eastern wilderness regions near Baalbek and Hermel have all helped reduce the ability of terrorist groups to carry out attacks in Lebanon. However, the suicide bombing in Nabi Othman on Sunday proves that the threat remains and will not go away soon.
True, the outcome of the war in Qalamoun has been settled, but battles are ongoing. Rankous, Assal al-Ward, Flita, Ras al-Maara, and Ras al-Ayn in Qalamoun will all see battles or ceasefires in the coming period. Many expect the fighting in Rankous to be very fierce, but that the battles to come will only serve to further weaken the armed opposition.
As a result, the strongholds these factions used to plan and stage attacks in Lebanon will shrink more and more. This will force terrorist groups to find areas inside Lebanon that they can use to prepare car bombs, which would change the nature of their battle with Lebanese law enforcement agencies.
What happened in Yabrud on Sunday brought shellshocks for the opposition. A near complete silence prevailed in the ranks of the opposition and its supporters. Only the spokesman for al-Nusra Front in Qalamoun, Abdullah Azzam al-Shami, broke the silence, blaming “traitors” for the defeat, as well as the Syrian army’s firepower and Hezbollah’s capabilities.
Meanwhile, an opposition source told Al-Akhbar that the opposition groupings based abroad convened a meeting in Istanbul on Sunday, to discuss the outcome of the battle of Yabrud. The meeting was stormy, according to the source, marked by harsh self-criticism, focusing on the dispersion of the fighters, but also the blurry military vision of their political leadership, which distracted the fighters on the ground.

العمق الاستراتيجي لمعركة ويبرود ودلالات تنظيفها بالكامل
What may be deduced from the chatter coming from the opposition is that they are now convinced that Damascus’s walls are becoming more and more unassailable.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

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ألقى الجيش السوري على مسلح أتى ليلتحق بجبهة النصرة في يبرود, و المفارقة أن المسلح يرفض التصديق أن من القى القبض عليه هم جنود الجيش السوري و انما هو يخضع للتجربة من جبهة النصرة قبل الالتحاق بها..
يبدو ان المسلحين برعاية مصانع كبتاغون فليطة.. :

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Otaiba Ambush Full Story


Nidal Hmedeh

What were the Syrian opposition militants preparing in Eastern Ghouta when they were ambushed in Buhayrat Otaiba? What was the direction of the ambushed armed group? How were the Syrian Army and its allies able to plant bombs accurately on the militants' track? Did this ambush foil a big attack that was being prepared for Otaiba and Eastern Ghouta? Was the circulated media information about an attack from Jordan just an attempt from the opposition and its supporters to distract attention from the main operation that failed due to this ambush?

Otaiba ambushThese questions arose since the media broadcasted the video of the big ambush in which more than two hundred militants belonging to the Syrian opposition were trapped in Buhayrat Otaiba after they had left from the besieged areas of Eastern Ghouta. In this report, we will talk in details about what happened in and around that area during that night and the days that preceded it.

On the night of 25 February, a Syrian opposition militants were trapped in a deadly ambush while they were leaving Eastern Ghouta at night. All 221militants were killed or injured by the bombs planted on the track that they would use.

As for the details, units of surveillance and reconnaissance of the Syrian Army and its allies spotted month ago slight movements from Eastern Ghouta to Buhayrat Otaiba and the desert belonging to it through a detour in Adra. Every night a small group of two or three members used a specific track to move from Eastern Ghouta to Buhayrat Otaiba and then to the desert belonging to it.

Surveillance, wiretapping and arrest of some militants led to information about preparing a major attack on Eastern Ghouta. The attack was supposed to be similar to the attack that took place in mid-December, during which 1500 militants from the Syrian opposition took control of large areas of Eastern Ghouta and Otaiba triangle.

The new attack plan was very similar to the old plan; it consisted of launching two attacks from two sides: the first one from outside Ghouta and the second from inside Ghouta to lift the siege.

Otaiba ambushThe Syrian army and its allies benefited from the lessons of the first attack in which Otaiba was the most important and strategic point and the main objective that armed groups had sought to reach and take control of due to its strategic site; in fact, Otaiba is a gate for Eastern Ghouta from the south and controls the surrounding villages. The previous attack proved that the fall of Otaiba led to the fall of several villages.

The militants’ plan required gathering hundreds of fighters of the opposition in one point in the desert belonging to Buhayrat Otaiba where they would receive training for two days. Then they would be provided with specific weapons to launch a big and wide attack on Eastern Ghouta. The plan also required the leaving of a large number of militants from Ghouta toward that point in the desert to support the militants responsible for attacking from the desert of Otaiba. According to the plan, while the militants are waiting the zero hour in the desert, the militants remaining in Ghouta assist them by an internal attack.

During several nights small groups were spotted on the same track. This led to confirm that militants wanted to know how safe is that track to be used for movement from and towards the besieged areas of Ghouta. That is when this particular track was planted with bombs.
In the week that preceded the big ambush, small groups were using the same track without being attacked; they walked over the bomb-planted ground but surveillance units used to let them continue. This led the armed groups to be sure that the track is safe.

After the middle of a night, surveillance units of the Syrian army and its allies spotted a six hundred meters long line of militants walking on the above-mentioned track. Militants were withdrawing carelessly; they were in a hurry to do something. Units responsible for surveillance did not believe what they saw by night vision binoculars and thermal cameras; it was a big group of militants that must not be missed and cannot be treated as the previous small groups. Order was given to detonate the bombs once the large group reaches the booby-trapped area. In fact, this is what happened later on; the bombs planted on both sides of the tracks were detonated. The explosion hit more than 200 gunmen and some others were captured. As a result, this ambush foiled a massive and sudden well-prepared attack on Eastern Ghouta.

Al-Manar website is not responsible for the content of the article. All opinions expressed are those of the writer not Al-Manar’s.

Source: Al-Manar Website
18-03-2014 - 00:19 Last updated 18-03-2014

Robert Fisk Tours Yabroud: “No Doubt It’s Famous Victory”


English writer, Robert Fisk toured Syria’s liberated town of Yabroud on Monday, talking to its residents and witnessing the destruction caused by foreign-backed militants.

In his article, published by The Independent late on Monday, Fisk elaborated on the destruction afflicted to the Christian worship places.

 “The battle for Yabroud is over, but its Greek Catholic church has been savagely vandalized by its former rebel occupants, its streets carpeted with cartridge cases, its houses smashed with shell holes.”
However, he said that such destruction can’t be caused by the Syrian government forces, who have just recaptured the town on Sunday.
“The Greek Catholic Church of Our Lady is a place of shame, of burnt copies of the New Testament, paintings slashed with knives – many were lying in strips of gold and red fabric beside the altar’s broken cross – and mosaics chiseled from the walls.”
“Skeptics may ask if the regime performed this act of sacrilege – for the benefit of cameras – but it must have taken weeks to have wrecked this place of worship with its ancient columns and to have gouged out the eyes of the mosaic saints,”

Fisk went on saying. The English journalist also talked about the acts of the foreign-backed militants, especially the Nusra Front Takfiris, with the town residents.
“The road into the town was torn up, its buildings, shops and stores ransacked, its people hiding in fear. I found one woman only in a street of Ottoman houses so old that their walls were made of clay and water. She still kept cows in her basement. Um Qusai – hers was the little boy – talked of how she and up to 70 other women staged a demonstration in the street against the Jabhat al-Nusra fighters, some of whom did not even speak Arabic.”

Fisk quoted Um Qusai as saying: 
“They threatened us and surrounded us and told us we could not demonstrate.  They said we were not to use the name of Bashar al-Assad but we said we wanted no foreigners in Syria. Then we had another demonstration and there were only 10 of us and they surrounded us with 200 of their fighters. Then the fighters staged their own demonstration. And they made a tape and played it on their radio, claiming the leader of our demonstration was a government agent. They put a gun to her head. But the tape was fake.”
“There were other comments which were deeply disturbing. Um Qusai claimed that the Jabhat al-Nusra fighters – who like her were Sunni Muslims – forced the people in the town to pay high prices for the food they brought in. The Christians had to pay even higher prices as a tax because of their religion.  And much of the food, she said, was UN humanitarian aid from across the border in Lebanon – presumably from the refugee camps in which supporters of the rebels have sought safety,” Robert Fisk added.

Yabroud Battle
Robert Fisk in Yabroud
Officers loyal to President Bashar al-Assad address the media in Yabroud after the Syrian Army drove out opposition forces, taking full control of the town on Sunday

Meanwhile, he came across a Syrian army field commander who had battered his way into Yabroud, Colonel Median Abbadeh. The colonel described to Fisk a two-stage battle which will inevitably now move on to the town of Rankous, where Nusra Front is still holding out.

Yabroud church vandalized by Takfiris
“But of one thing he was insistent: the Lebanese town of Arsal – from which the rebels had brought so much ammunition into Syria – was now cut off behind the Lebanese border.

Another blow to Assad’s opponents,” he noted.

“Abbadeh’s soldiers had been fighting for two days without sleeping but they looked like men who believed they were winning – and that may indeed be the truth. Unless they lose Yabroud – as they did Maaloula last year after recapturing it for the government – the Syrian army looks set on staying here.  Hence the flag-raising and all the references to “victory”, “courage” and “heroism”.”

Fisk also said there were Arab militants among the Takfirirs.
“The Syrians officers said they had found Egyptian and Emirates passports in the town. They were real, they said, and were taken from the corpses of their dead owners – they could, alas, not produce them for me to see – although they had names.”

“Yabroud now looks like much of Syria. Trashed, gutted, fought over, rubbled. And it will, no doubt, be counted a famous victory,” Robert Fisk concluded his report.

Source: Newspapers
18-03-2014 - 13:15 Last updated 18-03-2014 - 13:15


قُتل سوري طعناً في بيروت.. وكتبوا بدمه.انتقاماً ليبرود وسوريا

بالصور: قُتل سوري طعناً في بيروت.. وكتبوا بدمه.. “انتقاماً ليبرود وسوريا”

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Bad News for Obama, Netanyahu, brotherhood, and Daniel Mazbout,

Where is the Russian US deal Stupid?



In case you missed It"

"Saddam Hussein’s destiny or that of Kaddhafi  awaits Putin‘, Thus dreamed “Mr. Bernard-Henri” Mazbout.

His enemy, now, is Putin, and Syria should rethink its affiliation to the Russian side and engagement in a war against terrorism- that has no beginning and no end – and from which Israel -whose safety has been guaranteed by Russia  – is excluded. So the safety of Israel is not Guaranteed by the USA, and Lavrov, not Kerry the sponsor of the so-called "Peace Process"
 "There is no point in fighting terrorism . The origin of terrorism should be fought instead." he wrote on 16/03/2014, 

"For this reason , the Lebanese Resistance has not waged war against its local sectarian enemies of 14th of March who work for Israel, and want the Resistance to surrender its weapons . On the contrary , it is trying to assimilate them, by forming a joint government with them, in order to spare the country a bloodbath and protect the Resistance ."  he added, ignoring that he was against Syria going to Geneva 2, and denied the Syrian  diplomatic media victory achieved there. 

The stupid avoided telling us, why the SAME 
Lebanon's resistance who "has not waged war against its local sectarian enemies of 14th march who work for Israel", has waged an open war, in Syria, against 
the same March 14th enemy and, (using his term), the "so called mercenaries brought from outside of Syria" 

How he could at the same time, salute the wisdom of Hezbollah patience in Lebanon and salute its victorious wars in QUSAYR, and Yabrud.
"A very special achievement and a very smart tactic make the Syrian Army and the Freedom Fighters of the Lebanese Resistance retrieve the city of Yabrood , the Headquarters of the thugs of the opposition in the outskirts of Homs , on the borders with Lebanon and which controls the road between Damascus and Homs and where between 7 thousand and 10 thousand thugs have taken refuge from ISIL and Al Nusrat . This means that the supplies coming for the thugs in the vicinity of Damascus shall be cut and also the flow of thugs and supplies from Lebanon."
Don't be fooled by Mazbout calling his brothers in ISIL and Nusra, thugs. Read between the line for the Zionist poison in his honey. To Justify his previous Zionist farce, or his MIND MAZE, he wrote, criticizing the  people celebrating''the victory over the thugs and the liberation of Yabrood":

hezbollah yabroud celebration
"Supporters of the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group drove on motorcycles around Beirut’s southern Dahiyeh area  Sunday in celebration of the seizure of the border city of Yabroud by the Syrian regime forces and Hezbollah." - Thus Wrote Ya-Libnan, a march 14th Hasbara outlet
To cover his true color, instead of saying the Iranian backed Hezbollah "militant", Mazbout wrote:
"While people are celebrating the victory over the thugs and the liberation of Yabrood, we have to say that we wished that this victory liberated the Golan heights or Galilee instead , we want to direct our guns to the real enemy and we don’t want this experience to be repeated and we don’t want to fight world sponsored terrorism . We need reforms to protect our societies from infiltration, and any authority or rule should have this as a priority ."
Is there any difference with Hariri's Hasbara outlets? The Embedded code between his lines, the Zionist Hasbara, he confirms the following:
  • The world order has nothing to do with the Syrian crisis. Its all about reforms, freedom and democracy, and the regime failure to respond to peoples demands. 
  • The regime (AND HEZBOLLAH) are directing its guns to fight the Syrian People, instead of the "real enemy' in Golan Heights, and Galilee. No world has been said about SNC's Kamal Libwani offering Golan Heights for the head of Assad, and about Beynouni denying that Iskandarona is an occupied Syrian Land in accordance with the terms of the "Doha Protocol,"  Point 13 - To cancel any claim of sovereignty over Liwa Iskenderun 
  • The resistance axis should stop the war on the enemy within and immediately launch against the real enemy to liberate Golan Heights, Shebaa farms and Galilee. 
The rotten Zionist asshole looked into the mirror and saw a Zionist RAT hiding behind the Palestinian cause, posing as a Pro-Axis of Resistance to cover his real agenda: divide to conquer. He wrote: 
"Syrian intelligence employee who edits the Uprootedpalestinians thinks he is helping the Syrian regime while in fact he is exposing the Syrian regime instead of protecting it. This person hides behind the Palestinian cause while doing his mediocre job of small Intelligence employee..." 

 WE Say in Arabic:"الاناء بما فيه ينضح"

The Zionist agent never missed a chance to to attack President Assad. He assumed that I am one of the men who surround president Assad, and its a disaster that explains many things
"This does not say anything good about the men who surround president Assad and who serve him , if all of them are like Batista, , this is a disaster and explains many things . ..
Very soon Mazbout would claim that Alex is one of the men who surround Putin.

A Quiz: Find Alex

Unfortunately Alex is not even one of those, because he don't Live in Syria. He lived in Syria (196-1970), he failed to work in Syria. Thanks to Syrian Intelligence. 
Alex is an uprooted Palestinian who lived 7 years in Bentjbail (1948-1955), in Ein-elhelwi (1955-1965), In Nasser's Egypt (1965-1969), in Qadhafi Libya (1972-1977).... 
Mazbout added
"While his country is burning and his people dying by the dozen , this ill bred person called Batista is busy attacking me who is backing his cause and his country... "
Yeeh, the asshole is supporting my cause, with friends like him who needs enemies. I am not attacking you, I am attacking your hidden AGENDA


Crimea Declares Independence, Seeks UN Recognition

Local Editor

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The Republic of Crimea has addressed the UN seeking
recognition as a sovereign state and called on Russia to integrate it into the Russian Federation. 96.77 percent of the Crimean population voted ‘for’ the integration in a referendum.

"The Republic of Crimea intends to build its relations with other states on the basis of equality, peace, mutual neighborly cooperation, and other generally agreed principles of political, economic and cultural cooperation between states," the legislation says.

Crimea was declared an independent sovereign state, the Republic of Crimea, on Monday, the autonomous Ukrainian regional parliament's website stated. The Supreme Council of Crimea unanimously voted to integrate of the region into Russia.

Ukrainian military units on Crimean territory are to be disbanded, with the military personnel allowed to stay and live on the peninsula, Interfax reported Crimean Supreme Council chairman Vladimir Konstantinov as saying.

“Those who, according to their beliefs, don't accept the Crimean independence and stay true to the Ukrainian state won't be persecuted," the head of Crimea's parliament Vladimir Konstantinov said, as quoted by ITAR-TASS. He added that the same principle will apply to government employees and security workers who took the oath of allegiance to Ukraine.

His comments came after more than 500 troops left Sevastopol to register at temporary checkpoints.

Pro-Russian Crimeans celebrate in Sevastopol on March 16, 2014 after partial showed that about 95.5 percent of voters in Ukraine's Crimea region supported union with Russia.(AFP Photo / Viktor Drachev)

Pro-Russian Crimeans celebrate in Sevastopol on March 16, 2014 after partial showed that about 95.5 percent of voters in Ukraine's Crimea region supported union with Russia.(AFP Photo / Viktor Drachev)

The Crimean Parliament also ruled that Ukrainian state property in the peninsula will become the property of the Republic of Crimea, Kryminform news agency reported.

The Crimean Parliament will remain the supreme legislative body of the republic until September 2015, or until a decision is made to integrate Crimea into the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s coup-imposed President Aleksandr Turchinov called the referendum “a great farce,” saying it will never be recognized either by Ukraine or by the civilized world," AFP reported.

It's after the announcement of the official results: 96.77 percent of the Crimean population has voted ‘for’ integration of the region into the Russian Federation. The turnout was 83.1 per cent.

Source: Agencies
17-03-2014 - 17:19 Last updated 17-03-2014


Putin Signs Order to Recognize Crimea as a Sovereign Independent State

Local Editor

President Vladimir Putin has signed an order that Russia recognizes Crimea as a sovereign and independent state. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea held a referendum on Sunday with over 96% voting for integration into Russia.

“According to the will of the peoples of the Crimea on the all-Crimean referendum held on March 16, 2014, [I order] to recognize the Republic of Crimea, in which the city of Sevastopol has a special status, as a sovereign and independent state,” the document reads.

The order comes into force immediately.

Crimea was declared an independent sovereign state, the Republic of Crimea, on Monday, the autonomous Ukrainian regional parliament's website stated.

Crimea also addressed the UN seeking recognition as a sovereign state.

"The Republic of Crimea intends to build its relations with other states on the basis of equality, peace, mutual neighborly cooperation, and other generally agreed principles of political, economic and cultural cooperation between states," the parliament said.

The Crimean parliament also unanimously voted to integrate the region into Russia.

Source: Agencies
17-03-2014 - 20:49 Last updated 17-03-201

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How the US dream of world supremacy was buried in Crimea


The SakerThese are official results from the referendum in Crimea:
    Russia stands for freedom!
  • 96.77% voted for Crimea to join Russia
  • 02.51% voted for Crimea to remain a sovereign autonomous republic inside the Ukraine
  • 00.72% of the votes were declared invalid
  • 83.10% of the eligible voters participated in this referendum (thus:16.9% did not vote)
As a reminder, this is the official ethnic makeup of Crimea (in 2001):
  • 58.32% Russians
  • 24.32% Ukrainians
  • 12.10% Crimean Tatars
Okay, so what does this mean?
First and foremost, the participation was massive and the 'yes' to Russia won by a landslide.
Second, this was not a vote along ethnic lines.  When we say that are 58.32% Russians in Crimea that does not mean that all of these are eligible voters as children are not allowed to vote.  So the real figure of eligible Russian voters in Crimea is probably well under 50%.  And yet the results show that 96.77% of the eligible voters voted to join Russia.  Where did the rest of the 43.77% (more or less) come from?  It had to be from Ukrainian and Tatar voters.  Even if we assume that 100% of the Russians in Crimea were eligible voters andthat they all showed up to vote and all of them voted for the 'yes' to Russia, it still leaves 35.45% of the 'yes' vote to non-Russians.  Even 100% of the Ukrainians does not fill the gap.  In other words, the so-called "Tatar boycott" of this referendum is a complete fabrication of the western media.
Now, this begs the question: why would the Crimean Tatars, who were brutally repressed and massively deported under Stalin and many of whom were seen screaming Allahu Akbar! in clashes with pro-Russian demonstrators suddenly decide to vote for Russia?  Did they suddenly change their minds?  Did the "Polite Armed Green Men" come to their houses and force them to vote at gunpoint?  Of course not.  
The explanation is much simpler: in 22 years of independence the Ukraine did exactly nothing to help the Crimean Tatar people, language or culture, nevermind compensating them for their suffering.  In contrast, Russia passed a law called "Law on the Rehabilitation of Repressed Peoples" (here in Russian; here in a Bing machine translation) as early as 1991 which basically solves the problem for the Crimean Tatars who will get what they have always hoped for right along their brand new Russian passports.  Yes, of course, there are some Crimean-Tatars who would have preferred to remain under Ukrainian sovereignty because they believe that Russians are inherently capable of repeating the actions of Stalin at any time and that Russian nationalism is a threat to them.  I don't mean to suggest that they are smart - only that some of them do really believe that.  Some Muslim radicals want to either be part of Turkey or create their own Islamic state.  Fair enough - but they are a minority within a minority and thus, frankly, quite irrelevant.  The reality is that this entire "Crimean Tatar issue" is a canard cooked up in the West in the desperate hope to find some kind of "ethnic/religious fulcrum" to deny the legitimacy of this referendum and stir up more ethnic trouble.  The results show that this plan clearly failed.
So what is going to happen next?

The Ukraine is dead, long live Banderastan?

Some readers have objected to my use of the word "Banderastan" to describe the Ukraine.  Had they read with a little more attention they would have understood that I do not equate the Ukraine with Banderastan at all.  In fact, the Ukraine is the country which ended its existence in February 2014 and Banderastan is the new national project of the Right Sector and the Liberty Party (yes, the one whose original name was Socialist-National Party).  So what is Banderastan exactly?
Banderastan is the Ukraine which Dmitry Iarosh, Andrei Parubii or Oleg Tiagnibok want to create: a "socialist national" state whose founding principle would be "Бий жидів та москалів - Україна для українців" ("beat the Jews and the Russians - the Ukraine for the Ukrainians").  Simple and clear.  This state would have one language (Ukrainian), one ethnicity (Ukrainian), one leader (Iarosh) and one founding father (Bandera).  The long term political goal of this regime would be to "return" the "rest" of the "Ukrainian land" which now is under Polish or Russian "occupation" and to "punish" the "traitors to the Fatherland".
You can think of the "Banderites" are the Ukie version of the Taliban, but far more evil and infinitely more stupid.  Something like a Ukrainian version of the Interahamwe maybe?
One reader send me this great little video (thanks "JP"!) showing some of these Banderites and what they like to do:
Great stuff, no? Of course, this project has exactly zero chance to succeed for a few basic reasons:
  • After 22 years of oligarchic rule, the previously wealthy Ukraine is now broke. Banderastan is even in a much worse condition.
  • Most Ukrainians are not "socialist-nationalists", not even in the western Ukraine.
  • Every time the "Banderites" make a move, the reaction to their actions it is more and more determined.
  • Many Russian-speakers and Jews are truly becoming terrified for their future (more about that later)
  • The Banderites have no economic program at all.
The bottom line is simple: there is more to governning or, really, re-building a bankrupt and ruined country and nation than parading in wannabe Nazi uniforms, taking US money, fighting cops and screaming "Glory to the Ukraine!  Glory to the heroes!!".  For all practical purposes the entire Banderite project is now in free fall, regardless of the fact that western leaders stubbornly pretend not to see this.  As for western loans (US, EU, IMF) - they can only delay the inevitable.So how did we ever get to this crazy situation?
US foreign policy is not run by diplomats, but by politicians.
The main thing to understand about the US foreign policy is that it is basically run by people who have no experience or even understanding of diplomacy and its purposes.  It's not only Mrs Nuland and her famous "fuck the EU!" - it's also Kerry and his constant lies and zig-zags, it is Mrs Rice with her arrogant and always bellicose threats towards Russia and many other countries, finally, it is also Obama himself who combines imperial hubris with a truly phenomenal level of hypocrisy.  The very notion of negotiating anything is profoundly foreign to these Imperial leaders who strongly believe that to truly negotiate is basically a sign of weakness.  For them, the only thing which can be negotiated is the other guy's acceptance of all US terms and conditions.  And if that does not happen, the the US will basically threaten to bomb the other side into submission.  Long gone are they days of George H.W. Bush and his brilliant Secretary of State James Baker who understood how much careful diplomacy and negotiations can achieve.  The Kerry/Rice generation basically believes that they can tell everybody else want they want, and if that does not work, then brute force (whether threatened or actual) will solve the problem anyway.  This is why the US never agreed to negotiate with Gaddafi or Assad and this is why all the offers made by the Russians to find a negotiated solution were systematically rejected.Russia offered to negotiation as far back as last fall, when the first signs of an imminent crisis began to become apparent.  Lavrov made an offer to begin trilateral negotiations  between the EU, the Ukraine and Russia.  The EU, either under US orders of simply acting on its own delusion of grandeur, contemptuously rejected that option under the pretext that the Ukraine was a sovereign nation and that therefore Russia should have no more say in its future than Paraguay or Vanuatu.  Worse, the EU pretended to believe that the Ukrainian government would sign on to 1'500 pages long text where terms and conditions of the proposed association between the EU and the Ukraine would be spelled out with no second thought about what Russia might do.  Except, of course, that it eventually became gradually clear to Azarov and Yanukovich that Russia really would have no other choice than to shut down its current borders to protect the Russian economy from a deluge of EU products which would inevitably flood the Ukraine.  When, at the last second, Yanukovich announced his notorious reversal, Russia again offered to negotiate and again this offer what rejected.  Some EU bureaucrats apparently still believed that Yanukovich would cave in at the Vilnius summit.  But he did not simply because he could not, at least not without killing the entire Ukrainian economy.  This is when the Americans suddenly literally freaked out because they understood that a 'no' to the EU, even temporary, meant a 'yes' to Russia, and probably a permanent one.  So then Uncle Sam got personally involved.

The goal, strategy and tactics of US foreign policy worldwide and the Ukraine
The overall goal of the US foreign policy worldwide is really very simple: to remain the sole superpower on the planet.  The fact that there are more and more signs which clearly point to the fact that the US is no more a real global superpower only make the achievement of this goal a higher priority.In this context, the USA has a equally simple strategy towards Russia: do whatever it takes to prevent Russia from becoming a "new Soviet Union" or any other type of challenger to the US worldwide domination.  In practical terms, this means one thing: to do whatever it takes to break away the Ukraine from Russia.  There is, indeed, this rather bizarre notion amongst US elites that with the Ukraine Russia would be a superpower while without it it would not.  This notion is both counter-factual (Russia is already a superpower as we have seen in Syria) and illogical - Russia doe neither need not want the Ukraine which is basically a failed and wholly artificial state, run by oligarchs, with no foreseeable prospects of contributing much, if anything, to the current Russian wealth.  Frankly, and in purely realpolitik terms, the Ukraine is a headache that nobody in Russia really needs.  But nevermind that - the US elites are acting not on the basis of facts or Russian perceptions, but on the basis of their own perceptions: the Ukraine must never be allowed to fall back under Russian "domination" least Russia become a superpower again.In tactical terms, this strategy is implemented with two simple rules:
a) any anti-Russian force, no matter how ugly or insane, gets US supportb) it's a zero sum game: anything Russia loses the USA wins and vice-versa
The ultimate prize for the US would be to get the Russian Black Sea Fleet out of Crimea and put US/NATO bases in the Ukraine, not because there would be much of a military advantage in doing so, but to prevent the Ukraine from ever becoming close to, or part of, Russia again.  Short of that, doing anything to keep an anti-Russian regime in power in Kiev is the next best option.  And if that regime comes to power in a armed insurrection - that's ok.  And if all the key positions in this regime are given to neo-Nazis, that is fine too.  None of that really matters as long as the Russians don't get the Ukraine back.Of course, the world is much more complex that the primitive representation these ignorant and arrogant politicians have of it.  In fact, not only is the USA the sole party responsible for the current chaos in the Ukraine, it is is also solely responsible for achieving the exact polar result of what it set out to do. 

How US incompetence resulted in a "patriotic domino effect" in Russia 

As far back as in November of last year I wrote the following about the Russian-speaking population of the Ukraine:

They have no vision, no ideology, no identifiable future goal. All they can offer is a message which, in essence, says "we have no other choice than sell out to the rich Russians rather than to the poor European" or "all we can get from the EU is words, the Russians are offering money". True. But still extremely uninspiring, to say the least.
One month later, I added:
What are these 17 million Russians and several million of Russian oriented Ukrainians doing right now? It's their country which is driven directly over the cliff, and they are doing nothing at all. How many Russian flags did you see in the demonstrations in the eastern Ukraine, in Donetsk, or in Sevastopol? That's right - zero! Even the so-called "Russians" and "pro-Russians" are marching under the yellow-blue flags which are west Ukrainian, Galician colors. You speak of moral and spiritual issues at stake - have you ever heard the east Ukrainians raise such issues? Do they ever speak of the thousands of saints which lived in this hallowed land? Do they ever mention the millions of Russians who died freeing this land from the Poles, the Jesuits and the Jewish overseers which they imposed upon the Orthodox Christians? No, never. All the speak about is money, money and money: "we will be poor with the EU, with Russia our business will flourish" - that is their idea of spirituality. Pro-Russians in the Ukraine? Ha! Let me ask you this: when it became known that Ukrainian volunteers fought on the side of the Chechen Wahabis - did you see any protests in the Ukraine? Or when the Ukrainian government was arming Saakashvili to the teeth - did you see any protests in the Ukraine? No, never. Their version of "pro-Russian" means "we like Russian money". They are not pro-Russian, they are pro-Ruble!
What I wrong then?  Not at all: that was the sad reality then.  What really happened is that over the past few month these almost totally passive Russian population underwent a brutal "shock-therapy" which woke them up from their silent stupor induced by 22 years of Ukrainian nationalist propaganda combined and a deafening silence about them from Russia.  These previously "invisible" Russian speakers suddenly woke up.  How did that happen?First, there was the Nazi freak show around the Maidan square in Kiev which soon escalated into an armed insurrection.  Then, when Yanukovich was finally overthrow, the new regime's very first decision was to pass a law banning the Russian language from official use and another one lifting the ban on Nazi propaganda.  Simultaneously, a string of violent attacks against "collaborators" of the Yanukovich regime soon turned into an anti-Russian terror campaign.  And for the first time the Russian-speakers really began to fear for their future: they began to rally and protest openly and vocally.That, in turn, triggered a reassessment of the situation by many Russians in Russia who, up to this point, had accused their compatriots of passivity.  For example, on many talk shows Russian-speakers from the Ukraine who were complaining about their plight were told "we are not going to help you if you don't begin by helping yourself first; you have to speak up and take action against this new regime before we will do anything.  We cannot solve your problems for you - you have to act first.  Then we will help!". And when the population in the East and South of the Ukraine finally took to the streets, this time not with Ukrainian flags but with Russian ones, the people in Russia took notice and began to change their outlook on the situation.For a long list of objective reasons, Crimea was by far the most vocal part of this protest movement and it is of no surprise that the next big development took place there.  Russian intelligence services clearly detected some kind of coup about to take place and the Kremlin took the absolutely crucial decision to send in the so-called "Polite Armed Men in Green" (PAMG) normally called "Spetsnaz GRU".  What exactly the Russians detected is still unclear, but what is certain is that the manner in which the PAMGs were deployed into Crimea was not a the way a normal peacetime force is moved, but the way a special force is sent in in a wartime military operation: rapidly, under cover, with heavy fire support and on key objectives to be seized for a subsequent deployment of reinforcements.  
That overnight deployment of PAMGs apparently did stop the planned coup as only a few clashes were very vaguely reported and soon forgotten.  The main effect of this move by Putin was to send a powerful message to Russian-speakers in the rest of the Ukraine: Russia will not let the new neo-Fascist regime attack and terrorize you.  What Putin had done was to extend a "psychological shield" over the Russian-speaking East and South of the Ukraine by letting the Banderites know that if they crossed the line they would be engaged and destroyed by the Russian military.  That had a huge effect and soon the protest crowd grew bigger and more determined.  As for the new regime, all it could do was to use the SBU forces to arrest some political leaders.  But beyond that, Kiev has not moved to suppress these regions by military force (at least until now).  Finally, upon seeing the sudden surge of Russian protests in the Ukraine, more and more Russians took to the streets in Russia to express their support for their compatriots in the Ukraine.  The end result of all this has been to wake up a previously semi-lethargic Russian national identity and a sense of patriotism which the Kremlin could never have even dreamed of inducing in the Russian people.The western press is doing a truly remarkable job of trying not to notice all of this.  Western commentators and politicians are acting as if there was a way to somehow push the genie of Russian patriotism back into the bottle even though they themselves, and not the Kremlin, made him come out of the bottle in the first place.  Worse, the western propaganda still tries to represent the issue as being one about the future of the Ukraine.  It is not.  The Ukraine is now gone, dead, finished, forever relegated to the past.  The issue now is not the future of the Ukraine, but the future of the US Empire.

The tectonic faceplant of the US Empire and its policies

By its arrogance, ignorance and total intransigence the US and its EU colonies have completely redefined the terms of the issue for the Russian people.  In their immense majority when the Russian people look at what is taking place in Kiev they see a replay of the worst years of World War 2 and they are absolutely determined not to let that happen again.  When they see crowds of Ukrainian nationalists marching at night with torches and large photos of Stepan Bandera, Russians (in the Ukraine and Russia) see the rise of an evil which they had to beat down at the costs of millions killed and maimed. 
This is why I wrote on March 1st "make no mistake about that RUSSIA IS READY FOR WAR".  I meant that literally and I still think that this is true: the Russian people have suffered too much during WWII to let any neo-Nazi thugs terrorize their fellow Russian again.  The depth and intensity of this feeling is not something which can be understood in the EU, and even less so in the USA.  I suspect that the only place in which the vehemence of this determination could be understood is Israel.  In practical terms this means that Russia will not negotiate with any neo-Nazis which threaten the Russian speakers in the Ukraine nor will Russia yield to any western threats or sanctions.  Again, Russia, as a nation, is willing to pay the cost, whatever it might be, to choke and defeat the nasty "Banderastan" which is currently getting so much support from the US and EU.  If the Ukrainian crazies attack the Russians speakers in the East or South, Russia will intervene militarily - you can be sure of that.There is even a more important consequence stemming from the current events.
In August of 2008, right after the Russian military defeated the US backed regime of Saakashvili during the 08.08.08 war I wrote a two-part article entitled "The real meaning of the South Ossetian war" (part onepart two) which included the following assessment:
The ugly attack by Washington's Georgian puppet on the Russian peacekeepers combined with the absolutely amazing hypocrisy of the Western media and politicians who all fully sided with the aggressor turned into something of a “last straw” for Russia. This seemingly marginal development, at least when assessed quantitatively (“what else is new?”) ended up making a huge qualitative difference: it brought up a new Russian resolve to deal with, to use a favorite Neocon expression, an existential threat represented by the Western Empire. It will take a long while for the West to realize what has really happened and the most obtuse of pundits and politicians will probably hang on to their usual self-righteous rhetoric forever, but historians will probably look back at the month of August 2008 as the moment when Russia decided to strike back at the Empire for the first time.
What has happened this Winter is very much a continuation of the 08.08.08 war: yet again Russia did not want that to happen, but the West gave it no other option than to be willing to go to war if needed to protect itself (in 08.08.08 the Kremlin fully understood that there was a risk of US/NATO involvement on the Georgian side and it had conveyed in no unclear terms to US/NATO commanders that any US/NATO force sent to the theater of operation would be attacked). Still, the chances of a UN/NATO intervention in the 08.08.08 war were relatively small, and the Empire could always pretend that it did not care.  This time around, however, Putin did not confront Saakashvili and his "operetta army", but the President of the United States and the combined power of US and NATO military forces.  For a few days, the situation appeared every bit as critical as during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the world began to fear that WWIII could begin (hence all the rumors about US/NATO military moves and the oblique or even overt threats of US politicians).  The crisis became so acute that The Independent felt that it had to write an editorial entitled "We don't want a war with Russia" which concluded with the following warning:
The Independent on Sunday is not opposed to all wars, regardless of fashionable talk of living in a “post-interventionist” world. We, like President Obama, are opposed to dumb wars. War with Russia would be a dumb war to end all dumb wars
Soon, however, it began to be clear that the US was not willing to go to war over Crimea or the Ukraine.  Predictably, in the confrontation between Barak Obama and Vladimir Putin Obama blinked first.  The referendum which the US tried so hard to prevent went ahead, and its results are an absolute disaster for the USA. There are now some pretty good signs that the USA is throwing in the towel (Moon of Alabama has two good pieces on that; see here and here) and that the West is seeking a way out.

This shows that Obama did much more than just "blink first".  This shows that when push comes to shove, Russia has enough military power and political determination to deny the US Empire one of it's most important strategic objectives: pretending to be the sole superpower.  
هل يتحقق النصر النهائي هذا العام؟
If the collapse of the US policy on Syria was a painful embarrassment, what just took place in the Ukraine is something of an entirely different order of magnitude:  Russia slapped down the EU, NATO and the US and came on top of a confrontation in which down to the last minute the West tried to bluff its way to victory and instead only achieved a full-spectrum defeat.

Full spectrum dominance is a thing of the past, and everybody now knows it

Two things are certain now.  
First, Crimea is now gone, back to Russia, and nothing will change that.  Second, the attempt to turn the Ukraine into a "Banderastan" will fail.  Though there are regular reports of Bandestastani military forces being moved towards the Donbass, I personally don't see how the regime in power in Kiev could crush the current protests in the East and South of the Ukraine. Besides, as soon as what is left on paper of the ex-Ukrainian economy officially collapses, the new regime will have much more pressing issues to deal with than protests.  At some point I expect that the USA and Russia will get together and agree to discreetly show the way out to the hardcore Bandera crazies currently in power.  Some kind of more or less civilized and neutral regime will replace the current one and some kind of more or less civilized and neutral "Ukrainian Confederation" will be created.  If the folks in power in Kiev persist and hang on to power, a good part of the east and south Ukraine will follow the example of Crimea and join Russia.  A temporary split of the Ukraine into two, like what happened in Cyprus, is also possible.  I honestly cannot imagine anybody crazy enough to provoke the Russian military to enter the eastern or southern Ukraine.  On the long term, it would be better for everybody that the Ukraine be allowed to split up into two or three different entities: one western, Latin and neo-Fascist one, one Russian one which would probably join the Eurasian Union or even become part of Russia, and possibly one independent one in the South.  But the dream of a large united Ukraine ruled by russophobic nationalists will not happen - that option is gone forever.

What is next for the AngoZionist Empire?

Externally, nothing much really.  It will be business as usual.  Neither Russia nor China will do anything reckless to provoke the USA which, just as the Russia of the 1990s, will remain a nuclear superpower and one of the major military powers on the planet with which no country will dare ignore.  But the myth of US omnipotence is now gone, forever.  Furthermore, Europe will have to bear the brunt of the consequences of having to manage the gradual transformation of Banderastan into something reasonable and non-threatening.  The EU will sink further in its economic and social crisis and some other crisis will replace the Ukraine in the news.  Externally, little will be change, but to paraphrase my conclusion about the 08.08.08 war, it will take a long while for the West to realize what has really happened and the most obtuse of pundits and politicians will probably hang on to their usual self-righteous rhetoric forever, but historians will probably look back at the month of February 2014 as the moment when Russia successfully beat back the combined power of the USA and Europe and prevailed.

The Saker

"U.S. Creates Confrontation Lines between Russia, Europe"

Local Editor

Ahmad Hajali

US President Barack Obama (L), Russian President Vladimir Putin (R)
Al-Manar Website correspondent to Moscow interviewed the Russian political analyst and expert, Sergey Mikheyev, about the situation in Ukraine and Crimea and the strained US-Russia relations.

Regarding Crimea, Mikheyev pointed at two important issues related to its annexation to Russia. The first is the paper deal which can be completed in one or two weeks or within a maximum period of one month, while the full respect may take not less than one or two years.

He considered the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation will no doubt stop the fighters' transit across the Crimea a well as the work of extremist organizations in the peninsula.

"Crimea was not the only channel to send extremists to Syria. Other channels exist in other places, but cutting this channel will lead to a positive outcome, particularly in Syria," the Russian analyst told Al-Manar Website.

Speaking on the future of the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine, Mikheyev voiced beliefs that it is related to the way adopted by the new power in Kiev.

"If the new authorities try to deal violently with those areas and seek to solve problems with violence, and that's what we hear from Kiev until now, it's only natural that the civil conflict in Ukraine exacerbates. This may lead to division and to other negative consequences," he said.

"The solution is to establish a federation based on the current Ukrainian structure, but unfortunately in Kiev they don't want to hear anything about this subject until now," he added.

Touching on the U.S. sanctions against Russia, Mikheyev stressed that the US administration is acting in a way which is not only offensive to Russia, but will also drag the European Union into the same quagmire, referring to the US demand that EU funds the whole process, i.e. it pays the price of their operation which will weaken its position.

"The U.S. also wants to weaken key exporters to Russia's such as Germany, Italy and other European countries, in parallel to strengthening the role of their allies such as Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and the Baltic region," he stated.

The Russian expert indicated that the U.S. repeatedly creates the lines of confrontation between Russia and Europe because if they agreed upon a joint security zone, that would weaken the U.S. role in Europe radically.

"So they need a conflict to strengthen their presence in that region," Mikheyev ended up saying.

Source: Al-Manar Website
18-03-2014 - 18:00 Last updated 18-03-201

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Syrian president Bashar al-Assad raised the prospect of opening a front against Israel and said Russia was committed to supplying his regime with advanced missiles, in an interview broadcast overnight. by Hezbollah TV channel.


4 Israelis Injured As Golan Roadside Bomb Went off

Local Editor

Golan: bomb at Zionist military vehicle

Zionist soldier injured as IED went offFour Zionist soldiers were wounded on Tuesday, one of them in serious condition, when a roadside bomb exploded at a Zionist military jeep near the village of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan, Zionist media reported.

The Israeli channel described the incident as "sabotage", stating that gunfire was heard at the scene after the blast, which occurred near the Sa'ar spring.

The Zionist newspaper Yediot Aharonot noted that the sound of the explosion was very high.

Source: Israeli Media
18-03-2014 - 18:16 Last updated 18-03-201

Enemy Investigations: Hezbollah Penetrated "Israeli" Territories

Local Editor

Israeli websites reported that the Israeli investigations aboutIsraeli Vehicles the two explosives that blasted last Friday near the settlement of Hardov indicate that Hezbollah fighters exceeded the Blue Line and penetrated the "Israeli" territories for several hundred meters.

The Zionist sites added that Hezbollah fighters penetrated the "Israeli" territories and planted two explosives on a street that is used by military vehicles.

A Zionist military official pointed out that the explosion could have been disastrous if the explosions had been more powerful.

"Hezbollah wanted to send a message that says the current state at borders will not remain if the Israeli army continues targeting the weaponry shipments at the Lebanese-Syrian borders," he added.

Source: Websites
18-03-2014 - 15:19 Last updated 18-03-2014

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